Politics in the Age of Global Government

Politics in the Age of Global Government

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/11/2023

This could be a 500 page book. Maybe one day it will be, but that day is not today. To lay the groundwork of this article several truths need to be made explicit. There is already an established world government which is not only functional but dictating the events occurring around the world. Nearly all, if not all, elections in ‘democracy’s’ are rigged to suit the tastes of the world government. Without being able to recognize that those in leadership positions around the world are there at the behest of the one world government – the New World Order, if you will – not the people of the nations they are supposed to be representing. Those leaders demonized by western mainstream media outlets are the only ones who make any attempt, no matter how slight, to represent the interests of the people.

Today a United Kingdom rag, The Guardian, staffed and operated exclusively by peddlers of genocide, reported the best news they have gotten all year. In their efforts to malign, slander, and denigrate anyone who resists the COVID-19 narrative they are paid to propagandize their readers with they published, “Tory MP Andrew Bridgen loses whip over ‘dangerous’ Covid vaccine claims.” Bridgen is not a very big fan of the death jabs and has posted on Twitter multiple times with actual data and evidence. Here was the Tweet that was so offensive Bridgen was stripped of the leadership position he held:

The Guardian didn’t include that tweet in their article. With a smile on their face they quoted the chief whip:

“Simon Hart, the Conservative chief whip, said: “Andrew Bridgen has crossed a line, causing great offence in the process. As a nation we should be very proud of what has been achieved through the vaccine programme.

“‘The vaccine is the best defence against Covid that we have. Misinformation about the vaccine causes harm and costs lives. I am therefore removing the whip from Andrew Bridgen with immediate effect, pending a formal investigation.’”

Simon Hart is no friend of any person in the UK – he is working really hard to murder every man woman and child in the nation. And he’s proud of it. Break your arm while you pat yourself on the back for all of the blood you have on your hands, Simon. Global government narrative compliance and obedience is a necessary requisite in Simon Hart’s world.

And after quoting this scumbag globalist goblin, The Guardian went to work to try to discredit Bridgen for being antisemetic because he used the word Holocaust in a tweet they disagreed with. An appropriately named Karen Pollock of the Holocaust Educational Trust is quoted in the article. John Mann a former Labour MP (Communist) turned ‘independent’ antisemitism adviser in the UK expressed his outrage by demanding Bridgen be disqualified from even running for political office. Christian Wakeford, another (Communist) Labour MP demanded that Bridgen’s comparison of the Holocaust to the vaccines was especially bothersome because it came during the month of Holocaust Memorial Day (January 27, 2023) and that Bridgen should be removed from the whip position. Daisy Cooper, a neo-Nazi who idolizes Josef Mengele according to her quote in The Guardian is the Liberal Democrat (Communist) health spokesperson in the UK. Cooper’s quote:

“‘This is dangerous misinformation that should not be spouted by a member of parliament. Wild conspiracy theories and incredibly offensive comparisons to the Holocaust have no place in British society, let alone parliament. Andrew Bridgen must apologise for this disgusting remark.’”

According to Cooper this type of language is not acceptable for anyone in Britain to speak out loud. She used all the right global government buzzwords too make her proclamation, too. Maybe she has a point. Maybe all of them have a point. What they and thousands of their peers around the world have done is FAR WORSE than Hitler’s wildest genocidal dreams. So maybe what Bridgen wrote in his Tweet, something another person told him, is misinformation because it doesn’t properly convey the devestation actually being done. Maybe he should have used a term like SUPER-Holocaust or GIGA-Holocaust? I’m not trying to disparage those murdered in Nazi concentration camps but for the love of all that is holy, this same UK government is advocating putting UK citizens who are global government narrative and ‘vaccine’ non-compliant in camps. What happened to ‘Never Again’? It turned into ‘everyone else is pushing these things so we should too.’ Maybe they are all thinking ‘there is no way we can all be held responsible for murdering the whole world.’

Not only should Bridgen NEVER apologize for his tweet, he should explain that the current death toll from these jabs are around 20 million. He should get on the floor of the UK Parliament and demand answers for the Pfizer documents. He should file murder and fraud charges against his vaccine-pimping, global-government-narrative-following, traitorous, murderous ‘peers’ destroying the UK from the legislature. The Holocaust stopped because the Nazi’s were thrown out of power. This COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ genocide will only stop when those responsible for it are expelled from power. Not achieving this will result in far greater levels of tyranny.

Daisy Cooper is described by her (Communist) party on their website as something the Britain just plain doesn’t need. No nation needs any individuals even remotely near government, let alone in it, when they are described this way. The website literally states that she is a traitor to the people of the UK because she is playing by global government needs and wants. The site states, “Daisy is a passionate internationalist, and before she was elected worked in Commonwealth affairs for 10 years campaigning for LGBT+ rights abroad and for greater transparency around how taxpayers’ money is used to help some of the world’s poorest. She continues to campaign for the preservation and promotion of Britain’s place in Europe and the world.” I only single her out because of her overtly ludicrous and asinine remarks about Bridgen’s tweet and her intentions to shut down anyone in British society from even speaking about actual science.

This type of treason; however, is not confined to the United Kingdom. The United States, Canada, Germany, France, New Zealand, Australia, and many other nations are suffering from the same types of people having leadership positions. The people in the ‘swamp’ of the United States government are not internationally isolated. They are one instance of a national infestation out of many who ignored whatever oaths they took to their sovereign state in order to cede as much control over domestic affairs to a global government.

Misinformation is currently the most prominent buzzword of these swamp creatures. Other buzzwords include sustainability, climate goals, COVID-19 vaccinations, listen to the experts, follow the science, inclusivity, and social justice to name several. These people are easy to identify but, like a firmly rooted weed, nearly impossible to get rid of. And if they are removed from power, there is another treasonous global government goblin waiting in the wings.

The amount of frustration this instills in people who actually do think rationally about it is understandable. It is very easy to rationalize throwing the entire governmental system out in nations where this is occurring. Sri Lanka experimented with this in July 2022. Protesters were successful in forcing their president to resign. His replacement pulled a Bonus Army on the protesters; however, and destroyed their shelters and beat them. Sri Lanka, with a population of 20 million and GDP of $88.93 billion in 2021, of course, is no Brazil, population of 217 million and GDP of $1.61 trillion. Lula, the Communist scumbag who ‘won’ a rigged election in Brazil, is the global government’s guy and, thus, was able to arrest his political opponents without critical media coverage. The same thing happened and is still happening in the United States with Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Sleepy Joe can do no wrong, even if the felonies he commits are the same felonies his thoroughly corrupt, global government approved, Justice Department (replete with it’s own Communist dictator at the helm, Merrick Garland) keeps trying to pin on the former president. Biden and his brain-dead followers are the global government’s dream and Trump and those who want to Make America Great Again are their nightmare.

It’s a global narrative and the governments of the world are following it. Early on during the most important compliance examination of the nations of the world – the global government approved COVID-19 narrative was exemplary of this. There were several who did not immediately bow down to the worldwide COVID-19 narrative. The President of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, died of a ‘heart attack’ in June 2020 after “downplaying the pandemic and citing divine protection” according to AP News. John Magufuli, president of Tanzania, died in March 2021 of ‘heart issues.’ BBC reported that he, too, disobeyed the global government narrative in regards to COVID-19. Magufuli is the leader who also sent genetic samples from a goat, papaya, and quail to the WHO, all of which tested positive for COVID-19. Haiti’s late president, Jovenel Moshe, was ‘vaccine-hesitant’ and was murdered on July 7 – a week later the first batches of vaccines arrived in the nation.

Others, notably Donald Trump, and Brazil’s Bolsonaro, were not ‘unalived’ because of their narrative non-compliance but were subjected to massive fraud being conducted against them in rigged elections. Boris Johnson was also subjected to odd political ramifications due, in part, to his rejection of the narrative.

The politics of the global government is obey or lose. Lose your life or lose your post. One way or another, sooner or later, all nations will obey the global government’s diktats. Climate-change mitigation is a great study in how this works long-term. The really clever part on the part of the globalists is that while they are issuing their decrees and orders, they are also claiming they don’t exist. They get away with that because no one knows who the hell they are. We may know some of them but not all of them. Right now they are very angry because the list of their next session, called Davos and being hosted by the World Economic Forum, has been leaked. It’s 79 pages long and all 77 pages are lists of names. The Guardian along with hundreds of others will be attending the annual Swiss meeting running from January 16-20. These people will set the global agenda for the next year and pat themselves on the back for all of the death and destruction they have caused all of us ‘useless eaters.’ This is not a complete list of those in global government, but it is a really good chunk of them.

And these people hate God more than they hate even us. But, because they cannot go to war with God directly, they have decided to wage war against His creation. That means every human on earth as well as the rest of the life on the planet. They have even waged war against the atmosphere, minerals, and deposits in the earth. They hate everything that God made and they have gone to extreme lengths to destroy all of His creation. They want us to follow their narrative to destroy our faith in God before they murder us. If we stand in God’s grace and the love of Jesus Christ, Yeshua, they cannot touch us and they know it. Sure, they can take our earthly lives, make us poor, starve us, and leave us destitute, but they cannot get what they really want if we refuse to give it to them. Read the Bible while you can. Repent. Pray. Discern. Do not give up your birthright for a bowl of soup and a piece of bread….

Bless God and God bless.


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