Wins and Losses – The War On Humanity Rages On

Wins and Losses – The War On Humanity Rages On

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/18/2022

We are in a multi-front war. The fronts include the economic, health, individual liberty, kinetic, school curricula, social, legal, and political realms. The battle lines are drawn between those who place their trust in God and those who do not – all of these arenas are a manifestation of a spiritual war. There is no ‘sitting on the fence’ in this conflict. Anyone who ‘hasn’t picked a side’ – has actually already picked a side – the side of the Adversary. In my opinion, there is still a wee bit of time remaining to reevaluate those choices, but not much. Those standing on the side of God have won some battles and lost others. But the rulers of this world, doing the bidding of the Adversary, will keep coming back with more bizarre and more disgusting attacks upon humanity. Let’s briefly explore these arenas of war.

The global economy is in a bad way. Inflation has purposefully been increased due to the massive amounts of money being printed in the last five years. There are bubbles all over the place. There are central banks on the verge of defaulting. There will be a global economic collapse. While the value of our dollars have decreased due to inflation, the cost of our goods have gone through the roof. Food, gasoline, electricity, and automobiles are all far more expensive than they were just a year ago. I don’t need to tell you that – you have already witnessed it firsthand. Housing is getting really insane, even in rental markets. Yet our wages are not going up to meet these cost increases.

All of these economic issues were conducted on purpose. The main reason the globalists, who think they own every thing on earth including you, have decided to do this is to get all of us to accept the global digital currencies they are developing. Digital currencies are just one part of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Raising awareness about these globalist plots is the key to defeating it. Those understanding the lives that all of us will have to live under a regime with these sorts of economic tools designed for humanity’s destruction will at least know what is coming. Those so inclined will take steps to fight back against it.

In the health field there are really three factions. Two of those factions are aligned with one another; the baby murdering crowd and the vaccine mandate crowd. They unify around the idea of murdering and maiming the most vulnerable and brainwashed ranks of humanity. The other faction wants baby murder banned and these murder jabs removed from the market due to ineffectiveness and safety concerns.

There are a number of lawsuits over Covid-19. Two of the coronavirus-creators, Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric are being sued. V-Safe data has indicated widespread death and destruction upon people, some of whom are able to claim damages. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is suing the FDA for lying about ivermectin’s effectiveness against Covid. People who were fired from their jobs for not taking the murder jab are suing their former employers for unlawful termination. There is also an effort to charge the parties responsible for Covid with crimes against humanity at the international level.

Apparently the appropriate response to all of these lawsuits and massive resistence towards taking more death jabs has emboldened those who caused the problems in the first place. The CDC has suggested that they will be recommending mRNA shots for schoolchildren. This means that, in effect, the CDC is mandating mRNA vaccines in order for kids to attend school. Make sure to use those exemptions. In a separate spectacularly stupid and ignorant event, Boston University is claiming they have developed a coronavirus which murders 80% of those who contract it. The article notes the creators claiming that performing gain of function is not performing gain of function.

After Roe v Wade was correctly overturned and the issue of murdering babies was sent back to the states for them to decide the Satanic Temple sued the states that ban abortions. The satanists are claiming that it violates their religious practices to not be able to perform abortions. The blood of the innocent is what they are seeking. Other groups are going crazy because they claim women have the right to murder their babies as a right to healthcare.

Since Roe v Wade was overturned, over 150 attacks on churches and pro-life centers have occurred. Any arrests made in these incidents have been kept really quiet or never occurred. Baby-murder advocates using violence to promote their policy preferences is, by definition, terrorism. Meanwhile, under the FACE Act, the FBI has charged and/or arrested dozens of individuals for obstructing access to a baby murdering facility.

Individual liberty is being absolutely crushed. There are very few victories here. It seems that every time a mother or father speaks in front of a school board meeting there are 50 demands made to criminalize their actions and speech. The same is true of anyone who vigorously opposed the Covid mitigation efforts. Globalist-aligned elements cannot tolerate dissent from those who decide to act independently within the globalist’s collectivized system, so the idea is to criminalize the dissent and jail and fine the disident. In order for the Great Reset to be successfully pulled dissent is being criminalized because it is effective at thwarting the globalist’s rigid collectivist designs upon humanity. As more people become aware of the horrific future the globalists have in store for us, more dissent will inevitably arise.

Kinetic wars abound. The most pressing is the one being conducted in Ukraine between NATO and Russia. NATO shouldn’t be involved in this conflict; however, they are. The idea is to create a war which ends up going nuclear. The United States has military personnel involved in this conflict which is a direct violation of the War Powers Act. Joe Biden may be impeached because of the US military’s presence in Ukraine without Senate approval. Should impeachment of Joe Biden actually be taken seriously the reaction to the effort will be drastic.

There is an election coming up in about two weeks in the United States. Those who are voting blue seem to have absolutely no qualms about promising a civil war should the legislature flip from blue to red. Biden has already publicly announced his intention to send troops to Taiwan if China attempts to take the island nation over. There is also a threat of Russia and China invading the United States outright. How easy would it be for Russian and Chinese (or any other nation’s or terrorist group’s) scouts and special forces to cross the southern border?

Our schools are a mess. Besides the violence and degeneracy tolerated at these institutions (kindergarten through higher education) there is a real problem with the curricula being taught. These schools seem to think that it is just fine for their teachers to instruct elementary school aged children how to stuff dollar bills in drag-queens underwear. They teach these children to question their own sexuality and gender. G-string stuffing is a logical field trip in these child-abusers minds. Math is racist. English is racist. Social studies is racist. Science is, you guessed it, racist. History is also racist. Critical race theory and gender identity instruction is ruining children mentally and physically. In public, and many private, schools these two are inescapable in the classroom in many locations in the United States. As mentioned earlier, parents speaking out against these curricula are being labeled as terrorists, having to deal with CPS showing up for reports of neglect and abuse, and, in some instances, having their children removed from their home.

Socially, we are expected to fall in line with the Great Reset. I have a hard time with complying. For instance, climate change is not being caused by mankind driving gasoline-powered vehicles, farting cows, humans breathing, nor producing clean-coal electricity. It’s caused by the sun. Climate change mitigation efforts are highly hazardous to our health, financially destructive, and completely useless. There are millions of people who think much the same, including tens of thousands of scientists. The globalists cannot tolerate that sort of resistance so they plan on locking us up to shut us up.

Twitter, Facebook, PayPal, LinkedIn, Instagram, and many other social media companies are surveilling everything we do. If we step out of line with the narrative they choose to demand adherence to we get banned. This happened to millions of accounts during the Covid scamdemic. This happens anytime we post against LGBTQIA+ values. Posting against Islam will earn bans. Commenting against climate change will get one banned. Sometimes the site will just erase your whole account without warning. Some of the people who have been subjected to these abuses use those platforms to reach potential customers. Toe the social narratives or else lose money.

Legal does not really mean what it used to. We have entered the period of pseudo-legal. The Bolsheviks did this in the USSR. Mao did this in China. Tito did this in Czechoslovakia. Anyone who dissents needs to be removed from society according to the globalists. Their ideas are ominously similar to Lenin’s, Hitler’s, and Stalin’s. Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Remington, Donald Trump, and hundreds of January 6 protesters have all been subjugated to our new legal system. Project Veritas, an undercover investigative journalism organization, was taken to court under this new system of ‘justice.’ A jury decided that from now on, journalists infiltrating organizations should introduce themselves as undercover journalists working for Project Veritas. Appeals are in the works in some of these cases. If there is any justice left the cases being appealed will be overturned.

The political arena ties in closely with the social arena written about earlier. Basically anyone who happens to stand on the other side of the aisle (i.e. anyone who has morals not dictated by the globalists) is demonized and all attempts to marginalize them and their messages are being made. Look at the Brazilian election which recently took place. The incumbent populist-nationalist Bolsonaro ran for re-election against a pack of globally compliant socialists and communists headed by Lula de Silva. Lula was in prison for corruption he was found guilty of conducting while he was president of Brazil. His sentence no where near completed, Lula was released from prison shortly before the election. There is now a runoff election between a convicted Lula and a Brazil-first leader, Bolonaro. I honestly think that there is massive corruption and fraud occurring in Brazil. My skepticism is only bolstered when I am reminded of the fact that one of Lula’s lunatics almost murdered Bolsonaro by stabbing him in the stomach in 2018.

Xi Jingping was recently made China’s dictator for life. The United States is under the occupation of a coup supported by globalists. The Russian president silences his dissenters but not as severely as the neo-Nazi leader of Ukraine. The new Italian prime minister, the first female to hold the position, was not celebrated for winning her election – she was roundly demonized for her pro-family stance. She was openly threatened by the unelected president of the European Union. And it’s not just the leaders who are being targeted – it is all of the supporters and voters for the leader. The globalists want globally-aligned puppets running all of the nations of the world. One of the globalists main goals is to create a non-human future. Thus, their political puppets also need to be psychopathic murderers.

On all of these fronts there is a singular war taking place. The war’s victor will determine whether the future will include humans or not. The globalists plan to kill billions of humans and create chimeras, digital representations, and cyborgs out of the survivors. Truly, they are satanic as well as transhumanist. This war cannot be won with bullets. It can only be won through the minds of men refusing to be led down the path to the slaughterhouse. The Covid mitigation scams were a beta test – humanity failed terribly. People are starting to wake up, but, is it going to happen quickly enough?

In my opinion, the heart rules the mind. What is in your heart? What is in my heart? Only God knows – not even I know my own heart fully. So, what are the fruits which we are producing? Are we striving towards a human future or towards a non-human future? Each of us have to ask ourselves that question. If we choose not to continue in our current paths, then so be it. Explicitly, I believe that we need to moor or ethical and moral guidelines to those included in the Bible – the Old Testament especially. I suggest reading it, repenting, accepting Jesus into our hearts, and asking God to use us for His righteous acts. In the end, the only way to win this war is to seek truth and there is no greater truth than the infallible Word of God.

Bless God and God bless.


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