Davos 2023 Summary Part 3: Religion and Cost-of-Living

Davos 2023 Summary Part 3: Religion and Cost-of-Living

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/23/2023

Borge Brende, the World Economic Forum’s President, gave a speech on the final day of Davos 2023 titled Closing Remarks: The Road Ahead. Collaboration is the way forward for Brende and the WEF, no matter what problem the forum is looking to manipulate, and Brende made that clear in his remarks. What he did not mention directly are the details of how the collaboration will arise. The real issue according to the Davos elites is summed up by the theme of their 2023 meeting, “Cooperation in a Fractured World.” Brende looks at the consolidation of power and effort throughout society and sees it positively while promising to wage all out war against the elements causing the fracturing. What is being fractured are the WEF’s designs for the world (Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset) and the cooperation the WEF is encouraging is a realignment of how best to destroy any dissent while marching in lockstep towards their goals.

From the 1970’s until now the Davos crowd has largely done as it pleased. Some of those objectives were spoken to by Brende. Economics, climate change mitigation, global public health, geopolitical considerations, free trade, and wars are some of the topics which have been longstanding objectives at the WEF. These areas have all been weaponized to achieve their goals and, even though the world is fractured, the WEF is still planning on using these areas to move humanity towards enslavement and death.

One of the most pressing problems which has arisen in the world is the cost-of-living crisis featuring steep increases in fuels, foods, and consumer goods. While inflation saps our ability to buy things, especially necessities like housing, food, gasoline, water, and electricity, artificial scarcity is making these items in particular more costly as well. Borge Brende knows this, and so does the rest of the WEF – The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution feature increasing the cost of living in order to provide relief through their own policies intended to achieve the post-human world described in the two books mentioned above.

Thus, Brende stated in his closing remarks at Davos 2023, “I was also heartened to see progress on the current energy and food crisis.” The ‘progress’ Brende is pointing at is nothing but a doubling-down to make the problem worse however. He continued, “A new initiative, GAEA, Giving to Amplify Earth Action, will leverage philanthropic capital to help generate the 3 trillion US dollars need each year from public and private sources to tackle climate change and nature losses.”

The WEF cannot simply allow trade to continue the way it has been arranged for the previous 70 years or so. GAEA is going to have to be part of the new normal now as well because the WEF has decided it is necessary. Anything the WEF does is towards achieving a human-less future. So, notice that Brende mentions the cost-of-living problems the WEF has, in large part, created and at all times supported, and then pivots directly back to climate change and nature battles. He did this to let the astute recognize that food and energy security are both being used as weapons by the WEF to demand compliance to their genocidal intentions.

GAEA, is a variant spelling of Gaia, and each of them are references to the earth as a living entity. This religion, which is what the climate change mitigation and environmentalism in general is based upon, is openly at war with Judeo-Christian values and seeks to ‘kill’ the God of the Bible in the minds of men. While global government and it’s vassal governments attempt to objuscate the fact that Gaia is a religion, others are not so shy about it. Gaianism writes, “Put simply Gaianism is a religious philosophy that grants the living Earth (Gaia) its rightful place at the center. Humans are not the pinnacle of evolution but just a small (and not necessarily essential) part of the living Earth.” In other words, they see human beings as parasites and since parasites are to be eradicated, the WEF loves the concept because it justifies their post-human world. A member of the ancient Greek Panteon, Gaia was often worshiped alongside Demeter. The sacrifices typically involved one white and one black animal. It was not beyond the Greeks to sacrifice human beings.

The WEF’s Giving to Amplify Earth Action was announced to the world on January 17, 2023 in a press release. The press release contains the founding members as well as many quotes from the echo chamber out-of-touch elites at Davos have created for themselves so they can act like they are doing something righteous and upstanding. But, GAEA will do nothing to alleviate the cost-of-living crisis all of us are now having to deal with – in fact, GAEA serves to exacerbate it. The press release explains:

“With the energy and cost of living crises, the ambition of steering the planet towards a 1.5-degree Celsius warming pathway hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, the recent agreement at the UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP15) in Montreal to conserve 30% of all earth and sea looks bold but fragile in the face of a rising biodiversity crisis. Current funding is slow and inadequate, and a new approach is needed to get capital flowing. Philanthropic giving can address this, with unique qualities not found in other financing: it is nimble, more tolerant of risks and is driven by values and long-term outcomes rather than quarterly returns.”

If anything, the cost-of-living crisis these demonic entities have played a huge role in creating is serving to derail their plans to extinguish life through removing all carbon in the atmosphere as well as waking up huge numbers of additional people who have reached their limit and are demanding answers and relief right now. GAEA is an attempt to do an end-run around financial constraints by pursuing donations from the rich elites instead of buggering beleaguered nations. The funding they receive through GAEA will only serve to exacerbate the cost-of-living problems and, knowing that, the WEF has decided to completely ignore the issue altogether except to note that it serves as a potential stumbling block to their anti-human, human-less, post human nightmare.

Borge followed the WEF’s narrative to a tee in his speech, referencing the food and energy costs but only in the context that they will serve to retard the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Great Reset efforts. From GAEA, Brende pivoted to the Net Zero Intitiative. “Nine leading industrial clusters in China, Indonesia, Japan, Spain, and the US have joined the forum’s Transitioning Industrial Clusters towards Net Zero Initiative to help industry reduce emissions.”

The WEF’s Transitioning Industrial Clusters towards Net Zero Initiative notes it’s objective as being, “To catalyse the decarbonization of the industrial clusters through convening and supporting existing, co-located facilities in defining their significant emissions reduction goal and the path to achieve it.” The initiative serves as the inroad the WEF needs to start jacking around with energy supplies. The initiative is responsible for some of the spiraling costs associated with energy and they have a whole bunch of plans and reports dictating that cost will never fall – only continue to rise. For instance in their 2022 report, Net-Zero Industry Tracker they open up their Executive Summary with:

“Industrial sectors account for nearly 40% of global energy consumption 6 and more than 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The transformation of these sectors is pivotal to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. This report by the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Accenture and supported by expert input from over 40 organizations, establishes a new framework to monitor and support the progress of heavy industries towards net zero.”

This comes after the authors of the report wrote that the cost-of-living increases may derail their intentions and that in order to best avoid derailing, they had better double down. “This is the time for industries and governments to double down on efforts to accelerate the decarbonization of industrial processes, improve energy efficiency and reduce their dependence on fossil fuels.” Yet this is exactly why there is a cost-of-living crisis in the first place, these policies have created artificial shortages which do not need to exist. Double down they say, and while they are at it, let the WEF set the international standards for decarbonization goals, how to meet those goals, and ‘educate’ the public about the importance of accepting these boondoggles.

Borge finishes off his end of Davos 2023 address of the cost-of-living crisis and what the WEF is going to do about it by, again, ignoring it at best, and doubling and tripling down on it to make sure it is more severe at worst. “The Global Battery Alliance launched a proof of concept for its battery passport to help facilitate the rapid scaling of sustainable circular responsible battery value chains.” The alliance wants to herald in the age of sustainable development through the use of batteries by 2030. In a 52 page report the Alliance released in 2019 they wrote about how their passport system works to help achieve that:

“International convention bodies, regulators, battery manufacturers and vehicle manufacturers need to work together to: 1) enable the exchange of data among key stakeholders to improve the economics of life extension through repair and refurbishment, and recycling; 2) foster product design and technical development to facilitate disassembly for repurposing, repair and recovery of materials; and 3) harmonize national and international rules to ensure the safe and economic transport of batteries. A battery passport would support data sharing on dimensions such as materials chemistry, origin, the state of health of batteries, or chain of custody. It could provide a powerful means to identify and track batteries throughout the life cycle and, in the near term, support the establishment of systems for life extension and end-of-life-treatment,” (page 8).…

… “Consistent due diligence and reporting are necessary conditions to improve the sustainability performance of the value chain. The aforementioned battery passport could be extended over time to provide transparency with respect to key life cycle accountability data on social and environmental dimensions. National legislation could support the implementation. Companies in the value chain, regulators across countries, as well as labour, civil society and international organizations should verify compliance with internationally accepted social and environmental practices, along with a rigorous monitoring and evaluation framework based on best practices, for sourcing to address child and forced labour and improve conditions in artisanal small-scale mining of materials used in batteries. Separately, safe production and transportation across the value chain, including at the end of life, must be verified. A comprehensive evaluation of risks should guide the decision-making across the value chain where it might cause harm and reverse the positive impact of batteries,” (page 9) ….

… “The development of this technology embedded within batteries or as separate tools, and the sharing of key information derived from them (e.g. via a battery passport), will help to efficiently determine the state of health and chemistry of battery cells or modules as well as the chain of custody, and will help to manage them appropriately,” (page 32)….

… “Battery diagnostic systems and shared data systems (battery passport): They make the assessment of a battery’s performance after its first life transparent, quick and economical – supported by battery management systems and analytical tools that provide relevant battery state of health data and chemistry, and thus enable the selection and assessment of suitable batteries,” (page 33)….

… “Efficient and safe collection, transport and recycling of batteries is enabled technically, in particular via digital measures such as battery passports and tracing and tracking technologies, leading to decreased transaction costs and higher collection rates,” (page 33).

I included all of the unique references to this passport systems to show several things. One is that the idea is not new, it’s been around for a time. Another is to show that the bateries will be able to be tracked by the global government’s alliance. If we do something that the global government doesn’t like, our batteries will suddenly be killed and we won’t be able to use them. The other reason I included the references is that I’m not making any of this up – Borge here is telling us that they have completed proof of concept in the area and that they will begin installing these passports inside of batteries. Being as though battery-powered transportation is supposed to be the only form of transportation available to any of us (mostly through public transportation) this poses a risk, especially as the technology is included in smaller batteries like D-Cells, AAA-cells, and even pacemakers. When they say you will eat the bugs or you will own the nothing, this is how they do that. Comply or be starved of energy, food, water, and all other resources.

None of these fix the cost-of-living crisis the WEF has created. All of this will serve to create additional artificial scarcity, more red tape, and increased costs associated with all services and goods. Particularly hard hit will be energy, construction materials, transportation, and food costs and the WEF has framed all of that as a public good. The only thing which will come from these designs is additional layers of surveillance and control available to the global government. It serves to subject the masses to the will of the out-of-touch, evil, entities in global government. When the WEF starts talking about equity, this must be what they are referring to – making sure the most food-insecure on the planet die of starvation, replacing that billion with two billion additional newly food-insecure, and ensuring that no one can afford energy, housing, and food all at the same time. This must be the new normal they see as they usher in the post-human world they want.

To effectively combat this it is imperative that we learn about where all of this is coming from, who their partners are, and why they are doing this. In this edition of the Davos 2023 I touched on the why in addition to some of the entities who are participating in it. We need to combat these warped ideas about human beings existing as parasites on a living earth-mother with serious readings and understandings of the Bible, of God, and of Yeshua. At the same time we need to avoid funding all of the entities mentioned in this, and the prior two editions of this multipart series. If we want to fight back, we will rely on God and we will divest from these evil entities trying to murder and enslave all of us.

Bless God and God bless.


Davos 2023 Summary Part 4: Health and Technology


Davos 2023 Summary Part 2: Climate Change and Resilience