Mainstream Hitmen

Mainstream Hitmen

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/26/2023

There was a really popular radio host who was on air for decades named Rush Limbaugh. Unfortunately he passed away in 2021. He was very fond of using a term he coined to describe mainstream news outlets – “the drive-by media” – and he was absolutely correct. The only real difference from when he coined that term until now is the scope of their lying and the narrative they are pushing. If Rush was still here and he focused only on the drive-by media’s lies, he would need 18 hours on air to get to all of the articles. Not only would he need those 18 hours toe slow down the MAC-10 fired .45 and 9mm rounds, he would need to be trying to slow down printed tactical nuclear bombs.

An article published by MSNBC Saturday evening, was about the Environmental Protection Agency deciding to “pause” their clean-up efforts in East Palestine, Ohio. The reason the EPA is doing this is twofold. One is they are claiming that the disposal sites will not accept anymore. The other is because the EPA wants to take as much control of the situation, 3 weeks after it occurred, and will approve any future route the waste will take to a disposal site. The EPA’s website confirms this.

If the article stopped here it would be somewhat okay. Outstanding questions would be are the sites really full? Why is the EPA suddenly assuming control over the disaster so late in the game? But it doesn’t stop there. MSNBC must have made a hefty profit from the PR they gave the EPA. They briefly describe the accident followed by absolving the EPA of any responsibility for the dioxin bomb created by burning the waste. They claim the EPA approved of the burn after the fact. They used the language ‘controlled’ burn meaning that those who set fire to vinyl chloride knew that it would produce massive amounts of dioxin and the EPA also approved of that as well.

Then MSNBC makes the claim that EPA air tests and state of Ohio water tests have resulted in ‘safe’ levels of pollutants. The air is safe to breathe and the water is safe to drink they are claiming and MSNBC is spewing that out. The thing is, no one is actually testing for anything in particular. The EPA is only testing the air for volatile organic compounds, not dioxin. The water samples are guilty of the same lie. It is not until the final sentence that anyone with concerns is addressed. To set that sentence up, MSNBC decided to include a phrase – “Despite those assurances and a bevy of news conferences and visits from politicians,” – to paint East Palestine residents as non-compliant, hard-headed, and not accepting of ‘expert’ opinions. The second fragment reads, “many residents still express a sense of mistrust or have lingering questions about what they have been exposed to and how it will impact the future of their families and their communities.”

There is not even a suggestion that any of the people affected will be getting any answers. Just like the 9/11 dust inhalation victims, the EPA and state of Ohio and Norfolk Southern are going to tell these people that everything is just hunky-dory until people start dropping like the birds which died. When it’s not okay in six months or a year, maybe two, all of those responsible will throw their hands up in the air and claim there is nothing they could have done and definitely nothing they can do when the humans start dying off. MSNBC has proven to be not only complicit in this American Chernobyl, but has acted as a willing accomplice. They are helping to murder us.

In CNN today an article demanding that those talking about 15-minute cities be declared consiracy theorists was published. Laura Paddison, author of How ‘15-minute cities’ turned into an international conspiracy theory, is legitimately a terrorist every bit as much as Osama bin Laden was – the only difference is that Laura doesn’t make bombs and shoot guns, she lies and lies and triples down on those lies in the hopes that we will all kill ourselves. She makes the claim that 15-minute cities are not real while confirming that plans for 15-minute cities are extremely real. She starts off by demanding that the reader feel sorry for Duncan Enright who claims he has received death threats.

Duncan Enright is the architect of Oxford, UK’s 15 minute city. Paddison reports the lies Enright spewed gleefully stating that he didn’t develop a plan to make Oxford a 15 minute city but is trying to make a “traffic filtering” plan to reduce congestion. Padison’s complaints are that residents in Oxford are not the ones making a stink and that Enright’s plan has nothing to do with the actual 15-minute city plan in Oxford. First off, maybe I would like to visit Oxford at some future date and don’t want it to be a complete liberal crap-hole. Second, there is an Oxford 2040 plan which lists 15 minute cities at the top of a list including climate change and reducing inequalities as the priorities.

That doesn’t mean that Enright is off the hook. He deserves every nasty comment he gets and so does the city council (although advocating for death without due process should be avoided). Enright (and Paddison for her espousal of Enright’s plan) deserve a trial for treason against the United Kingdom by deciding to commit espionage for global government agencies. The Oxford city council made a big to-do about the ‘threats’ Enright received and here is why he is absolutely deserving of virtually every single one:

“If a vehicle passes through the filter at certain times of the day, the camera will read the number plate and (if you do not have an exemption or a residents’ permit) you will receive a fine in the post.  

“Buses and taxis will be able to pass through the traffic filters freely at all times, people can walk or cycle through them at all times, and there will be exemptions and permits for blue badge holders, emergency services, health workers and both professional and non-professional care workers. People receiving frequent hospital treatments will also be eligible to drive through the filters.

“Oxford residents (and residents of some surrounding villages) will be able to apply for a permit to drive through the filters on up to 100 days a year. Residents living in the rest of Oxfordshire will be able to apply for a permit to drive through the filter on up to 25 days a year.”

To even suggest that Enright’s plan will not be rolled into the overall 15 minute city plan is ridiculous. Enright is setting out the enforcement mechanism of 15 minute cities. Paddison knows this. Enright knows this. Crying boo-hoo woe is me on their part makes me ill. Enright should go find a hole to crawl into for his ‘plan’ and Paddison can go join him for calling anyone a conspiracy theorist.

Paddison, knowing that anyone who reads or watches CNN and believes it has an IQ lower than the IQ of a baby carrot, writes about 15 minute cities in various stages of planning and implementation in Paris, Melbourne, Ottawa, Portland, and O’Fallon, Illinois (St. Claire County across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, MO). Along the Seine in Paris and in Barcelona, as well as in other municipalities there already exist car-free zones. Paddison writes all of this in her article as well as, “Pandemic lockdowns helped boost the popularity of the concept, as people, confined to their neighborhoods, were forced to reevaluate their local area.”

Having destroyed her own case, she continues on by just deciding that 15 minute cities are a conspiracy theory. She blames the oil industry, the World Economic Forum (where there are plenty of videos and articles proclaiming how great 15 minute cities are), Q-Anon, anti-vaxxers, Fox News, and climate ‘deniers’. She seems to be telling the WEF to be quiet about their plans while at the same time stating, “Ordinary people were swept along, too. The pandemic left millions with genuine trauma and real concerns about government overreach, King [“Jennie King, head of Climate Research and Policy at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a think tank focused on disinformation and extremism”] said. “And that has been weaponized by a vast ecosystem of bad actors.” The only thing being weaponized is the law against free speech and Enright, Paddison, and a psychotic Jennie King couldn’t be happier. Shut up or die they are telling hundreds of millions of people.

The article finishes up by just labeling everything which doesn’t come from an expert as disinformation. Paddison notes that this ‘disinformation’ has already resulted in a massive protest in Oxford demanding that 15 minute cities not be made a reality. And psychotic Jennie King wasn’t done giving her psychotic journalistic terrorist friend, and fellow psychopath, Paddison quotes for her article:

“But this successful spinning of a huge conspiracy theory, by miscasting the intentions of 15-minute cities, has worrying long term implications for climate action, King said.”

“Governments, both local and national, may find it very hard to implement any policies that even touch on the climate crisis, she warned. “They are the most vulnerable at the moment to this enormous surge of hostility and public mobilization.””

So what is this? Jennie admits to the fact that people are starting to take action against asinine, costly, and useless climate-change mitigation efforts directed by global government entities? Call me a climate ‘denier’ (it does change it’s just not electricity production, soccer moms driving SUVs, and chainsaws doing it) but there is no climate ‘crises’. The crises lies in the proposed and already implemented mitigation efforts because without carbon dioxide there is no plant life and everything on earth dies. These people – all of them associated with supporting this article – want to murder everyone on earth.

Charles P. Pierce, another favorite of mine, has never bothered to crack open a copy of the Constitution of the United States of America let alone a copy of The Federalist Papers. He published an article in Esquire demanding that any nullification of a Supreme Court ruling be forever forgotten as a viable option in any state. A recent case, Cruz v Arizona, was decided 5-4 against Arizona basically nullifying a Supreme Court ruling demanding juries trying persons charged with capitol crimes be advised about whether or not they will ever be released from prison if they are not given a death penalty.

Cruz, in this case, was convicted and sentenced to death for executing a police officer in Tuscon in 2003. Why he is even still alive to have Supreme Court hearings is beyond me. Nonetheless, on February 22, 2023 the Supreme Court issued their opinions. They ordered Cruz to have a new sentencing trial because the state of Arizona decided that the Supreme Court’s decision in previous rulings did not need to be followed. In essence, Arizona was nullifying Supreme Court precedent – something Pierce hates because he has never understood the idea of separation of powers nor the merits of the death penalty.

Pierce was flipping out throughout the article he wrote because four Supreme Court justices correctly identified that they had no jurisdiction over the Arizona case at all. The four dissenting Justices, led by Barrett, and joined by Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch noted this, “So if an independent state ground of decision is adequate to sustain the judgment, we lack jurisdiction over the entire dispute. Anything we said about alternative federal grounds would not affect the ultimate resolution of the case and would therefore be advisory.”

Ah yes, the idea that states can manage internal affairs internally versus the star chamber of nine at the federal level. Article III, Section 2 lays this out pretty well and to me, the case should not have even been heard. The first paragraph under this section of the US Constitution reads:

“The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--to controversies between two or more states;--between a state and citizens of another state;--between citizens of different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects.”

Coincidentally, the Eleventh Amendment abrogates the linked portion in the passage above, making the Eleventh Amendment null and void itself. It reads, “The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state,” and has no bearing whatsoever on the Cruz case. I just find it odd that US citizens don’t demand that the Constitution be used as it was written and ratified. Anything going against the text of the Constitution is by default null and void.

Cruz has absolutely no standing here. He has no claim against anything other than the state of Arizona. In order to get the case heard, Cruz had to make up another legal fallacy which doesn’t exist in the Constitution. The law is not what the Supreme Court makes – they determine cases based on the laws existing at the time the cases were heard. Even hearing Cruz v Arizona was unconstitutional because the changes in proceedings are not law, they are Supreme Court rulings. There is no provision for the federal court system to become involved in this case in any other manner – citizens of states cannot take their state to the federal level unless there is discrepancy between the state’s rendering of justice and the laws of the United States.

This is what Pierce is so angry about. Imagine if nullification started actually being used. Imagine if states came to their senses and told the IRS they were not going to collect taxes through direct taxation of labor occurring in their state. Imagine if the states told the federal government it would follow the Constitutional allotment of members it could send to the House of Representatives (South Dakota would go from 1 to 30, Wyoming would go from 1 to 20, and California would go from 52 to 1,318!). Imagine if state legislatures decided to nullify the entirely unconstitutional Seventeenth Amendment and have the state legislature vote on who to send to the US Senate and gave themselves representation once again. Nullification could lead to some really crazy things like following the Constitution.

For anyone wanting to start braying about slavery being re-instituted if nullification happened, the Constitution is explicit on the issue. And before it is even mentioned, no, Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 will not be applied. It reads:

“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.”

First, slaves were slaves and had nothing to do with race. Second, this was done so slave states would not end up with a huge number of slaves making it impossible to ever end the practice. If slaves were counted as one, the south would have had a disproportionate number of House members in the federal government and voted in a bloc to enshrine and expand slavery at every opportunity. Article I Section 9 Clause 1 and Clause 4 were forbidden from being amended prior to 1808. They read:

“The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.”

“No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.”

In 1789 that $10 would have been equal to $340 and in 1808 equal to $237 in today’s currency. $10 was a substantial sum when the Constitution was written. It was included to dissuade the continuance of the slave trade. The 1808 date was established to allow the slave trading states to pay off their debts, mostly to England, and not have a need for using slave labor. The idea didn’t work as Southern democrats grew fat and lazy off of others toils and labors (if this sounds like a rudimentary form of socialism – it is). The slave trading states were also given a tax break in order for them to facilitate paying off their debts owed to foreign interests. Again, this didn’t happen. The south still ended up being over represented and then Lincoln came to power which disrupted the south’s entire socialist game so they decided to withdraw from the US. We didn’t need to go to war – the north could have just watched the south wither away under it’s own stupidity in a US version of East Germany and West Germany 120 years before the Stazi scattered like the cockroaches they were.

All of these news stories require more research at best. The omitted details and facts is why there is so much distrust in media outlets and ‘experts’. While this distrust is warranted it isn’t healthy because people need reliable truthful information to make informed decisions. Some of those decisions could needlessly cost our lives. Others could get us even more at each other’s throats because there is the drive-by media narrative and then there is the truth which that narrative no longer even pretends exists. This gets really dangerous when people like Pierce get a hold of a subject they don’t want to fully discuss and decide to reaffirm a wholly inaccurate version of history giving these liars a false historical precedent to rely on.

This is why there are so many idiots out there demanding they have a right to be free from God and anyone who talks about Him. These same people claim that the US Constitution was not drafted upon Biblical precepts. They refuse to demand government accountability for disastrous mistakes and crimes against humanity because they hold government inviolable while they hold God in contempt. They have taken to labeling those of us questioning and refuting their nonsensical world vies as hatemongers, mentally ill, and terrorists. The people pushing against the truth are of one thought – kill, physically kill, whatever stands in the way of their truth. Their truth is rooted firmly in lies, deceit, and was instigated by the Adversary. Their intent is to drag everyone into their demonic possession along with them. Yes, they want all of us dead and they want to lead us to make decisions to kill ourselves – why else would they lie all of the time?

If we want truth we need to read our Bible and turn our face towards God. Everything else is lies.

Bless God and God bless.


Arizona Messed Up Bad


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