Fact Check: How to Prevent the Next Pandemic by Bill Gates

Fact Check: How to Prevent the Next Pandemic by Bill Gates

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/9/2022

Not only is Bill Gates a thief who has amassed a fortune from his stolen goods, he’s also our moral leader in many areas. Stopping man made climate change, for example, is one of Gates’ pet projects. He’s not a scientist in anything related to climate science, something that gets me precluded from the conversation constantly, but he did write an entire book about how the rest of us should all live so that Gates can continue to live his life. Likewise, Bill Gates wrote a book about how we can prevent pandemics in the future. Again, Bill Gates is telling all of the people he has decided are useless eaters how we are going to be forced to live our lives because of the fear of disease he wants to pimp out.

The entire book is based on lies. In the Introduction, on pages 16-17, Gates craps right down the throats of polite society by decrying his critics. He states that one criticism is that he is an unelected billionaire in which he agrees that rich people having the kind of influence he has is bad for society. He also defends his use of the private sector to justify his “aim to improve the quality of the ideas that go into public policies and to steer funding towards those ideas that are likely to have the greatest impact.” The public policies he supports are Mengele-level experiments. Then he addresses his involvement with governmental affairs, specifically the WHO. He has decided the WHO is underfunded so he is justified in funding them.

After patting himself on the back for thinking he is some kind of great ‘innovator’ (maybe in democide) he lets his readers know what he thinks of people who actually check into his activities (page 18):

“Unfortunately, not every criticism of me is as thoughtful. Throughout COVID, I’ve marveled at how I became the target of wild conspiracy theories. It’s not an entirely new sensation – nutty ideas about Microsoft have been around for decades – but the attacks are more intense now. I have never known whether to engage them or not. If I ignore them, they keep spreading. But does it actually persuade anyone who buys into these ideas if I go out and say ‘I am not interested in tracking your movements, I honestly don’t care where you are going, and there is no movement tracker in any vaccine’? I’ve decided that the best way forward is to just keep doing the work and believe that the truth will outlive the lies.”

Anyone that questions Gates’ motives is a conspiracy theorist in his book. Notice how he took one of the damning facts about him, dismissed it out of hand, and decided to just carry on with what he is doing? It’s because he is deaf to criticism completely and doesn’t care about human lives. All he wants is more people under surveillance and less of them to track. It’s weird that I can look patent number WO2020060606 – Cryptocurrency System Using Body Data Activity up. The patent is held by Microsoft. Bill Gates is lying directly through his teeth.

But if he wants a wild conspiracy theory to try to explain away, I’d love to hear about why his wife really divorced him. I’d love to hear about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. I’d love to hear his try to get around the idea that he was participating in human cloning experiments in New Mexico. Maybe he could explain what he is doing with over 200,000 acres of farmland. But I digress, he won’t explain it because he knows he has blood on his hands.

Back to Gates’ book now. There are nine chapters and an afterward in this book. In chapter one Gates tells us that we need to learn from COVID. He takes this opportunity to bash the United States for its COVID response while exalting the nation of Vietnam. Gates’ version of a good COVID response only occurred in nations where masks were mandated, six-foot mandates were established, everything that could be shut down was, everyone was tested over and over again, and COVID vaccines were made available and accessible (page 32).

“Not everyone did the right thing, of course. Some people have refused to wear masks or get vaccinated. Some politicians have denied the severity of the disease, shut down attempts to limit its spread, and even implied that there’s something sinister in the vaccines. It’s impossible to ignore the impact their choices are having on millions of people, and there’s no better proof of those old political cliches: Elections have consequences, and leadership matters.”

In the second chapter Gates describes creating a pandemic prevention team. This is where he calls for creating his Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization (GERM) team. He wants 3,000 full time employees, involved in of the sciences of diseases, to be under the direction of the WHO. GERM responsibilities would include constant surveillance of everyone’s health around the globe and, when they deem fit, “creating and coordinating common responses, such as how and when to implement border closures and recommend mask use” (page 47). GERM’s employees should come from all around the earth so that governmental infiltration will be most successful. Basically GERM would be the world’s disease police. Gates wants to fund this operation with a billion dollars a year from tax dollars and only accountable to the WHO.

3,000 Mengele proteges running around spying on everyone? What could go wrong with that idea Gates? In chapter 3 he doubles down on his surveillance ambitions by demanding that we catch outbreaks earlier. In this chapter Gates shows his profound love for PCR tests being used as a diagnostic tool – something that it’s inventor specifically noted the technology was not designed for. Gates spends some time on multiscreeing tools like LumiraDX and Nexar which supposedly are capable of testing a multitude of diseases. LuminaDX, Gates writes could be used by teachers in our children’s classrooms and Nexar is very fast and screens based on genetic data. Gates loves the idea of constantly probing the genetics of human beings under the guise of pandemic prevention because it fits into his transhumanist, people-less, future that he plans on murdering everyone else to live in.

To prove this Gates shifts to a Seattle-based program called the Seattle Flu Study which ended up being applied to COVID. The study took genetic data from tens of thousands of people, most of whom didn’t even know they were going to be in the study. Doctors collecting samples from patients just handed the samples over to the study. It doesn’t matter that the transfer is against the law, Gates supports it so it’s now okay. What they used the data for was to create genetic variants of different pathogens, including COVID.

While Gates, never a big stickler about privacy concerns, claims that personal data regarding DNA samples was safeguarded – his concerns, and the concerns of the Seattle Flu Study – ran into a problem (page 73).

“The patient at the clinic who had given the sample didn’t know that it had been used in a research trial. Although it was standard practice to test the patient’s sample for another disease such as COVID, revealing the results of that test to anyone – even to the patient, much less to public health officials – was another matter. It would be a violation of the flu study’s research protocol.”

Let me break this down for you. It is illegal to share medical information without consent of the patient. These are called HIPPA rules. There is nothing more personal regarding medical data than the DNA in our bodies. No disclosures were ever signed for the study to have obtained these samples legally in the first place. So, now that this criminal racket was in possession of thousands and thousands of illegally obtained samples, they had a dilemma about disclosing results they should not have been able to get in the first place. They solved it by breaking the law yet again by revealing the information. Get out of the way law, we have COVID now. They should all be in prison forever, including the doctors who took samples and handed them over to this ‘research team.’

On page 81 Gates uses fear to convince his readers that he needs to control our lives:

“Every community in every country should be able to detect an outbreak in seven days or less, report it and begin investigation within another day, and implement effective control measures within another week- standards that will give everyone in a health system goals to aim for and ways to measure their improvement.”

He goes on to write that determining the cause of death needs to be medically determined and that tests should be designed so that they are cheap and able to be used by anyone. He also wants computer modeling to be used even more heavily to detect disease outbreak and the possible ways it could spread. It’s really odd to me that Bill Gates would be so heavily reliant on computer modeling to determine disease response until I realize that he uses these same GIGO models to demand no one but him is permitted to operate a gasoline engine, heat their homes, or eat beef. It’s the same thing with disease modeling – the scariest scenario will always be used and will always be wrong – but the fear that it produces is all that matters for guys like Gates. Fear prompts actions not normally taken by rational human beings – and Gates has all of the answers the people he has frightened want to hear.

Chapter four is all about getting protection to people as quickly as possible. He focuses a lot on non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) – things like masks, closing businesses and schools, and demanding social distancing. He starts off the chapter talking about handshakes and, honestly, if you can’t shake my hand then there is no reason doing business with you. He loves them all because he doesn’t live paycheck to paycheck and he doesn’t have to go grocery shopping. He doesn’t have to worry about his kids falling behind in school or killing themselves because his kids aren’t in school anymore. His kids can still have their normal interaction behind the kabuki theater’s scenes because COVID is only for us poor useless eaters – not the likes of Gates and his family.

Page 86 is another page of vomit spewing forth from Gates:

“These interventions are what we use to flatten the curve – that is, to slow down transmission so that hospitals don’t get overwhelmed with patients – without having to identify everyone who who’s infected. If you catch an outbreak soon enough, you can find almost all the people who are infected and test everyone they have come in contact with. That’s crucial, especially since it is notoriously difficult to find people who are carrying the pathogen but aren’t showing symptoms; NPIs help prevent them from spreading COVID just as well as people who are symptomatic.”

And he goes on to claim that doing the right thing will appear that you are overreacting, that schools may not need to be closed in the next pandemic, that we should be tracked by our cell phones to see if we abided by lockdown decrees, the flu was actually non-existent in 2020, contact tracing should be expanded, ventilators didn’t murder people, social distancing is great, and everyone should always wear a mask. Later in the chapter he describes going to a meeting in March 2020 with no mask while he was ill. It turns out he had the flu, not COVID. He writes on page 109 for his love of China and of the masks he thinks we should all wear all the time:

“It is unfortunate that Americans have not grown more accepting of masks in the intervening century. The protests were at least as vocal and occasionally violent in 2020 as the were in 1918.

“Missing the value of masks is indeed, as the head of China’s CDC said, one of the biggest mistakes made during the pandemic. If everyone had masked up early on – and if the world had enough supplies to meet the demand [China bought them all up between November 2019 and January 2020] – it would have blunted the spread of COVID dramatically. As a public health expert told me over dinner one night, ‘If everyone would just wear masks, How to Prevent the Next Pandemic would be a very short book.’”

Maybe Gates forgot to tell you this, but Anthony Fauci – Gates’ idol – wrote a paper about the effect of masks during the 1918 flu. What did Fauci conclude in that paper? He concluded that the masks themselves were responsible for far more disease and death than the flu could have ever dreamed of causing. Maybe Gates is so predisposed to lie in order to gain control over human beings that he just can’t help himself. In any case this is one more instance where Gates chooses to put his own desires for control over the health of people.

In chapter 5 Gates talks about finding new treatments. He lists black pepper, antibiotics, vitamin and mineral supplements, hydroxychloroquine, vodka, and sweet wormwood as fake cures rumored to help with COVID infections. Before thoroughly attempting to debunk hydroxychloroquine’s effects on COVID , he mentions ivermectin merely to state it is used to treat parasitic infections. After page upon page about drug creation Gates wraps the chapter up on page 138:

“In short, although therapeutics didn’t rescue us from COVID, they hold a lot of promise for saving lives and preventing future outbreaks from crippling health systems. But to make the most of that promise, the world needs to invest in the research and systems we’ll need to find treatments much faster, and to deliver them to people who need them, wherever they are. If we succeed in doing this, the next time the world faces an outbreak, we’ll minimize the disruption and save millions of lives.”

Again. Gates has ulterior motives. If anything was found to be effective at treating COVID and acknowledged as such, there would be no murder jabs. There would be no new drugs for COVID on the market. Gates would be far worse off because he wouldn’t have been able to tell people to destroy their lives so grandma won’t get sick. And there were effective treatments, namely ivermectin, hydrozychloroquine, vitamins, and zpacks in combination. It was remdesivir and ventilators which murdered many, many people. In order to protect his good friend and accomplice in murder Anthony Fauci, Gates decided to omit all of these facts.

Chapter six must have been Gates’ favorite chapter – it was all about vaccines. In particular he loses the murderous effects of mRNA technoligies and those who created it. He also loves the idea of using viral vector vaccines and protein subunit vaccines. All of these technologies kill people and he damn well knows it and he omits any mention of the side effects. That makes him a willing accomplice to over a million murders and tens of millions of assault and medical malpractice charges.

On vaccines, Bill Gates would like to see them be universal, one shot for any illness, offer complete protection, need not to be kept cold, able to be given by absolutely anyone, and increased manufacturing. He really likes the idea of combining vaccines together. He wants to see vaccines so potent that one is all we need. He wants vaccines which offer more protection. He wants people to be able to go to the pharmacy and buy over-the-counter micro needle vaccines which can be self administered. And he wants to make sure that vaccine manufacturing capacity is increased even if there is no need for any vaccine. This all comes after his demands to speed the approval process up.

Page 177-178 displays Gates’ dishonesty and hatred of humanity as well as his zest for wanting to murder humanity as we now exist:

“This chapter boils down to two key points. First: As awful as COVID is, the world is lucky to have made vaccines as quickly as it did. And second: We’ve only touvhed the surface fo how good vaccines can be. Because we can’t assume we’ll be so lucky next time – and because there are phenomenal opportunities for saving lives beyond the threat of pandemics – the world should be pursuing and ambition agenda to make vaccines even better.”

In other words, chapter 6 boils down to because globalists chose COVID responses as repressive as they thought we would tolerate, the world is lucky to have been introduced snake oil which kills and maims people. There will be a second pandemic. Vaccines are the end all be all in healthcare. Never mind that the vaccines actually create non-human entities out of human beings. We need to spend trillions of dollars and centuries of manpower on vaccine creation. That’s all Gates is saying. And he’s lying to all of us when he claims he wants to save lives. He wants to perfect tranhumanist technologies which is why he is all about creating vaccines which mutate DNA in human beings and are derived from chimeras in the first place.

Practice is what chapter seven focuses on. He lists a practice scenarios which have occurred including Crimson Contagion, Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, Clade X, Winter Willow, Cygnus, and Event 201. On Event 201, Gates uses a footnote (page 186) to mention, “The Gates Foundation was one of the funders of the Event 201 exercise. Some conspiracy theorists suggested that it predicted COVID. As the organizers made clear, it wasn’t a prediction, and they said so at the time.” Funny that Gates would mention it, the damned thing is a script being followed in real life – did they mention not to use it as a script to follow in real life too?

Gates brings up the issue of biological terrorism in this chapter while in another chapter he completely dismissed COVID having anything to do with being created in a lab. Thus, Gates uses the opportunity to point his wretched fingers at Russia, DIY biologists, and terrorist organizations while failing to mention US-sponsored gain of function research efforts at all. Then he starts talking about surveilling the air for biological agents. Because of this and because he decided to couch this in national security terms, he demands that the NIH budget be increased significantly to increase its efforts to spy on US citizens.

Chapter 8 is about health equity. He never mentions anything about getting clean drinking water and sanitation into places with disease burdens. Gates’ only focus is on getting his murderous vaccines into people. He’s literally been caught running sterilization campaigns in Africa yet here he is demanding an increase in the lands he is able to conduct sterilization campaigns. It’s not about clean water and nutritional diets for Gates’ it’s all about vaccines and new drugs.

The last chapter details the plan he would like to see in place in order to stop any future pandemic. The first suggestion he makes is, again, to create more ‘vaccines’ drugs, and tests and to destroy any right to be free of medical tyranny. The second is a demand that GERM be instituted. Three on the list is total surveillance. Four is to strengthen health systems in order to make sure that no one could ever opt out of this tyranny.

In the Afterward Bill Gates lays out how great all of the digital products are. He doesn’t seem to be able to wrap his 3rd-grade brain around the idea that human beings need to be touched, to be hugged, to be held, and kissed. He doesn’t address the issues that virtual reality (something he is completely on board with and promotes in this chapter) brings to the table in regards to procreation. He wants a human-less future and this is how you get a human-less future. You kill as many people as you can, destroy the family, isolate people, destroy their ability to socially thrive, and all of a sudden there are no people on earth left. That’s exactly what Gates wants and that’s exactly what he is saying he wants in the Afterward.

Fact Check: False

Bill Gates omits far more facts about COVID than he includes. He omits any content damaging to his narrative. He omits all safety data about any of the products he mentions. He continuously demands more money from taxpayers so that we can be surveilled all the time. He has no regard for laws. He has no desire for anyone but himself to enjoy one iota of freedom. Everything he suggests in this book will a) not stop another pandemic; b) kill individual freedom in the name of collectivist medical tyranny; c) create global government; d) force us to pay for our own enslavement and; e) kill off billions of people.

Bill Gates’ ideas will not stop a pandemic. They will destroy civilization.

I recommend responsible authorities go pick up this murderous thief, try him for fraud, conspiracy to commit murder, and crimes against humanity and, if he is found guilty, sentence him to a televised death by hanging. Gates can go to Hell instead of trying to create it upon the earth.


What is there to celebrate, Nobel?


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