Straddling Secularism and Theocracy

Straddling Secularism and Theocracy

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/12/2023

This world will not change because of me. It won’t change because of you. It will only change because of all of us. It will only change for the better when God sees fit to rule the earth himself. Until He does so, the people with the power, money, and time to effect changes will direct these changes. Those people changing the earth right now, even while you read this – that elite class of globalists and their henchmen doing their bidding – are actual worshipers and die-hard satanists. Their plan is brilliant and seeing through it is the only way to defeat it.

Humans have limitations. We can only foresee the future so far. Long term plans generally revolve around planning out our lives in a linear fashion. Go to college. Get a job. Fall in love. Get married. Buy a house. Have some kids. Keep working and working and working until the kids get through college, the house is paid for, and the retirement fund is flush with cash. Retire. Vacation. Play with the grand kids. Leave an inheritance for those you love and support.

These were and are my long term goals. Many have the same general sketch of how they see their lives going. Along the way there are all kinds of bumps, U-turns, and hazards to avoid. Short and medium term goals become stepping stones towards the long term goals. It rarely goes as planned – go talk to anyone. There is always something which is in the way towards them achieving their goals no matter what the time frame is. I experience this daily and I’m sure almost everyone else does as well.

This is all based on a concept of linear time. It is easy to get stuck in the idea of linear time because the duration of our lives is such that we do not generally live long enough to see the repetition of the times and ages in which we live. The idea that time is cyclical is generally captured in the idea that those who do not know history will be doomed to repeat it. And doomed they are.

The angel of heaven who was in charge of the worship of God was named Lucifer. He was thrown out of heaven if you will recall. On earth he and his angels caused a great deal of harm to humanity in general. He and his fallen army corrupted and misled mankind to the point where God destroyed all but eight people and the creatures Noah took onto the ark. The flood is recorded throughout all cultures as well as the archaeological record. The flood was God’s wrath towards the reprobate, those who sided with Lucifer so strongly that there was no turning back to God. Lucifer, thinking that he had wrought enough evil, saw Noah and his family and the creatures God spared in the Ark and knew that he failed to corrupt the entire earth. His plans before the flood were much more long term in nature. Once he realized he lost that battle he had to create a new plan to corrupt the inhabitants of earth.

The Bible records Lucifer’s attempts at corrupting the world once again in the ages between the flood and the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ or Yeshua. The Adversary was constantly trying to gain an entrance into people’s lives and have them turn their backs on God. The world depicted in the Bible is full of these people following Lucifer’s instructions. Lucifer could see much further into the future than mankind could. His intent was to prevent the coming of the Messiah. In this too he failed.

The Bible is also full of those who followed God, obeyed God, trusted God, and walked with God. Through the lessons these individuals taught we can gain much insight. We can also see time acting in repetition. Over and over again, the Israelites would fall into sin, lose battles, be carried away into captivity, repent, rejoice and be prosperous anew because they were obeying God, and slowly fall, again, into sin. The story of Yeshua is replayed again and again in the Bible through Adam, Abraham, Issac, Moses, David, and others. The difference between these men and Yeshua HaMashiach; however, is that they were not blameless and Yeshua was. He was perfect, meaning he transgressed none of the laws of God. He came to earth to offer humanity hope through belief in Him and His Father. He offered the final sin sacrifice for all who believe in Him. Lucifer understood this well which is why he tried first to prevent the living Torah from coming to earth in the first place and then attempted to corrupt Yeshua upon the mountain. All of his plans were laid for naught.

But Lucifer had other plans in the works. Many people on the earth in those days were evil. Many followed the path of Lucifer, especially through their worshiping of other gods, relationships to others, human sacrifices, and pagan rituals. This was occurring before Yeshua came to earth, while he was on the planet, and has only intensified after His crucifixion and resurrection. The long term plans which Lucifer plotted after Yeshua’s resurrection have slowly but steadily have come to fruition. A review of history confirms this. Recent events (those within the last 200-300 years) show a great acceleration of Lucifer’s plans being adopted throughout the world.

Yet, while humans cannot see so far into the future, and Lucifer is able to see much further into the future, God is the Alpha and the Omega – the first and the last. God knows how everything started and how everything will end and what will happen in between those two events. The really neat part is that God is accessible to human beings. He has always been accessible to human beings, all we need to do is to look for him and sooner or later, we will find Him. God sent the flood. God allowed His captive people to escape Egypt. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. It was God who allowed Daniel to survive the lion’s den. It was God who sent His Son to earth for the sake of all of humanity. It will be God who decides our eternal judgment. God punishes and God rewards based on our observance of, and belief in, His actions, doings, and miracles.

Lucifer knows this too, which is why he is constantly casting doubt in our minds about our relationship with God. Even the most holy among us have dealt with subtle doubts about their relationship with God. It is how we respond to these doubts that our relationship with God is able to grow stronger if we resolve to follow Him and seek his face with new fervor. Unfortunately many people succumb to these doubts and end up rejecting God’s existence altogether. Some go so far as to fall in line completely with Lucifer’s ploy and actively seek his guidance instead of God’s. Those who call themselves atheist, reject Yeshua, hate the law, and follow the ways of the world, which is in Lucifer’s hands, are, in my opinion, all Luciferic or Satanic. Most don’t even recognize the ruin their ungodly beliefs belie.

And that is where the brilliance of Lucifer’s plan is. It is the exploitation of humanity’s limited capacity for laying plans. Lucifer knows what is supposed to happen to him because of God’s superior vision and capabilities in relation to time. Human beings have the ability to recognize this as well, yet sadly, many refuse to invest any effort in understanding by reading history, to gain an understanding that history does, in fact, repeat (or at least rhymes).

The simplest way I have ever heard this explained is that humans live in the third dimension. We have control over the first and second dimension and experience our dimension as time passes. Lucifer and his army live in a dimension which is affected by time but not completely ruled by it as our is. He can see much further into the future of the third dimension than human beings. This is why Lucifer has any control over us at all because he lives in, say, the sixth dimension. God; however, has complete dominion over all of the dimensions that Lucifer or humans exist in. God lives outside of space and time, say, the twelfth dimension. This is why God knows all. God’s timeline makes no sense to human beings whatsoever. It really makes no sense to Lucifer either even though Lucifer is in that higher dimension.

What Lucifer does understand is that humans experience their events through time. As such he has, throughout time, introduced increasing secular installments of leaders. It is rare that any modern leader, especially a leader in a globally-aligned nation, takes seriously the teachings in the Bible. There are no theological governments operating as the Bible states they should. In my analysis there will not be a Biblical God-fearing form of government until the day after God sends his Son back to the earth to purge it of evil and casts Lucifer into the pit of fire.

But there is another form of government which is described in the Bible as well. This government is described in detail, at length, and in various passages in different books of the Bible. We should be familiar with this government because we are already living under it. Yet, billions scoff at the idea denying the reality of this government. To those, I ask, what is the United Nations? Where are all of these people who hate God getting their ethical code from? What is the World Health Organization doing right now? What is the World Bank, the Codex Alimentarius, Davos, Builderberg, World Trade Organization, International Criminal Court, and World Economic Forum? Does your city, state, or country adhere to a sustainability plan?

The global government envisioned by Lucifer exists. It was thought up by those in contact with Lucifer with a will to achieve his ends using any means necessary. A lot of deception has been used to get here, yet here we are. Lucifer’s plans were baked into the American pie in 1788 with the ratification of the United States Constitution. In 1789 France followed suit. The idea of secular government whether based on Biblical principles (the United States) or not (France) is a Luciferic plan to destroy faith in God. Today notes that 23 nations are at least 50% secular with China being the most secular government. 82 nations have a completely or mostly secular constitution. Only 130 nations of the 193 which exist are listed thus, two our of three nations are constitutionally secular.

Lucifer’s idea was to get people to justify freedom from religion. defines this well by defining secularism - “Separation of religious institutions from state institutions and a public sphere where religion may participate, but not dominate. Freedom to practice one's faith or belief without harming others, or to change it or not have one, according to one's own conscience. Equality so that our religious beliefs or lack of them doesn't put any of us at an advantage or a disadvantage.” Notice, they use the term ‘may participate’ meaning that, conversely, maybe the religious won’t be permitted to participate. Look at the way China deals with any religion. The UK arrests those who pray silently. Churches, synagogues, temples, and mosques were shut down around the world because of worldly events. The ecumenical movement has chosen to align worship participants with Gaia and climate change. In this increasingly secular (Luciferic) world those who believe in God and act in accordance with the Bible are being harassed, arrested, mocked, and forbidden services today; we will soon begin to be imprisoned, beaten, and murdered simply for our beliefs in the near future. All of this is in the name of secularism, a belief that people should be able to be free from religion, and in accordance with Lucifer’s plan for erecting a world government and the totalitarian beast system which will operate the levers of power.

According to a very well received book titled The Fourth Turning by William Strauss and Neil Howe we are in what they dubbed the fourth turning. Looking back on history, they, too, draw the conclusion that every 80 years or so history repeats itself. Each generation displays the same set of four characteristics within each of these 80 year or so periods. 80 years ago the year was 1943 – the middle of World War II. Out of WWII came the establishment of the institutions of the global government we all live under. In the 1860’s the United States fought the Civil War. This achieved reorganizing the United States socially; however, lethal precedents were also set in many areas of the relationship between the federal government and the several States and the citizens of those several States. The United States was codifying it’s updated constitution, fresh off of the hostilities of the Revolutionary War, in the 1780’s. Here, in the 2020’s, 80 years later, we have another major shift occurring. The seeds which were laid in all three of these prior time periods are coming to fruition. While I believe that each of the results of these were sown with the best intentions, Lucifer made sure to have influence in all of them at their inception.

I already discussed Lucifer’s introduction of constitutional secularism being interpreted as freedom from religion. Many nations have adopted this approach to religion. In the Civil War the idea that the centralized federal government held complete dominion over all domestic affairs in the United States was firmly established. That rationale was set when the federal government decided that any State attempting to remove itself from the United States was not going to be tolerated. I find the institution of slavery disgusting; however, those states practicing it and, ultimately breaking from the United States to continue practicing it, have every right to quit the Union and not have to suffer a war over it. The resulting contract between the US government and the several States (the South and the North) mandated that the federal government was. In effect, the arbiter of all affairs between the States and the State’s citizens enlarging the secular mandate set out in the seeds of the US Constitution. World War II was fought to end two European dictators and a Far Eastern one. To prevent a recurrence of WWII, or so the story goes, the United Nations was established as a secular world body to facilitate peace between nations. Today, and for several decades, the United Nations, its programmes, its auspices, and its adherents (including nations, states, and local governments, academia, scientific communities, labor organizations, other global organizations, and an always growing number of non-governmental organizations) have ruled based on UN decrees which favor global government, not sovereign nations nor the citizens in those once sovereign nations.

Each time the turning comes a brand new social contract is drawn up and implemented after the crisis is over with. We have multiple crises in the United States and the world right now. The entire world has chosen a side between Russia and Ukraine – what amounts to a civil war between Slavic peoples was immediately escalated into a global conflict. The US borders are wide open. Murderers calling themselves doctors and public health officials are destroying huge numbers of people through the misnomer, ‘vaccine.’ Religious persecution is on the rise and those claiming to have no religion have numbers never before recorded in the world.

Those who want to be patriots and enshrine and preserve the sovereignty of their nations should have started their efforts in 1775 and made sure that freedom from religion would be unable to be conceived of as a right to anyone. None of us were alive back then. States rights needed to be preserved in the 1860’s, they weren’t (the North would have been able to easily crush the South economically and allowed them re-entrance into the Union only once they dropped the legal institution of slavery). Some of us were alive when the United Nations was established in 1945. Those who were 12 in 1945 are 90 today. That generation failed to see the seeds of destruction being sown in the United Nations’ establishment. The probability that the resolutions of the ongoing and coming catastrophes will yield some brand new contract between the people and their leaders. That contract is going to be made between local, State, and national governments and the citizens in those jurisdictions with a major difference. Those jurisdictions will be acting exclusively in the service of the global government and issuing the arrangements of the ‘new normal’ in their names knowing it will obliterate any legitimacy in the non-global governments.

Lucifer had this all planned out long, long ago. God related all of this to His people because not recognizing these developments will result in the destruction of His people. In my opinion, those refusing to acknowledge the existence of a global government at all are not His people. Neither are those pursuing a zero-carbon solution to ‘fix’ ‘man-made’ climate change in my opinion. Those in support of Ukraine winning a war against Russia and advocating for western money, material aid, training, and even boots on the ground, are not His people in my opinion. Those who deny the existence of God and the sacrifice of Yeshua yet persist in calling themselves ‘patriots’ are doing service to neither their nation nor themselves because they are aligned with the Adversary, in my opinion.

We need a revival in Godliness and return to belief in God and Yeshua – not fake churches with fake preachers teaching a message commanding us to accept the reprobates, false doctrines, and global government decrees of the world. We need Biblical morals. Our nations are secular meaning whatever ethical justification exists is the one it will choose to justify whatever action it takes against it’s people. If there is any chance of restoring any nation, the United States and the rest of the West in particular, these spiritual objectives must be met. We need repentance on a national and global scale never before seen if there is any chance of ending the evils multiplying on the earth.

The quickest path to realizing how Lucifer’s plans have been and are being laid out is recognizing time is circular. The Jewish faith recognizes the circular history (please go read this article) as opposed to the linear one supported by secularists. We, in the extremely secular and even more linear thinking West, need to recognize this circular history. By doing so we can see the seeds of Lucifer being planted. With God’s assistance, and ONLY with God’s assistance and approval, humans may wake up to discerning Lucifer sowing his destructive seeds and the utterly evil blooms those seeds have already spawned, devouring the lives of the deceived.

If any of us hopes to inspire this revival it will require a balancing act of being in the world to recognize the evils being perpetrated, but not of it, meaning one refuses to be a part of the evils of the world and, instead, with God’s help, speak and act against these evils. Unless and until this occurs there will not be any reclamation of any right, a single freedom, or an iota of sovereignty. Period. Without God all action is in service of the global government. God will not restore evil nations to continue doing evil.

The global government will though. The global government will also usher in the beast system (comply or die) and its Antichrist to the glee and applause of the world. This Antichrist will pacify the wars, and justify the actions and beliefs of the reprobate. All that will be required will be the complete subjugation of all by obeying the laws of this government and the worship of it’s leader, the Antichrist. Of course, in doing this, any chance to be one of God’s people will be gone forever. These events are, again, in my opinion, just over the horizon. Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Bless God and God bless.


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