Alex Jones IS Right

Alex Jones IS Right

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/29/2022

I started listening to Alex Jones about 10 years ago. I had bumped into his website, Prison Planet, many times while researching any of the multiple topics I had to write a 3-5 page paper about while pursuing my degree. It wasn’t an ‘official’ site so I skipped using it as a reference. I didn’t start listening regularly until several years later, when one of my family members started posting environmental articles from Infowars. Then I heard Alex Jones talking, and I was very entertained, he was still yelling and screaming and was just pissed off throughout the show.

And then, Alex Jones stopped being solely entertainment. This conversion occurred less than three months after I started listening. Alex Jones was screaming about Agenda 21, officially titled, United Nations Conference on Environment & Development Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992. I printed out this 351 page document and read the whole thing. When I finished reading it, I was more or less awake – the document is disgusting. Rooted in Communism, the world has followed this document and it has led us directly to where we are at right now.

Agenda 21 describes a future for humanity (which we have now arrived at) which does not need human beings, controls all aspects of a human’s life, and couches all of the human extermination and control in environmentalism. We have witnessed, and are continuing to witness, this Agenda 21 being carried out.

Depending on where each individual person stands on each individual issue, which is but a side issue to effect Agenda 21’s end goal, each of us have seen an aspect of Agenda 21. Overarchingly, Agenda 21 turns the masses of humanity into slaves. Slaves don’t have self-defense, they don’t have the ability to travel, they don’t have due process, they don’t have the food or work they want – only what is given to them. Prison Planet was an extremely apt title for Jones’ site.

After that I listened daily, mostly on, at least until 2018. In August of that year, any Alex Jones content was banned from and most social media sites. He was the canary in the coalmine. I’ve been banned or had content removed from the same sites –, facebook, twitter, instagram (they removed my whole account), tictok, reddit, and pinterest have all censored me. They all censored Donald Trump, too.

Anytime Alex Jones started talking about ‘crazy’ topics, I would go look them up. And everytime, there it was. He reads. I read. Alex Jones, love him or hate him, has no problem with reading nor with reading comprehension. Nor does he have any issue with exposing what he has read. That’s the beautiful part about what Alex Jones does – he digs in and reads what the monsters leading the masses to the slaughterhouses write and say. Because he, and others, have done this, censorship (truly an information war) is the main battle currently being waged; however, that battle seems to have been won by dark, lying, forces.

Alex Jones is currently involved in the new front of the war to implement Agenda 21. Steve Bannon was recently caught up in the same type of law-fare. Owen Shroyer is going through it and Roger Stone also went through it. Alex Jones’ cases are somewhat unique though. The judges demanded he turn over information, so he did. When the information obtained by the courts, the judges decided he didn’t give them what they wanted and just declared him guilty. That’s sick enough, but it gets worse.

Alex Jones has now appeared in court in front of one of these demonic judges. Neither Jones, nor his lawyers are permitted to claim a right to the first amendment, blame the trauma experienced on the perpetrator of the crime, claim Jones is not guilty, nor speak with the press covering the spectacle. The judge found him guilty of defaming the parents of children murdered at Sandy Hook. Alex Jones asked some questions the narrative-weavers have still never been answered (like why did the school get razed shortly after the shooting?) and that is the defamation the plaintiffs (parents and federal agents) have claimed.

Jones and his legal team are illegitimately sitting in a court, with a judge who found Jones guilty based on their own emotions and biases (no evidence), watching the prosecution ask a jury of nobody’s peers to rule Jones owes $150 million to the plaintiffs. No exculpatory evidence has been admitted, and the prosecution has been able to present anything they want to make Jones look as bad as possible. All of the people involved in the prosecution of Alex Jones should never be permitted to practice any law ever again.

What does this mean to you and me? I think 9/11 was an inside job. Evidence supports it. But should I be able to be sued, found guilty with no trial, and forced to pay millions in damages to federal agents ginning up a case? No. Disagree all you want, change my mind. Suing me is not going to accomplish changing my mind.

Want to go to a school board meeting and speak against the curriculum of CRT or transgender studies? Guess what, someone will be offended. When this professionally offended freak show crowd sees that Jones was forced to pay millions for no reason, they will hop on anyone speaking out against anything they are for. Our kids are our future, teaching boys that they are girls and girls that they are boys does not promote a human future – it promotes depopulation and extermination. Teaching black kids that they are entitled and white kids that they are subservient to those entitled is not going to help the black kids nor the white kids – it will foster a race war; however, and that’s not good for anyone. The evil in this world is trying to set as precedent with the Jones case will not allow anyone to speak out against what their children are being taught.

I can foresee, under the Jones’ justice system, that taking your kid out of school entirely to home school them may actually offend the school officials and then CPS will show up at your door. Think about that – CPS takes your kids away and the school board sues you into bankruptcy and homelessness. All because you didn’t want your child brainwashed into learning about CRT or transgender conversion therapies at age 6. That could apply to other issues too, like evolution, creationism, sex-education, grooming, history, current events, gun ownership, environmentalism, humanism, and many others.

And that is where it all comes back around to dovetail into a nice tight circle. The Jones case has nothing to do with Sandy Hook. It has everything to do with information and disseminating that information. If the narrative of the powers that be are not adhered to, get ready for your own law-fare suits; all dissent needs to be stamped out for Agenda 21, and the documents which have been derived from Agenda 21, to be fully implemented. No guns, no cows, no water, no cars, and the list goes on and on and on, but even more important is no argument against such measures, otherwise the dissident will be sued for wrong-speech. Eventually dissident-speech will be a criminal offense and will include fines and jail time. The dissident speech could merely be reading documents written by and prepared for a powerful elite that do not want their plans widely circulated. This is what the Jones trial is really about – Alex Jones is right and he has laid out the elite’s evil plan to the general public.

Alex Jones is not only right about what is in the documents he details, he is right 95% of the time in his analysis of these documents. He is 100% correct calling, repeatedly, for humanity to get their eyes open, come together, and to put their trust in God. He needs your support right now, and so do I. So do you. One of the linchpins of the United States is due process. Demonic forces are trying to get rid of anything resembling due process.

If you want to throw a wrench in their plans, show up at the Austin, TX courthouse this ‘trial’ is occurring and be peaceful. If I lived closer or had the funds, I would show up at the Texas courthouse with a sign that said DISBAR Maya Guerra GAMBLE (I refuse to acknowledge her as a judge). And I would be completely peaceful. If you happen to have the time or the funds, I suggest you go on down there, today, with your own sign, and be completely peaceful.

It is about Alex Jones, but it is also about the existence of free speech, criminalizing speech due to damaged feelings, and, most importantly, due process and whether or not it will survive. Alex Jones is again the canary in the coalmine – pay attention to how this plays out because sooner or later it will be you sitting there, found guilty with no trial, waiting for a biased jury to return a verdict deciding how guilty you are.


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