An Institutional Example of the Mental Illness of Progressivism

An Institutional Example of the Mental Illness of Progressivism

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/10/2023

Progress is not really progress anymore. Progressivism as a movement has never been about progress. After having approached instituting a government in-line with the way G-d directed human beings to live, progress has been credited with dragging the nation back into the morass from which it rose from. Progressives will not be satisfied with their efforts until every man, woman, and child is forced into progressive versions of absolute bondage or we are all dead. Of course, progressives are liars and either won’t, don’t, or can’t recognize the mental, spiritual, and physical slave camps they have designed. Everything progressives do is all in the name of ‘for the common good.’ If we succumb to that demonic motto progressive’s everywhere champion they will have a huge hand in murdering 95% of humanity and enslaving the remainder.

Progressivism is slower moving than other ideologies seeking the same ends. At their core, progressives are Marxists who have written the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto on their hearts and discarded everything else. They don’t read 1984 and Brave New World as works of fiction. They don’t even see the dangers to humanity in those works. They have used them as operational manuals.

Their original intent was to ‘fix’ society as the US transitioned from an agricultural to a manufacturing nation. Progressives decided Marx was right and immediately began implementing Marxist social policies. The progressives occupying the White House including Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and several others have set the US on a course it is still on – the course of collapse from within. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are overwhelmingly degenerate precisely due to them staying the course of the purposeful collapse of the United States. All of these monsters have seen the United States as nothing more than a land to be ruled over by edict by internationalists and global elites for the common good. They see themselves as the mouthpieces to issue the global government’s edicts.

If you read the Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible) you’ll see the seeds of many important provisions of the US Constitution in it. Qualification of presidents, the entire legal system, and the Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments are in the Torah for example. Promises of destruction due to the king are also included in the Torah. But, there is an even more overwhelmingly important lesson to be taken out of the Torah and applied to our lives today. This lesson is the ultimate target of progressives because without the lesson all hope of getting closer to G-d is lost and progressives are able to gain additional ground to destroy humanity.

The lesson is simple. Follow G-d and be blessed. Don’t follow G-d and destruction is sure to come. What are G-d’s ways? G-d’s ways are follow the Torah and look upon salvation in the Messiah. Progressives though have no use for that though. They favor abandoning G-d and His ways by claiming that obedience to G-d is slavery and that to be free we all need to allow ourselves to be put into the bondage of progressivism. Their bondage is separation from G-d on this earth. All progressive thought spawns from the intention to destroy the ability for any human being to know G-d. As long as freedom does not find it’s roots in G-d’s teachings progressives will endorse it. It is a recipe for utter destruction. Isaiah 1:2-20 doesn’t mince words about the nature of progressivism and their destructive intentions:

2 “Hear, heaven! Listen, earth! For Adonai is speaking.

I raised and brought up children, but they rebelled against me. 3 An ox knows its owner and a donkey its master’s stall, but Isra’el does not know, my people do not reflect.

4 “Oh, sinful nation, a people weighed down by iniquity, descendants of evildoers, immoral children! They have abandoned Adonai, spurned the Holy One of Isra’el, turned their backs on him!

5 “Where should I strike you next, as you persist in rebelling? The whole head is sick, the whole heart diseased. 6 From the sole of the foot to the head there is nothing healthy, only wounds, bruises and festering sores that haven’t been dressed or bandaged or softened up with oil.

7 “Your land is desolate, your cities are burned to the ground; foreigners devour your land in your presence; it’s as desolate as if overwhelmed by floods. 8 The daughter of Tziyon is left like a shack in a vineyard, like a shed in a cucumber field, like a city under siege.”

9 If Adonai-Tzva’ot had not left us a tiny, tiny remnant, we would have become like S’dom, we would have resembled ‘Amora. 10 Hear what Adonai says, you rulers of S’dom! Listen to God’s Torah, you people of ‘Amora!

11 “Why are all those sacrifices offered to me?” asks Adonai. “I’m fed up with burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened animals! I get no pleasure from the blood of bulls, lambs and goats! 12 Yes, you come to appear in my presence; but who asked you to do this, to trample through my courtyards? 13 Stop bringing worthless grain offerings! They are like disgusting incense to me! Rosh-Hodesh, Shabbat, calling convocations — I can’t stand evil together with your assemblies! 14 Everything in me hates your Rosh-Hodesh and your festivals; they are a burden to me — I’m tired of putting up with them!

15 “When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you; no matter how much you pray, I won’t be listening; because your hands are covered with blood.

16 “Wash yourselves clean! Get your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing evil, 17 learn to do good! Seek justice, relieve the oppressed, defend orphans, plead for the widow.

18 “Come now,” says Adonai, “let’s talk this over together. Even if your sins are like scarlet, they will be white as snow; even if they are red as crimson, they will be like wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land; 20 but if you refuse and rebel, you will be eaten by the sword”; for the mouth of Adonai has spoken.

It is hard to miss the lesson being taught here. Straying from G-d leads to destruction. These particular verses also include the G-d’s disgust at unclean sacrifices offered to Him by wicked men, portend the coming of Yeshua HaMashiach, and reinforce G-d’s desire for us to be obedient to Him.

As one example of how much progressives hold G-d in contempt, verse 17 includes a call to action. Seeking justice here means uphold the teachings of G-d in the Torah. Progressives, having created a parallel justice system based on perversion and debauchery, demand that their version of justice is what must be done. Unfortunately their version of justice has been increasingly adopted. Relieving the oppressed is currently being stood on it’s head in modern Israel. Israel, surrounded by hoards of idol-worshiping reprobates who want to murder every Jew in the nation, have oppressed the nation of Israel as well as the Jewish people who were not taken captive almost 2,000 years ago. Who are the oppressed? I will argue unceasingly that it is not the Palestinian but the Israeli. Progressivism has created hundreds of millions of orphans – a far cry from defending them. Children, orphans included, need to be defended from progressivism in particular. Instead of pleading for widows, progressives demand that inheritances be gotten rid of altogether.

Their goal is to make human beings, an actual triune being comprising the physical body, the intellect, and the spirit, into a binary being missing the spirit. This is not how G-d created us. Progressives can attack the body and they do. Progressives can attack our intellect and they do. But, if we retain our spirit and our spirit is pointed to G-d, they can destroy the body and the intellect with no effect. A rather popular passage in the Bible includes this concept and does not mince words. Ephesians 6 reads:

10 Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with his mighty strength! 11 Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary. 12 For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. 13 So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing. 14 Therefore, stand! Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist,[b] put on righteousness for a breastplate,[c] 15 and wear on your feet the readiness that comes from the Good News of shalom.[d] 16 Always carry the shield of trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One. 17 And take the helmet of deliverance;[e] along with the sword given by the Spirit, that is, the Word of God; 18 as you pray at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests, in the Spirit, vigilantly and persistently, for all God’s people.

What I have titled mental illness is really a spiritual sickness caused by delusion. Progressives have willingly committed themselves to denying the existence of G-d as He is described in the Bible. They do this to prove themselves right. They take the Word pronounced by G-d and use it to justify their own delusions of what justice is, who is oppressed, what defense is, and what to plead for.

Now that I feel an adequate explanation of what the seeds of progressivism will grow has been provided, let’s look at some of the fruits of these degenerates. Don’t let the name fool you, The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) is a terrorist front group in reality. If you happen to be a non-white race-based terrorist who gets caught up with the US legal system, this is the institution you go to to seek relief. According to NGO Monitor, CCR is, “A “non-profit legal and educational organization committed to the creative use of law as a positive force for social change.” Claims to use “litigation proactively to advance the law in a positive direction…to guarantee the rights of those with the fewest protections and least access to legal resources, to train the next generation of constitutional and human rights attorneys, and to strengthen the broader movement for constitutional and human rights.””

In my words CCR is an institution filled with some of the most hateful racists, Marxists, and degenerates on earth. Far from attempting to secure constitutional rights for those constitutional rights apply to, they seek to destroy the G-d given rights recognized by the US Constitution and replace them with a man-made set of ethics called human rights. I have written an entire paper about why the distinction between morals and ethics is important. The paper I wrote boils down to the fact that morals are from G-d and not subject to change while ethics, including human rights, are man-made and change based on the whims of men. Tyrants love ethics and hate morals. Progressives are not only tyrants, their unbounded demands for ethics over morals is the cornerstone of their entire ideology.

Some of the wonderful ‘accomplishments’ of CCR include freeing people from Guantanamo Bay by applying the US Constitution to the detainees. The precedent this sets is not a positive one whether one happens to be on the side of detaining these people or not. The precedent CCR helped set is that when the US military detains people who are suspected of activities related to causing the death and destruction of US military personnel, the perpetrators of those acts are afforded US legal protections even if they are not US citizens. CCR’s legal argument is ridiculous on its face but these people are not interested in justice or reading laws for what they were intended to prevent. They are interested in perverting justice so that we call good that which is evil and what is evil, good. Non US citizens are not afforded the protections of the US Constitution.

Now that some of the provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act which allowed the detention of non US citizens to take place has been turned around to target US citizens, the CCR is completely silent. They helped set a precedent which glorifies foreigners involved with the legal system, most of them violent criminal elements of international terrorist organizations, while at the same time demanding that US citizens don’t have those protections from their own government. Instead of standing up for the injustices suffered by those protesting on January 6, the CCR has taken up cause with the way Black Lives Matter protesters were treated by police officers as the BLM mob raped, murdered, assaulted, looted, robbed, and lynched its way through the towns and cities these riots occurred in. These facts combine to clearly display the intentions of the CCR – destroy the national sovereignty of the United States through waging lawfare.

The United States is not the only nation the CCR wants to destroy. According to NGO Monitor’s well documented article about CCR – through funding sources including George Soros’ Open Society and Ford Foundation (informing us of what these funding groups are all about) the CCR has aimed it’s efforts at Israel with an unjustified ferocity which appears to rationally thinking people as lunacy. They have whole-heartedly taken up the cause of the BDS movement (Boycotting, Divesting, and Sanctioning Israel), echoed claims that US police brutality is because of the existence of Jews in the United States, and sees no legitimate reason why the state of Israel should be allowed to exist. Like they did with the murderers detained at Guantanamo Bay, CCR is actively seeking to allow the Jew-murderers in Palestinian territories the same rights as Israel citizens enjoy.

The CCR absolutely loves internationalism as their progenitor, Karl Marx demanded. The CCR routinely petitions the illegal, unjust, and illegitimate International Criminal Court to seek the end of Israel. Claiming Israel commits war crimes against Palestinians is how they seek to achieve this. They seek the end any and all aid from the United States to Israel while they remain silent about what Palestinian leadership does with any ‘aid’ coming it’s way because they support weapons systems being in the hands of murderous terrorists. One of CCR tactics is to radicalize college campuses which seems to be working as displayed by the anti-humans in charge of Harvard, Pitt, and MIT recently in Congressional testimony. The sub-human debris which comprises the ‘leadership’ of CCR is a wide-raging assay of the garbage which progressive ideologists admire. While their ‘expertise’ may be wide ranging they have one single goal – destroy any nation state that exercises even a shred of self-directed sovereignty in contradiction to whatever their ethics dictate is ‘right’ in their eyes.

It should be noted that I have a dedicated bias against CCR and their claims of Palestinian oppression by Israel. Hamas, the PLO, and the rest of the terrorist networks sponsored by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iran (for starters) are the oppressors of the Palestinians. Palestine has never, for one second, existed as a state entity and it never will. The land mass has been included in the realms of brutal occupying forces in the past such as the Roman and the Ottoman empires both of which subjected Jews to alien G-d’s and perpetrated murder, rape, and robbery campaigns against them. Modern Israel is not an oppressor state and has a fundamental right to exist. Any claims of an indigenous population to the lands of Israel belong to the Jewish people not the remnant of the bygone brutal dictatorships of the past. On top of all of that, the Islamic faith encourages it’s adherents to lie straight through their teeth to anyone they please as long as the recipient of the lie is not one who believes exactly as they do.

Progressive groups such as CCR and Moslems have the same common goal which is why they get along so well together. They will lie just like Tucker Carlson explained several weeks ago. A boy who eats a dozen cookies they shouldn’t have may admit to having eaten one or two after some questioning. These people will look you dead in the eye, the crumbs of the dozen cookies they ate dropping from their lips, and tell you that you ate the cookies. Islam exists to devour people who reject the lunacy taught by Mohammad, and CCR supports that effort fully. While the ‘leaders’ of the various representative groups, (ahem terrorist organizations), of the so-called Palestinian people demand that Israel be recognized as committing a genocide, these same people have written down declarations of their desires to murder every Jew on the planet. This is what Islam is and this is what the CCR would like, too.

The latest splash The Center for Constitutional Rights made was a legal effort to promote the bloodlust Palestine and Islam have for Jewish blood in particular. CCR released Building the Case for US Complicity on December 6 in an effort to undermine the legitimacy of the United States and to destroy the state of Israel and, thus, the Jews living there. They filed a federal lawsuit against Joe Biden and several of his cabinet members alleging the US government is aiding and abetting Israel in committing war crimes violating US and international law. It strikes me as odd that they would file a suit in federal court to attempt to prosecute international crimes but, nothing they do makes any sense so this would be par for the course I suppose. The specific charges made by the CCR, on the behalf of two Palestinian terrorist organizations (they used the term Palestinian human rights organizations) and eight Gazan’s or people with family in Gaza, include giving Israel aid, not setting the rules for Israel’s military operation in Gaza, and not constraining Israel’s use of the weapons they possess. They have decided that Israel is committing a genocide against Palestinians (who do not comprise an ethnicity, nation, nor race) despite overwhelming evidence they are doing no such thing and that the US is helping them do so. With Ford Foundation, Open Society, and Tides Foundation money (along with other donors) CCR is waging a war against the literal survival of the Jewish people as a whole.

Without the Jews there is no Torah. Without Torah we cannot know what our sins are. We cannot know why Yeshua is credited with being a perfect without Torah. We cannot have morality at all as a matter of fact because the Torah is where morality comes from – the lips of G-d. If Torah is destroyed and the people living by it are murdered, ethics will be necessary to fill the void. Most Christian sects, all of Islam, and progressives are united in this mission of replacing G-d’s morals with the ethics of their belief systems.

Honestly, it kind of makes me laugh because one, it will not happen that way and two, the people vying for the destruction of the Torah and the people who follow it are so stupid they think that the same will not befall them. If the Jews were eliminated and the Torah was completely abandoned, immediately after progressive ideologies would give way to the bloodlust Moslems and Christians have for anyone they disagree with. Progressive ideological ethics will be bent to conform to Islam’s or Christianity's version of ethics. The Moslems and Christians would fight a very bloody war to establish global supremacy. During the course of this war, any ethics they once held to be true would be found insufficient to arrest the violence on earth. Meanwhile, the global entities would call for peace while handing arms to both sides of the conflict so that both will be weakened to the point that the satanists in the global elite cabal would be able to step in and demand their ethics be followed.

The CCR is advocating for it’s own destruction. The claimed descendants of Ishmael, the spawn of a man described by G-d Himself as being, “a wild donkey of a man, with his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, living his life at odds with all his kinsmen.” (Genesis 16:12) is what progressives gravitate towards. It has to be asked; because the followers of Mohammad could not, would not, and did not verify the authorship of the Bible and thus created yet another religion running afoul of G-d’s ways, what makes these progressives think that they will survive the lies these donkeys snort and repeat? Nor do these Mohammad follows bother to test the spirits they were dealing with – in-line with the teachings of Mohammad to only follow his teachings. Progressive ideologies stress the importance of the same feature – ideological lockstep where straying even one thirty-second of an inch from ‘orthodoxy’ will have one thrown out from the group, demonized, and possibly murdered. This is called group-think and hive-mind and it is what cults actually operate on at their foundational level.

If you won’t follow the Torah, no one is going to murder you. If you won’t follow the Torah, you will not be targeted with BDS. If you won’t recognize that morality is defined in the Torah you will not be thrown off of a rooftop, set on fire, or stoned to death in the streets. Progressives and Moslems do those things. If you start following the Torah and then decide to stop following it, you will be cut off from the people who do follow the Torah so that they will not be defiled because of you. That is the worst that will happen and, in today’s world, that doesn’t represent the extreme hardship it once did.

I’d love for everyone to follow the Torah and be obedient to G-d’s ways. But, people don’t and the most egregious manifestations of not following Torah are readily evident in Islam. Progressive ‘thought’ also provides an oftentimes even more egregious violation of the laws of the Torah. Many Christians ascribe to ethical norms which flagrantly violate the teachings of G-d. It won’t result in death on this earth, it will result in increased violence and decreased love. These are the features the dumpster-fire constituting progressive thought yield – increased distance from Torah resulting in decreased love and increased violence against others, animals, themselves, and the earth. Even other planets are not immune from this hatred. Yeshua HaMashiach speaks directly to this in Matthew 24:12.

Progressivism is all about destroying the teachings of G-d. Islam does this actively. Christianity does this more subtly. Progressivism is right in all of our faces demanding that we not only fall to our knees and worship this new G-d they erected, humanism and all it’s offshoots, but that we celebrate it. Is that what G-d told any of us to do? No, it certainly is not. Progressives seek to bring an end to the teachings of G-d so that they can usher in the return of the days of the nephilim. Islam and Christianity will both step up to the plate to claim they defeated this return of the nephilim and paganize the entire world with their ethical beliefs. Islam, hating anything which even has suggestions to follow the Torah will zealously and wantonly murder any who do. That’s Christians in this case. A remnant will remain of those serving G-d as He commanded us to serve Him, not what the ethics in and of the world dictate. If progressives are successful in their efforts their fruits will be the death of all of the Jews, the criminalization of the teachings of G-d, and those events will be followed by their own deaths at the hands of those they support. This will be followed by an extermination campaign Islam will run against Bible-believing Christians at first and wider Christianity afterwards. Less passive sects of Christianity will return the favor to the Moslems.

Is this the world any of us wants? It is certainly not the world I want. Progressivism is violence against G-d. The CCR is violence against G-d which uses terror tactics intertwined with unjust and bizarre legal interpretations. Islam is dead set against the teachings of G-d. Christianity is set, by and large, against the Torah. If we want peace, we will accept the Torah, accept the teachings of G-d, recognize our sin, repent of those sins, and seek the salvation Yeshua has offered all of us. It really is that simple to start on our paths to G-d. But, doing that means that one will necessarily need to reject the ways of the world. To make that palpable, one need only look at the state of the world presently, the direction it is heading, and come to the realization that all of this is due to increased distance from Torah. I am as guilty of this as anyone else. The difference is that I have been blessed to recognize the cause for these problems and invite you to do the same.

It must be emphasized, Ephesians 6:12 says, For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. The spirits controlling these deceivers is what we need to focus on fighting. It’s time we really, actually, started doing so. A good place to start is to have the CCR designated a terrorist organization in it’s own right.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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