Why I Won’t Be Standing in Implantable Technology Lines

Why I Won’t Be Standing in Implantable Technology Lines

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/14/2023

There are a lot of movies dealing with people that have things implanted under their skin that shouldn’t be there. In the Matrix the implant was the battery version of a real person being projected into a digital world full of fake versions of everything. In the series Black Mirror, The Entire History of You features cyborgs who record everything they have ever done. It was a watch that monitored the time until the implants in a person caused their death in the 2011 movie In Time. Sometimes, though, science fiction becomes real. Increasingly technolies are being made to be implanted into the human body.

On March 9, 2023 New Atlas reported that a new drug delivery system has been created. The light-activated biodegradable implant contains three chambers containing drugs held in a chamber by a battery. When the chamber is exposed to a certain frequency of light, the battery is shorted and the contents are delivered into the host. It is also biodegradable. It bridges the gap between implanted drug-delivery devices which already exist - it can be controlled from the outside and is biodegradable.

Reported in Psys.Org’s website on March 13, 2023, an article titled New research takes step towards laser printed medical electronics was published. For anyone thinking the materials technologies being researched are benign or potentially beneficial to mankind, think again. The article clearly states the path that materials research is going in and it has nothing to do with the strongest building material ever created – it has to do with implanting human beings with manipulative and intrusive technology. It reads:

“A team of scientists, led by researchers at Lancaster University, has developed a method to 3D-print flexible electronics using the conducting polymer polypyrrole, and they have shown that it is possible to directly print these electrical structures on or in living organisms (roundworms).

“Their findings are reported in the paper Creating 3D objects with integrated electronics via multiphoton fabrication in vitro and in vivo, which is published in Advanced Material Technologies.

“Although at a proof-of-concept stage, researchers believe this type of process, when fully developed, has the potential to print patient-specific implants for a variety of applications, including real-time health monitoring and medical interventions, such as treating epilepsy or pain.”

Nature, which oddly celebrates and promotes anything which is unnatural (maybe it is due to their complete adherence to the UN’s murderous SDGs), published an article about creating silicon-based kidneys for insertion into human bodies on March 8, 2023. There are actually several research projects ongoing to create an artificial kidney which, if combined, would fulfill all of the duties of a real kidney. The researches have a tentative one to two year expectation to reach animal testing and four to five years to start clinical trials. But they don’t have enough funding to do all of this the research teams complain. The entire article is basically a fund-raiser for cyborgism.

To combat irritable bowel syndrome, Korean researchers developed a way to monitor the bladders mechanical process and the bioelectrical signals between the bladder and the brain in real time. News Medical Life Sciences also reported on March 9, 2023 that the researchers successfully implanted their device, called the USH-SI, into a pig and that robots could perform the surgery. The article goes on, “"We combined the USH-SI sensor with a neural stimulator targeted to treat overactive bladders, a chronic condition," remarked Professor Sung-Min Park who led the study. He further explained, "This allows for monitoring and neural stimulation simultaneously. We expect it to be a platform that can be applied to other internal organs."”

BBC Science Focus reported about Future technology: 22 ideas about to change our world on March 7, 2023. Intelligent exo-skeletons, xenotransplantation, brain-reading robots, 3D printed bones, digital twins for health surveillance, turning bodies into fertilizer and compost, turning biological process like sweating into batteries, 3D printed retinas, and artificial neurons on silicon chips implanted into human beings and all included in the article. Humans are being turned into something other than human. After the human is deceased, no respect is to be given to the corpse.

People are already doing similar things, fully conscious of their choices. They are celebrated for on-boarding the already available implants. On October 6, 2023, BBC News celebrated some of these deluded individuals. A Scottish woman has multiple implants in her body allowing her to open doors, provide her business card, allow her to store her medical information, and an electomagnetic sensor.

The BBC article defines these types of people as transhumanists, “It is the belief that the humans can improve beyond their physical and mental limitations and "upgrade" their bodies by incorporating technology.” And, like all transhuman proponents, a straw man argument was used to justify the decisions people make to volunteer for these asinine implants. The Scottish woman in this case noted a bad car accident which required her to get bolts in her back and her kneecaps replaced. Transhumanists claim the bolts are transhuman as well as the kneecaps, especially the one the NHS (the United Kindgdom’s socialized healthcare system) 3D printed for her.

Another sick and demented individual from Manchester UK was quoted in the article to promote transhumanism. For me, all he did is confirm that he is severely sick, “"I am slowly turning myself into part machine," he says. "I don't mind being biological but if I could be part mechanical that is so much more awesome than just my plain self."”

On March 3, 2023 the Washington Post published The race to beat Elon Musk to put chips in people’s brains. Musk runs Nueralink but the piece is really about rivals to Nueralink. While Nueralink should not exist because it’s purpose is enslavement and death, neither should Paradromics, Blackrock Nuerotech, Precision Neuroscience Corp, nor Synchron (backed and invested in by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos) for the same reasons. The article really is about which one of these companies has the best shot at gaining FDA approval and being used to further destroy humanity.

These types of intrusive technologies are also being strongly advocated for implantation into the body in general. As Delve Insight noted on July 20, 2022, transhumanists hope to make everyone on earth transhuman (meaning to go from what God created to creating a world populated by humanity 2.0, or, post-humans) by using nanobots for, “diagnosis, treatment, and surgery, and research” and it “is expected to have several new medical applications and are expected to bring major transformations in cancer treatment, diabetes monitoring, wound-healing (regenerative medicine), dentistry, and blood monitoring (blood clot), among several others.” That makes me wonder what is really in the mRNA shots? What will be in any new fast-tracked shot or medication?

All of these depictions are one idealized by transhumanists – people who think that death is merely a disease and, thus, seek to ‘cure’ it. They seek immortality and the core of their ideology they believe that God Himself created a flawed creature in human beings and seek to ‘fix’ His design. They are deeply delusional and deeply deceptive. One of their delusions is demanding that their favorite arguments sponsoring their humanity-ending technologies is the same as wearing hearing aids or a pair of glasses.

Because transhumanists have a penchant for disregarding any moral which contradicts their own selfish goals, they cannot serve God. Even the so-called faith-based transhumanists have decided to forego the religious tenets they lay claim to and exalt themselves as gods. There are actual movements within the Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, and other faiths which claim they are following their religions while denying their deities their adherence. As a result, there is a profound disregard for religious morality – especially present in the Christian transhumanist movement (this is most apparent to me because Christianity is the predominant faith of the nation I reside in). With the morality of the Bible in question, Christian transhumanists join their supposed atheistic (atheism is not actually a real identity), Satanic, and other religiously affiliated brothers in the faith that science will save everyone. We can all live forever in some utopia these people claim. Some of them are more than willing to use force against anyone who doesn’t want to enter their portended utopia.

I believe all mRNA shots are designed to create a post-human world through death, sterilization, and the fact that they modify the human body to begin producing things that the human body would never produce on it’s own. For that reason alone I will never willingly receive any mRNA shot. It it is forced upon me I will fight whoever is trying to put it inside me and will do everything I can think of to get it out of me. The same applies to xenotransplantation, turning me into a cyborg, turning me into a chimera, and putting a mind control device into or upon my body. They have no intention of letting anyone traverse their decrees though. With the same, perhaps even greater, religious fervor of the perpetrators of the Inquisition, these transhumanist psychopaths plan on subjecting every single living thing to their tyranny through their ruse that god is really their version of science.

Somewhere along the line these transhumanists will start persuading people to take that mark mentioned in Revelation 13. This is something I devoutly wish to avoid being subjected to. I will suffer death on this earth to avoid it. Preferably I would like to run away from the mark and the transhumanists selling their disastrous post-human beast-system technologies. I certainly will not be in the line to voluntarily get them. As such, I pray for the discernment needed to avoid such events and seek to inform as many as will listen to do the same. I seek to learn from the Bible and ask that all of us do the same. These things will come to pass, of that I have no doubt. I hope that you also seek the needed discernment from God to avoid those lines as well. God made us the way we are and I’m not going to question His judgment.

Bless God and God bless.


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