Want to End the Russian Ukraine War?

Want to End the Russian Ukraine War?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/8/2022

There is a major bridge in Europe. It was blown up this morning. The method was by truck bomb. That truck would have had to have been massive – the bridge it destroyed was three different links – two automobile passages and a train passage which spanned miles across the Black Sea, linking mainland Russia with Crimea. Go look at the pictures. The lower portion is the automobile corridors – the outer one is destroyed and in the sea. Above this is a train, reported to have been carrying fuel which exploded when the truck bomb detonated.

Who is the most likely to have done this? Ukraine. Specifically the Ukrainian government under the psychotic Nazi, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. Ukraine is another great example of why removing leaders is always a bad idea – the world ends up with Zelensky’s. The guy is bought and paid for by globalists and is a puppet for western interests. This is no different than Russia rigging elections in it’s former Soviet states. Ukraine, however, accepted everything the west wanted it to do including allowing NATO forces in the border, race-specific and individual-specific biomedical weapons labs, and operating as a giant money laundering racket. I don’t see news stories about Belarus, Russia, and Moldovia setting up Russian bioweapons labs on the Polish, Finish, and Romanian borders. If they were, rest assured the New York Times would be losing it’s mind demanding action to destroy the efforts.

An advisor to the head of the office of Zelensky (@podolyak_M) took to twitter stating, “Crimea, the bridge, the beginning. Everything illegal must be destroyed, everything stolen must be returned to Ukraine, everything occupied by Russia must be expelled.” His remarks about the bridge came less than two days after the psychotic president of Ukraine went on Australian television for an interview with Lowy Institute. Zelensky urged NATO to use nuclear strikes against Russia:

“But what is important, I once again appeal to the international community, as I did before February 24: We need preemptive strikes, so that they’ll know what will happen to them if they use nukes, and not the other way around. Don’t wait for Russia’s nuclear strikes, and then say: ‘Oh, since you did this, take that from us!’”

Zelensky’s message was pretty clear – NATO should use nuclear weapons against Russia to save his ass. Everyone and their mother is doing their best to mitigate the problems Zelensky’s plea has stirred. The Australian news.com.au gathered together all of the times Russia has reminded the world they are a nuclear power. And then decided to tell everyone that the language Zelensky used was only a cry for more sanctions against Russia. In order to do this they decided that Zelensky was not calling for anything at all because the context of his words were to remind the international community of what occurred before February 24.

Newsweek conducted a fact check about whether Zelensky was referring to preemptive strikes in his statement. Here is their interpretation of the speech, which they deemed false:

“The quote from Ukraine's president has been taken out of context and misrepresents his message.

“As his spokesman clarified after his address, Zelensky's talk of "preemptive strikes" referred to measures such as sanctions before Putin launched his full-scale invasion on February 24.

“Both the February 24 date and the phrase "apply pressure" (suggesting sanctions rather than a literal military strike) are used in his speech.

“Zelensky's comment, which was not unprompted but came as a response to a question, was focussed on strategy, rather than being a threat.

“As Nykyforov highlighted, the president outlined how the world had to take preventive measures to prevent Russia from starting a war, and at that time it was only about sanctions. Podolyak said Russia was pushing "fake" narrative that Zelensky was calling for nuclear war.”

This is gas-lighting. Read the statement Zelensky ACTUALLY made and then look at the efforts to change what he actually had to say into something more palatable. Zelensky asks for NATO bombs to fall inside of Russia and the entire globalist media says no he didn’t, go back to sleep and we will handle this. Their ‘handling’ of the situation will only end when there are 15 minutes of nuclear weapons flying around the globe. After they are detonated, billions will die, and billions more will starve to death in the years to come. Newsweek is just as guilty as Zelensky is in perpetrating this crime against humanity.

RT (Russian Times) is obviously going to be just as biased in Russia’s favor as Newsweek is dedicated to gas-lighting. RT wrote of Zelensky’s remarks, “The phrase he used literally translates as “preemptive strikes,” with the word “udary” in Ukrainian meaning both “strikes” and “kicks.” How exactly the word could translate as “sanctions,” neither Nikoforov nor Zelensky offered to explain.” Interesting. Translate.com interprets the word, удари (udary) to ‘blows.’ Translation2 gives an answer of ‘hits.’ Webtran translates it as ‘strokes.’ None of these translations can mean sanctions.

Russia has absolutely had prominent members of the government suggest the use of nuclear strikes in Ukraine and beyond. London, New York City, and Washington D.C. have all been mentioned as well as other European cities and DUMBS (deep underground military bases). This would include Denver, Colorado’s airport, for example.

So too has the United States had members of it’s government demand preemptive nuclear strikes on Russia. Senator Roger F. Wicker, may he meet his maker, was calling for US military assets to preemptively engage Russia forces in the Black Sea in December of 2021. Wicker stated, ““This may mean that we are participating [в конфликте]… And I would not rule it out. I do not exclude the presence of American troops on the ground. We do not rule out the use of nuclear weapons first, “- explained the American politician.” Wicker is not the only one.

NATO cannot, by international law, enter Ukraine openly without having Russia launch nuclear missiles. Russia cannot enter NATO-member nations without eliciting nuclear attacks from NATO. Ukraine, which is NOT a member of NATO, was chosen because of these stipulations. Russia can attack it and Ukraine can get all of the weapons and money they ask for to repel the attack. The war being waged is between globalists, through their support of Ukraine, and the alternative to globalism represented by Russia.

The globalist factions want a nuclear war. The Russian’s want Ukraine to stop supporting globalist operations against them. I find the threats of NATO-members and their money launderer of choice, Ukraine, far more concerning than Putin and the Russian Federation’s threats of the same. I don’t want to see anyone use a nuclear device against anyone else. I want to see NATO completely thrown out of Ukraine. I want to see Russia completely out of Ukraine. How does that happen? Putin and Zelensky would need to sit down and negotiate a peace that is robust and strong. That isn’t going to happen.

If the world wants to see a deescalation between Russia and Ukraine, Zelensky should be removed. If NATO wanted to bring about peace, they would have already publicly demand Zelensky and Putin negotiate with a deadline. Like I said that is not going to happen. Russia has a bargaining chip – Ukrainian territory. Ukraine has a bargaining chip as well – get rid of NATO and western operations conducting anything within their borders. Because the two are never going to negotiate, ending this conflict should see NATO missiles aimed at Zelensky. That will not happen either.

What will happen is the west will continue to send billions of dollars to the criminal nation of Ukraine. The west will continue to send weapons to the criminals in Kiev. They want this to happen because the people sending the ‘aid’ are pocketing massive amounts of kickbacks from the transfers. The criminals in Kiev will continue to do what it can to humiliate Russia without giving Putin any opportunity to save face. Basically the west is doing whatever it can to back Putin into a corner to the point where nuclear strikes are his only option to save face. If Moscow pulls the nuclear trigger they will all point at him and say see he’s the bag guy. These murderous monsters are putting Putin into that situation.

Sooner or later there will be nuclear war. It is most likely, in my opinion, that this will be occurring relatively soon. Also in my opinion the culprit will be the West either through a false flag (using a tactical nuclear device in a populated place) to justify strategic nuclear war which Russia (and possibly China) will respond to. The other scenario I see as slightly less likely is NATO skipping the false flag event and going right to strategic strikes against Russia, within the nation, which will culminate in nuclear war. Blowing up the bridge is just one more event in the run up to one of these two scenarios.

Do you know what comes from that? The Antichrist will step forward with his false peace. Billions will already be dead in Europe, the United States, and Russia. The remaining people will be crying out for peace, food, and medical attention. All of that will be promised and granted as long as the recipient will bow to the ‘man of peace’ and the beast system created to facilitate his global government, religion, currency, and everything else. We, indeed, live in unique and terrible times. All of us are here, at this time, for a reason. That reason is known by God and, possibly, you – if you have asked God for your instructions.

Are you prepared for these times? The most important preparation is spiritual. Get right with God, literally. That means reading your Bible, worshiping Him full heartedly, trusting Him to guide you, and relying on Him for sustenance. Physically it means having an ‘escape’ plan, food, water ammunition, seeds, transportation options, etc. The preppers are called crazy and demonized by those who have already turned their will to the beast system. Preppers seek to have supplies on hand to survive what is coming. Preppers with a spiritual connection to God will be cared for; however, in this life and in the next.

Bless God and God bless.


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