Will Free Speech Disappear?

Will Free Speech Disappear?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/11/2022

Every single person on the face of the planet have been entered into a war. There is an increasingly kinetic war in eastern Europe which threatens to go nuclear and global. There is a war on food. A war on water. A war on transportation. A war on energy. A war on carbon dioxide producers. The US and China have been in a financial/economic war for quite a while now and that war has now expanded to include a multitude of nations. Banking access is a major target of these wars. One thing could stop all of this; however, is free speech. And there is a definite war upon free speech.

The epicenter of the war on free speech in the United States had it’s opening salvo in 2018. Infowars and Alex Jones were completely removed from dozens of social media sites. Soon after, they were debanked – meaning they could not access banking services. Their vendors and contractors dropped them to the point where they had to recreate the software systems they use to operate their media platform in-house. All of this was because the federal government didn’t like what Alex Jones had to say on the radio and in print. He was a big canary in the coal mine. This has happened to thousands of people.

The war on free speech has now taken on a new dimension in the United States, again focusing on Alex Jones. When Sandy Hook was shot up by Adam Lanza there were, and frankly, still are questions that need to be answered. Why was Lanza not getting treatment for his menatl issues? Why were his warnings unheeded? Why is it that one of the photos of deceased children was of a child which was killed in Syria several months prior? Why was the school immediately bulldozed? Why did the people of Connecticut decide to create gun-free zones which Lanza could walk into and commit his horrific act? Why has Connecticut not remedied this situation by hardening gun-free zones against similar attacks? All of these questions and more are basically what Jones asked. I ask them again.

Alex Jones, as a result of asking these types of questions, was found guilty of defamation in Austin, Texas. A jury awarded the plaintiffs nearly $50 million for their ‘damages.’ There was no trial to determine defamation – the judge defaulted Jones. The jury was to determine how much Jones owes to the ‘victims’ – the parents of the deceased at Sandy Hook. Jones was not able to say a number of things while the jury heard the case including that he was innocent.

Now he is on trial in Connecticut. The judge in this case defaulted Jones just like was done in Texas. There were 13 things he was not permitted to say in the Connecticut courtroom. If he did, we was threatened with six months in jail for contempt. Again, Jones was not permitted to even hint at the idea that he was innocent. The prosecution is asking for over 8 billion dollars. The star plaintiff in Connecticut is an FBI agent who was never mentioned whatsoever by Jones. The FBI agent lost no one in Sandy Hook at the hands of Lanza.

What is the point of this trial? It is to end free speech. The Texas prosecutor literally got in front of this jury and demanded a huge settlement against Alex Jones with the intent of shutting Infowars down. Being able to question the official narrative of any matter is being criminalized. The $8 plus billion being asked for in Connecticut is meant to shut down Infowars. It is also meant to get people’s attention so they don’t decide to start asking these types of questions in public.

The stakes could not possibly be higher. We are at war, like I said. There are three vital elements to win a war. Once these three objectives are accomplished, the enemy is vanquished and, if they are smart, they will accept a peace deal. The three objectives are to destroy the enemy’s ability to shoot, to communicate, and to transport supplies or be mobile. All of these are taking place and the citizens of the United States are the enemy. Global-minded entities are the tyrants perpetrating this violence, censorship, and destruction upon us. There are serious efforts to take away our firearms. There are serious censorship and speech-criminalization efforts taking place right now. And there are a wide array of efforts to destroy supply chains and destroy the citizens’ mobility.

There is a huge amount of free speech being used to destroy free speech. The key buzzwords are misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, and fake news. All of these are being used to silence speech. During the Covid-19 scam anyone asking questions or stating opinions not aligning with official narratives were shut down. This included doctors, medical professionals, and individuals. Some of these people were arrested for their speech.

In Canada and other countries speaking out against unfettered immigration can land the speaker in prison and fined. Speaking out against transexualism will, likewise, get a person locked up. Now the battle front is pointing to anyone seeking to avoid a nuclear war.

Who is asking for peace? What national leader is seeking ways to bring peace to Ukraine? Not a single one of the major media outlets or the involved national governments. What’s going to happen? Mushroom clouds. Why? Because anyone seeking peace is silenced. If someone sneaks through the cracks and manages to get that message out there they are labeled Russophiles, Putinphiles, and in league with Russia.

Destroying free speech does have consequences. The US people should be in the streets by he millions demanding that not a single cent, a single bolt, a single bullet find its way into Ukraine. That isn’t happening because the narrative is war. The narrative is war because the global war being demanded, while it will be short, will be cataclysmic. The surveillance mechanisms and control which will be placed over the survivors in the aftermath of this short war is already scripted and has been included in the narrative being delivered already. It’s the social credit score. The idea is if we won’t take it voluntarily, the globalists will force us to change our minds. They are doing the same crap with shots and medical interventions.

I do call for people capable of organizing large peaceful protest to organize them to demand the US leaves NATO, completely halts all aid in arms, training, and money to the government and military of Ukraine, and demands a deescalation of the war in Ukraine through negotiations. This should happen by Saturday. It should be national. And it should be loud. My children and your children do not deserve to live in the dystopia which will arrive swiftly in the world globalists desire.

In order to do this we need to use our free speech. As speech is increasingly being squelched and confined by labeling anything disagreeable as misinformation or hate speech we are watching our ability to communicate be destroyed. If we do not use free speech now, we will lose it. Looking at what Alex Jones is going through may get people to believe that if we happen to hurt someone’s feelings then we will be sued out of existence. So be it – let them sue you. Let people sue me if I upset their fragile view of life. I don’t care – free speech is more important than my bank account. Alex Jones is just the canary in the coal mine – next they will go after everyone else in the same manner. I am a super small fish in this sea of information and the war being waged upon those in it. They will go after bigger fish – Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and other prominent voices asking question with the intended purpose of getting people like me to shut up on my own. When I don’t they will come for me and others like me as well.

Use your free speech now or lose it. Soon there will be no way to roll this back. I’m not going to shut up, but I’m not going to be real pleased if those of you reading this decide, in the future, that because I had some questions I should go into a FEMA camp and be reeducated. That’s what free speech is all about – if you choose to combat my speech – use your own speech, not a bullet, a fist, a lawsuit, or a jail cell.

Bless God and God bless.


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