Q-Anon Needs to Shut Up
Q-Anon Needs to Shut Up
Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/11/2022
It’s time to say it out loud and in print – shut up Q-Anon, enough is enough. If you still follow Q-Anon, WHY? Was having Q-Anon’s cryptic messages never come true worth hanging your hat on? Are you still following Q-Anon because no one knows exactly who the group is? Are you waiting for another January 6 where Q-Anon manages to get their own followers murdered, arrested, and locked up until they speak the narrative their captors demand? How many times can you follow the plan of people you don’t know and have done nothing but been proven wrong over and over and over again?
It’s time to think for yourself. And when you do, you’ll find quickly that the plan is to neutralize resistance. The plan almost never involves action on any individuals part. The idea is you just sit tight and keep your mouth shut, WE’ve got this – its all part of the plan. I say to hell with your plan Q-Anon.
The last thing I heard coming out from Q-Anon was about two days ago on the X-22 Report. I don’t listen to it very often, but I did yesterday, just to see if they had a coherent idea. It was the same thing, Q-Anon is still getting people to follow the plan. The FBI raid of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and resort is all part of the plan according to Q-Anon. Donald Trump is still playing 500 D chess and everyone else is falling for his plan. Any trust placed in that criminal lunatic Christopher Wray (Director of the FBI) is misplaced at best; however, Q-Anon says to trust Wray anyway.
Now, to the best of my understanding, Q-Anon started off as a group of intelligence whistle-blowers with good intentions. That lasted about 15 minutes and then the intelligence agencies infiltrated it and took it over. This is an inherent problem with being anonymous. After the infiltration the messages always said just sit down and shut up, Trump is too smart for everyone and just follow the plan. Where is this damned plan, Q-Anon?
The only plan that I see is the one that has been used over and over again in multiple nations around the world since around 1916. The people who have used this plan repeatedly are found in the major intelligence agencies of the world. I’m looking at a plan that shows how a bunch of murdering Communists, called Bolsheviks, overthrew Russia, destroyed the economy, slaughtered millions of their citizens outright, and sentenced others is their nation to state-ordered slave labor. That’s the only plan I am seeing. Thus, when Q-Anon says to follow the plan, I keep asking myself what plan: how to usher the United States into being placed under the tyranny of a totalitarian dictatorship? That’s the only plan I see unfolding.
Q-Anon is basically saying everything will be okay. It’s not okay now, Q-Anon has done worse than making anything better, and it’s not going to get better unless people wake the hell up to what is happening right in front of their faces. Once awake, people need to decide to get busy working to peacefully effect positive change (a restoration of the US Constitution) and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Q-Anon wants us to be sitting on our butts doing nothing thinking someone else will take care of the mess we are in. Of course the idea is alluring everything will be okay soon and no one has to do anything to make it so.
Q-Anon isn’t going to shut up until there is no one left to listen to the idiotic recommendations they make. They will never state the truth – this republic is GONE, it no longer exists, and we are already in a civil war against a government which has deemed half of the nation as domestic terrorists. Want me to prove that quickly? In a week, Alex Jones was found guilty without a trial and ordered to pay $45 million to people with hurt feelings who were egged on by executive branch agents and represented by the judiciary; the IRS purchased 5,000 guns and $700,000 worth of ammo; Trump’s home was illegally raided; and the Build Back Better disaster was signed into law where 86,000 additional IRS agents were announced to be hired to harass and penalize any dissent from the democrat platform. All of this is along the lines of destroying any opposition to democrat rule because they are Communists at heart, hate the United States, hate the people of the United States, and seek nothing short of one-party rule forever – loyal only to the globalists running the world government.
The only thing that Q-Anon ever did that was correct is when they announced that there are huge pedophile rings operating in the upper echelons of power. Correct. Q-Anon stating that fact; however, allows the mainstream media to call that, along with everything else Q-Anon does, a conspiracy theory and dismiss it. Q-Anon actually serves the powers that be in the government and media and business very well.
So, if you are a Q-Anon follower, it’s time to seriously reconsider your allegiance to and reliance upon their cryptic ‘hints.’ The only way to make this identity-devoid operation go away is to stop paying attention to it. I really don’t think it will happen. What is more likely is that Q-Anon followers will separate themselves from the likes of me.
In my opinion and belief, there has only ever been ONE person to have ever walked the earth who has had an actual plan. That individual’s name is Jesus Christ or Yeshua HaMashiach – the Son of the Creator of the Universe, God or Adonai. Q-Anon is so far away from THIS truth that it is unbelievable.
Stop logging into 8chan or wherever it is Q-Anon posts its ‘everything is okay’ nonsense and go read your Bible. Only Adonai will grant us reprieve from what is coming.