Davos 2023 Summary Part 2: Climate Change and Resilience

Davos 2023 Summary Part 2: Climate Change and Resilience

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/22/2023

Borge Brende, the World Economic Forum’s President, gave a speech on the final day of Davos 2023 titled Closing Remarks: The Road Ahead. Collaboration is the way forward for Brende and the WEF, no matter what problem the forum is looking to manipulate, and Brende made that clear in his remarks. What he did not mention directly are the details of how the collaboration will arise. The real issue according to the Davos elites is summed up by the theme of their 2023 meeting, “Cooperation in a Fractured World.” Brende looks at the consolidation of power and effort throughout society and sees it positively while promising to wage all out war against the elements causing the fracturing. What is being fractured are the WEF’s designs for the world (Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset) and the cooperation the WEF is encouraging is a realignment of how best to destroy any dissent while marching in lockstep towards their goals.

From the 1970’s until now the Davos crowd has largely done as it pleased. Some of those objectives were spoken to by Brende. Economics, climate change mitigation, global public health, geopolitical considerations, free trade, and wars are some of the topics which have been longstanding objectives at the WEF. These areas have all been weaponized to achieve their goals and, even though the world is fractured, the WEF is still planning on using these ares to move humanity towards enslavement and death.

The WEF loves driving towards The Great Reset using it’s favorite vehicle – the climate change hoax. Like his peers, Brende was not shy about announcing what he saw as accomplishments in climate change mitigation efforts. In his closing speech at Davos he stated:

“Our work has also been focused on advancing greater global resilience. The Resilience Consortium launched Financing to Build Resilience paper and held a high level dialogue on investing in infrastructure for resilience and clearly made it and underlined that the cost of inaction when it comes to resilience far exceeds the cost the cost of action.”

The Resilience Consortium was not announced until May of 2022. It seems to be the WEF’s convergence of action to address any global issue arising including environmental, economic, geopolitical, or health-related. That basically covers just about any issue which can arise. They chose resilience as a primary focus to ensure to the highest degree possible that the WEF, representing global government, and their fascist friends in business, persevere through any catastrophe. If they cannot survive the shocks they are creating they won’t be there to enslave and murder the rest of us. Thus, the Resilience Consortium was instituted.

The Resilience Consortium has 4 main ways to reaching it’s main goal “to form the basis for all participating institutions to understand how to better anticipate, prepare and react to future disruptions.” So basically they are creating systems rivaled only by the fictional account depicted in Minority Report, called pre-crime. The four steps to achieve the WEF’s version of Minority Report’s pre-crime reads:

“1. Develop a common resilience framework for public- and private-sector organizations that can help them achieve more sustainable, inclusive growth. The common resilience framework provides the basis for developing stronger institutional capabilities – the elements of the new resilience muscle.”

“2. Develop a shared understanding of the drivers of resilience and a prioritized resilience agenda to align public- and private-sector approaches and efforts. The prioritized agenda can also support current initiatives from the perspective of the wider resilience framework.

“3. Identify potential public-private partnerships to build more resilient societies and economies and take collective action to support sustainable, inclusive growth, prioritizing investments and scaling solutions that help mitigate risks for future shocks.

“4. Use leadership positions in the public and private sectors to advocate for a cultural change in organizations and societies, embracing risk and resilience, as society moves away from narrowly focused, short-term responses towards long-term value creation.”

So the plan is to divide organizations into the resilient versus the non-resilient. Reaffirm fascist commitments and arrangements among the resilient. Through fascist arrangements, coerce other organizations to hop on the neo-Nazi train with the resilient organizations warning the non-resilient that they will simply be left behind. After the coercion tactics are used and additional adherents are gained these organizations will demand all of society be reorganized, WEF-designed ethics triumph over morals, and all money flows in one direction only to finish building out the WEF’s utopia where we are all slaves or dead.

Borge, obviously on board with the murderous demands for resilience called for by his own global government, coninued on with his speech highlighting the WEF’s annual meeting. He went on:

“USA announced it’s new $50 million private sector engagement fund to support socially responsible practices and business operations and supply chains and they worked to make work to make global trade systems stronger and more equitable because it’s a linchpin for growth and resilience. More than 50 countries launched a coalition of trade ministers on climate this week to drive inclusion among trade ministers in the global response to climate change. A new partnership was formed between the UAE and the forum to accelerate trade tech solutions for global commerce. We also foresaw the first indigenous-lead discussion in Davos in securing better trade outcomes for indigenous people’s.”

Gulf Business covered the UAE’s memorandum of understanding. Their coverage reveals that global government will become the way to trade anything. “The initiative aims to accelerate the digitisation of international supply chains, enhance customs procedures and improve developing countries’ access to the global trading system.” It’s meant to accelerate the destruction of sovereignty through the lure of trade by demanding everyone participate in free-trade, cutting off access to ‘bad’ actors, and flooding markets with inferior products.

The Gulf Business piece also discusses where this is all coming from and where it is designed to go. “The Trade Tech Initiative is a crucial step in modernising global trade, using the tools of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to reduce the cumbersome and inefficient paper-based processes that continue to dominate supply chains, said Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade.” That’s right – it’s meant to usher the world into the post-human world. Those nations which decline to participate will be cut off from global trade. The UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade must not be able to grasp that fact. It’s probably because the UAE is one of the poster children of the WEF in good governance because the UAE has been a technocracy for at least a decade. It’s a nice fascist relationship between global government and a ‘nation state.’

As for the trade outcomes of indigenous people, a Davos panel was convened to give the indigenous peoples a voice. The cultural values of many of these indigenous peoples of course all come from a place of evil, the only thing the WEF holds in any regard. The values of child sacrifice, shamanism, destroying sovereign borders, and the trading of slaves are shared values between many or the indigenous and the WEF. Indigenous groups are nothing but people’s who refused to assimilate to the prevailing cultures surrounding them, demanded extra rights, and have supported every single global government decree, especially the demonic United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People’s which enshrines 46 articles; none of which are rights exclusive to this global-governmentally protected class.

Borge then expands from resilience, one of the main tenets of climate change mitigation, to climate change itself. He glorifies it mentioning several of the thousands of efforts currently underway to tackle the mythical man-made climate change problem:

“We also doubled down on accelerating climate action. The First Movers Coalition is a coalition that we formed with president Biden in the run-up to Glasgow where you use the purchasing powers of the big companies in the world to green their supply chain, has now grown from 35 companies to 70 companies and they added Canada and the UAE as government partners.”

The WEF’s First Movers Coalition has gotten some press in recent months. Their website mentions their purpose as being, “The First Movers Coalition is a global initiative harnessing the purchasing power of companies to decarbonize seven “hard to abate” industrial sectors that currently account for 30% of global emissions: Aluminum, Aviation, Chemicals, Concrete, Shipping, Steel, and Trucking; along with innovative Carbon Removal technologies.”

All of the products arising from these industries are going to get more expensive, more scarce, and less reliable if the First Mover’s Coalition gets it’s way. To make sure they achieve their demonic goals, First Movers is a conglomeration of more than 50 organizations in these industries as well as finance which have entered into fascist arrangements with the WEF. Because reducing carbon emissions is what First Mover’s is all about and no matter what they do there will still be carbon produced, carbon removal technologies are included to bridge the gap. The result is no more food, no more atmosphere, and no more life. The WEF’s First Mover’s Coalition is literally a death cult seeking to destroy the carbon they really want to get rid of, human life. Bank of America, Alphabet (the parent company of Google), FedEx, Ford, GM, Microsoft, Pepsico, United, Amazon, Ecolab, and Western Digital are all signed up. With the inclusion of Canada and UAE, the number of nations dictating human genocide through official policy decrees now stands at 12 (USA, UK, Sweden, Singapore, Norway, Japan, Italy, India, Germany, and Denmark).

Borge continued, “We also saw a new forum initiative related to forum chief sustainability leaders community, it was launched, and 60 CSO’s came together to further action on sustainability and transformation.” CSO is a completely useless position in any organization in which the poition exists and serves precisely one function – virtue-signaling compliance with the fascist aspects of the global government. The CSO at Qualcomm, Angela Baker, for example, is on charge of social responsibility and ESG at company which should be avoided like the plague because it is a plague.

“The forum also signed a new partnership with the government of Indonesia to support its ambition to scale blue carbon restoration and ocean conservation efforts,” said Borge. Indonesia signed up with the global government to place turbines and transmission lines in the ocean to generate power, the first nation to do so. This is pleasing to the WEF’s Ocean Action Agenda which apparently no longer exists or is just not accessible to the public. Friends of Ocean Action exists; however, and their mission is, “to use our knowledge, means and influence to help the international community take the urgent steps needed to “conserve and sustainably use our ocean, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.” This is all in an effort to accomplish the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goal #14.

Borge’s final back patting effort in the climate change realm was, “And the one trillion-tree organization, 1T.org, as you know welcomed two additional pledges taking the initiative to over 80 companies committing more than $7 billion trees in our 65 countries in 2030.” The One Trillion Trees Organization seeks to plant trees all over the place. That’s fine until they start mentioning all of the rest of the activity they are engaged in which inspired Borge to mention them. The 1T.org mission reads:

“Trees and forests are a critical part of the solution to the climate crisis and biodiversity collapse. That’s why we aim to mobilize, connect, and empower the global reforestation community to conserve, restore and grow one trillion trees by 2030.

“We are part of the World Economic Forum’s work to accelerate nature-based solutions in support of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), supported by funding from Marc and Lynne Benioff.”

That means their primary focus is to make sure that human activity is no longer permitted in forests. They are not alone in their efforts which always revert back to actually creating the legal basis for the maps proposed by the Wildlands Project decades ago. The result is human beings stuffed into smart-city centers with no possibility of travel outside of their sector. Marc Benioff founded Salesforce, one of the primary business instigators of all of these fascist relationships. Benioff himself has claimed, “I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. I'm an American and I always support candidates I think are great for the country.” I claim that he in no way represents a single American value because he is a global government agent committing treason against the nation daily. Benioff should be arrested for espionage, sedition, and treason against the nation of the United States and punished accordingly. This will not happen because in the past, this global spy has given lots of money to the likes of Kevin McCarthy as well as Hillary Clinton.

Any organization, especially the business entities, need to be broken through divesting and boycotting. If we hold stock in these companies we need to collectively drop it and buy something which resonates with American values. Stop drinking Pepsi, stop flying United, consider the options we have to avoid paying taxes (consult your accountant and/or tax attorney). If we are to avoid a post-human world we need to recognize all of the WEF’s and the United Nations’ efforts in climate change mitigation and get rid of their funding sources. We, collectively, could do this through investing in and buying products from organizations who reject the WEF’s and UN’s post-human future. If they do not exist, we need to start our own.

Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Bless God and God bless.


Davos 2023 Summary Part 3: Religion and Cost-of-Living


Davos 2023 Summary Part 1: Economics and Work