Coming Soon: Globalism With a New Name

Coming Soon: Globalism With a New Name

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/17/2022

What is globalism these days? The globalists themselves are recognizing that the interconnected world they created is falling apart. Supply chains have broken. Global financial collapse is, in my opinion, only weeks away. The new pandemic should be coming around any time now. Until then the globalists are watching to see how many of us drop dead from these stupid, untested, unproven, and dangerous mRNA shots. Globalism these days is all about more global control from globalists who are more steps removed from the masses of people they are controlling.

An opinion piece in The New York Times today, written by Rana Foroohar, titled Globalism Failed to Deliver the Economy We Need addresses some of the problems with globalism, in particular the philosophical model it was built on. While I read this article it seemed to echo other works I have read, so I headed over to the World Economic Forum (WEF) website and searched this woman’s name – 177 hits on Klaus Schwab’s WEF website. I wasn’t surprised – this propaganda labeled as an opinion piece in the New York Times (which failed to mention her WEF ties) read just like the The Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset – both authored by that demonic entity, Schwab.

Foroohar start her NYT’s piece off noting the great amount of confusion and dread about global economic prospects. She attributes these feelings to Ukraine’s war, gas prices, mortgage rates, Covid-19, and the potential for a global recession. She dubs all of this chaos. And then she writes:

“The fear is real. But the chaos is transitory, as it is largely driven by the tumult that attends any transition from an old economic order to a new one. Every economy goes through cycles of expansion and contraction, but the most important indicator within these cycles has less to do with market prices or unemployment rates and more to do with underlying political philosophy.”

If you are familiar with the way that globalists like to write, especially that maggot Klaus Schwab, then no explanation needs to be given. For those of you that don’t, Foroohar skims over the idea of transitioning into a new economic model. She completely fails to name what model is going to replace the one we are familiar with. And she never gets back to it directly. She transitions into an explanation of economic cycles and how no one should really care about the price of goods or unemployment but should focus on the “underlying political philosophy” which is causing global financial hardships. What she is really saying is that in order to ‘fix’ the financial hardships and global economic issues, there needs to be a political realignment in regards to economics.

Neoliberalism is the name of the economic model which globalists have been operating under. Foroohar defines it as “ the idea that capital, goods and people should be able to cross borders in search of the most productive and profitable returns.” It sounds like a really good way to destroy the middle classes in higher wage nations while using what amounts to slave labor in foreign countries to me – it always has. It sounds that way because that’s exactly what free trade does.

Foroohar expanded on the history of the term neoliberalism:

“The term “neoliberalism” was first coined in 1938, at a Paris gathering of economists, sociologists, journalists and businessmen who were alarmed by what they viewed as the excessive state control of markets after the Great Depression. For them, the interests of the nation-state and of democracy could pose problems for economic and political stability. The voting public could not be trusted, and thus national interests (or, more particularly, nationalism) should be constrained by international laws and institutions so that markets and society could function properly.”

I have not read the book translating this Paris meeting, known as the Walter Lippmann Colloquium, but I did find articles providing evidence that Foroohar’s claims are just flat out lies. It seems that there were a lot of disagreements about the causes of economic nationalism, socialism, and fascism. Despite these disagreements, the American Institute for Economic Research notes what most of the participants of the meeting actually agreed upon:

“A Neoliberal Agenda: Markets Plus the Interventionist-Welfare State

“Finally, the issue arose of what any new liberal agenda should incorporate. This was summarized by Walter Lippmann, who, while emphasizing again the essential role of the market-price mechanism, said that added to the maintenance of competitive markets and national defense should be “social insurance programs (Social Security), social services (healthcare and related programs), wider government financial support for public education, and government-funded and government-partnered scientific research. Plus, there needed to be greater government regulation of banking and finance and prevention of the concentration of industries in monopolists’ hands.

“Most of the participants whose comments are recorded in this session said they “completely support without reservation [Lippmann’s] economic declaration”: “Mr. Lippmann’s plan allows us to take into account what is arguable and what may correspond to practical necessities.” “It seems that we are holding to the central point: the intervention of the State in social life.… A liberal system with State intervention … is possible … if that intervention seems absolutely necessary.” “I congratulate Mr. Lippmann on his agenda. His prescriptions are most apt.””

Later in that same article, written in 2018 by Richard Ebeling, the following passage reads:

“The “crisis of liberalism” pointed to today — for instance, in the series of articles in The Economist magazine — is not the crisis of the case for the efficacy of classical liberalism and laissez-faire capitalism. Today’s “liberal” crisis is about the political corruptions and abuses, the fiscal irresponsibility of interventionist and welfare-statist spending, and the rigidities and restrictions on markets imposed by a prevailing neoliberalism that has ended up combining elements of both the politically active left and right. That is the system under which we live today.

“Therefore, the real debate that needs to be undertaken is not between what is called “liberalism” in The Economist magazine and many other places, and its socialist, nationalist, and populist competitors. The vital debate needs to be over why neoliberalism cannot do otherwise than tend to create those problems of corruption and abuse, fiscal irresponsibilities, and rigidities and restrictions because they are made likely, if not inevitable, once politics is introduced into the free market system through regulatory, interventionist, and redistributive policies.”

That paints a much clearer picture of Foroohar’s arguments. She is trying to use a meeting of some of the most classically-liberal minds to sell the world on the idea that global technocratic totalitarian government is the answer to the problems of globalism. Researching this meeting reminded me of why I enjoyed reading Mises and Hayek so much and have no regard for the likes of the Lippmann nor his acolytes. Like Lippmann, Foroohar is trying to slip in the seeds of destruction of humanity. I argue that the social programs desired by some of the attendees at this Paris meeting need to all be gotten rid of and never should have been implemented in the first place. Government in the markets is always a bad thing in my opinion.

Foroohar continues in her article by noting the neoliberal influence upon the IMF, World Bank, and WTO. She notes the wealth which was created by the system to then point her finger at economic inequality. NAFTA, China’s inclusion into the WTO, and other such actions placed the national economic focus on global integration instead of job creation and then writes:

“Even before the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, the prices of the things that make us middle class — from housing to education and health care — were rising far faster than wages. That’s still the case, even with recent wage inflation. The sense that the global economy has become too unmoored from national interests has helped fuel the political populism, nationalism and even fascism (in the form of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement) that we are grappling with today. It’s a bitter irony that the very philosophies that were meant to tamp down political extremism did just the opposite when taken too far.”

Well, stupid WEF freaks, you were publicly warned about that being the outcome. 30 years ago it was mentioned: ““You implement that NAFTA, the Mexican trade agreement, where they pay people a dollar an hour, have no health care, no retirement, no pollution controls,” Perot said during the second presidential debate in October 1992, “and you’re going to hear a giant sucking sound of jobs being pulled out of this country.”” Here we are 30 years later and jobs, millions of them, no longer exist in the United States. It wasn’t a globalism or a neoliberalism that was taken too far, as Foroohar claims, it was designed that way. It was designed that way to destroy wealthy nations, weaken the sovereignty of nations, and replace it with, as her WEF master has termed it, the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

As for Foroohar’s claims that MAGA and Trump are fascists, well, maybe she should go take a look at this Biden fellow. All she, and anyone else, is doing in making the MAGA are fascist’s claim is getting the world ready for a complete and total purge of anyone who thinks that national boundaries are important, free trade is not always a good thing, and that individual liberty exists. That’s a feature of her WEF-led utopian society, not a drawback.

Here is the closest Foroohar gets to explaining what is actually going on. After writing, “ neoliberal philosophy is tapped out, not only in the United States but also abroad” and giving examples supporting her narrative, she writes:

“Fortunately, the pendulum of the political economy eventually swings back, and philosophies that have outlived their usefulness give way to new ones. Seismic shifts in the socioeconomic agenda are rare and transformative. We are going through such a shift now. The world is beginning to reset, not to the “normal” of conventional, neoliberal economic models but to a new normal. There is a rethink going on in policy circles, business and academia about what the right balance is between global and local. Trade policy is shifting to better consider labor and environmental standards, with an understanding that cheap isn’t always cheap if products are degrading the environment or being made with a child’s tiny hands. There’s also a rethink of trade in digital services to account for privacy and liberal values. (Do we really want our personal data handed over to big tech or big surveillance states like China?) Supply chains are shortening, not only because of geopolitics but also because of new technologies (such as decentralized farming and 3-D printing) that are making it possible to hub production and consumption closer to home.”

This one paragraph summarizes The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution very concisely. First there is no going back to the way everyone did economics. The ‘old’ way of looking at economics and social issues is now going to be dictated by these globalists. They are dreaming them up now and, not even in their dreams, can these demons fathom the concepts of individual liberty. Thus, they are going to include social factors into their economic model. The only reason to do this is to effect control over human behavior on an economic basis. Foroohar is cheer-leading the coming of the United States’ implementation of the social credit score and the programmable digital token which will give them full control over all of our lives. What social factors will be in play? She tells us a few of those as well – environmental standards (carbon-credit allotments), ‘liberal’ values (like PayPal fining people $2,500 for whatever PayPal decides is not ‘liberal’), and accepting 3-D printed (fake) food.

But she isn’t done yet. She feels compelled to tell her biggest lie yet:

“So what now? How can we make sure that economic globalization doesn’t again run too far ahead of national politics? And how can we fix things in a way that doesn’t result in 1930s-style protectionism, or a false fit of nostalgia for a bygone era?

“We don’t yet have a new unified field theory for the post-neoliberal world. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue to question the old philosophy. One of the most persistent neoliberal myths was that the world was flat and national interests would play second fiddle to global markets. The last several years have laid waste to that idea. It’s up to those who care about liberal democracy to craft a new system that better balances local and global interests.”

See that? The globalization isn’t going to go away. It will be called something other than neoliberal globalization, but that part will stay put because it’s intended purpose, at least as it has been implemented for the last 40-plus years, is to erect an increasingly powerful and intrusive global government intent on convincing nations to cede sovereignty to it. Foroohar wants her readers to continue attacking the idea of there existing an individual freedom, especially in the economic realm. She claims that she is supporting liberal democracy. In reality she is telling a bold-faced lie. She wants her readers to decide that the system currently in place, the one which we are already transitioning out of, would be better gotten rid of entirely. The plans for the ‘new normal’ are already drawn up. Klaus Schwab has written at least three books on the designs of them. The entire World Economic Forum is dedicated to creating this economic gulag and encroaching upon humanity with the threat of being placed in a physical gulag.

As a practical example, heating our homes this winter will be very expensive. Heating our homes in the 2023-2024 winter will be impossible. The smart meters are already installed – all that needs to be rolled out is the new digital token. Sure it may have your national logo on it, and the central bank of your nation may claim they control it – but they won’t. They will have the terms dictated to you by the controllers of the surveillance state which has already been erected around us both online and in the 3D world. J-walk, lose credits. Bad mouth the social credit score? Lose credits. Try to turn up your heat from 66.2 F to 68 F in 2024 or 2025 – get arrested and lose credits, if your smart meter will even permit you to make the change. This is all already planned out. Foroohar just doesn’t want anyone to see how awful the plan actually is.

So, why is all of this really happening – the price increases, the inflation, the wars, etc…? What good is sovereignty if there is a middle class rich enough to not succumb to a global tyranny? It’s all happening to suck out not only the jobs, but the wealth of any middle class on earth whether they are German, French, American or any other nationality. In feudal times the owner of the estate would have serfs work the land. Tribute was paid by the serfs by giving just about everything they produced to the landowner. Landowners formed an elite in society and the serfs worked that same land for their entire lives. The feudal society was replaced by one recognizing individual liberty. People like Foroohar, the lying snake bastards of Satan they are, are attempting to convince all of us that we should make them the aristocracy and give up on individual liberty. That way the new aristocracy, led by global institutions like the WEF, can dictate our lives to us (neo-feudalism). The WEF and others are claiming the best way to go about things as they purposefully collapse civilization itself is to just follow the WEF’s diktats.

Be not deceived….

I say, in my loudest voice, NO!! – the WEF and all of their supporters can go straight back to the Hell they crawled out of.

We pray to God to save us. We turn our faces to the God of Creation because He is holy. We ask Him to open the hearts and the eyes and the ears of all of us. Take this deception and wickedness from our land. Restore us, we beg you God, our Creator, Holy of Holies. We have sinned grievously. We ask that You allow us, humanity, to repent of our evil ways. We ask You repel the workings of the adversary which does evil upon the earth. We praise You and ask this of You, realizing that without Your mercy we are nothing and can have no effect. Amen.

Bless God and God bless.


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