Liberal ‘Logic’ and the Gender Mutilators

Liberal ‘Logic’ and the Gender Mutilators

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/30/2023

‘If we just banned guns no one would ever get shot again.’ ‘If we get rid of meat no one would need a kitchen knife – no one would get stabbed.’ ‘If we could only get rid of cars, power plants, and cows the earth would be in better health.’ The list goes on and on and none if it makes any sense. It doesn’t make sense because there is no logic on planet GFY where these ingrates live. One group more than any other; however, has me extremely ready for a fight. That would be the militant transsexual mafia (MTM) who demand access to children. It extends to those in the MTM seeking to do violence to Christians in particular and others of faith who reject their lifestyle as well.

The liberal logic employed by the MTM goes something along these lines. ‘We debauched our bodies. We want to encourage children at the earliest age possible to debauch their bodies. Using ‘allies’ in the Alphabet Mafia in schools, libraries, etc… we will come into contact with as many children as possible with or without the consent of their parents. After murdering the truth, we will encourage lawmakers to ‘protect’ these children we deceived and in public we will demand free-speech be done away with and that failure to recognize the ‘rights’ we demand they are promoting these children committing suicide. The suicide rates in the trans community are high because Christians and others of faith won’t accept our choices nor respect the choices of their seven-year old son who we convinced is a girl. We demand that to save these deluded children from suicide they be able to opt into gender-reassignment surgery at as young an age as we can get legislatures to go. Because the Christians have stood in our way and violated our ‘rights’ we should just murder them.’

The rights demanded include using the correct pronouns or going to jail or getting fined. They demand access to other people’s children without consent. A minor’s right to choose to undergo major, irreversible, gender reassignment surgeries is another. They also demand they be accepted into polite society and that because they are not (and they shouldn’t be) they have high suicide rates. None of these rights exist – we can call these things whatever we want. They shouldn’t have access to any child without the consent of the parent – no one else should either. Minors cannot get credit cards, drive cars, or consume alcohol precisely because their minds are not capable of long-term thinking or the logical rationalization of cause and effect. In the United States we have this idea that we are free to choose who we associate with and, if one doesn’t want to associate with mentally ill genital mutilators – they don’t have to, and these things cannot force us to.

As for the high suicide rates among those who have mutilated their genitals I’m sure that social ostacization makes up some part of the reasons they kill themselves so often. To claim that is the only cause which exists – Christian disapproval of their choices – however, is just as disingenuous as their outward appearance. First off, anyone wanting to do this to themselves is mentally ill – a population which has higher suicide rates. Second of all, sooner or later they realize that no matter what they do they will never be able to procreate naturally. They can go cook up science experiments in a lab with 17 different DNA lines, but they will never be able to impregnate nor get pregnant naturally. This is a massive realization because at that point they realize they will never fit into society. The realization adds depression (or makes it more severe if it already exists) to the list of mental disorders in these people. The suicide rates are high because these people see they have no future. Also contributing to the high suicide rates are the effects the cocktail of drugs have on their mental well-being. The answer is to leave children alone. If they decide they want to do this crazy stuff when they are an adult, fine. We need to immediately stop introducing suicidal ideation and methods and gender dysphoria to children. Full stop.

They aren’t going to do that. They are going to demand that they not only be accepted but celebrated. Anyone who gets in their way will just be murdered according to these MTM psychotics. “Kill christcucks. Behead chiristcuks. Roundhouse kick a christcuck into the concrete. Slam dunk a christcuck baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy christcucks. Defecate in a christcucks food. Launch christcucks into the sun” was posted on twitter at a now suspended account, TNDtracker. “Their name was Audrey Hale. They’re a martyr against transphobia from hateful CHRISTIAN BIGOTS like you genociding us. WE WILL DEFEND OURSELVES FROM YOU. Where is your god now? Pray… for mercy.. because we won’t show any,” also appeared on the same account. Twitter has removed many similar postings which include pictures of the MTM holding rifles while demanding their ‘rights’.

They are announcing their intentions to murder anyone disagreeing with their choices. They aren’t going out to demand their ‘rights’ with guns to protect themselves. They are going out there to show their intent to murder everyone who speaks out against them. They are holding rallies today, tomorrow, and on April 1 to demand their ‘rights’ and to show us that they have guns. And they have already used them. The murderous freak show in Uvalde, Texas was trans and murdered 19 children and 2 adults. The shooter in Colorado Springs killed 5 and was also a freak show. 4 were murdered by a freak show in Aberdeen, 1 student was killed in Denver, and now 3 more children and 3 more adults were murdered in Nashville. The trans community has no decency though. They plan to carry on with their rallies which will feature not only guns but demands to stop a non-existent ‘trans-genocide.’ Never mind that many in the trans community want to murder every Christian they encounter and members of their community have murdered at least 37 people in less than a year.

But, we have guns too. So, let’s lets do an evaluation of the claims the MTM uses to justify their murders – they are the target of a Christian-led genocide. If the Christian gun owners in America decided to actually go out and murder all of the trans people in the United States right now, the event would be over in less than 15 minutes. There are approximately 1.4 million transgenders in the United States, 0.4% of the nation. Even though those identifying as Christian in the United States has shrunk, 64% of the nation still identifies as such. If even a small percentage of these 214 million Christians declared a crusade against trans people, say 0.8%, the trans community would be outnumbered. If the entire Christian community decided to go after transgenders, those with mutilated genitals would each need to murder 153 Christians to prevent the imagined genocide from taking place. Even with the Alphabet Mafia added to the trans ranks, 24 million would be facing off against 214 million – about 9 Christians murdered for every LGBTQIA+ person. The idea that there is a genocide being perpetrated against those making the choice to mutilate their genitals being perpetrated by Christians is ludicrous. In fact, it appears to be the other way around – this tiny minority is piecemeal trying to murder all of the Christians they can.

But that’s liberal logic. Tucker Carlson did an excellent job of explaining how the MTM and the general transgendered population is diametrically opposed to Christianity. Basically, they have chosen to worship themselves and show their devotion by mutilating their bodies and demanding to be worshiped by others for their ‘bravery’ in doing so. Christians believe in a God outside of space and time – they reject the idea that mankind is good and seek to be saved by subscribing to a power bigger than themselves (bigger than the whole universe). Transgenders rely on precepts of transhumanism and its underlying reliance on the tenets of humanism all of which are rejections of God’s very existence. Despite claims to the contrary, those two belief systems cannot be intertwined, nor can they be parsed.

The ethics of the transgender crowd allow them to rationalize any action they have committed, are doing, or are planning on doing. This set of never defined, always changing, ethics is what gives rise to ideas of moral relativity which is a fancy way of saying doublespeak. The morals of the Bible lay out concrete, immutable, and persistent courses of action and prescriptions for behaviors that believers are commanded by God to follow. Christians cannot be moral relativists – if they even attempt to claim they can be they are doing something wrong. When it comes to the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not murder’ Christians are morally forbidden from committing the genocide they are accused of. The accusers have no qualms about murdering anyone if their ‘logic’ finds a way to justify it. Promoting the idea that the trans community is suffering a genocide at the hands of Christians, coupled with the lack of any identifiable morals, is a slam dunk way to ensure these freaks start murdering Christians as fast and in the greatest numbers they are able.

So, let’s do another exercise. The trans community demands that “trans rights are human rights.” What defines a human being? A human being is physical, mental, and spiritual. Trans are physical things. Even though they use liberal ‘logic’ exclusively, they do have some mental capability. But they are not spiritual – they worship themselves. They are not bigger than themselves so they cannot be spiritual under the definition – “Spiritual things are concerned with sacred matters or religion, affecting the spirit or the soul. Spiritual entities like ghosts lack a material body or substance. Spiritual is the adjective form of the word spirit, which comes from the Latin word for "breath," and means the thing that animates life. Spiritual can be used to talk about anything that goes beyond mere physical existence, from ghost spirits to religious feelings.”

I can hear people arguing with this definition already because of the psychobabble intrusion into defining a word outside of their scope. So I will also include the definition found in Webster’s New World Dictionary from 1966, “1. of the spirit or soul, in a religious or moral aspect. 2. of or consisting of spirit; not corporeal. 3. refined in thought and feeling. 4. of religion or the church; sacred, devotional, etc. 5. spiritualistic or supernatural.”

Transgendered people willingly seek to destroy their spirit and are quite successful at it as they worship themselves. This phenomenon is not limited to the willingly genitally mutilated though – it applies to so-called atheists, humanists, transhumanists, and others. If we are fully human then we must have all three – physical presence on earth, the ability to think regardless of how well an individual is capable of doing it, and a connection to a higher power. If these groups of ‘people’ aren’t actually people because they willingly deny their spirituality then what are they? I don’t know, but they wouldn’t qualify as human beings under the definitions that I provided.

And that is a scary thing because they shouldn’t be murdered or treated outside of the rights God did actually give to human beings. I AM ADVOCATING FOR THE END OF VIOLENCE TOWARDS ALL GROUPS. It’s important to note that distinction because I have no intention of doing anyone violence unless they are physically threatening violence against me and have a means to carry out that violence. If anyone takes what I just wrote and uses it to try to justify violence against anyone – that’s on them and their decision to use liberal ‘logic’. But the shortcoming of the trans movement lies exactly where I put it and to fix it we need to recognize where it lies….

These ‘people’ should be prayed for so they gain that missing piece of what it is to be human. They should find something outside of themselves bigger than all of creation. They may have done horrible things to their bodies and may have done horrible things to their minds but I believe they can still find this missing piece. The challenge is daunting because of their obsession with their own physical appearance and the lies they believe, but, if these are overcome, then maybe they wouldn’t be calling those seeking God’s favor ‘cucks’ and advocating for the murder of anyone who believes? They will kick and scream against these prayers even – pray anyway. They will hate you for suggesting that they are living in an immoral and non-prosperous way. Suggest changes anyway but avoid the religious overtones. If they get violent, protect yourself. If they use their liberal ‘logic’ to start a physical war against Christians (or any one else); however, all bets are off. War is war and these manipulated scrambled-egg-brained liberal ‘logic’ users will be sorely routed should they initiate one.

Unfortunately it appears as though they are initiating a war against those seeking God. By refusing to leave our children alone, they are daring us to take the first shot – don’t fall for it. Pull your kids out of the schools these ‘people’ have access to. Refuse to use their pronouns. Refuse to accept the lifestyle they have chosen to live on planet GFY. Let them prosecute this war. Let us all be as Christ and heal them by leading them back to their spirituality and, if possible, the truth of the Bible. Christians should be well aware that, despite the travails of the tribulations – and I do believe this is one – it is God who is victorious.

Bless God and God bless.


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