US Consumer Product Safety Commission: Round Up Gas Stoves

US Consumer Product Safety Commission: Round Up Gas Stoves

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/9/2023

I love cooking with gas. The heat is more reliable and it doesn’t take ten minutes of guessing how hot a burner will eventually get. Turn it on, see the flame, set it to the proper height, and cook. But, like all things which actually work, the US government has decided that they should probably be gotten rid of.

The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission is targeting gas stoves for elimination. According to a recent Bloomberg article, cooking with gas causes asthma according to a December report. The article suggests the appliances be banned. One of the biggest swamp creatures you’ve never heard of, Richard Trumka Jr., one of the USCPSC’s Commissioners until 2028, is the mouthpiece for the ban.

Richard Trumka Jr. comes from a family which hates business. His father was the Secretary General of the AFL-CIO from 1995-2009. Following in his father’s footsteps, Junior went to Cornell to become a lawyer so that he could sue every business he hears of. As a Commissioner at USCPSC, he does exactly that.

Junior must not have heard the words get ‘bent enough’ in his pampered life. Bloomberg quoted him as stating, “‘This is a hidden hazard,’ Richard Trumka Jr., an agency commissioner, said in an interview. ‘Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.’” Who is deeming these products as unsafe and by what criteria? His Commission has decided they are unsafe by their standards. And, since Junior knows better than the millions of homeowners which use gas stoves, he will make the decision to ban them for all of us. What a nice guy.

But it isn’t only the stoves, it is even having a gas hook-up in the home which is the problem (stoves are not exclusive appliances operating on gas). One of the authors of the underlying report getting Bloomberg, Junior, and ‘lawmakers’ excited about tyrannizing us is quoted in Bloomberg as having said, “‘There is about 50 years of health studies showing that gas stoves are bad for our health, and the strongest evidence is on children and children’s asthma,’ said Brady Seals, a manager in the carbon-free buildings program at the nonprofit clean energy group RMI and a co-author of the study. ‘By having a gas connection, we are polluting the insides of our homes.’”

Seals, along with Talor Gruenwald, Luke D. Knibbs, and H. Dean Hosgood III published Population Attributable Fraction of Gas Stoves and Childhood Asthma in the United States in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health on December 21, 2022. Their study focused on finding research articles about gas stoves and rates of asthma in children. According to their results that number came out to 12.7% of childhood asthma is due to gas stoves. I have questions about the validity of their study but I am not a scientist nor a mathematician.

The authors of the study, nonetheless, lied to everyone. They claim they have no conflict of interest, yet they do. The authors are all ecoterrorists seeking to murder everyone on earth with their insane ideas of a zero-carbon world. It’s why they published the report in the first place. As mentioned in Bloomberg (above) Seals, along with Gruenwald, are both from RMI according to the report. “RMI is tackling the climate crisis by focusing on its main contributor: energy production and use, which represents 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions,” according to their website. Knibbs is an Australian and should not be involved in any way shape or form with setting any policy in the United States, but here he is, a public health minister in Sydney, Australia. Hosgood III is another public health advocate from Bronx, New York.

Do you see the pattern here – public health should trump all other concerns about society. No one can, nor should, have any freedom because everything is unsafe according to these types of people. It is this mindset which has been green-lit to run rampant around the world. The mindset has left people to starve to death in apartments welded shut, checkpoints, quarantine/re-education camps, and murder through injection. The climate change believers and public health scaremongers are just different heads of the same hydra – the monster (the goal) is a non-human future through murder and transhumanism.

Another really interesting characteristic of the study is who funded it. That would be RMI and the National Cancer Institute. The National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, exists to make sure that more people get cancer and that treatments make pharmaceutical company’s rich. They basically exist to make sure that any promising treatment outside of what allopathic medicine wishes to acknowledge is suppressed through refusal to approve treatments and interventions and taking those who develop “alternatives” to chemotherapy and surgeries to court to sue them for more money than they have. We are all supposed to line up for untested vaccines these ‘experts’ claim are safe, but heaven forbid alternative cancer treatments with a history of curing the disease be authorized (also see the Burzynski Clinic’s website because YouTube has such wonderful censorship algorithms). Apparently researching asthma rates is somehow helping cancer patients according to the murderous NIH.

The Bloomberg article points to how great the idea of banning everything to decarbonize buildings. They point at New York City’s partial ban on allowing gas to be hooked up in new buildings and California’s ban on sales of natural gas water heaters and furnaces in 2030. California also has water rationing and bans on wood stoves, gasoline engines, and plastic goods either in effect or upcoming but Bloomberg didn’t bring up those topics because California is their poster child for ecoterrorism in practice.

Democrats love pretending that they know how to live our lives better than any of us are able to. Cory Booker and Don Beyer, each of whom is an unmitigated racist, made the gas stove issue racist. They claimed that the ‘pollution’ coming from gas stoves overly affects Blacks and Latinos, according Bloomberg. But it isn’t just democrat morons doings this, there are republican morons too. Bloomberg noted, “‘If the CPSC really wanted to do something about public health, it would ban cigarettes, or automobiles, long before it moved on to address stoves,’ said Mike McKenna, a GOP energy lobbyist. ‘It’s transparently political.’”

McKenna, a lobbyist who was, for a short time, in the Trump administration, must be suffering from the aftermath of a stroke. His comments are even more deranged that the idiotic sentiments relayed by the democrat ‘lawmakers.’ He is suggesting to a maniacal governmental commission that they should ban cigarettes and cars and then tackle heating appliances. If anyone knows how to contact McKenna, please let him know they already are banning cars and cigarettes and that his comments represent a selling out of the American public.

The Bloomberg article wrapped up with another quote from the dyed-in-the-wool Leninist-Marxist Trumka. He also knows how to cook better than anyone else. “‘There is this misconception that if you want to do fine-dining kind of cooking it has to be done on gas, Trumka said. ‘It’s a carefully manicured myth.’” I attest that it is not a myth.

Wood is evil. Cola is evil. Oil is evil. Gas is evil. What’s left is nuclear, wind, solar, and hydro power. None of those are green except for, possibly, nuclear power. But don’t worry about that, nuclear power produces water vapor and that is a pollutant as well. Since nothing is ‘green’, not even the ‘green’ options, we will be left with no electricity and nothing to burn to generate power. That is the point. It’s an intentional war being fought incrementally with the desired goal to end individual transportation, communication, and self-defense. These efforts create dependencies which do not need to exist. Bloomberg and the rest of the ecoterrorists love the proposition.

On January 12, 2023 there is a meeting open to the public regarding gas stoves being banned by the federal government. From the posting I am not sure if the public is going to be permitted to comment; however, the meeting does promise to be revealing. If nothing else, the viewer will no doubt gain a crash-course lesson into how much these tyrants in the federal government hate the people they are supposed to serve. Look for future meetings to begin appearing on the CPSC website as well.

Bless God and God bless.


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