Why Liberals Are Stupid But Think Outsiders Are Crazy

Why Liberals Are Stupid But Think Outsiders Are Crazy

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/20/2022

I look at liberals and their works and wonder, ‘how are you possibly that dumb?’ all the time. The most recent example are images of masked Antifa dressed all in black standing as armed guards for gay pride events. The people inside are liberals committing heinous acts of child abuse (the events are meant to sexualize children) and want guns taken away from the populace of the United States by deadly force if necessary. Antifa wants the law abiding citizens of the nation to be disarmed. And the federal government is backing the hypocrisy of Antifa and the alphabet lynch mobs by reiterating their desires to ban all firearms from legal possession. No mention of Antifa being armed was made by the likes of Joe Biden and Alex Stein’s favorite big booty Latina Alexandria Olivia Cortez while they demanded everyone else be disarmed. They were too busy blaming anyone who isn’t a liberal for a shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado named Club Q which left 5 people dead and 25 injured. They did this before the name of the suspect was released.

Since then the shooters name was released. His name is Anderson Lee Aldrich. It is difficult to find out about the guy because police will neither confirm nor deny if he has a criminal history. As with all shootings like this, there is a lot of noise around the suspect. Everyone is blaming the guns and hate speech and calling for banning guns and censoring speech. It never fails to amaze me that this guy has no social media presence except for an Instagram account with one post featuring a burning gay pride flag.

In one screenshot of Aldrich’s Instagram account profile, posted on Facebook by Bradley James Smart-Derryberry, a lengthy paragraph is included:

“A post from the Colorado Night Club Shooter several years ago. Religion continues to embolden those who would slaughter people for their sexuality. Freedom of religion is an important and unalienable right; however, when you have preachers on record recently saying things like, "I want to break his fingers because he was wearing nail polish," "Every gay person in America should be lined up and shot in the back of the head," and "gay people are freaks who are worthy of death," it is no surprise that shootings like this continue to happen. I am glad that the shooter didn't die in a shootout with the police or by way of suicide. Now, he will have to face the consequences of his actions. After being found guilty of murder as a hate crime (and I'm certain that he will), he will have to stand in court as he is talked down to in the victim impact statements made by the very people he hates so deeply. People who he believes that his religion makes him superior to. I hope that he does not receive the death penalty lest he spend a lifetime where hardened criminals and their prison factions govern his quality of life. For those who would shoot at us; we have spent our entire lives being subjected to those who would have us live in fear. Not your guns nor your religion will ever make us go away; we're bigger and stronger than you.”

The post from Aldrich is the picture of the gay pride flag on fire with a caption, “Psalms 19:7 7 The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul.” You can read the full passage here. Now, I wish no violence upon Smart-Derryberry, but read what this dude had to say again, especially the last sentence. First, this liberal homosexual blames all religions for murdering and repressing the alphabet lynch mob. Then he writes at length about his wishes to have the murderer not face actual punishment which would be death for his actions. Finally, he makes the wild claim that somehow the 7.1% of non-heterosexual and anti-heterosexual adults are bigger and stronger than the 92.9% of us who are heterosexual. He is living in a fantasy land and demanding that the rest of us must bend our reality to fit into his fantasy.

I don’t condone the mass murder which occurred at this gay bar. I don’t condone Club Q’s hosting of drag queen story times, celebration of debauchery and fornication, nor their promotion of homosexual and transsexual lifestyles either. Club Q is operated by people who are very lost and their patrons are, likewise, very lost. The idea is to find them and have them not be lost to God any longer, not murder them. What Smart-Derryberry is promoting is increasing the governmental destruction of Biblical teachings, ending free speech by broadening the scope of criminalized hate speech, and demanding that objective reality be shifted to his subjective reality. It is easy to just blow off Smart-Derryberry’s unhinged rant as another example of mental illness, which isn’t wrong, but it does not cut deep enough into the heart of his argument.

Liberals really have this idea that there is no objective reality. They apply their experiences to the reality they wish to live in like everyone but they never try to reconcile those experiences to actual 3D reality. We all have the ability to do this and it is not exclusive to liberals. In this story, Aldrich’s reality included a world with no homosexuals. He took his subjective ideas and murdered those living outside of his subjective reality. In the real world, he was subdued and arrested. He will likely never again be a free man and may, possibly, face the death penalty. That’s reality.

Likewise, Smart-Derryberry, the one who thinks 7.1% is greater than 92.9%, is using his own subjective will in a more peaceful manner (for now). What he is suggesting, however, is much violence to our consciousness, our God-given rights, and our logical reasoning abilities. It is the movement he supports which has normalized homosexuality into mainstream culture in the United States and many other ‘liberal democracy’s’ in the world. The article which the 7.1% statistic comes from is in an article pointing out that the number was 3.5% ten years ago. How did that happen? These types of people are indoctrinating our children in the ways of alternative lifestyles with a heavy emphasis on homosexuality and transsexualism. They are claiming that watching male pedophiles dressed up as women performing a strip show and having children sit on their laps and stuff money down their g-strings is fine as long as at some point during the event some kind of abnormal sexual indoctrination book is read to the children. This is an operationalized sterilization campaign with depopulation overtones.

Parents who grow upset about the disgusting images and stories contained in books in elementary school libraries speak out against the issue at parent teacher conferences. They speak out against their children being masked and muzzled. They speak out against mandated vaccinations. They speak out against drag queen story time and other unhealthy lessons included in the curriculum. The Justice Department has taken the position that these parents are terrorists. Children have been removed from their parents. Parents have been arrested. Parents have been fined. Taking children out of school in favor of home-schooling leads to fines and possible charges of neglect. I don’t condone shooting up homosexual and transsexual gatherings. But what other recourse has been left for proper, peaceful, recourse and remedy in these situations?

One can only put their head into the mouth of an alligator so many times until reality applies to the situation. When a group in conjunction with ‘authorities’ decides to force heads into alligator mouths, some of those people will fight back. This is even more apparent when all legal and peaceful means of ending public displays of debauchery are removed.

Liberals, like all of us, can only experience so much. Their experiences are subjective just like everyone else’s. The differences between liberals and others is in how those experiences are applied to the wider world which is what I have been calling the objective reality in which we all live. They seek to use their own subjective experiences to demand that everyone else’s reality, the objective one, cater to their subjective experiences. When liberals see mass shootings in the news they immediately think that banning guns is the answer because they would be safer. In their heads, all guns could be placed in only law enforcement’s hands. At the same time these same liberals also point out endlessly that they hate police officers because some of them abuse their power. Somehow giving police a monopoly on firepower will make the liberal safer while at the same time reduce the chances that police will no longer abuse their power. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together could figure out that isn’t the case. Yet these liberals persist with their inability to render their subjective demands to the realities of the world.

Objective reality is, of course, unmutable because it was set down by a being outside of space and time. Objective reality has been set down by God the Creator of the Universe and will not change. Universally, liberals have rejected this entire concept in favor of their own set of ethics and morality based on their own subjective experiences. They reject not only the law-giver, they reject all of the laws as well. When God suggests that we each, individually, have the ability, indeed, the duty, to defend ourselves – they completely reject that idea. Instead of taking on the responsibility of learning how to handle firearms responsibly, liberals just demand everyone be stripped of them. Because their mentality has never allowed them to understand the idea of self-defense, implying they have a responsibility to learn how to use effective means of self-defense, they use their self-defenseless, subjective experiences to demand reality be contorted to fit their own warped version of the world.

It boils down to responsibility. Liberals actively seek to absolve themselves from any responsibility for anything. With the Club-Q shooting, they immediately demanded that Donald Trump and Lauren Boebert are to blame for the murderer’s actions because they do not support LGBTQIA+ pedophilia being taught to impressionable schoolchildren. Thus, liberals like Smart-Derryberry demand that what Trump and Boebert have said is hate speech, their followers and supporters are also engaging in hateful rhetoric simply by supporting these types of politicians, we should be shamed into silence because of our guilt, and we should have the means to self defense stripped from us.

Is it mental illness? Liberals present as mentally ill because they do not share common principles with the rest of us. They think we are crazy because their morality will not allow them to admit that anyone can exist who lives a lifestyle which does not conform to their subjective experiences. When they demand nationwide firearm bans, they don’t understand that while mass-shootings and inner city gang violence needs to be addressed, disarming all of the United States will result in democide. The Biden regime has already made sure to designate over half of the nation as terrorists. Those so designated will be summarily rounded up, given a Stalinesque ‘trial’ featuring no due process, and sentenced to death through labor or bullet. Liberals can disconnect entirely from this concept because all of their morality is based on their subjective experiences. Because it is not happening to them, they don’t care.

Objective reality means serving God, being personally accountable for one’s actions, and taking responsibility for the events of our lives – the good and the bad alike. Too many are completely rejecting God. In the morally relative subjective reality liberals have built for themselves they have decided that their way is better than the rules God gave for us. When confronted with the evidence that their mindset is not compatible with the laws of nature (which were also established by God) they double down upon their delusion instead of recognizing their shortcomings and adapt their worldview to be compatible with those laws.

The same subjective reality liberals have established with mainstreaming homosexuality and murdering babies is being used to push for gun-grabbing. This same mentality is going to be used to justify liberal’s ultimate ‘utopia.’ The same corrupted logic liberals use to reach the conclusion that grabbing guns will make them safer will be used against those not marching to the beat of the liberal drum. Namely, those utopia-impeding people are seen to be Bible-believing, Yeshua loving, God fearing people who have an objective reality. Our thoughts are hostile to their continued denial of objective reality.

It says in Matthew 24:4-14, “4 Yeshua replied: “Watch out! Don’t let anyone fool you! 5 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah!’ and they will lead many astray. 6 You will hear the noise of wars nearby and the news of wars far off; see to it that you don’t become frightened. Such things must happen, but the end is yet to come. 7 For peoples will fight each other, nations will fight each other, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various parts of the world; 8 all this is but the beginning of the ‘birth-pains.’ 9 At that time you will be arrested and handed over to be punished and put to death, and all peoples will hate you because of me. 10 At that time many will be trapped into betraying and hating each other, 11 many false prophets will appear and fool many people; 12 and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. 13 But whoever holds out till the end will be delivered. 14 And this Good News about the Kingdom will be announced throughout the whole world as a witness to all the Goyim. It is then that the end will come.”

Are we there? We are getting closer. Those believing in Yeshua (Jesus Christ) are being targeted for persecution. Who is it that is labeled a terrorist by the Biden regime? People who believe in the Biblical portrayal of Yeshua. The government, cheered on by bloodthirsty liberals, has decided to not directly declare the Bible-believing as terrorists; instead they have chosen to target those who ask questions about intentions regarding election integrity, ‘vaccine’ safety, national defense, social values based on Biblical precepts, and gun owners. There is bleed-over here because then the ‘authorities’ can grab a few non-Bible believing people and subjugate them as well to pretend they are not targeting the Bible-believing, God-fearing among the population. We are at the opening chapter of the prophesy in Matthew 24:9 in my estimation while, at the same time we are in the middle of Matthew 24:5, 6, and 7. These times are trying. God will lead us through it but we need to trust His guidance.

Bless God and God bless.


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