FDA: Forefront of the Depopulation Agenda

FDA: Forefront of the Depopulation Agenda

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/20/2022

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should change it’s name to Forefront of the Depopulation Agenda. That’s a pretty hefty charge but I believe it is more than warranted. The FDA has lost the sliver of credibility with Covid-19 and its emergency use authorization vaccines. And now they are trying to save face.

The FDA got it’s name in 1930. Prior to the creation of the FDA, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) handled the responsibilities which the FDA is supposed to be doing. The FDA originally got its authority from the 1906 Food and Drugs Act which “prohibits interstate commerce in misbranded and adulterated foods, drinks and drugs.” In that time, the FDA was known as the Board of Chemistry. In 1911, “In U.S. v. Johnson, the Supreme Court rules that the 1906 Food and Drugs Act does not prohibit false therapeutic claims but only false and misleading statements about the ingredients or identity of a drug.”

Since that time the reach of the FDA has expanded profoundly. Today FDA is responsible for, “protecting the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, quality, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products, and medical devices. The FDA is also responsible for the safety and security of most of our nation’s food supply, all cosmetics, dietary supplements and products that give off radiation.”

Henry Kissinger has a quote which everyone should have, basically, memorized. It goes, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” The FDA controls the food. The Department of Energy controls the energy. The (Private) Federal Reserve System controls the money. This article is only about the FDA – and by definition, the FDA controls the people.

Basically the FDA is supposed to make sure that what we buy is what we get. If we buy a pound of ground beef – it better not be filler, or fake meat, or pork – it had better be a pound of ground beef. That’s fine, I actually like that idea. I don’t like that the FDA has violated it’s original purpose by deciding what to include and what not to include on labels. Likewise, I absolutely detest the idea that the FDA is in charge of ‘safety’ and ‘efficacy’ of drugs and vaccines.

The reason for this is simple – the FDA is corrupt. It even admits this corruption on it’s own website. In fiscal year 2021 the FDA’s budget was $6.1 billion. Only 61% ($3.72 billion) came from authorizations of the federal government. “The remaining 39 percent is paid for by industry user fees,” according to the website. That’s $2.38 billion dollars coming from the businesses the FDA is supposed to be regulating. The human drugs portion of their budget, the largest portion, accounts for 33% ($2.013 billion) of the entire FDA. 65% of the monies the FDA has to work with in human drugs comes from user fees - $1.308 billion. Instead of regulating what the companies are spewing out upon the public, the FDA is rubber stamping the ones who are paying their salaries.

There are multiple examples of this throughout the history of the FDA. The one which first gained my attention was the way that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and recombinant somatotropin (rBST) were approved for use by the FDA. Genetically modified organisms are created in laboratories by removing genes which produce undesirable traits and replacing them with genes which produce more desirable traits. Because these genetic variants occur rarely, if ever, in nature, the companies playing God with food can slap a patent on them. Thus, humanity witnessed a rise in patent-protected seeds which promised bigger yields, longer growing seasons, less resource consumption, and disease and pest protections. GMO is now in a huge percentage of our foods. FDA decided that it was the mad scientists’ company who was responsible for proving the safety and Monsanto (the mad scientists’ company) decided it was FDA’s job. So no one did it and GMO was approved. According to the Federation of American Scientists:

FDA is responsible for regulating the safety of GM crops that are eaten by humans or animals. According to a policy established in 1992, FDA considers most GM crops as “substantially equivalent” to non-GM crops. In such cases, GM crops are designated as “Generally Recognized as Safe” under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) and do not require pre-market approval. If, however, the insertion of a transgene into a food crop results in the expression of foreign proteins that differ significantly in structure, function, or quality from natural plant proteins and are potentially harmful to human health, FDA reserves the authority to apply more stringent provisions of FFDCA requiring the mandatory pre-market approval of food additives, whether or not they are the products of biotechnology.”

There are a lot of various topics associated with the rise of GMO and the FDA’s handling of it. The end result is FDA did no safety testing and rubber stamped it onto our dinner plates. What are we eating? Who knows. But remember – the FDA’s real role is to make sure things are labeled correctly. For decades the FDA refused to require labels indicating whether a food was bioengineered or not. It was not until the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard, a rule created by the Secretary of USDA in 2018, went fully into effect on January 1, 2022, that labels reading “bioengineered food” were required. But, even in this rule, it is acceptable to include a QR code which consumers have to scan with their phones to determine whether or not the food they are eating is bioengineered.

So, we don’t really know what we are eating unless we scan a QR code. I have never, voluntarily, scanned a QR code – I guess I am going to have to start because I don’t trust the FDA’s claims that bioengineered foods are just a safe as actual food. The foods are not limited to corn and soybeans either, there are genetically modified salmon, pigs, cows, and a whole bunch of other fruits and vegetables. This is not a breeding program – this is the control of food.

From here the FDA’s story only gets worse. On October 22, 2020 they approved the first Covid-19 treatment – remdesivir. That Mengele shaming Anthony Fauci has a financial stake in this murderous drug which had never been approved for anything because it legitimately kills people. Fauci got his payday for this wildly overpriced drug which shuts down major organs in the human body.

Soon after murderously approving remdesivir (while at the same time disparaging any anti-parasitic medication which was cheap, not under patent, readily available, safe, and effective), the FDA began a string of Covid-19 ‘vaccines.’ I still don’t know exactly what is in these vaccines. mRNA is meant to genetically modify human beings outright (are recipients patented?) and has never been approved for anything (there is a theme going on here). It also seems that there are metal particles, graphene oxide, and GMO hydrogels in the murder jabs. Either way, these things maim and kill people. The FDA, despite millions of adverse events, still has these murder jabs listed as authorized. More, the FDA has continuously authorized these jabs for younger and younger age groups.

The first of these transhumanist science projects (the “vaccines”) authorized was Pfizer-BioNTech on 12/11/2020. It has been reissued emergency use authorization 18 times, the latest being on October 12, 2022. A week later, on 12/18/2020 Moderna’s version of the death jab was given emergency use authorization. It has been reissued 12 times, the latest also on October 12, 2022. 74 days after the authorization, my father had this shit injected into his arm over my consistent and strong objection. 76 days after authorization my father died, murdered by Moderna. On February 27, 2021 the Janssen shot was authorized but was only reissued 4 times, the latest being on May 5, 2022. On July 13, 2022 Novavax’s shot was authorized and has been reissued for use three times, October 19, 2022 being the latest. Approvals for Pfizer’s COMIRNATY was granted on August 23, 2021 and Moderna’s Spikevax on January 31, 2022 – both are FDA approved to be used in children 6 months old and older. The FDA is allowing these pharmaceutical butchers to murder, sterilize, and maim us and our children with impunity.

While FDA has authorized the maiming and murdering of those of us duped, coerced, or just plain stupid enough to take these lethal doses of garbage ‘vaccines’ – they refuse to be responsible in the age of nanoparticles. Here is a part of their lengthy dissertation on their stance on nanoparticles in food:

“FDA will continue post-market monitoring. FDA will continue to monitor the marketplace for products containing nanomaterials and will take actions, as needed, to protect consumers.

“Industry remains responsible for ensuring that its products meet all applicable legal requirements, including safety standards.  Regardless of whether products are subject to premarket review or authorization, manufacturers are required to ensure that their product satisfies applicable safety standards and complies with other applicable requirements. Therefore, industry must work with current information in product development, and continue to monitor products once marketed. FDA encourages industry to consult early with the agency to address questions related to the regulatory status, or to the safety, effectiveness, or other attributes of products that contain nanomaterials or otherwise involve application of nanotechnology.  These early consultations afford an opportunity to clarify the methodologies and data that will be needed to meet the sponsor’s obligations. Additional public meetings or workshops may be held to advance regulatory science, identify product-specific data needs, or seek input on specific issues.” [bold theirs]

In other words, FDA is not going to do any safety assessments regarding nanotechnologies which are in our food. Thus, nanoparticles are, rest assured, already being included in our foods. What is in these nanoparticles? Your guess is as good as mine. I am willing to bet; however, that vaccines are being developed to be put in our food supply. The suggestions are at least two decades old. FAS has a piece on it. In 2015 a paper, Edible Vaccine, appeared in Science Direct. Covid brought out even more calls for putting vaccines in produce. Another suggestion which has been made is placing nanobots in human bodies to conduct medical surveillance on all of us. Others seek to use nanobots for drug delivery. Imagine if (WHEN) the monsters of the world decided to just include this in the food. They wouldn’t tell us they were doing it, and neither would those retarded scumbags at the FDA. The activation could be a 5G frequency and the nanobots pop to life and start transmitting our biometric and geospacial data to God knows who. Why do we have to worry about this at all? Because the FDA refuses to do it’s job.

In the middle of their refusal to pull deadly ‘vaccines’ and regulate nanotechnology in the food supply, the FDA directly assaulted babies. Baby food production was sharply curtailed by the FDA because, again they hate human beings. They even told parents without formula they shouldn’t make their own formula and most certainly never, ever, mentioned the reinvention of wet nurses. The official cause was bacterial infections occurring in 4 infants who were hospitalized, 2 of whom died. The cause of the illnesses and deaths were never confirmed but the FDA went ahead and created a baby formula shortage anyway. Even after the FDA admitted to screwing this whole situation up, they refused to take credit for the baby formula shortage their slow response caused.

Did your opinion of the FDA change at all? I hope so. The only way I figure it didn’t change is because you were already aware of all of this and drew the same conclusions I have – the FDA wants us dead, sterilized, or changed into a ‘more-human-than-human’ (i.e. non-human) entity. The FDA, recognizing how many have decided the ground beneath them could open up and swallow the building and everyone who works there while most of us cheer their destruction, has decided to try to rebuild public trust.

Makena is a treatment used to prevent pre-term birth in pregnant women at high risk of giving birth prior to week 37. Makena was approved by the FDA on an accelerated basis. A small study conducted by Covis, Makena’s manufacturer, showed decreases in pre-term births. The FDA allowed the drug onto the market with the caveat that the FDA would perform its own study for effectiveness. The FDA’s larger study did not find the drug to be effective nor result in better outcomes for children. So the FDA is trying to pull the drug from the market. The FDA did something stupid, arrogant, and hastily and now they are having to renege on their prior decision. “The FDA has faced pressure to crack down on unproven drugs approved under its accelerated approval program, which has allowed dozens of drugs to launch based on early results since the early 1990s. The flipside of the program means removing drugs if their initial promise isn’t confirmed by later studies.”

Taking Makena off of the market is not going to resurrect my trust in the FDA. Being as though I trust nothing the FDA does, I have reasons to doubt the findings of their study. I don’t trust Covis either. Makena has been on the market for over 10 years though. It seems that no one has been murdered by the treatment. The Covid-19 murder stabs have destroyed millions of live though. Where is ABC News reporting on recalling these stupid things? Maybe Covis needs to take key regulators at the FDA out to a few more lobster and steak dinners and their drug would magically work, possibly to the exclusion of any other treatment. It is also highly suspect that the FDA has decided to target a drug which is supposed to assist mothers having healthier babies. It’s suspect because the FDA really is all about depopulation the planet.

There are many more stories about scandals at the FDA, the corruption in the FDA, and the general malfeasance at the FDA. Someone has probably written a book about how awful the FDA is. They never seem to be held accountable though and end up with even more regulatory powers instead of the regulatory overhaul they deserve. What is clear though is that the FDA is facilitating a depopulation agenda. At the same time they are creating regulatory allowances which will result in exterminating humanity as God created with the intent of a new ‘human 2.0.’ I think it’s way past time to reign these monsters in with prison sentences, strict regulatory mandates, and a general overhaul of their funding mechanisms including a massive decrease in the amount of money they receive and a complete ban on receiving any type of payment from any entity they regulate.

Bless God and God bless.


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