Welcome to Hell

Welcome to Hell

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/6/2022

Kim Jong-un has apparently lost his rational capacity. Last week he sailed a missile over an island called Japan. Yesterday he launched two missiles in a test. He also had fighter planes conduct an exercise close enough to South Korea to elicit a response which may or may not have had the two nations engage each other. There are wars and rumors of wars abounding throughout the world.

Japan displayed it’s hatred of the Chinese vividly during World War II. Has that hatred disappeared? No. Does anyone think that the professional victims comprising the Politburo in China has forgotten? No. The Chinese are fighting the opium war all over again by flooding the West, especially the United States, with fentanyl – they still haven’t let the two opium go. They haven’t let anything go because China still sees itself as the center of the universe with everything else revolving around it. They have always operated under a tribute system and are again operating under a tribute system in many ways. One of their vassal states, the North Korean nation, is a vicious dog which China unleashes when it feels the need. China is using it’s proxy to provoke Japan and South Korea. Both nations have, largely, adopted Western ideals and don’t see China as the center of the universe but as a major threat to their stability and peace. The Chinese hate this more than anything else in my opinion.

China itself is directly eyeing Taiwan. It will not be as easy to take Taiwan as it was to take Hong Kong because there are no bridges between China and Taiwan. Undeterred, the Chinese have decided that they will do as they see fit with Taiwan. Meanwhile that useless paperweight of a man, Joe Biden, has decided that if China goes into Taiwan the US will fight them over it. I don’t know who Biden thinks he is going to send – he has done everything he can, and more, to eviscerate the ranks of the US military.

Russia is responding to their war in Ukraine with massive mobilizations. Russia has vowed to use “any means necessary” to defend its lands, including the recently annexed lands in Ukraine. While they threaten to use nuclear weapons if need be, the United States has heard several complete lunatics call for preemptive nuclear strikes against Russia. Russia is not without their own lunatics. That retard Zelinsky over there in the Ukraine – the West’s money laundering operation of choice – sits there and laughs while collecting billions of dollars which are never going to be accounted for in any way, shape, or form.

Mexican warlords (the international terrorists colluding with Joe Biden to send invasion forces into the United States illegally) have been at war with one another for decades. Afghanistan is in a state of constant war with itself and foreign forces. Saudi Arabia and Yemen are still waging war. Ethiopia is in a civil war. Nigeria is basically in a civil war. There is a lot of unrest in nations around the world, including Western nations. Cubans and Iranians have taken to the streets. Sri Lanka’s forced their government to flee the nation. There are many wars and even more rumors of war.

The reasons for almost all of the wars and rumors of war comes back to trade. It all comes back to prices for needed things being so high that people can no longer afford them. The lockdowns (not coronavirus) ruined trade around the world. Globalism literally fell apart because of the lockdowns. The world could recover but now we are watching the insidious rise of the man-made climate change lockdowns. Food is getting scarcer and increasingly more expensive. Fuel prices are about to skyrocket. Electricity is about to be subjected to permanent conditions of rolling brownouts and blackouts. Climate change and Vladamir Putin are the scapegoats used by the people who are doing these things on purpose.

It’s these same people making everything ungodly expensive who are making currencies worthless. It isn’t an oops thing or a natural occurrence – it was planned and is being executed as we speak. How can the control sought by the evil entities doing this to humanity wrest control over our lives from us most effectively? End cash. Ending cash means either we go to a barter system or use trackable currencies. When you try to go buy something these people don’t think you should have, like a pack of cigarettes or ten gallons of gasoline, they can just decline the transaction. But WAIT! There’s more. Not only will they deny purchases, they will deny you getting paid in the first place, just like they do in China. Everything is based on the social credit score there and if a subject jay-walks, they lose credits. If they lose enough credits they lose the ability to rent apartments, ride the bus, or send their kids to school.

Obviously this debacle in Ukraine is the post prominent story in the news. For good reason, too. We stand on the brink of an escalating global conflict between two completely opposite ideologies. On the one hand we have the globalists which include NATO, Ukraine, the EU and their member countries, and the United States. On the other we have loose alliances between China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Russia and others. Russia, in particular, is bearing the brunt of the globalist assault. They see a world in which they can do absolutely anything they want. We have two bad guys getting ready to obliterate a great number of people, mostly civilians, to see who wins a pissing contest over one of the most corrupt nations on earth, Ukraine.

China represents an even greater threat than Russia does. Both are huge and have capable military’s. China has expanded everywhere it has though if without being deterred, especially by using exlusive zones around artificial islands in the South and East China Sea’s. China, like Russia has nuclear weapons; however, China has 1.4 billion people and doesn’t care how many of them are sacrificed to a war. Russia only has 146 million people and seems to want to protect it’s citizens.

So why is all of the emphasis on Russian aggression while the ultra-aggressive China is bullying and buying up the entire world, representing a far more grave threat? Because Vladamir Putin, whether he believes this in his heart is for God to decide, speaks of Christianity, Christian values, and will say the name of Jesus out loud on the world stage he must be gotten rid of. It seems that anyone who places too much value in the faith of the God of the Bible is automatically slated for destruction. Of course, I believe Putin to have lived a pretty vile life – not as vile as portrayed in Western media – but vile. Despite this, several days ago Putin not only invoked Jesus’ name, he stated he was waging a holy war against a satanic West. In this I agree with him. Globalism is satanism. And he is certainly waging a war against the globalist West. As a former KGB agent as well as being dubbed a Young Global Leader by Klaus Schwab’s WEF, this speech will either prove the end of Christianity or it will prove that preserving the relationships favored by the God of the Bible needs to be adhered to. Like I said, only God knows any man’s heart, even if the man is Putin.

We were warned of these times thousands of years ago. We were warned of these times even before the miraculous birth of the Messiah. While I agree with Putin and other leaders who are also despised by the globalists, it doesn;t mean I like all of these wars. Especially with the Russia situation, I pray that an adult step forward – whether Putin, Zelinsky, von der Leyen, Biden, or Stoltenberg, I don’t really care. What I am concerned about is that if the entity which steps forward ends up being the Antichrist – another prophesy over 2,000 years old. We are likely living in those times.

Be not afraid, read your Bible, pray to the God of the Bible, love Jesus Christ our Messiah. Follow God’s Laws.

Bless God and God bless.




Everything is More Human Than Human