Ali Alexander

Did Ali Alexander Really Melt Down Over the Jan 6 Made-For-TV Special?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity– 6/10/2022

No. Alexander didn’t melt down.

That’s not what the headline at the Daily Beast says though: Jan 6. Organizer Has Meltdown As House Committee Lays Out Its Case.

First off, this article is posted under politics on the Daily Beast’s website. January 6, 2021 occurred 520 days ago. With the media-coverage at the Daily Beast and the rest of the Bolshevik-inspired liars in the media regarding what occurred on January 6, 2021 you’d think they would be satiated with their hit pieces trying to tarnish and imprison innocent US citizens.

In order to be imprisoned, to the best of my knowledge, there are supposed to be trials and hearings and dates scheduled and charges levied. The only charges being levied are – ‘we (democrats) don’t like the way you think – so into the clink with you.’ There are hundreds of political prisoners right now, and maybe the Daily Beast is acknowledging that fact by placing their hit piece under politics instead of crime.

The article’s byline reads “As the committee presented new evidence, Ali Alexander seemed to be losing his mind on Trump’s Truth Social platform.” Zachary Petrizzo, the author of the Daily Beast’s article, claims that Ali Alexander refuting the claims and the tactics used by the witch-hunting January 6 Committee constitutes a meltdown. I’d imagine Petrizzo placed his head in between his knees and cried himself to sleep from November 4, 2016 until Biden’s successful coup attempt – which would definitely qualify as a meltdown.

Petrizzo claims the following posts on Truth Social constituted Ali Alexander’s ‘meltdown’:

“‘Edited audio!’ he wrote. ‘Have you ever seen a video with more fake edits and SPLICES? This video is a spoof! Audio is completely edited.’”

“‘J6 Committee, you won’t be getting an Oscar for this! Hoax!’ Alexander continued as he sent out a dozen frenzied posts about the testimony.’”

“‘This is SO overly scripted. All teleprompter. No authenticity. This ain’t convincing anyone!’”

“In another message posted to Truth Social, Alexander, who spoke to the Jan. 6 committee for more than eight hours back in December, wrote: ‘WE. DID. NOTHING. WRONG.’”

Knowing even the little but of history I know about how Hitler took power in Germany and how the Bolshevik’s took power from the Czar in Russia, Ali’s comments are hardly a meltdown. If the January 6 Committee is successful in their extralegal efforts to effect a US-style Bolshevik-like usurpation of the Constitution, replete with sham trials, no due process, and punishments designed to murder prisoners through labor, what Ali said was not strong enough. The meltdowns won’t really start happening until the idiots writing articles like this end up having the persecutions they are supporting now turned against them. But, by that time, there will be no more independent media to report on guys like Petrizzo who will be rewarded by the dictator they support with quick lead from an actual military rifle instead of the guillotines, labor camps, and bitches.


Chait, Back to Hell


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