Who is the Modern Mussolini?

Who is the Modern Mussolini?

Tim O’Connor - Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/28/2022

As you may be aware, Italy elected its first female prime minister in it’s history. Instead of every woke institution applauding Giorgia Meloni’s election victory, they have taken to calling her a new Mussolini. The woke folk could have easily earned a shred of credibility by saying hey, way to go Meloni, Italy’s first female prime minister – but they didn’t. It shows how dishonest they are about their support of women because it has nothing to do with women for them – it has everything to do with political alignment for them. Meloni ran on a platform of freedom, independence, and creating a human future and the woke folk exist to try to destroy all of that. They hate her so much that they have dubbed her the modern Mussolini. How fair is their claim though?

Mussolini gained power by agitating for violence as a socialist while operating presses in Italy and in other European nations. After the fascist party lost terribly at the polls in 1919, Mussolini, who had already demanded a dictatorship seize Italy, continued to agitate for violence in the newspaper he ran. In 1922 Mussolini and his allies dressed all in black and took over several city governments in Italy. In October of 1922 Mussolini demanded Rome be handed to him less he take it by force. As further reported by History:

“Refusing to pass martial law, King Victor Emmanuel III watched as thousands of armed Fascists entered Rome. He dissolved the government and asked Mussolini to form a new one. Mussolini became Prime Minister, as well as Minister of the Interior and Minister for Foreign Affairs. Mussolini did not become a dictator overnight, but a speech he gave to the Italian parliament on January 3, 1925 asserting his right to supreme power is generally seen as the effective date that Mussolini declared himself dictator of Italy.

Meloni didn’t do any of that. She ran a campaign, won her race, and will become the prime minister through democratic means. While Hitler was elected in Germany through democratic means, he staged several false flag attacks and agitated for open violence – something else Meloni hasn’t done. And besides, the media has made comparisons that Meloni is the new Mussolini, not the new Hitler.

But, just for fun, Hitler’s first official act after being named chancellor in 1933 was the Enabling Act which gave him dictatorial powers. After the Enabling Act was passed, Hitler used his power to ban all political parties except the Nazi party several months later. A murder spree was conducted in June 1934 called Night of the Long Knives. In August 1934 Hitler declared himself president, solidifying his dictatorial power, and forced everyone to swear allegiance to him, not to Germany.

“Mussolini’s first act as prime minister was to demand special emergency powers allowing him to rig elections in the Fascists’ favor. Soon after, the Italian parliament made suspicion of being anti-Fascist punishable by imprisonment without trial,” according to History. After that all of the socialists in parliament were arrested and imprisoned for up to five years. Mussolini’s fascist party heavily controlled the media, turning news into Italian propaganda, and youth groups were banned with the exception of the facsist-sponsored youth group.

Mussolini was eventually voted out of office in the middle of World War II where he was exiled. The Germans invaded Italy and took the northern part of it. Hitler installed Mussolini as leader of the territory and murdered as many Jews as he could round up. In 1945 Mussolini was dead.

Meloni has not even taken her office yet, so we will all have to wait and see if the first thing she tries to do is declare herself dictator and ban all political opposition by decree and by arrest. I really doubt that she does this. I only bring it up because it is possible, no matter how remote. Just to be fair, AP published an article with history going back to 1946. A political party, MSI, was founded by a former chief of staff of Mussolini’s in that year. Meloni’s party is a direct descendant of that party. As AP reports:

“During the campaign, Meloni was forced to confront the issue head-on, after the Democrats warned that she represented a danger to democracy.

“‘The Italian right has handed fascism over to history for decades now, unambiguously condemning the suppression of democracy and the ignominious anti-Jewish laws,’ she said in a campaign video.”

Meloni will get the chance to prove the words she spoke. Overall, I do not think this fear-mongering campaign by major media outlets around the world will actually work out for anyone engaging in them. They will only make themselves look like idiots and further erode the public’s trust in the media (either that or I will be completely incorrect in my prediction and make myself the fool and lose trust with my readers). In my opinion they hate her because they claim she is a danger to democracy. To these people though, democracy is the opposite of everything Meloni had to say at a 2019 speech:

“Welcome. It’s a pleasure. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just arrived. I was doing the ironing. Then I found 10 minutes to come and talk about politics with you.”

“(A joke- aimed at the corporate press and protest trope that was being deployed to attack her and the conference at that time)

“And really, this great attendance, in spite of all of the controversy, is the best response you could have given to the protesters that are protesting this meeting. Thank you to everyone for their work. Thank you to Brian Brown, Jacopo Coghe, Tony Brandi, and Massimo Gandolfini. Thank you to everyone who has allowed this event to take place. Thank you for not giving in. Thank you for the courage. Thank you for the determination, not just today but for many years.

“Your work, along with the work of many other associations, has helped to keep certain issues that were destined to be removed from politics. You have kept these issues alive, active, and present.

“They said all sorts of things about this Congress. They said we want to go back to the past. That we’re losers. That we’re embarrassing. That we’re unenlightened.

“They said it’s scandalous for people to defend the natural family founded on marriage, to want to increase the birth rate, to want to place the correct value on human life, to support freedom and education, and to say no to gender ideology. I will send right back to the sender each of these accusations.

“I think that the ones who want to go back to the past are those trying to bring back censorship by trying to stop an event like this taking place. I think it’s unenlightened when a state (or a nation state), which is usually willing to sponsor any old thing, even exhibitions featuring a crucifix immersed in a beaker of pee, is ashamed to sponsor an event like this.

“I say the losers are those with nothing better to do than come here and insult us while we talk about what we can do for the Italian family. But above all I say the embarrassing ones are not us. The embarrassing ones are those who support practices like ‘Womb for rent,’ abortion at nine months, and blocking the development of children with drugs at 11 years of age. That is embarrassing.

“They said all sorts of things about this Congress. That we want to limit the freedom of women. That we want them at home doing the ironing. Can you see me at home doing the ironing? Do you think that I, the only female party secretary in Italy, who was a candidate for mayor of Rome while pregnant, for which I was criticized, do you think I want women to be chained to goodness knows where? It’s exactly the opposite.

“We want to guarantee rights that today don’t exist. The right of a woman to be a mother and not to have to give up working as a result. The right to be a mother, choose not to work and not starve to death as a result. The right of a woman forced to have an abortion because she has no alternatives to have that alternative. Because it’s not true that a woman’s freedom to choose is guaranteed. If a woman only has the option to abort, that isn’t the freedom to choose. The freedom to choose means having a choice. And that’s what we want to guarantee.

“We’re here to defend women, to defend the family, to ask for things that we brought to parliament, like the ‘Infant’s income,’ which we believe in more than the citizen’s income. I say that sincerely. Funding for people who have children, because the whole of society benefits. We have proposed free nursery schools, open until shops close, and on Saturdays to give mothers who work another option. We’ve asked for the full application of Law 194 for the reasons I mentioned, so economic support can be provided to women who commit to and who prefer carrying their pregnancy to term, including in case of adoption.

“We have called for a moratorium at the UN to declare ‘Womb for rent’ a universal crime, because that really is degrading and abusive of women. We want to bring this issue to Europe. It’s scandalous that one of the EU’s priorities for funding is not the birth rate. The low birth rate is the biggest problem facing Europe. If we do not address this, everything else we do is pointless. If the EU has an Erasmus program for student mobility, if it has a Horizon program for science, it can’t have a program for families? To increase the birth rate, to invest in resources in the birth rate. But they think everything we propose is crazy. They think it’s unenlightened, that we want to take away rights. They talk of the Middle Ages. You know the Middle Ages was also the time of the cathedrals and the abbeys, the founding of the comuni, the universities, the parliament, the epoch of Dante, Petrach, Boccaccio, Saint Francis, Saint Benedict. People who don’t know where Matera is, let’s not expect them to have read history books.

“We have been attacked on a personal level. I’ve also been attacked. “You should be ashamed of yourself. You should talk about family based on marriage and then you had a child out of wedlock”. Yes, I also talk about large families but only have one child. Ironically, when they say these things they actually strengthen your position. It only shows that what I’m calling for will not benefit me personally. I’m calling for what I think will benefit Italian society.

“I believe the state should incentivize the natural family based on marriage. And if I’m not married, I do not expect the state to extend to me the same privileges that it does to married couples. That’s the point. Pay attention.

“The point is I believe in a society where every choice has consequences and you accept responsibility for them. I reject a society where every desire becomes a right, every whim becomes a right, where I have no responsibilities, I have only rights. I reject it. It’s wrong.

“And I think it says a lot because I don’t adopt a religious approach to any of this. I believe in God but I don’t adopt a religious approach. Why should I? I fight these battles because of secular common sense. I am a person who asks myself uncomfortable and profound questions. And I want answers to these questions that are credible. And all too often the high priests of single thinking are incapable of giving answers that make sense. And I have dozens of these questions.

“Is it right for a society to spend more energy and resources trying to find quick and easy ways to get rid of human life, rather than trying to encourage it? Is that normal? Is that civilized? Is that right that you, correctly, cannot rip a newborn puppy from the bosom of its mother but you can with a baby, the child of a desperate mother who sold it to two rich men? Why do Italian courts take away legal custody from two married parents? The natural parents of a baby girl, saying they are too old to raise her at 52 and 54, taking away their natural daughter. But if two men over 50 go abroad and buy a child, that’s fine. Why? Why? Why?

“Why, if they told us that the father of Eluana Englaro should be free to disconnect the plug that kept her alive, because no one knows better than a parent what is best for their child. Why did the same not apply to the parents of Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans?

“Why is the winner always the one who wants to disconnect the plug? Why is the winner always death? If the life of a sick child like Alfie Evans is defined as pointless, how long before they define as pointless the life of a disabled or elderly person, or anyone who doesn’t correspond to the idea of the perfect consumer? How long? Why do we spend our time fighting all types of discrimination but we pretend to not see the greatest ongoing persecution, the genocide of the world’s Christians? Why? Please answer me these questions.

“This is about what we’re doing here today. Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening? There’s a single answer to all these questions. Because it defines us. Because it is our identity. Because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves. And so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity.

“I can’t define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No. I must be citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number. Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators. The perfect consumer. That is the reason why.

“That’s why we inspire so much fear. That’s why this event inspires so much fear. Because we do not want to be numbers. We will defend the value of the human being. Every single human being. Because each of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable. And like it or not, that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country, and family. Those things that disgust people so much. We will do it to defend our freedom because we will never be slaves and simple consumers at the mercy of financial speculators. That is our mission. That is why I came here today. Chesterton wrote, more than a century ago. Let’s see if I can find it. ‘Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.’ The time has arrived. We are ready.

“Thank you.

“Infinite thanks.” [emphasis theirs]

Did Mussolini and Hitler give speeches akin to Meloni’s? For that matter, were Donald Trump’s speeches and Brazil’s Bolsanaro’s speeches akin to the Italian and German fascists? None of them encouraged violence. Trump, Bolsanaro, Meloni, and many others of similar mind are demanding three things – sovereignty of nations, freedom of peoples, and life for the unborn. That’s not fascist, that’s what government is supposed to do – protect the rights of the people from infringement.

According to AP: “This summer, speaking in perfect Spanish, [Meloni] she thundered at a rally of Spain’s hard-right Vox party: ‘Yes to the natural family. No to the LGBT lobby. Yes to sexual identity. No to gender ideology.’”

And this same quote, broadened in BBC coverage: “Earlier this year [Meloni] she outlined her priorities in a raucous speech to Spain's far-right Vox party: ‘Yes to the natural family, no to the LGBT lobby, yes to sexual identity, no to gender ideology... no to Islamist violence, yes to secure borders, no to mass migration... no to big international finance... no to the bureaucrats of Brussels!’”

Again, her point is that Italians are not producing babies at the replacement rate and she is absolutely correct that the Italian state will cease to exist if the trend continues. Part of producing children made by Italian couples is endorsing traditional families, not having a bunch of LGBT normalization, not having gender dysphoria, and embracing biological procreation by reaffirming sexual identity. Islamist violence is bad for everyone and helps lower birth rates, as does mass migration, big international financing schemes, and the EU in general. Securing the borders and carefully deciding what foreign capital flows to allow in the nation will increase security and allow reproduction to blossom because more reproductive-aged people will see a future for their children. She wants to see an Italy, full of Italians, who are united as a nation.

Speaking of the bureaucrats in Brussels, Meloni is referring to the European Union. In particular, the unelected EU president (how’s that for democracy? – seems like a threat to democracy to me), Ursula von der Leyen threatened Italy with economic sanctions should the Italian people vote against the EU’s wishes:

“‘My approach is that whatever democratic government is willing to work with us, we're working together,’ von der Leyen said at Princeton University in the United States on Thursday, responding to a question on whether there were any concerns with regard to the upcoming elections in Italy.

“‘If things go in a difficult direction, I've spoken about Hungary and Poland, we have tools,’ she added.”

Welp, I guess the Italians are going to need to step it up because if von der Leyen follows through, Italy is going to find itself without a bunch of EU funds. If Italy, the third largest EU economy, gets fed up with it’s membership I wonder if there will be an Itexit? If we are being honest with ourselves all the EU really stands for is Hitler’s vision for a unified Europe, after all. How devastating would it be to the Germans in Brussels if Germany’s only European WWII ally was the first continental defection from Hitler’s vision? Oh the irony! So we will also see what that goofy witch in Brussels decides to inflict upon Italy without even thinking twice about what Italy may do in response.

Ursula von der Leyen definitely fits the fascist model to a tee. Her comments only reinforced my conviction that the EU has got to go and that it’s leaders are fascists.

But there is another in this world who represents an even bigger fascist. Perhaps I am biased because I live here. Perhaps it is because this is still the freest nation on earth and the fascist’s intentions are so diametrically opposed to that freedom. But, if I were to have to draw parallels between Mussolini to a modern world leader that distinct honor would go to Joseph R. Biden. The guy ran on no platform, in seclusion, took naps, and ate ice cream. When he did venture out into public he made a fool of himself and when he had rallies no one showed up. He claims that earned him the highest vote total in history. When irregularities and fraud were mentioned, investigations did not follow. In other words, Biden stormed D.C. (remember the actual riots where churches were lit on fire?0, just like Mussolini stormed Rome. Biden is in office due to a coup.

One of the first things Biden tried to do, and is still trying to do, is to make it so only one party will ever win any election in the United States. The most recent attempt at Biden’s version of the Enabling Act, in practice a rehash of what Mussolini did in Italy is called H.R.8873 – Presidential Election Reform Act. The bill has passed the House of Representatives and received in the Senate on September 21, 2022. I’m not going to get all the way into it; however, the United States has not had a constitutionally sound election since 1792. Suffice it to say, none of us should be voting for president unless we are chosen as an elector (that is a whole 55 people in California, the most populous state in the US). This bill; however, would be a first step towards rendering any party except the democrat party obsolete in the United States on top of it’s blatant unconstitutional nature.

And then our new Mussolini gave a speech a few weeks ago. The night sky of Philadelphia was turned blood-red behind Biden. The scream of police sirens could be heard nearby, a problem directly correlated to destructive policies instituted within the city and endorsed by the likes of Joe Biden. Against this Hitlarian backdrop, Biden stated with all the anger he could muster:

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.

“Now, I want to be very clear — (applause) — very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans.  Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology.

“I know because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans.”

Maybe he forgot that 74 million people (probably more than that – we’ll never know because there was never an accurate vote taken in the 2020 election) who voted for Donald Trump. Biden spent the entire speech demonizing gun owners, pretending to be a worshiper of the God of Creation, calling protesters insurrectionists, and telling 74 million US citizens who are already pissed off at Biden that they are nothing but wounded animals waiting for the saviors of democracy to put us out of our misery. How sick is this 2022 version of Mussolini?

As for any republican who is working with this demon I have to ask, are you? Are you a republican? Working with this bottom-feeding pedophile-loving dementia patient is going to get you voted out of office just as surely as betraying Trump has gotten you voted out of office. Seems to me that if you are working with Biden you are working against the US citizens who voted for you in the first place. We will have to POLITICALLY cut that singular horn off of your rhino faces come election time.

Saving democracy apparently entails destroying anyone trying to promote a human future. Meloni is just the latest victim of the global elite. She, like Trump and Bolsonaro and a handful of others, want a strong family-oriented nation with strong borders, moral people, and justice for all. Mostly, they call for individual responsibility based on objective morality to temper the power of our freedom. Individual liberty; however, is not the world that global elites are trying to corral all of humanity into. If you want to see a Mussolini, look no further than the United States of America since November of 2020. Look no further than the European Union.

At the end of the day neither Meloni, Bolsonaro, nor Donald Trump is going to save us. They can lead our nation in a positive direction, but they cannot save us. Human salvation comes only from the blood of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) and our intention to be Holy in the eyes of Adonai (God). So, I suggest we get back to what God wants us to do before it is too late to even read the Bible. Should our arc of history continue in it’s present path, I fear that we will be murdered merely for possessing a Bible or even speaking the name of the Messiah. Don’t worship these people, encourage them to be Holy.

Bless God and God Bless.


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