CNN is a Terrorist Organization

CNN is a Terrorist Organization

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/27/2022

I searched for abortion protests and came up with a CNN piece titled Protesters voice their fury as Roe v. Wade reversal prompts abortion bans in some states. In this article there is a link which takes the user to a site which shows all of the planned protests across the United States.

For instance, today, June 27, 2022, there will be 16 planned protests. These protests are going to happen in Santee, CA, Denver, CO, Wichita, KS, Benton, AR, Tyler, TX, Grand Forks, ND, Chisholm, MN, Arlington Heights, IL, Rock Island, IL, Bucyrus, OH, Midland, MI, Auburn, AL, Orlando, FL, Hingham, MA, Greensboro, NC, and Toms River, NJ. There are 7 scheduled for Wednesday, 14 on Thursday, and 2 already scheduled for Friday. All of these are in-person; however, there are also ‘virtual’ protests which will be nothing more than a bunch of irrational, pissed-off women griping about how they can no longer murder their children.

What I have a problem with, though, is in the picture to the left of this article. If you go to the site and look up an event to RSVP, all of them which I clicked on (over a dozen) has the logo, in the upper left-hand corner, which reads “Summer of RAGE.”

If only I thought that their ‘Summer of RAGE’ would be limited to women who think they had a right taken away from them. First off, no one has the right to murder another – even if the victim is given some super-cool scientific name like zygote, or embryo, or fetus. Secondly, the Summer of RAGE that CNN is endorsing will become increasingly violent and morph into some brand new issue. Look at the resulting murder, riots, rapes, and arson which occurred when a junkie died from an overdose while in police custody in 2020. In case, you are wondering – I sure did call George Floyd a junkie.

CNN is provoking violence once again. From the looks of the map which CNN links to, the violence is going to be planned. That makes them a terrorist organization because violence has already been precipitated in the interim between the ‘leak’ of the Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision and the official ruling. Any assault, any property damage, any murder, rape, or robbery which occurs at any of these events, makes CNN culpable for terrorist activities.

I mean terrorism – they are helping baby murderers, some with violent tendencies, to gather in order to effect political change. If you, reader, happens to agree with the position taken by CNN, well, don’t act in violence, otherwise I’ll think you are a terrorist too.

Apparently the slogan, Summer of RAGE, comes from a violent feminazi group called Jane’s Revenge. They passively suggest that murder and mayhem is an acceptable tactic to gain the ‘fruits’ of their goals. They, like CNN, are terrorists. “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you,” is their warning message. If they cannot murder babies, they will murder those opposing their baby-murdering ways until they can murder babies again. Anyone affiliated with this group (CNN?) should be immediately arrested for terrorist threats, vandalism, and quite possibly arson. On June 25, 2022, the Jane’s Revenge website posted a picture with the above quote spray painted on someone’s porch, and an anarchy symbol, and a message thinly veiling their murderous intent:

“And for the allies of ours who doubt the authenticity of the communiqués and actions: there is a way you can get irrefutable proof that these actions are real. Go do one of your own. You are already one of us. Everyone with the urge to paint, to burn, to cut, to jam: now is the time. Go forth and manifest the things you wish to see. Stay safe, and practice your cursive. – Jane’s Revenge.

They are talking like they are the Vichy French. They are making a call to action to commit crimes – vandalism, arson, assault, murder, and kidnap those they see as preventing their murderous activities. Doing any of these things as a way to get to a political outcome is terrorism. Jane’s Revenge is a terrorist organization.

There have already been terrorist acts since the 24th of June, the day America stopped sanctioning child sacrifice. “Extremists are expected to launch violent attacks “for weeks” in response to the Supreme Court’s abortion ruling — with politicians and judges among the most likely targets, the Department of Homeland Security warned Friday.” – NY Post. Per the CNN article, on June 24th ‘protesters’ attempted to breach the Arizona capitol building by pounding on the windows. 75 baby murdering idiots got together in Eugene, Oregon and 10 were arrested, some threw rocks and smoke bombs at police. 25 were arrested in New York City. In Los Angeles several people were arrested and one of them was charged with attempted murder of a police officer for throwing a ‘firework.’

In Washington DC protesters chanted “‘We won't go back! We won't go back!" pro-abortion-rights demonstrators chanted. "My body, my choice!’” Many of the protest which have been scheduled are titled ‘We won’t go back.’ Back to what? Having children? Maybe go read the Bible and understand what children are? At least 2 were arrested in DC.

Across the nation, many have been arrested. Patagonia sees the need to bail out of jail those committing violent acts to get baby murder reinstated across the country. Multiple other companies have already stated their intentions to pay to send pregnant women to ‘abortion sanctuary states.’ Some of these include Airbnb, Amazon, Amalgamated Banks, Apple, Bumble, Citigroup, Chobani, Dick’s, Disney, DoorDash, Goldman Sachs, Hims and Hers, Interpublic Group, JP Morgan Chase, Levi Strauss, Lyft, Match Group, Microsoft, Netflix, Patagonia, Power Home Remodeling, Reddit, Salesforce, Starbucks, Tesla, United Talent Agency, Yelp and Zillow. More are likely to follow.

I make two calls for action – one is to end all interaction between yourself and these companies. The other is to demand the FBI investigate CNN for terrorist activity. While you are on the phone, demand the FBI investigate Jane’s Revenge, which CNN is literally promoting.


Stop Emotional AI


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