Crying Liberals

Crying Liberals are Disgusting

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/25/2022

I found a lengthy article written by Michael Scherer at titled, Supreme Court goes against public opinion in rulings on abortion, guns.” I didn’t so much find it, it found me on my cell phone’s pushed news stories.

There is very little truth held within the article because every point is based in fantasy. That should not be surprising, Jeff Bezo’s owns the newspaper and that guy lives in his own unhinged fantasy world.

The first fallacy one will encounter in this article is in the very first paragraph. There are two parts in this fallacy. The first is that the author believes the Supreme Court bases it’s decisions off of public opinion. In no case is that correct, they are there to interpret law and determine the Constitutionality of the law. When the Court forgets their duty to the Constitution, they end up making unsound decisions like Roe v. Wade.

The second fallacy in the first paragraph is the authors contention that the Court operates democratically. That, too, is not correct. The Judicial Branch is very subject to tyranny as history has shown. It is why the Supreme Court of the United States of America was created by the Framers as an insulated institution without regards for the will of the people (democracy) but to take the text of the Constitution as it actually reads and to compare the laws of the United States to that standard.

The third fallacy is an old fallacy. The author claims that murdering babies (he uses the term ‘abortion’) is somehow a right. Well, it’s not a right, and it is certainly nowhere in the US Constitution. The supposed right was created because the Supreme Court decided it should be a right in 1973. When they did that, they violated the separation of powers which exist between the legislature and the judiciary as well as flunked their Constitutional-reading-comprehension test.

Another fallacy is the idea that the Court is only representing Republicans. Again, the Court is there to adjudicate Constitutional challenges. The Constitution does not mention state-sanctioned baby-murder (abortion) so the right is conferred to the States by the 10th Amendment. The 2nd Amendment; however, absolutely prohibits governments from infringing upon gun rights. The New York law was unconstitutional 109 years ago and it still is today. That isn’t a republican thing, it’s a Constitution thing.

Democrats are going to try to use their unjustified anger to sway the polls in November 2022 and in 2024:

“The shift has created what Democrats view as a political opportunity — to use the court’s recent rulings, particularly around abortion, to mobilize voters in the fall. The entire Democratic establishment, including the White House and Congress, has united around the strategy, making anger at the court’s ruling one of the few clear pitches that the party is deploying for the midterm elections.”

They are uniting around the idea that ritualistic child sacrifice is something which should be done everywhere in the United States. This passage shows a complete disregard for human life, how little democrat platforms reflect anything resembling either common sense or morality, and reflects the democrat idea that anything they want to do is not able to be contradicted by anything, including the Constitution.

Then superstar-criminal Eric Holder is featured in Scherer’s article. Eric Holder, who should be rotting in a federal prison cell, made a statement that the Supreme Court is only representing “‘the interests of an extreme, minority faction.’” Holder, as has everyone else in this article, thinks that the Supreme Court should base all of it’s decisions on polls. The American people think that ______ insert topic and rule the way we want you to. That’s not the way the Judicial Branch works in the United States. If these people feel so strongly about the Courts being directly tied to illegitimate polls, they could easily hop the pond and make themselves comfortable somewhere else.

This author really sought out to write a piece that is an echo chamber of his own beliefs. Now, this article is being pushed as news, not an opinion piece. Not only did Scherer include Holder in this conformation-bias orgy, he included Maya Sen, public policy at Harvard to tell us that polls and rulings are not aligned; John Anzalone, a Biden pollster, to tell republicans that we can’t defend our positions; Erwin Chemerinski, dean of Berkeley Law School, in tandem with Justice Roberts to educate us on the idea that the Court has lost legitimacy; and Barry Freidman, NYU law professor who has placed it upon himself to destroy the Constitution by declaring:

“‘One of the strongest tethers to public opinion is that Congress and the president will discipline the court in some way if it gets too far out of line. There are tools such as jurisdiction stripping, and court packing, and ever since 1937 even the threat of these has had a profound impact on the justices. But these are not credible threats given the electoral makeup of Congress.’”

Scherer and Friedman said the quiet part out loud here. Not only do these types of tyrants see the Court as the whipping boy of the other branches, they see themselves as part of a fourth estate created by their fantastical world view which shapes other people’s world view. Any objection or refutation to their world view deserves punishment. These two knuckleheads also pointed out that their real goal is to change the composition of Congress in order to radically change the way the US government operates. For now, these two psychopathic Marxists are going to have to settle for trying to radicalize their audiences.

It is important to understand where these types of attacks are coming from. It makes it super simple to look at these people and just plainly state that they are wrong. Murdering babies in the womb is wrong. It is also wrong to deprive citizens of their right to defend themselves. It is wrong to think that polls should determine Court cases.

In ancient Greece the people used to get a black stone and a white stone. A person’s life was on the line. If a hundred voters cast 51 black stones and 49 white stones, the person was executed. That is what democracy is. All of the entities in this article, including Scherer himself, are holding black stones waiting for anyone who disagrees with them to be put on trial. But, they are impatient, so they try to get mobs to go murder people on their behalf.

Scherer’s article really serves as a biased attempt to pass off opinion as legitimate news. Throughout the piece, Scherer intentionally tries to further delude his readers into thinking that polls control SCOTUS decisions while at the same time demanding that republicans be held accountable. Given the predilection of violence coming from the democrat, beware, all you beautiful non-democrats.


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