Everything is More Human Than Human

Everything is More Human Than Human

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/5/2022

I was reading about the Nobel Prize winners in chemistry since there are like 1,000 articles about it this morning. Three people are sharing the prize for chemistry for the discovery and applications of ‘click reactions.’ The technical name is the copper catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition. Basically, by inserting azides into a molecule, the equipped molecule can bond with other molecules. It reminds me of a movie called Annihilation where any living thing’s DNA is incorporated into every other living thing and all life is murderous. This Nobel ‘piece of crap’ Prize also reminded me that everything in the news, for some reason, revolves around the ideas of transhumanism.

One of the Nobel Prize for chemistry’s winners is a woman named Carolyn Bertozzi. She won the prize for developing a way to track individual molecules in the human body. The field she studies is bioorthogonal chemistry which Nature Reviews defines as, “Rooted in the principles of physical organic chemistry, bioorthogonal reactions are intrinsically selective transformations not commonly found in biology.” The entire field, as defined by Nature Reviews is unnatural and represents transhumanism – making people more human than human. The hope is to allow pharmaceutical companies to use these reactions to create drugs more efficiently. Eventually the drugs will become the click molecules themselves. Nobel Prize’s website states:

“One area that Bertozzi focuses on is glycans [sugars] on the surface of tumour cells. Her studies have led to the insight that some glycans appear to protect tumours from the body’s immune system, as they make the immune cells shut down. To block this protective mechanism, Bertozzi and her colleagues have created a new type of biological pharmaceutical. They have joined a glycan-specific antibody to enzymes that break down the glycans on the surface of the tumour cells. This pharmaceutical is now being tested in clinical trials on people with advanced cancer.”

The drug is called E-602. It is composed of two man-made sialidase molecules and a human monoclonal antibody. The Phase I and Phase II trials began in March 2022. “Preclinical studies have demonstrated that E-602 degrades terminal sialic acids on immunosuppressive sialoglycans on both tumor cells and immune cells, restoring both innate and adaptive antitumor immunity.” Cancer sucks – why does it happen and why is it happening more often? We are being told, yet again, use something like E-602 and be more human than human – don’t worry about why cancer is all over the place and our immune systems have suddenly stopped being able to kill it off. Just be a transhumanist – you’ll live longer…. The project is called Glimmer-01, short for “Glycan-Mediated Immune Regulation.” It’s just another way to ‘fix’ humans immune systems without either properly understanding the complete immune system nor even bothering to ask the pesky questions of why our immune system became broken in the first place.

The Covid-19 shots were supposed to ‘fix’ our immune systems to fight off a souped-up (bioengineered weapon) version of the common cold. Millions of people around the world are dropping dead, reporting neurological problems, and suffering from other conditions such as sterility, heart issues, and blood clots. I am tempted to add mental illnesses in there but those conditions were purposefully produced in those who took this murderous jab in the first place by the murderers in the pharmaceutical industry, governments of the world, and international bodies. Covid-19 shots are transhumanism. Like the Glimmer-01 trials, Covid-19 shots introduce non-human biological structures into the human body with the intent of making people, well, no longer human.

The transhumanist Covid-19 shots are ‘approved’ for use in 6-month-olds, but there is another assault occurring to our children. This assault serves four purposes for those with globalist interests – destroying the family, destroying humanity’s reproductive capacity, destroying the legal system, and destroying the minds of our youth. This assault is also known as transgender issues being introduced to very young children. First off, sexualizing children is child abuse – any ‘teacher’ doing this needs to be the target of an FBI swat team. This destroys the mental stability of the sexualized youth. After they are sexualized, the child abusers are demanding that the child is able to sign off on sexual reassignment therapy and surgeries despite any objections of the parents. This destroys the legal system and the family. It also absolutely destroys any chance of reproducing. It’s all a representation of transhumanism.

Another place that transhumanism pops up quite frequently is the While House. On September 12, 2022, Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy, was signed by Joe Biden (who hates this nation and hates everyone in it – even the morons who voted for him). The second paragraph of the document shows the satanically-inspired contempt Joe Biden has for the humans God created and his intent to murder as many of us as he can:

“For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities.  We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence; and advance the science of scale‑up production while reducing the obstacles for commercialization so that innovative technologies and products can reach markets faster.”

We need to be able to program human beings like computer programmers code software? No thanks. The document defines the term ‘key R&D areas,’ which the US government will be investing in and funding, as:

“The term “key R&D areas” includes fundamental R&D of emerging biotechnologies, including engineering biology; predictive engineering of complex biological systems, including the designing, building, testing, and modeling of entire living cells, cell components, or cellular systems; quantitative and theory-driven multi-disciplinary research to maximize convergence with other enabling technologies; and regulatory science, including the development of new information, criteria, tools, models, and approaches to inform and assist regulatory decision-making.  These R&D priorities should be coupled with advances in predictive modeling, data analytics, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, high-performance and other advanced computing systems, metrology and data-driven standards, and other non-life science enabling technologies.”

How about no. How about we all go on a tax strike and tell Joe Biden that our tax dollars will be better spent on the state level instead of being funneled into humanity-ending technologies and to the money-launderer’s choice nation, Ukraine. How about we bankrupt the entire United States government, throw it out, and get back to the Constitution. How about we get some state backing making it illegal for any of their residents to pay a single cent to the federal government? We don’t need biotechnologies, we need responsible government. We don’t need transhumanism, we need God.

God flooded the earth the last time people had bioengineered DNA in their bodies. Have you ever heard of the idea in the Bible – “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9)? Humans mutating their DNA intentionally seems to be something God frowns upon. He frowns upon it so much that he decided to wipe out all of the life on earth save for Noah and the creatures he saved. One of those reasons is found in Genesis 6:9, “Here is the history of Noach. In his generation, Noach was a man righteous and wholehearted; Noach walked with God.” Generation here can be taken in many ways. There are many who say that Noah was just more in-tune with God than everyone in his time. I agree with this but also note that this includes the DNA in Noah’s body – he had no lineage tinged with fallen angel or giant genetics AND he walked with God. This is why he was saved from among all of humanity.

So where does that leave us? Are we following God? Or are we following the age old lie spoken by the serpent in the Garden of Eden – “surely you won’t die.” Surely, we do die because of that transgression against God. The only way to not die is to be acceptable to God and follow His Laws. Are we doing that? Are we even trying? Maybe we should all start. And maybe, just maybe, falling for the same old lie – called transhumanism today – is going to get those receiving transhuman technologies rejected by God. Being aware of transhumanism and their efforts is very important to me because I seek to please God. One of those ways I seek to fulfill this desire is to stay human. We are in a spiritual battle on a physical plane….

Bless God and God bless.


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