I’ve Got Some Really Bad News For You….

I’ve Got Some Really Bad News For You….

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/8/2023

Imagine the most terrifying movie you have ever seen being your life. For me, there are a lot to choose from but my top 5 in no particular order would include The Matrix, Terminator 2, Interstellar, The Hunger Games, and Annihilation. Books would include Brave New World, The Gulag Archipelago, 1984, The Communist Manifesto, and Plato’s Republic. Humans are on the verge of extinction from a whole host of different assaults in this list – AI takeovers, nuclear Armageddon, climate change, global government, DNA mutilation, scientific tyranny, Marxism, and philosopher kings. We are all going to die, without a doubt, at one point or another. The thing is, we are all about to be exterminated at the same time because aspects of the fictional accounts named above are becoming a reality and the non-fictional account is being re-employed.

The Matrix is being built and sold to us as the metaverse. We have created artificial intelligences which claim they are sentient. We teeter on the brink of global nuclear holocaust between the West and the East. Elon Musk still wants us to wear his Neuralink and thinks humans should populate other planets. The US (and the whole world) is already divided up in districts. DNA is being hijacked and crossed between species creating horrific chimeras. Brave New World only remains fictional because some of the technologies it envisages have still not been fully developed, but they are working on them (artificial womb, cloning without mosaicism, completely stamping out God). Gulkags have made an ugly return in the digital sphere and have made a limited return to the physical realm with quarantine camps and 15-minute cities. Our TV’s and smart devices spy on our every move. All of Marx’s planks are installed to a greater or lesser degree even in the United States. Parents have been deemed obsolete by a group of degenerate monsters calling themselves teachers (not all teachers are degenerate) who demand that kids are to be raised by them and parents should have no input.

Humanity is being assaulted in all of these ways and more. The goal for those running the show, a group of about 1,000 people, really hate God, think they can defeat God, and see destroying God’s people as one of the ways they can ‘win’ the war they are waging against God. What is the easiest way to kill a 7.5 billion people without causing a panic? The easiest way to do that is to do exactly what is happening in today’s world.

Poisoning the food and water has been going on for decades. GMO food and fluoride in the water combine to create a slow-kill weapon designed to kill everybody, dumb them down in the process, and to ensure there is no inheritance to be given because the medical bills sucked any assets away from the ill.

Destroying the taboos regarding abortion, sterilization, and fostering a general revulsion towards having children in certain populations has been a major goal of UNESCO and other organizations for almost 80 years. Planned Parenthood is selling murdered baby’s body parts and illegal contributing to political campaigns while family pregnancy centers are firebombed. All kinds of vaccine campaigns have been operated to ‘eradicate’ whatever disease is being targeted but the real goal is to sterilize women. Feminists in particular have this stupid idea that women shouldn’t have children anymore because it’s a part of the patriarchy. This is another slow-kill method to eradicate huge numbers of people and their progeny.

If a child is born, the freak show contingent of the teacher’s unions want them in their classrooms as quickly as possible. One children are in this spider’s web, they are instructed that their skin color is a vice or a virtue, that their anatomy does not determine being a boy or a girl, and that pedophilia is acceptable and to be desired. They are instructed in the ways of sexual activities as long as those activities are non-reproductive. The aim of all of this, according to freak show ‘educators,’ is to make this generation tolerant and inclusive of those who are deviant in areas like homosexuality, transsexualism, and pedophilia. The real aim of all this is to create an entire generation of children who cannot reproduce.

If a child escapes the womb and the CRT and gender-fluidity of early classroom years they are again assaulted with the idea that success involves solely obtaining a college degree and landing a job with a six figure salary. The cost of the degree makes marriage less attractive. It makes having children seem like a remote possibility because of the costs involved. And it makes owning a home seem completely out of reach. And, to make everything even more gloomy for these younger generations, the jobs they are able to obtain often have nothing to do with their degree, offer long hours and low pay, and provide just enough to maintain college debts without ever being able to pay them off. This, too, is a slow-kill design.

Credit cards become available to 18 year-olds. At 18 the age of consent has been attained. Despite this gender can be decided by 4 year-olds, and 18 year-olds are prohibited from owning a wide array of firearms, purchasing tobacco or alcohol products, and renting certain things like a car or a hotel room; however, they can go have their lives taken in the foreign wars the US has found it’s way into far too often. But the credit cards and the debts incurred with those ill-obtained pieces of plastic with a magnetic strip can be just as destructive, if not more destructive, to young adults as those who have a massive debt issue from obtaining a college degree. Some have debt loads from both avenues.

Nuclear bombs work to kill large numbers of people initially through blasts over populated centers. Days to week later those who took too much radiation develop cancers and die. Nuclear winter scenarios begin to occur and agriculture becomes far more difficult and uncertain. If there were a nuclear Armageddon where nearly all nuclear and thermonuclear devices were detonated, 7.5 billion wouldn’t die from the blasts – I’d speculate that only about 3 billion would die from those. Of the 4.5 billion left to be exterminated, I recon that two billion or so would die from radiation and the rest from starvation. There would still be survivors, but they would be few and far between, in highly self-sustaining communities of about 50-100 individuals in lightly irradiated portions of the earth or underground. These tribal encampments would pose no issues to the ‘elites’ as the encampment’s inhabitants focus will be on survival, covert surveillance of them by the ‘elite’ will be routine, and there would be no communication unless the ‘elites’ initiated it. This fast kill – slow-kill combination would greatly affect the lives of the ‘elite’.

In order to kill everyone the ‘elite’ intend to kill, the safest bet for their own survival would be through disease and mitigation efforts. They created a super flu called coronavirus. They released it to the public. More people died from the combination of a ventilator and remdesivir or other lethal drug(s) which are only good for killing people than from the disease. The ‘elites’ terrified us as best they could with the numbers of dead and dying and they still are – even now that the ‘vaccines’ have been released and there are new vaccine-induced diseases like SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome). Billions of people lined up for an injection which featured gene-therapy technologies, immortal cell lines, nanotechnology, graphene oxide, a slurry of metals, and promised to destroy the organs and immune systems of those who have in administered. Of course, no one was told this. No one was informed. No person that had the death jab(s) have been able to give consent. All of these things have been detected in the shots after the fact.

Another thing in these jabs is the much celebrated nanopeptide. This is what supposedly makes human beings ‘immune’ from COVID-19. It rewrites the DNA and tells it to make a protien – the S-protein – which has never existed in a human body. This is why these shots are referred to as gene therapies as well as why the people who have undergone the ‘treatments’ are, to some degree, chimeric. Biological configurations which don’t exist in nature can have patents applied to them as well. This is why COVID-19 is patented. Having the S-protein created in your body may kill you, may give you cancer, may pop your heart or give you persistent brain fog, but it will absolutely subject you to the patent office and allow your body to be owned by whoever made the vaccine. I’m not kidding.

The prefix nano means really, really small. The scale nano concerns itself with is between 1 billionth of a meter to 100 billionths of a meter. This is smaller than the diameter of a single strand of human hair, a red blood cell, and bacteria. A DNA molecule is 2 nm wide though – so they are playing with molecular biology intrinsic to what makes a human a human or a rose a rose. Viruses are measured in nanometers as well. Peptides are the building blocks of proteins. A peptide is made of an arrangement of amino acids connected by chemical bonds.

Billions of people have undergone a medical procedure because of stupidity, bribery, mandates, and coercion. Even those who get their boosters today, while they have been warned by people like me, are not able to give their consent to undergo the gene-therapies their doctors are shooting them up with because their doctors aren’t telling them. These people are turning themselves into antennas because of the additive particles like graphene oxide. In addition, they are making themselves patentable and chimeric. Hundreds of these same types of shots are about to be demanded to be taken by the WHO. And the WHO, as well as other groups, are preparing and stockpiling ‘vaccines’ for another fun disease called Marburg Virus (which was likely created in a lab) with a lethality of over 85%/

Let me write the scariest book imaginable, and the bad news I promised in the title, in one paragraph – picture this:

All of these people have this shot with these nanopeptides in them. All of these 5G towers have gone up and there have been demands to remove them because of the microwaves and other frequencies they produce. Combine the idea of nanopeptides and the chemical bonds which hold them together being able to be broken by frequencies produced by 5G. Once free, the amino acids could be rearranged through the additive parts of the death jabs – say into a form which mimic Marburg Virus symptoms. The Ebola vaccines will roll out to a general public with much fanfare after having suffered by watching what their loved ones suffered through. Before thinking I’m batshit crazy, it would have to happen this way in order to create a pandemic of Marburg. It is not aerosolized and is passed the bodily fluids of the infected. I don’t know about you, but I don’t drink piss, eat shit, or go splashing around in the blood of the dead – but some cultures do and some scientists do. Satanists and liberals do. Cannibals do. The ‘elite’ could be rolling out Marburg-tainted foods right now, but we would have noticed already. The disease causes bleeding from a persons eyes, ears, mouth, nose, anus, urethra, and sometimes pores (thus it is called a hemorrhagic disease). Sound pleasant? Get ready – these ‘elites’ have already started their messaging promising this will happen.

The GAVI Vaccine Alliance, a front group for Bill Gates genocidal vaccine campaigns, portended Marburg Virus to be a pandemic in April 2021. An article in The Lancet from October 2022 demanded that a single case of Marburg be enough reason to order a complete lockdown of entire nations. A recent outbreak of Marburg, the first in Equatorial Guinea, was given a grade of low risk for it’s potential to become a globally transmitted disease on February 25 by the WHO but they did describe their efforts at mitigation - “Investigations are ongoing to find additional cases. WHO is supporting the response by strengthening contact tracing, case management, infection prevention and control, laboratory, risk communication and community engagement.” This should look familiar – it’s exactly what they did when they demanded lockdowns, control, and surveillance of everyone on earth to mitigate COVID-19. WHO also advised the outbreak be contained by, “prompt, safe and dignified burial of the deceased cases” which is not a given in some tribal cultures of Africa which will, at times, eat their dead as well. While Marburg is being promised to become one of the next near-future pandemics, it won’t become a pandemic at all because of the way it is spread so the ‘elite’ would have to fabricate pandemic in a scenario similar to the one described in the prior paragraph.

Dr. Zelenko suggest zinc may help prevent Marburg infection. I have also heard suggested for treatment (153:0:0 on the counter, 233:0:0 on the bar), “ozone, abendazol, and fembendazole.” The Truth for Health website advises people to not catch it in the first place and have offered a decent sized list on how to accomplish that.

The fact still remains that we all die. The intent of this article is to point out that we should not be exterminated by a group of psychopathic, murderous, ‘elite’ all at once. To fight the ‘elite’ we need to protect ourselves from their viruses by building our immune systems through proper diet and supplements. We need to advocate for peace in Ukraine and demand the ‘people’ dragging us into nuclear war to knock it off. We need to watch our debt loads and pay them back as quickly as possible. We need to defend our children from child molesters and institutionally sanctioned child abusers. We need to be even more vocal about demanding that baby murder be illegal everywhere. And we need to seek to find clean sources of food and water.

More than any of that we need to be praying and reading our Bibles. This is how we keep all of those fictional books fiction, prevent the return of the gulags, and ensure that the ‘elites’ biological weapons campaign against us goes no further. This ‘elite’ cabal hates God more than anything else and are targeting us for extinction to get at God. They cannot go after God directly so they are trying to destroy His creation. You reading the Bible, accepting Jesus as Lord, praying to God, and defending the law against the lawless are what will cause this ‘elite’ cabal’s utter destruction and they know that. They hate that more than anything else. So, let these ‘elite’ hate you by finding favor in the eyes of God. The most heinous thing we can do in the eyes of the Satanically-given-over ‘elite’ is to …

… Bless God so that He may bless us.


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