Davos 2023 Summary Part 4: Health and Technology

Davos 2023 Summary Part 4: Health and Technology

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/23/2023

Borge Brende, the World Economic Forum’s President, gave a speech on the final day of Davos 2023 titled Closing Remarks: The Road Ahead. Collaboration is the way forward for Brende and the WEF, no matter what problem the forum is looking to manipulate, and Brende made that clear in his remarks. What he did not mention directly are the details of how the collaboration will arise. The real issue according to the Davos elites is summed up by the theme of their 2023 meeting, “Cooperation in a Fractured World.” Brende looks at the consolidation of power and effort throughout society and sees it positively while promising to wage all out war against the elements causing the fracturing. What is being fractured are the WEF’s designs for the world (Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset) and the cooperation the WEF is encouraging is a realignment of how best to destroy any dissent while marching in lockstep towards their goals.

From the 1970’s until now the Davos crowd has largely done as it pleased. Some of those objectives were spoken to by Brende. Economics, climate change mitigation, global public health, geopolitical considerations, free trade, and wars are some of the topics which have been longstanding objectives at the WEF. These areas have all been weaponized to achieve their goals and, even though the world is fractured, the WEF is still planning on using these areas to move humanity towards enslavement and death.

Perhaps the easiest way to kill a billion people is through medical interventions. The WEF and Borge is very concerned about healthcare as a result. With recent revelations becoming mainstream news the WEF is planning on ignoring the science by telling everyone to trust their narrative which they have dubbed science. Those revelations, of course, include that the COVID-19 shots are lethal, the manufacturers and regulators knew they were lethal, and, if the shot kills 90% of those who are fully vaccinated over the course of 5 years, 4.7 billion people will die by 2026. According to the WEF’s narrative the reason the number of people murdered-by-the-vaccines is only projected to be just shy of 60% of humanity is because of health gaps. Thus Brende used his platform to address that ‘shortcoming’, “Important steps have also been taken to support global public health. 39 organizations, this week, signed Global Health Equity Network zero-health-gaps pledge and committed to take concerted action to advance health and equity globally. The World Economic Forum also launched its first thematic center on health care and life sciences in Telangana, India.”

If no other aspect of this series really gives the reader any heebie-geebies, this one most definitely should. Right off the bat, the Global Health Equity Network (GHEN) site states, “Health equity requires communities, government, civil society, and the private sector to come together to drive systems change. Together they can target the root causes of disparity and the non-medical drivers of health to achieve health equity.” They define health equity as, “the fair and just opportunity for everyone to fulfill their human potential in all aspects of health and wellbeing. A person’s behavioral, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual health are essential to health and wellbeing.  Environmental, social, and economic factors, in addition to traditional clinical care, are part of a holistic health ecosystem.”

If that doesn’t send a terror through your body, well, then read it again. These two quotes dictate that every government agency, employer, non-governmental organization, and public health agency will be a healthcare provider, surveillance node, and wellness center over all of us. They will be making sure that we meet the WEF’s metrics of health in behavioral, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual matter, which suggests that religious institutions will also be monitoring us. But, because that is not enough surveillance, environmental compliance, social cohesion, and the individual’s economic status will all be monitored constantly by AI systems adopted by the institutions mentioned before. This is the social credit score on a huge dose of steroids.

The site also mentions the Zero-Health Gaps Pledge. “GHEN aims to shape a healthier and more inclusive world through mobilizing executive leadership and commitment across sectors and geographies to prioritize health equity action in organizational strategy and purpose. The GHEN and its partners envision a future with no disparities in health and wellbeing outcomes between or within countries, reflected in a public commitment through the Zero Health Gaps Pledge.” The WEF is doubling down to ensure that in the future no one is capable of escaping the medical procedures intended to murder us.

The Pledge states that the intent is that, “all individuals have the fair and just opportunity to fulfil their human potential in all aspects of health and wellbeing. This means that there are no differences in healthy years in a person’s life span, within and across communities. Achieving a world with Zero Health Gaps goes together with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, creating a future where climate and human sustainability becomes a reality. This requires leaders across the global economy to participate in multistakeholder collaborations, share and learn from each other, invest and dedicate resources, commit to and sustain action, and measure and report impact.” No one can be left behind and to make sure no one is left behind, all stakeholders are supposed to make multistakeholder commitments.

The main problems The Pledge identifies the causes as, “Three key root causes of health disparities are inequality within societal systems, non-medical drivers of health, and systemic flaws in the healthcare system, including access to and quality of care. The non-medical drivers of health include environmental, social, economic, and cultural factors with significant impacts on health and wellbeing outcomes.” These areas cover every aspect of all of our lives. But they have plans to fix all of that through ESG metrics.

Here is what signatories are pledging to do:

“1. Continually seek to understand how our organization can help address the root causes of health inequities and create a positive health equity impact. 2. Assess our own organization’s health equity impact across our workforce (e.g., employee workplace health exposures), offerings and services (e.g., quality and accessibility for underserved populations), communities (e.g., investments in community health) and ecosystems (e.g., health equity promotion through advocacy and public statements). 3. Consistently seek to understand health equity needs across our workforce, consumer base, communities, and ecosystem to make strategic decisions, inclusive of investments, and use insights to inform our organization’s choices from strategy to execution. 4. Measure the impact of our health equity efforts, such as health and wellbeing benefits, in ways that identify variations between and across groups, and use insight to inform decisions. 5. Seek to employ ethical use of data and strong privacy controls. 6. Look for opportunities to share progress externally, including potentially as a part of ESG and other sustainability reporting. 7. Establish and strengthen accountability systems within our organization by creating an environment where lessons can be shared and scaled, including having health equity as an agenda item at board meetings. 8. Collaborate with communities to identify key health equity needs and identify potential solutions, and to measure impact. 9. Inspire other organizations across sectors to act, to share learnings and collective investment decisions, and to accelerate the work of the GHEN and beyond. 10. Support the creation of a concrete, measurable roadmap with achievable global milestones towards health equity.”

In other words, those making this pledge are going to spend money to support the WEF’s narrative in healthcare. A lot of effort is going to go into monitoring how impactful those infusions of money are. They plan on surveilling everyone including their customers, the public on the sidewalk outside, as well as their own employees. Then they are going to use the data however they choose and collaborate with others taking similar actions to better suit their adherence to the global government narrative. The security camera state is going to give way to the temperature, bad looks, and Bible surveillance state.

Brende mentioned there were 35 signatories and they have all hand a hand in murdering us – some longer than others. I include the complete list here so that you can avoid these demonic scumbags, their products, and force them out of business by refusing to do business with any of them. The list reads (RED), Accolade, Inc., Agility, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, AmerisourceBergen, Anglo American, AstraZeneca, Black Directors Health Equity Agenda, Boston Medical Center, Burjeel Holdings, Cityblock Health, Color Health, Deloitte, Elevance Health, Fresenius Medical Care, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, Global Partnerships Forum, Hackensack Meridian Health, HarbourView Equity Partners, HealthTech4Medicaid, Henry Schein, Hologic, Inc., Huma, Kaiser Permanente, Medtronic, Mission Measurement, MSD, PATH, Pfizer, Planned Parenthood, Providence Health & Services, Royal Philips, Salesforce, Sanofi, ScaleHealth, StartUp Health, Takeda, and THEO Executive Group. Every single one of those listed want all of us dead and they have signed up for their directives to act as hitmen on behalf of the global government and WEF. I wish I were lying.

Borge also mentioned Telangana, India and it’s new health center. According to The Federal (India), Telangana Life Sciences Foundation of the Telangana Government was selected due to it’s commitment to using Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and willingness to manufacture literal poison in vaccine doses. It is the eighteenth Center for Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR – if you see this – run) in the world and the second in India. “C4IR Telangana plans to facilitate, advance and accelerate the development and adoption of technologies in genomics, personalized medicine and healthcare manufacturing, with a focus on the intersection of life sciences and technology in the region and globally.” All those tests that we took for COVID-19 contain out genetic information and now the WEF is going to give itself direct access to the samples. When the Indian people learn about what this Mengele-inspired center is actually doing, heaven help those participating in the WEF’s Nazi-experiments.

As for technology, Borge-Porgie had a lot to say. “As leaders we grapple to address the complexities and interconnected challenges when it comes to innovation and technologies and we took initiatives also in this field. The forum unveiled a new center for trustworthy technology in Austin, Texas to promote responsible production and use of emerging technologies such as AI, machine learning, blockchain, virtual reality, and quantum computing.”

Austin is not an American city, despite there existing some of the most outspoken and notable Americans in the nation having residence there, namely Joe Rogan and Alex Jones. Although there are others. Austin, Texas is a global government safehaven and one of the places global government members try out their latest and greatest plans to create the post-human world as swiftly as possible. Thus, Borge and the WEF plopped a ‘trusted technology’ center in Austin. This iteration of C4IR is being spearheaded by Deloitte and Partick J. McGovern Foundation. According to Eurasia Review:

“The strategic priorities will include creating tools and frameworks that promote ethical technology development and use. The centre will explore ways to adopt technology to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

“It will facilitate knowledge sharing for technology leaders across the public and private sectors, publishing insights to raise awareness about the importance of trustworthy technology. Additionally, the centre will present opportunities to convene stakeholders from government, business, academia and society to shape an ethical and trustworthy technology agenda.”

Make no mistake, every single word in the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals is intended to cause misery, enslavement, and death. If this center has it’s name on anything I will automatically reject it based merely on who approved it in the first place. And it looks as iff people from society will not even necessarily be the public meaning that the vast majority of us will never have our concerns heard, let alone heeded.

“The new Global Cybersecurity Outlook Report presented provided a roadmap for leaders as they grapple with new cybersecurity threats,” Brende said. The report basically promises that, within the next 2 years, there will be a cyberattack the likes of which has never been seen. If this is a roadmap it points to somewhere other than stopping catastrophic multinational or global cyberattacks.

Borge patted some global government aspirants on the back, “Ten water-focused entrepreneurs were chosen winners of the forum’s global freshwater innovation challenge for their solutions to improve freshwater resilience in the face of climate change and restore water quality around the world.” The Aquaprenuers were chosen based on an apparent criteria of whatever costs the most, inconveniences the most people, and will effective contaminate entire water supplies. Several feature water surveillance. One of them is focused on sucking water vapor (a UN-identified pollutant) out of the air. One out of Canada is meant to produce electricity from rainwater.

“And the Schwab Foundation from this platform for social entrepreneurs awarded 16 organizations for their innovative approach and potential for global impact, joining a community of 435 innovators operating at 190 different countries. Congratulations to the chairperson Hilda Herr Schwab,” Borge orated. Hilda Herr Schwab was given an ovation because she is Klaus Schwab’s wife. They have each lived a life competing against one another over which hates humanity more and which one can murder the most of us. As for the social entrepreneurs, they are awarded for doing all sorts of things which only serve to strengthen global government in the end. The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs website reads, “Social entrepreneurs are pioneering systemic solutions for social and environmental challenges ranging from refugee family reunification and human rights to water infrastructure and financial inclusion.” One of the 2023 winners, for example, is an Indian who goes by the name Aniket Doegar. His contribution was made through his ‘empowerment’ business Haqdarshak Empowerment Solutions where he made getting on Indian welfare systems easier.

Run away from the entities and institutions and organizations. Bankrupt them. Every single one or the above mentioned entities wants all of us dead. Including this latest installment, 8 different inroads exist giving the WEF access to each of our lives. If we dislike what the WEF has planned for us, our mission should be to sever the WEF’s tentancles into our lives as completely as possible. The easiest way to do this is to recognize how these global government tentacles end up reaching into our lives in the first place. Another way to effectively combat the global government is to give your life to Christ and to love His Father and follow His rules – none of that includes subservience to a global government.

Bless God and God bless.


Davos 2023 Summary Part 5: War


Davos 2023 Summary Part 3: Religion and Cost-of-Living