The War Being Waged on Morality

The War Being Waged on Morality

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/16/2022

All over the place there is evidence of moral decay. We are watching it play out in the Russian Ukraine war. We are seeing it with the Biden administration rendering null and void the sections of the Bill of Rights they don’t like based on political preference. We are watching it in society with the lawlessness which runs rampant. Schools are a joke and instilling immoral, amoral, and destructive values in their pupils on purpose. While many people are speaking out against these arenas of moral decay, too many are not only not speaking out but are actually supporting the decay.

Morality, traditionally, has been derived from religious texts – for me and hundreds of millions of others morality comes from the Bible. Other religions have their own take upon morality based upon their own revered or holy texts. It has been such throughout history, there have been a multitude of competing moralities. All of them are being targeted for destruction by a new ideology with it’s own set of morals. This new set of morals is 100% made by man, explicitly excludes God, Jesus, and any other supernatural being, and is subjective to any given situation. Loosely, it is called humanism.

It is humanism which has given rise to some of the most tragic and deadly events in human history. The Third Reich was based on humanism and resulted in Wold War II and the Holocaust. The Russians created the USSR which held an ideology of humanism dictating state (leader) worship while denying the existence of God altogether. Well over 25 million were murdered by the USSR’s moral codes. China is probably the worst example in the history of the world – Mao murdered upwards of 80 million people under the subjective moral declarations dictated by the government. The UN has an unknown body count on it’s hands, but it is completely humanist. Save for nations of Islam (Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan, etc…) humanism has been adopted by the governments of the nations of the earth. At the end of the day, humanism is a denial of God and, thus, a denial of the morality He set down upon mankind; it’s satanic.

Also satanic are religions which deny the existence of Yeshua and His Father. That would include Islam, Buddhism, Hindus, and many indigenous religious practices. The New Age movement – still a thriving delusion, is satanic. Many Christians themselves are practicing satanism by embracing the world. All of these believers are walking away from God the Creator of the universe. They are all walking away from the salvation of the Son of God. These are all individual choices people make – to follow God or to reject him. That is what I intend to convey by using the word satanic – this walking away from God.

The governments of the world, along with many religious institutions – especially Christian and Jewish – have chosen a path which intends to align the world in “peace” through the works of man. The basis of these man-made works lies in humanism. Jesus described these works as filthy rags. For good reason – these works are worthless because the rise of humanism dictates the rejection of God’s rules. God’s rules for our life allow us to walk with him and are found in the Torah. Yeshua (Jesus) condensed these rules and lived perfectly by them. From the 631 rules in the Torah came the Ten Commandments which Yeshua condensed in to two general principles. Humanism seeks, more than anything else, to destroy the Word of God and the teachings of Yeshua.

My intent is not to disparage any religious belief. It is to point out that humanism has infiltrated all of these religions. Because humanism has been so alluring and, thus, so successful at infiltrating religious institutions, humanism, not the holy texts or a philosopher’s reasoning, is now the basis of creating our moral codes. The problem with this twofold and each issue is a massive problem. The first one is that all of these moral rules are based upon a subjective ‘truth’ no matter what level they are found in – individual, familial, organizational, governmental, or societal. The second issue is a hard proven fact of human nature – whatever man gives man can also take away.

During Covid-19’s mitigation efforts, which are still ongoing, we saw the way subjective truth works on full display. First there was a man-made disease intentionally ‘leaked’ from a lab. People started getting sick and some started dying. Then came the soon after came restrictions which divided people into two camps the so-called unessential and the so-called essential. Businesses closed. Markets and store were forced to restrict their hours. Religious centers were ordered to cease holding services. Masks were mandated. Everyone was ordered to pretend that standing out of arm’s reach of anyone else would keep them safe. Nursing homes turned into internment camps for the elderly. And in the middle of all of that some worthless crackhead named George Floyd died of a drug overdose while being arrested.

First of all, basing police reform on a crackhead dying of a drug overdose is not a good idea. The riots which broke out from the ‘protests’ of George Floyd’s death were absolutely insane. People were being harassed while they ate dinner. Many were assaulted, including journalists. Journalists not friendly to the protests were shouted over and had people with flags, blankets, and their own bodies prevent photography and video. If the photographer did not comply with the crowd’s demands to cease activity, the journalists were assaulted and their cameras were primary targets during these assaults. Billions of dollars of property damage was committed through robberies, burglaries, and arson. Hundreds were assaulted, dozens were raped, and dozens were also murdered. There was even a brief experiment with nation creating in Portland, Oregon with the CHAZ.

Government is nothing but force. In the United States the framers of the Constitution and the authors of the Bill of Rights recognized that and did their level best to mitigate the ability of the government to use that force save for instances in which it was called for. When Covid-19 came to the United States all of that was suspended. Citizens were not permitted to walk into stores without masks in most of the country. Citizens were ordered to stay home from work and children to stay home from school. Anyone with a complaint about those measures was censored for not abiding by the narrative being sought by the local and state governments to please their global governance masters (in this scenario it was the WHO and UN). All of this was amoral. All of it was based on the lies that we won’t die if we just listen to these men and women ordering us around. This only intensified once the murder jabs were developed which, as far as I am concerned constitutes a real-world trail run of transhumanist introduction to the masses as well as the largest depopulation effort ever conducted upon mankind.

While government is nothing but force, mobs are nothing but mayhem. While the rest of us were locked down in our homes, the United States’ version of the Red Guard went and destroyed whatever they saw fit. All of their activity was completely rooted in humanism. Using subjective moral codes, this segment of the unwashed masses decided to burn, rape, loot, and murder at will and justified their actions based on their feelings. Police departments were ordered to stand down save for in the most egregious of incidents. This was especially true in any precinct where there were democrat governors, mayors, or police chiefs. They didn’t stop taxing us for the services the police were supposed to be preforming during all of this either. The criminal elements within the BLM and Antifa were basically permitted to conduct their crimes because the cops were, in effect, handcuffed by their administrators. All of this was highly immoral as well.

We still see this humanism in practice two years later. The border is wide open and illegal aliens are pouring into the country in the millions. Some of these are minors without parents and only God and the criminals trafficking in these poor souls know where they ended up after arriving in the United States. In the schools, our children are not only being forced to celebrate transgender individuals and homosexuals, they are being encouraged to explore their own sexuality. Some of these children are as young as 6 years-old. We are watching show trials and people are celebrating them. They aren’t concerned about the implications these trials are having upon the rights of mankind, they see the objective as getting certain people they don’t agree with removed from society. It’s all based on the ideas included in humanism.

This war will not be won until humanism is no longer the guiding principle of our legal, legislative, and executive bodies. Any action will be justified by humanists as long as it serves a purpose they have decided is beneficial to themselves. In their view, taking Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and Alex Jones out of the public arena (which they have not been successful with yet) is a win because the ideas hurt their feelings. When God gave every individual the ability to speak freely, as noted in the first amendment, the internal enemies of the United States couldn’t just strip them immediately. Instead they formed a global governmental organization called the United Nations which ratified the Declaration of Universal Human Rights. The document lists 28 rights (some of which are not rights at all), which can be taken away should the need arise. There is no mention, let alone an appeal to, any higher power beyond mankind. At that time the war front on morality was creating a large minority in the United States which chose to abandon the Constitution and follow the United Nations instead. They accomplished this by destroying the family in the 1950’s and carrying it on to today.

The media is a huge propagator of this strain of humanism. Slate is one of the worst. Slate has decided to have a Dear Ann style column in their publication called Dear Prudence. The October 15, 2022 installment of this tackled three questions all of which show what humanism devolves into. The first issue was a legal immigrant who has had a friend since childhood who posts Qanon articles online and whether or not the immigrant should continue the friendship. Slate’s suggestion for the immigrant is to address the issue head on an force the Qanon supporter to change their mind or end the friendship. The second was about a husband and wife who sleep in different rooms and decided to allow a female friend down on her luck to move in with them. Due to space, the friend sleeps in the same bed as the husband. Go to therapy is Slate’s suggestion. The third one is about a ‘nonbianary’ (gender-confused) college graduate having its mother come around to accept its gender choice. Accceptance isn’t enough for Slate, they want the mother to literally grovel to their mentally ill child. All of this shows the absurd level of decay in society in general.

If we want to fix this we need to get back to the morals of the Bible in the United States. We need to be Biblically literate. We should demand that Critical Race Theory and transgender story time be replaced with replaced with age-appropriate readings from the Bible. We need to recommit to building communities based on family units – mother, father, and children. We need to elect leaders who reject the transhumanist nightmare being forced upon humanity – especially at the local, county, and state level. During Covid-19 there should have been 50 governors out of 50 governors telling the federal government, the WHO, the UN, and the public health ‘officials’ at the state, national, and international levels that God-given rights do not disappear during bad cold outbreaks. There should have been multiple governors calling in the national guard to arrest BLM and Antifa members who committed crimes. Instead, it turns out that there were about 45 governors who decided that humanism and the subjective reality it relies on trumps any ones rights. These humanists would have arrested and fined any pastor who held a service long before they attempted to investigate arsonists affiliated with Antifa.

So, read your Bible. Love your family. Raise up a generation fearing God and following the Bible. Reject the humanist world and its attempt to create a transhumanist utopia ruled by a totalitarian technocratic global government which, at it’s core, explicitly rejects all of God’s rules. It is this satanic group which has deluded its minions into infiltrating our institutions and governments. Now it is in our culture and codified into our laws. Learn the power of ‘NO’ and back up that declaration with the Will of God. Denounce the efforts this evil is bringing upon us. That, in my opinion, is the only way to defeat these evil men and the satanic spirits they rely upon for their guidance. Pray. Turn your face towards God.

Bless God and God bless.


Coming Soon: Globalism With a New Name


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