Baby Murderers of Sioux Falls

The Blood-Drinkers Have Infested the Streets.

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/26/2022

Roe v. Wade has not been an issue to be decided by the states, per the Supreme Court, for 2 full days yet. Again, the nation has seen violence because these baby murdering scum bags believe in violence Their violence will be cast towards anyone who disagrees with them even more often and with more debilitating consequences than before because now they have to go somewhere else to murder their babies.

In South Dakota, abortion was illegal the moment the Supreme Court correctly ruled that the matter is one to be decided by the States. That did not stop the gatherings from occurring. In Sioux Falls, an organization called ‘Healthy Families’ held what they called a vigil in front of the Sioux Falls Federal Courthouse on Friday night.

The term vigil, to me, has religious connotations. It brings to mind praying and remembering someone whose life was taken for no good reason. The term also brings to mind raising public awareness for how the deceased’s life was taken from them to raise awareness of the issues in a particular community. It is a term which is defined as, “an event or a period of time when a person or group stays in a place and quietly waits, prays, etc., especially at night.”

A board member of Healthy Families, Jen Dreiske, is quoted by Don Jorgensen of Keloland News as saying: “This is a vigil for the loss of our rights, the loss of our autonomy, the loss of trust to make our own decisions for our own health care, that’s what we are mourning[.]”

I will give myself the license to interpret this for myself since this sinister woman called her protest a ‘vigil’ – they are mourning the loss of their sacrament, the blood they were able to shed in order to serve Moloch, and their ability to murder the future. I can only imagine how many showed up to worship Satan on the evening of the 24th of July.

I have the same analysis for Reverend Jean Morrow of the United Church of Christ. She is quoted as saying “I am stunned and appalled, not surprised, but stunned and appalled that Roe V Wade has been overturned[.]”

Both women urged voters to go to the polls and vote for candidates who want to legalize abortion. Morrow also advocated for calling, writing, and meeting with the South Dakota legislature in order to ‘educate’ them on the wonders of murdering babies in South Dakota.

In Valley News Live, a publication out of Fargo, ND, Jen Dreiske exposes herself as a heretic:

“SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) -Many people are feeling the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“Among them is Jen Drieske. She is Jewish and president of Mt. Zion Congregation in Sioux Falls.

“Drieske says this decision goes against her faith.

“‘It effects religious freedom for the Jewish community. The Jewish community is inherently pro-choice, meaning we value the life of the woman. The idea of when life comes into being is a bit different the evangelical right,’ said Jen Dreiske, President of Mt. Zion Congregation.

“In fact, as a religious minority, she says the Jewish community feels violated.

“‘We feel violated, we feel sad, we feel hopeless, we feel angry. It was an opportunity to come together to grieve, to know that we’re not alone in this grief,’ said Dreiske.

“Jacob Foerstein, of the same congregation, says he feels disrespected as a Jew and as a husband.

“‘It’s a stomp right on it, it’s taking that freedom away as a Jew,’ said Jacob Forstein, Vice president for Mt. Zion Congregation.

“Jen says at the end of the day she wants to be respected for her religious beliefs.

“‘I just want to be Jewish; I want to be respected for my beliefs; I want to respect other people for their beliefs, but I don’t want them to be imposed on me,’ said Drieske.

“Moving forward she says the Jewish community is working to support Jewish women who are seeking abortions and other medical needs.”

“One of the ways they’re doing this is through a website with more information on the cause.”

“To find out more you can follow the link at Jews for Abortion Access.”

Here is what Jen and Jacob are claiming – the Torah can be manipulated to mean something radically different than what Adonai commanded. They are also making the claim that the Supreme Court is anti-Semitic.

Leviticus 18:21, 20:2, 20:3, 20:4, 20:5, 1 Kings 11:17, 2 Kings 23:10, and Jeremiah 32:25 all mention Molekh by name. Molekh is always referenced as taking sacrifices of children. If abortion does not fit this definition, I honestly have no idea what to tell people like Jen and Jacob. Where do they think ‘medical waste,’ what most of these tiny desecrated, dismembered, abused, and murdered human beings go are labeled as, go? Medical waste goes to incinerators. Call it whatever you want Jen and Jacob, those dead babies are burned, sometimes for electricity production. God’s promise, bestowed upon the Mt. Zion Congregation, is to be cut off from the people for these sacrifices to Molekh.

As to the subtle calls of anti-Semitism levied at the Supreme Court Justices who voted to send the abortion matter back to the states – it has nothing to do with Jews, or Christians for that matter. It has everything to do with the Constitution of the United States of America. Is the Constitution anti-Semitic? Were the Framers? At least one of the Framers of the United States sought to make the official language of the country Hebrew. The Constitution states that outside of the 17 listed duties of the Congress (none of which include baby murder) the States retain the right to determine the matter.

The church Jean Morrow is currently associated with, Universal Church of Christ – Congregational, is a member of the World Council of Churches. Any church with an affiliation to the World Council of Churches should be immediately abandoned – the leaders of it have within their ranks hundreds of thousands of ‘leaders’ who will tell their congregants to board buses to take their congregants to slaughter. You can trust them, the Clergy Response Team, to kill you, just as Morrow showed up to this ‘vigil’ to demand that babies should be murdered in South Dakota. You can think I’m a lunatic, but maybe you’ll remember the warning when you are being invited to be loaded onto a bus one Sunday afternoon.

It is rather disturbing that Keloland News and Dakota News (where Valley News Live got their story from) failed to address anyone who supports the ban on abortion.

Dreiske, Morrow, Forstein, and other’s ideas of continuing the practice of sacrificing babies to Molekh had support from their demonic brethren in Rapids City. The National Organization for Women (NOW) descended upon Rapids City to demand baby murder continue:

“Callan Baxter, president of NOW, SD, made this statement: ‘Today we are stepping back 150 years with the court’s decision. We are entering a new era of vulnerability; however, we will not take this sitting down. We are prepared to fight for everyone’s rights and liberty for as long as it takes.’”

This comes as via a free advertisement in a garbage publication called ‘Dakota Free Press’ which promotes itself as a liberal rag. The publication not only advertised the times and places a protest would occur, conducted by baby murderers demanding their ‘rights’ to continue the practice, this ‘publication’ aimed its ultimate attack at Justice Alito. After this ‘publication’ tries to direct violence towards Justice Alito, directs readers to NOW’s murderous rally, and quotes Baxter, the author, Cory Allen Heidelberger, then states the closest place to murder babies is Colorado, and to vote for baby murdering scumbags like Brian Bengs and Jamie Smith. Don’t do this.

I don’t know if Mt. Zion’s president and vice president really want to align themselves with the rabidly murderous chapters of NOW. I’m not sure if that disastrous-looking entity Morrow would align with NOW. I’m not sure if they think we are stepping back into 1872, but NOW does. But, these previously mentioned entities – Dreiske, Morrow, Forstein – NOW’s compatriots, have the exact same message as NOW does. The only difference between the two factions is that one wishes to define their violence as vigil and the other wants to wage total war.

What I will tell you is that abortion is just another big business. Aborted baby parts are used for food additives, research, and electricity production. All you liberals demanding the right to murder babies as inherent to women’s health are only supporting big business. The churches and synagogues, with their leaders in the streets – you are against Christ and against God. If you were for real in-line with the Word of God, the Gospel, you would be out in the streets demanding that those persisting in aborting their children be sent out of the community or stoned to death.

Absolutely disgusting to me is the violence promised against anyone who applauds the Supreme Court in repealing Roe v Wade. It appears NOW, Mt. Zion, and United Churches of Christ, as well as others are aligned in their dedication to the ways of the world – not of the Bible of the Jews; nor the Bible of the Christians. The ways of the world are to murder babies and to vaccinate. Kill, kill, kill is the cry, by different names.

Read your Bible, people.


CNN is a Terrorist Organization


Crying Liberals