Davos 2023 Summary Part 1: Economics and Work

Davos 2023 Summary Part 1: Economics and Work

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/21/2023

Borge Brende, the World Economic Forum’s President, gave a speech on the final day of Davos 2023 titled Closing Remarks: The Road Ahead. Collaboration is the way forward for Brende and the WEF, no matter what problem the forum is looking to manipulate, and Brende made that clear in his remarks. What he did not mention directly are the details of how the collaboration will arise. The real issue according to the Davos elites is summed up by the theme of their 2023 meeting, “Cooperation in a Fractured World.” Brende looks at the consolidation of power and effort throughout society and sees it positively while promising to wage all out war against the elements causing the fracturing. What is being fractured are the WEF’s designs for the world (Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset) and the cooperation the WEF is encouraging is a realignment of how best to destroy any dissent while marching in lockstep towards their goals.

From the 1970’s until now the Davos crowd has largely done as it pleased. Some of those objectives were spoken to by Brende. Economics, climate change mitigation, global public health, geopolitical considerations, free trade, and wars are some of the topics which have been longstanding objectives at the WEF. These areas have all been weaponized to achieve their goals and, even though the world is fractured, the WEF is still planning on using these ares to move humanity towards enslavement and death.

For example, Brende stated, “avoiding a recession and building a solid growth agenda is critical and it is doable to stop the fragmentation of the global economy.” He briefly covered what the WEF sees as positive which is always some kind of global organization. In this realm Brende mentioned the Future of Growth Consortium which has three missions – “1. Developing and disseminating a new multidimensional framework for growth 2. Fostering public-private market co-creation to deliver purpose-led growth 3. Building understanding and foresight on the evolution of the world economy[.]” In other words, this is a planned scheme to direct the global economy to transform from what it is now, to the WEF’s desired post-human world (1.), which is based on fascism (2.) and understanding the path of least resistance to their changes (3.).

Brende mentioned the WEF’s Reskilling Revolution. The WEF’s description of their 2020 initiative reads, “The scheme aims to future-proof workers from technological change and help economies by providing new skills for the Fourth Industrial Revolution[.] Founding governments include Brazil, France, India, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, UAE and the US. Business partners include PwC, Salesforce, ManpowerGroup, Infosys, LinkedIn, Coursera Inc. and The Adecco Group[.]” The Fourth Industrial Revolution is all about letting emerging technologies run the world, making billions of humans obsolete, which gives rise to the post-human future desired by the WEF. Training a billion workers to create and, more importantly, maintain emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence is what the WEF is getting at here – everyone else will be completely useless to their desires and will be destroyed as a result. Brende noted that 350 million people are currently involved in being trained in the enslavement and extermination of everyone else.

“The Good Work Alliance is working to build a resilient, equitable, and human-centric future of work,” stated Brende. His statement is basically a recap of the mission the WEF’s Good Work Alliance is tasked with, “The Good Work Alliance has brought together a global, cross-industry group of forward-thinking companies to build a resilient, equitable, inclusive, more just and human-centric future of work.” The site further states, “With tightening labor markets and the changes in the nature of work due to technological changes, the green transition, and social transformation, organizations worldwide are seeking to create a new vision for the future of work.” Initiatives such as this are common with the WEF. They create a problem on false pretenses, educate through scientism and propaganda about the problem, and then come out with a solution absolutely in line with achieving their post-human world.

Operating under a 30-page framework, The Good Work Alliance redefines work, lays out what ‘good’ work is to them, and lays out how to accomplish these goals. Never mentioning the WEF’s involvement in forcing changes to the nature of work, the framework identifies technological, social, demographic, climate change, the green transition, and COVID-19 as the drivers of these changes. Coincidentally, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its post-human technology, illegal human immigration patterns, climate change mitigation efforts, destruction of the ability to generate energy from ‘fossil fuels’, and the creation, distribution, mitigation efforts, and ‘cure’ for COVID-19 are all supported by the WEF – they had a hand in creating all of the problems mentioned in order to destroy what exists to recreate something new and more anti-human to fit their desires.

After noting the situations destroying work in general, while omitting their role in bringing about those situations, problems with those still working were identified in the framework. Those issues are, “Divergence in wages.”… “Unequal access to flexibility.”… “A silent pandemic in mental well-being.”… “An erosion of diversity, equity, and inclusion gains.” and… “A growing need for reskilling and upskilling.” The approach to tackling these issues revolve around a holistic approach and include non-standard employment, supply-chain workers, and informal work in order to ensure that no one is left out of the Alliance’s definition of good work.

The definition of good work, according to the Alliance, comes from five pillars. Each pillar has a primary goal under which are extended goals. “Promote fairness on wages and technology” is the first pillar which states as its primary goal, “Ensure at least a living wage for all.” It sounds like a good deal but the devil is always in the details. The first way to achieve this goal according to the framework is unionization. Having people adjust their work to compliment the work preformed by technology is the second way to promote fairness. The third is about AI and data which reads in part:

“Aspects of responsible data deployment are to give employees more ownership over their data, create a system of checks and balances with humans “in the loop” that comply with business and regulatory requirements on confidential and personal information, and to use data to support people not to monitor them. In occupations such as ridesharing, that rely on accumulated review scores, workers should be able to transfer their accumulated data between employers and platforms.”

It’s a funny thing to understand what the paragraph just quoted alludes to. Like most globalist frameworks, no measure of human nature is ever taken into account and, thus, what this is really saying is the opposite of everything it promises. Employees will know what data is being collected but have to give the employer permission to use the data how they deem fit as a term of employment. There will still be people in the loop, it may or may not be the employee themselves. Management will use this data about employees specifically to monitor them as it will be the primary reason it is implemented in the first place.

“Enable all workers to benefit from flexibility where possible and appropriate,” is how the second primary goal reads under the objective, “Provide flexibility and protection.” The extended goals include offering every conceivable form of compensation for not working “(sickness, maternity, employment injury, unemployment, invalidity, old age, and death of the breadwinner)”, to be paid by governments and companies under the guise of “social protection systems.” This is merely the turd called Universal Basic Income polished up and called a different name. The framework also calls for portable benefits attached to the employee instead of the employer, and extending protections as well as regulation to those in non-standard employment arrangements.

“Deliver on health and well being” is the title of the third pillar. Disturbingly, and, like every other totalitarian form of government, the main goal of this pillar reads, “Safeguard total well-being at work.” In order to protect the “physical and psychological safety of workers” the framework offers that employers update and retool their occupational health and safety guidelines to reflect vaccination status, among other aspects, as well as introduce employees to virtual reality. The Good Work Alliance also pushes for predictable working hours, enforcing caps on the total number of hours able to be worked, and task employers with making sure their employees go home at the end of the day feeling valued.

Pillar four reads “Drive diversity, equity, and inclusion” with a primary goal of “Ensure that the workforce profile reflects the operating market.” None of these global entities are ever willing to admit that all of their plans involve something called replacement migration. Replacement migration is not about changing the complexion and color of the areas the migrants end up in – it is about destroying the culture which exists in their new homes. But, being as though they refuse to admit to it, the framework nonetheless makes sure there are employment quotas set which is very odd if replacement migration doesn’t exist. To achieve this goal the framework encourages sexism in the form of equal pay across the board. Inclusion needs to be built into organizations for the psychological safety of workers with ideas and concerns. Finally, the workforce must look like the community meaning that the colors, genders, ages, and lifestyles in the organization must reflect the colors, genders, ages, and life-styles in the greater community.

The fifth and final pillar, “Foster employability and learning culture,” has as its core goal, “Provide accessible upskilling and reskilling for the entire workforce.” Continuous learning, rewarding those who learn new skills, and standardizing skills across businesses is what the framework dictates needs to happen to achieve this goal.

The final segment of the framework demands that no one is able to opt out of the framework and reads “Towards making Good Work a reality for all.” Three tenets exist to make sure everyone if affected. The first of these reads, “Leadership at all levels of management is needed to ensure good work. Human-centric leaders prioritize collective success from a team perspective and consider the human experience. Specific leader behaviours such as being available and accessible, inviting input, and modeling openness and fallibility directly shape workers’ perceptions of psychological safety. Companies can support managers to develop human-centric leadership skills.”

Any success will be shared by all. Any failure will be individually assigned. We also learn in this section that human-centric work has nothing to do with making sure that human beings have jobs, it has to do with the ruse of psychological safety and human emotional responses.

The second of these tenets reads, “There has been a leap in investment in workforce technology over the past years, such as chatbots and collaborative tools for remote employees. Underlying this is a shift to the experience economy and big data at work. A range of solutions have emerged that combine digital tools, data and analytics to support talent management and enable more agile, productive and inclusive organizations.”

Basically the authors of the framework are making a straw man argument. Since there are so many technologies currently in use they might as well continue to be used. The purpose of these technologies is to get rid of as many human jobs as possible.

The third of the tenets reads, “Investors are demanding more extensive disclosures, notably around the “social” aspect of ESG. The percentage of institutional investors in the United States who agreed that the S in ESG was very important rose by 15 points to 69% between 2019 and 2020, bringing it above environmental (61%) and governance (68%) for the first time. Reporting and disclosures will play an important role in driving improvements in good work by increasing transparency and accountability.”

In order to better control human behavior, our employers are taking on ESG goals. The social aspect is intended to cover the actions of employees both on the clock and off the clock. The union jobs the framework demands is really just another layer of surveillance an employee has to abide by regarding ESG. It is not for transparency nor accountability, it is about control and surveillance while making sure the company engaging in it can virtue signal its obedience to the global government and the fascist relationships they are engaged in.

Borge also made mention of a newer WEF group, The Global Parity Alliance. This is a group of ‘lighthouses’ which “drives better and faster outcomes for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) by.” A lighthouse in this context is not an actual lighthouse in the harbor, lighthouses are the businesses, governments, and other leaders, totaling around 250 members, which are doing the driving towards the DEI goals. Their intent is control of all of us. Walmart, Vanguard Group, and Verizon Wireless are all members, for example, and they have decided to follow the WEF’s economic model for world domination and the post-human world.

At Davos 2023, despite the pushback against the WEF’s economic models, they doubled down on their economic model. Through these initiatives and efforts, Borge Brende is telling the world that more of the same will occur during 2023, especially as more organizations align with WEF efforts.

We need to identify these businesses and boycott them. If we have the money and the time, we need to buy a single share and attend the shareholder meetings of these companies. We need to write, call, and meet with elected leaders to demand that any support of these businesses end immediately. Where we spend our money has become so important that how we do so will pave the way to individual freedom and liberty or enslavement and death at the hands of a global government.

Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Bless God and God bless.


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