There Are So Many Jobs – Or Are There

There Are So Many Jobs – Or Are There

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preseervation of Humanity - 10/12/2022

Everywhere I go I see help wanted signs. The fast food restaurants and gas stations have the notices on their signs out front. They are on the entrance and exit doors on pretty much every shop. The light industry plants have them posted up on makeshift signs. Employers are advertising on the radio. The grocery store I work at has an entire display suggesting that workers are needed and they can sign up right by the front doors. I’ll be the first to admit – these jobs don’t pay the best and the benefits can be pretty sketchy, but making some money is better than making no money. Those help wanted signs won’t be there forever though – the idea is to shut those businesses down so we can all go work for Walmart or not work at all and collect Universal Basic Incomes.

The Biden regime keeps claiming that unemployment is super low and getting lower because of his wham-bam job of fixing the economy. I don’t buy that for a second. The U-3 rate, the one that everyone hems and haws about, only includes those who are in the labor force or are actively seeking work (applied for at least one job within the last 4 weeks of the calculation). That number was 3.5% for September 2022, the same as it was in September 2019.

The U-6 on the other hand includes the unemployed as well as underemployed, marginally attached, and discouraged workers. Part timers who want full time work are counted as underemployed. Marginally attached workers sought employment within the last year but not within the four weeks. Discouraged workers are marginally attached workers who are not qualified for open positions or there are no open positions. After a year of not seeking employment marginal workers are dropped entirely from the unemployment charts. September 2022 saw this rate at 6.7% while in September 2019 it was at 6.9%. Maybe Biden’s regime isn’t as full of crap as thought?

But hold on. In September of 2019 the labor force participation rate was at 63.1%. In September 2022 it was at 62.3%. Jobs are being added but it seems that the people getting them already have a job. In September 2019, the number of people in the labor force, 16 years and older, who were not institutionalized (corrections or armed forces) would have been 163,931,578. In September 2022 it was 164,693,788. It represents a total increase of 762,210 jobs out of an additional 4,718,000 people during the same time period. Well maybe this will all get better.

It won’t. Lay-offs have already started hitting the US economy. Business Insider published an article noting some of the lay-offs on September 20, 2022 – Gap about 500, Snap 20% of employees (1,280); Wayfair about 870; Robinhood over 1,000; Peloton over 4,150; Shopify about 1,000; 7-11 880; Vimeo 6% (about 74); Tesla 229; Rivian about 800; GoPuff 10% (about 1,200); Re/Max 17% (about 120); Microsoft about 1,800; JP Morgan over 1,000; Compass 450; Redfin 470; Coinbase over 1,000; Carvana about 2,500; Reef about 750; Better about 4,000; Noom 495; Thrasio up to 20%; Wells Fargo ???; Canopy Growth 250; Food52 about 20; Cameo 87; PayPal 83; Gorillas almost 300; and Netflix about 150. I want this list to overwhelm you because that list very well may include your business and your job in the near future. That’s over 25,000 jobs disappearing.

Within the last week, CBS News added Taboola, and Twitter to the list. It is estimated that Twitter has laid off more than 30,000 people since May 2022 bringing the total to over 55,000 jobs. 1,458 people in one facility (Atlanta, Georgia) are being laid off by WalMart. Omega Cabinetry is laying off under 100. Wells Fargo has laid off at least 436 people in Des Moines. Why?

Inflation that the (PRIVATE) Federal Reserve System caused and is now attempting to correct. We have to pay interest on all of that money they doled out to the United States’ banksters and government. That’s on the citizens. Trillions of dollars have been created since 2019 and that means trillions of dollars going back to the FED – hundreds of billions, if not trillions in interest alone. In a surprisingly critical article, CBS News noted:

“"There will very likely be some softening of labor market conditions," Powell said in his September 21 economic outlook. "We will keep at it until we are confident the job is done." 

“In plain English, that means unemployment. The Fed forecasts the unemployment rate to rise to 4.4% next year, from 3.7% today — a number that implies an additional 1.2 million people losing their jobs. 

“"I wish there were a painless way to do that," Powell said. "There isn't."”

Later, that same article reads:

“"When we look at 2023, we see almost no net hiring in the first quarter and job losses of over 800,000 or 900,000 in the second and third quarter combined," said Nancy Vanden Houten, Oxford's lead U.S. economist. 

“Others predict an even harder landing, with Bank of America expecting a peak unemployment rate of 5.6% next year. That would put an additional 3.2 million people out of work above today's levelsA recent study from the International Monetary Fund predicted that unemployment would need to hit 7.5% to have an impact on inflation — more than twice its current level.”

The article raises some questions like why would the FED decide to sacrifice all of these jobs to stave off inflation? The answer, really, is pretty simple. That answer is to put everyone on Universal Basic Income to fix the problem they are creating by trying to fix the problem they are creating by printing money like it was going out of style. All the small businesses need to be shuttered in order to pull off the Great Reset and the FED is absolutely on board with it. Who is behind the business who are going to be the fronts for the transformation? The FED. They are doing this on purpose to put as many people out of work as they can so when they roll out their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) instead of a direct deposit into a bank, it will be loaded onto what amounts to an EBT card which will be the only acceptable payment. I would venture to guess the FED already has the date picked out. I would also like to note that CBDC is the social credit score scheme made operational in the United States.

Another CBS article, written a week later, notes the same thing:

“The Federal Reserve is closely watching job-openings data for signs that demand for workers is cooling off. Fed Chair Jerome Powell has repeatedly cited the high number of open jobs as one driver of historically high inflation and has signaled that the unemployment rate will likely rise as part of the Fed's push to curb inflation.

“The U.S. central bank has raised its key interest rate to a range of 3% to 3.25%, up from near zero at the start of this year. The sharp rate hikes have pushed mortgage rates up to 15-year highs and made other borrowing costlier. The Fed hopes the higher interest rate will slow borrowing and spending and push inflation closer to its target of 2%. 

“As part of that at effort, the Fed expects the unemployment rate to increase to about 4.4% by next year, which is equivalent to 1.2 million people losing jobs.”

Forbes (even China-owned Forbes!) published its own lengthy list of layoffs on October 11, 2022, and included these two paragraphs at the end of the article:

In an interview with the Washington Post this summer, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie Su said she was optimistic the economy will rebound, citing 9 million jobs created since President Joe Biden took office, and 372,000 new jobs in June. Earlier in August, however, unemployment claims reported by the Department of Labor jumped to a nine-month high, with roughly 262,000 people filed initial jobless claims.

51%. That’s the share of corporate executives that have implemented or plan to implement job cuts, according to a recent PricewaterhouseCoopers survey of 722 executives. In addition to laying off employees, 52% of respondents said they’ve made hiring freezes or plan to.

So what should we do with the FED? Audit them. Audit the living crap out of them. Right after we audit them we should arrest all of the executives of the FED. The Treasury and Congress should resume it’s constitutional duty of minting our currency. If everything went correctly, the United States would return to principled currency creation and base it on valuable metals like silver, gold, palladium, and platinum. We could even throw some lithium and cobalt in there just to give those guaranteed to die electric car batteries some value. It would be a start down a long road of returning to the constitution and returning the sovereignty of the United States back to where it belongs – with We the People.

The businesses playing along with the Great Reset need to be completely boycotted by everyone. This isn’t for political reasons, it’s for national survival. Those companies using ESG or going along with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 need to be shut down. To do that – all we need to do is shop local. Go to the local gun store for ammo. Go to farmer’s markets and local butchers for food. Start your own garden (this can be done with minimal space indoors if need be). We need to disconnect the globalist’s middlemen – the Walmart’s of the world. Home Depot and Lowes are great for selection and cost but when that’s all that’s left – and they only rent hand tools to customers – how happy will we be with that? Car companies are already leaning in the rent-a-car (not purchase a car) direction.

You will own nothing and you will like it? Not if we shut down all these multinational businesses participating in the Great Reset. My suggestions are but a little bit of the Great Resistance. I suggest them because unless we all start doing these sorts of things soon there will be only one government – a global technocratic totalitarian one. Already it exists, as the FED is showing all of us disobedient Americans, and it is attempting to solidify itself.

The Biden regime can claim whatever it wants. The economy is so good that over half of businesses are planning on hiring freezes and/or layoffs. The Biden economy is so spectacular that the layoff spree has already started. Biden’s gas cost over a dollar more a gallon, Biden’s grocery store prices are insanely more expensive, Biden’s wage packages haven’t raised my pay by one cent – if anything his tax everything more policies have decreased my paychecks. His recession is not doing me any good and my dollar is worth less. I hope every single seat in this November’s election is won by a republican just so Biden won’t be able to carry on with his economic disasters.

It really doesn’t matter who wins these elections at the end of the day. None of the candidates will comment on whether they are globalists or US sovereignty protectors. So, do you really want to Resist the Great Reset and stick a finger in Joe Biden’s eyeballs? Read a Bible. Follow the rules of the first 5 books. Love the Messiah, whatever name you call Him, and know that it was His blood which saved all of us from our sin. Worship God with your whole heart. Learn the prophesies. Watch for the signs. Pray. Repent. Spread the word of salvation.

Bless God and God bless.


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