Tom Inglesby: An Architect of the Next Pandemic

Tom Inglesby: An Architect of the Next Pandemic

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/12/2023

"Tom Inglesby is the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and an expert in pandemic preparedness.” He’s one of Bill Gates’ friends and likes to conduct table top exercises about how to handle disease outbreaks. He was the architect of Dark Winter in 2001, and involved with Clade X, Event 201, and Catastrophic Contagion. There seems to be a correlation between these events and diseases running rampant in the real world shortly after. It seems to me that this Inglesby is an architect of realizing pandemics in the real world and demanding more money be invested into pandemic preparedness. He also seems to be making sure that either we die or we are all enslaved under the medical tyranny he helped to style.

Dark Winter occurred on June 22-23, 2001 and focused on weaponized smallpox being deployed on the US population. Inglesby’s Center found that biological attacks could cause mass casualties in the United States and threaten national security. They found that the differences in governmental jurisdictions and the idea of a private sector and public sector are problematic in the event of a biological attack. Hospitals being overwhelmed, public health interventions being retarded, and pandemic messaging being unsent were also found in Dark Winter. They deemed that command and control communications would be necessary during a pandemic. The last of the findings reads, “Should a contagious bioweapon pathogen be used, containing the spread of disease will present significant ethical, political, cultural, operational, and legal challenges.”

For anyone like Inglesby, the last finding means target these impediments to control and get rid of them. Change the ethics to suit medical tyrants liking. Destroy political opponents to medical tyranny. Destroy any cultural value if it stands in the way of medical tyranny. Build out ‘mitigation’ infrastructure (medical supply lines, vaccine manufacturing, treatment facilities) to make sure no one is able to escape the medical tyranny. Change the laws to facilitate medical tyranny. The second to final paragraph on the Dark Winter page details this tyranny and praises the efforts of a completely psychopathic murderer:

“In 1947, in response to a single case of smallpox in New York City, 6,350,000 people were immunized (500,000 in one day), including President Harry Truman. In 1972, after disappearing from Yugoslavia for four decades, a single case of smallpox emerged. There are two ways to control a smallpox epidemic - vaccine and isolation. Yugoslavia's Communist leader, Josip Tito, used both. He instituted a nation-wide quarantine, and immunized the entire country of 20 million people using vaccine supplied by the World Health Organization.”

In November of 2001 there was a real-life trial of this sort of biological attack on the United States. Anthrax was mailed to different people in the country killing 5 and sickening 17. It seems that Inglesby got his way in the end – all it took was a little bit of white powder in an envelope and some stamps. As Jama Network reported in 2021, “Before the events of 2001, there was little formal coordination among hospitals and no dedicated strategy for responding to biological and other threats. But after the anthrax attacks, hospitals developed emergency operations plans for a range of scenarios, including bioterrorism and pandemic influenza. Key hospital reforms included patient surge plans, interoperable communication systems, and planning for hospital evacuations. Hospitals also organized into health care coalitions to jointly plan for health emergencies and share resources.”

It’s weird how Dark Winter made demands and five months later that exact thing happened and all of the players fell into line with Ingleby’s directions to achieve total medical tyranny in the United States.

Clade X involved planning responses to a “moderately contagious and moderately lethal novel pathogen” on May 15, 2018. The first of the six results from this exercise was, “Develop capability to produce new vaccines and drugs for novel pathogens within months not years.” They also demanded a global health security system, an enhanced national health security apparatus, the creation of a consolidated top-down one-stop-shop for all pandemic responses. In addition they called for international guidelines on gain-of-function research and, in the event of a pandemic or biological attack, the intelligence community to act as the first line of defense through prevention, detection, and response to any such event.

Vaccines, drugs, global medical tyranny, panoptoconic medical surveillance, medical dictatorship, continued gain-or-function research, and who should effect all of the mandates, decrees, and demands made by the dictator is what Clade X really told the world. The world wasn’t paying all that much attention. As more and more people started avoiding injecting their children with the MMR jab, the ‘experts’ (i.e. the medical tyrants) decided to blame the unvaccinated for disease outbreaks when in reality it was the vaccinated getting the unvaccinated and vaccinated alike sick with measles. Again – it is odd that there was this tabletop exercise and suddenly measles started coming back and it was blamed entirely on those not following along with the medical tyrants.

In October of 2019, about a month before China began broadcasting people dropping dead in the streets from an unknown disease which has come to be known as COVID-19, Inglesby was involved with Event 201. To conduct this exercise, Ingleby’s Center brought in The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum as partners. Their summary of why they did this obscures the truth that they were absolutely planning on releasing exactly this scenario upon the world to further their quest for medical tyranny. While reading the summary, remember all of the fun things we were forced to endure under the ruse of safety from COVID-19:

“In recent years, the world has seen a growing number of epidemic events, amounting to approximately 200 events annually. These events are increasing, and they are disruptive to health, economies, and society. Managing these events already strains global capacity, even absent a pandemic threat. Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes global—a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences. A severe pandemic, which becomes “Event 201,” would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions.”

They came up with seven recommendations from Event 201. The headings of those recommendations read, “1. Governments, international organizations, and businesses should plan now for how essential corporate capabilities will be utilized during a large-scale pandemic. 2. Industry, national governments, and international organizations should work together to enhance internationally held stockpiles of medical countermeasures (MCMs) to enable rapid and equitable distribution during a severe pandemic. 3. Countries, international organizations, and global transportation companies should work together to maintain travel and trade during severe pandemics. Travel and trade are essential to the global economy as well as to national and even local economies, and they should be maintained even in the face of a pandemic. 4. Governments should provide more resources and support for the development and surge manufacturing of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics that will be needed during a severe pandemic. 5. Global business should recognize the economic burden of pandemics and fight for stronger preparedness. 6. International organizations should prioritize reducing economic impacts of epidemics and pandemics. 7. Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response.”

They mask their intentions behind fancily worded sentences. They would have communicated this much more effectively if they had stated, “distinguish between the essential and non-essential elements of society now, use Marxist distribution schemes for medical supplies, multinational corporations and international organizations must survive – to Hell with everyone else, vaccines and surveillance techniques and devices need to be prioritized, businesses need to take a large share of the responsibility in medical surveillance compliance, UBI should be implemented, and no one should be able to speak freely under any circumstance. They could have summed their exercise up in one sentence – ‘we will do whatever we deem necessary and you will do as we say or you will find yourself unemployed, unemployable, and sick to boot.’ In other words, they are demanding they be given their full-blown medical tyranny and anyone recognizing that needs to be shut up, shut down, and punished.

On October 23, 2022 Inglesby’s Center teamed up with the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to make more demands. Catastrophic Contagion, “simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future. Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.” Specifically, this pandemic prediction group focused on a pathogen named enterovirus as I wrote about in December 2022.

Being as though pandemic preparedness exercises Tom Ingleby is involved with have an amazing track record of being implemented due to the ‘hypothetical’ event materializes shortly afterwards (surely just coincidental – right?) it is important to recognize Catastrophic Contagions demands. Following are the headlines for each ‘lesson’ Inglesby and his fellow genocidal psychopaths demanded the people of earth to adhere to. “Leaders must prepare now to make difficult, critically important decisions with limited information in the early days of the next pandemic in order to increase the chances that a dangerous outbreak can be contained at the source. Countries should establish a global network of professional public health leaders who can work together to improve epidemic preparedness and response and strive for consensus on scientific issues in advance of the next major outbreak. Countries should prioritize efforts to increase trust in government and public health; improve public health communication efforts; increase the resiliency of populations to misleading information; and reduce the spread of harmful misinformation. WHO member states should strengthen international systems for sharing and allocating scarce public health resources.”

Again, what they are actually saying is that leaders with NO information decide what they are going to do when another pandemic develops now instead of waiting to even know what the characteristics of the pandemic pathogen are. It will be a rehash of the COVID-19 lockdowns, prison rules, mask mandates, UBI, business closures, house arrests, and utilizing so-called quarantine camps for healthy people who won’t comply (yes that’s the gulag). In their sick minds there should be armies of servants to the medical dictatorship to be established at the global level. There is a reason the WHO was brought in on this one – they are getting nations to sign on to a Pandemic Treaty installing medical tyranny in their mandate and rehashing the International Health Regulations of 2005 to effect the same outcome. Our trust in medical tyranny is demanded; however, if you are reading this I suggest you never cede a single bit of trust to any of these people – they want you dead. And, once again, free speech needs to be completely eliminated in order to allow their narrative to not be questioned. When they release the next biological weapon they will demand a pandemic response to mitigate no one is supposed to be able to communicate their skepticism of or disbelief in the narrative they weave around it.

This medical tyranny is almost completely established. The last little remnant of people who have never for a second believed in the COVID-19 lies told to them – masks work, social distancing is appropriate, the numbers sick or dead, tests are accurate, remdesivir and ventilators help, vitamins are useless, there are no effective treatments, the jabs are safe, there are non-essential people, etc… - are all that are left for the tyrants to conquer. That will take force and additional fear in increased measure. There is going to be some disease they release, whether it is a gain-of-function enterovirus, Marburg, Lassa fever, Ebola, or a strain of flu is as yet unknown. The response will be COVID-19 mitigation efforts but harsher. Expanded social distancing rules, stricter mask mandates even within one’s own residence, more people deemed non-essential (also known as obsolete), deadlier approved treatment options, and increased travel restrictions will be features. Also featured will be the arrest and internment of free-speech advocates asking questions, those demanding that they are not obsolete after the state and/or WHO determines they are obsolete, and misusing a mask or disobeying social distancing rules or traveling outside of the permissible zone. When the untested vaccine arrives on the scene we jabbed, against our will if necessary.

The medical tyranny, at this point, will be complete. COVID-19 was never about our health it was purely for control and the next pandemic will double down on this concept. These intentional pandemics will never stop – there will always be some disease these sick ‘medical expects’ will want to ‘vaccinate’ us against. The pathogens released will be increasingly deadly and more and more easily spread. The idea is to use perpetual fear to propel people to comply and for those who refuse to fall for the psychological state of perpetual fear these tyrants hope to incite – incarceration and death at the hands of medical tyrants is assured. Inglesby and his friends are really nice aren’t they.

The current projects listed on the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security’s website include seventeen links. One of these efforts is titled Boosting NATO’s resilience to Biological Threats, “Ultimately, the project team would work towards the integration of resilience requirements for biological threats into NATO’s baseline requirements for civil preparedness. These resilience requirements would range from traditionally public health-oriented goals such as having systems of surveillance, detection and rapid response to infectious disease threats, to more defense-related goals such as having attribution capabilities in the event of a biological attack.” What they plan on doing is having NATO surveil us. I don’t see any use for NATO other than provoking Russia (which it has very successfully accomplished) and think it should be dismantled immediately because that is not a viable cause for existing.

Another current project is associated with Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and his wife Cari Tuna called Open Philanthropy. This is one of the racketeering organizations involved with George Soros’ Open Society Foundations dedicated to overthrowing all governments, especially in Eastern Europe and Northern Africa, through Marxist revolutions. The project they are involved with at Johns Hopkins, through Inglesby’s Center, is called International Biosafety Norms. “This project endeavors to help all nations better understand their obligation to promote safety in their laboratories, and elevate the conversation from the laboratory level to a political level. The Center will promulgate contemporary, forward-looking norms and expectations, developed through expert consultations and international outreach, that urge all nations to consider maintaining a biosafety infrastructure capable of preventing and mitigating the consequences of a contagious disease, so that a laboratory accident does not become a public health emergency of international concern.” Rest assured that this same conglomeration is making demands at the WHO in the process of redrafting the IHR’s and writing of the Pandemic Treaty to install their tyranny more completely at the global level and calling it safety.

Inglesby isn’t getting his way quickly enough though so he took to the opinion page in the New York Times to take the case for creating a total medical tyranny directly to the public. In How to Prepare for the Next Pandemic Inglesby spends some time making sure that we remember that we are supposed to be scared of COVID-19 before reminding us that we should be terrified of H5N1 (bird flu), Nipah, and Ebola too. It is a foregone certainty that there will be another pandemic in Ingleby’s piece. He concluded this section with, “The world needs to be prepared for the next Disease X, something capable of causing global catastrophic risks. Here’s what it would take to collect all we learned from Covid and to transform our preparedness.”

After doing his best to scare the reader into action, he rehashes the same tyrannical demands he has made multiple times through his Center’s highly predictive exercises. The most important thing for this barbaric murderer badly in need of the reformation a Nuremberg Trial would instill upon him, is that we should focus on the same gene therapies he calls ‘vaccines’ that have already left so many sterile, maimed, or dead. He wrote, “We need to get vaccines in arms much faster. A number of countries call this commitment the 100-day mission — referring to the number of days it should take to develop a safe, effective vaccine after the sequencing of a novel pandemic virus. This would require serious investment from governments and close partnership with private sector vaccine manufacturing companies to establish much faster processes in research and development, clinical trials, regulatory review and more. It would require more investment in technologies such as mRNA that could be used for a range of Disease X threats. Right now, a large majority of government funding to help develop vaccines and medicines for pandemics is for existing, known pathogens, as opposed to preparing for future unknowns.”

100 days to create a vaccine doesn’t sound like it can be safe or effective. Taking tax dollars to create these unsafe and ineffective vaccines is a non-starter because they will not benefit anyone – they will create more ‘vaccine’-injured and more ‘vaccine’-murdered cases. He demands that fascism be the mode of operation for his preferred version of medical tyranny. He confirms that he wants to sterilize, maim, and murder more people by his continued advocacy of mRNA gene therapies. But the real kicker is that this murderer is demanding that we spend huge sums of money and devote huge amounts of time to creating vaccines for UNIDENTIFIED pathogens. How is that even possible unless the pathogen is already able to be identified? He’s telling his readers that gain-of-function research will yield not only the next pandemic but also the next murder jab. This guy is seriously sick.

Inglesby also demands that the FDA and CDC should be given additional power to fast-track tests for any future pandemic. Pay no heed to the fact that there is still no accurate test for COVID-19. He wants reusable respirators to be mandated instead of masks during the next pandemic. Better air ventilation in buildings is something he demands. Apparently the decades-old technologies in air filtration isn’t going to cut it for Inglesby – he wants trillions spent to redesign all buildings for better ventilation. To me it seems that he wants to make sure that whatever pathogen is released can more easily penetrate any building. He doubles down on the idea that no one knows where the China virus originated and then demands that gain-of-function research continue unabated but with additional ‘safety’ protocols set at the international level. Recognizing that the infrastructure for medical tyranny in the United States is not complete, the Menegle want to be demanded that the CDC be reinterpreted to facilitate the total tyranny he desires:

“The C.D.C. has essential national pandemic preparedness and response responsibilities ‌‌as the nation’s top national public health agency. ‌‌But the pandemic revealed many of its challenges, including early testing mishaps, complicated public guidance and an inability to collect some key data that national leaders and the public needed. The agency needs new authorities to gather data quickly, new abilities to contract, retain and recruit talent, and new capacity to deploy people and funding to state and local public health organizations around the country that will need that assistance.

“The C.D.C. needs to operate rapidly in crisis, both in ‌the United States and internationally. Currently, it’s budget is broken into about 160 programs that aren’t allowed to be changed during pandemics ‌‌ — this must change. Some ‌changes are in the C.D.C.’s control; others will require legislative solutions (‌like giving it more authority and funding‌).”

The CDC should be completely defunded. The people working there should be tried under the Nuremberg Code. The building should be burnt to the ground. Why do I think this? I think this because this Marxist-loving scumbag Inglesby wants to turn the CDC into the WHO’s US enforcement arm to force the WHO’s edicts upon all of us. And to effect the totality of the CDC’s he demands that local public health be given more money and capability.

He wants all of this funded through tax dollars too. Ask yourself who wants public health ‘experts’ to form into an army which answers to a private CDC which takes its orders from the WHO? Not me. Everyone at the WHO deserves a Nuremberg Trial and prompt carrying out of their sentences, too. Inglesby does though and he demands that Congress reauthorize the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (I am sure he is completely in favor of the PREVENT Pandemics Act) and accept Biden’s budget because it contains pandemic preparedness.

He finishes his article off with a threat to all of us. He is literally threatening to murder billions. “Covid brought out incredible resolve, scientific ingenuity, individual and community perseverance and innovation. But even with that, millions of people died, many millions more were sickened, and societies were terribly set back in the United States and around the world. We are likely to face similar or worse pandemic threats in the future. We need to use the time we have now to make big preparedness changes to protect us from challenges that could arise again without warning.” Without warning? Oh, we have warning – people like Inglesby, in their quest to achieve total medical tyranny have repeatedly and incessantly told us we are going to be murdered by this tyranny through the intentional release of deadly pathogens, approved ‘therapeutic’ and ‘treatment’ options, and the gene therapy-based ‘cure’.

Inglesby and those like him should not be writing articles appearing in the New York Times about what we need to be doing with ourselves. He should be writing his last wishes from a prison cell after having been convicted of crimes against humanity under a Nuremberg Tribunal. But he’s not doing that, he is demanding we not recognize that he is a murderer and he and other fellow murderers have created a cabal to establish a global medical tyranny which is very near to being completed. Inglesby is a pandemic architect who identifies the shortcomings of the medical tyranny, and makes demands to rectify those shortcomings. When he doesn’t see the results in his favor quickly enough, the event happens in real life. He gets gets his way. His solution is the ushering in of the post-human world. As long as there is a single human being created in the image of God upon the earth, these psychopaths will not stop repeating this Hegellian dialectic. Problem – disease. Reaction – fear and mitigation. Solution – shots in arms which sterilize, maim, and murder the injected….

I will leave you, reader, with a Bible passage which I have used before. Matthew 10:28-31 - 28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but are powerless to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Gei-Hinnom. 29 Aren’t sparrows sold for next to nothing, two for an assarion? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s consent. 30 As for you, every hair on your head has been counted. 31 So do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows. I didn’t write this to scare, frighten, or cause fear but to spread knowledge of the plans of the Adversary and his ambassadors. Our Messiah commanded us not to fear these reprobates and their doings. True knowledge comes from the Bible. Hosea 4:6-14 explains what the lack of Biblical knowledge will result in:

6 My people are destroyed for want of knowledge.

Because you rejected knowledge,
I will also reject you as cohen for me.
Because you forgot the Torah of your God,
I will also forget your children.
7 The more they increased in number,
the more they sinned against me.
I will change their glory into shame.
8 They feed on the sin of my people
and are greedy for their crimes.
9 But the cohen will fare
no better than the people;
I will punish him for his ways
and pay him back for his deeds.
10 They will eat but not have enough
and consort with whores but have no children,
because they stopped listening to Adonai.
11 Whoring and wine, both old and new,
take away my people’s wits.
12 My people consult their piece of wood,
their diviner’s wand speaks to them;
for the spirit of whoring makes them err,
they go off whoring, deserting their God.
13 They sacrifice on the mountain peaks
and offer incense on the hills
under oaks, poplars and pistachio trees;
because they give good shade.
Therefore your daughters behave like whores,
And your daughters-in-law commit adultery.
14 I won’t punish your daughters when they act like whores,
or your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery;
because the men are themselves going off with whores
and sacrificing with prostitutes.
Yes, a people without understanding
will come to ruin.”

Fear God. Love Jesus. Ask for wisdom and discernment. Read your Bible. Don’t fear these psychopaths leading many into eternal damnation – know what they are doing and reject their agenda. Demand they receive justice from the upright of this world. Be one of the upright in this world.

Bless God and God bless.


South Dakota


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