How To Remove a US Senator

How To Remove a US Senator

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/29/2023

We elect our leaders in the United States on a regular basis. Every two years we get to revamp the US House of Representatives entirely. For the US Senate it only happens every six years and it is staggered. States vary. The president is elected every four years. That is the normal procedure for getting rid of those not representing the United States properly. We are presented with a situation demanding that our several of our Senators in particular be recalled as soon as possible. Any Senator or Representative who sponsored or cosponsored or, moving forward, votes affirmatively for S. 686 no longer needs to be governing us. If it gets to the President’s desk and he signs it into law, he no longer needs to be in office either. This needs to happen peacefully.

There is no possibility of recalling them. The States cannot do it, especially under the Seventeenth Amendment’s provisions of making sure any state legislature has no say in the election in the first place – a direct contradiction to the US Constitution. Both US House and US Senate members can be removed by holding votes in the respected chambers by their own peers. That isn’t going to work here because the majority of the Senate will likely vote in favor of S 686 and the House will likely follow (I really hope I’m wrong about that). US Congressmen cannot be impeached at all either. They can; however, be tried for crimes and they can also be found to have won elections which were illegitimate in the first place.

So, what can we do? We could call for an Article 5 Convention of the States and hope the governors of the 50 states don’t ruin the US Constitution in the process. We can demand a Constitutional Amendment be proposed in the Senate or House and that an Amendment be introduced which is safer than an Article 5 Convention. The Amendment would need to permit the electorate of US Senators and US House members the ability to recall them through a legal process. That process would take years, if not decades to achieve, if it were ever achieved.

Another method would be to repeal the Seventeenth Amendment. This, too, would take years because it would take an Amendment to the US Constitution to get rid of the offending Amendment. It could be brought through the courts as well. This would be a lengthy, expensive, and onerous way to go about repealing the Seventeenth Amendment but it does have a legal cause. The Seventeenth Amendment is unconstitutional because it alters what the US Constitution states.

Amendments are meant to add to or give additional meaning to the US Constitution. The Seventeenth Amendment destroyed the representation of the Several States in the US Senate as defined by the US Constitution. Article 1 Section 3 Clause 1, “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years [emphasis mine]” is the way that US Senators are supposed to be placed into office. Clause one of the Seventeenth Amendment changed that to read, “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the people thereof, for six Years. [emphasis mine]” Under the theory of originalism, the Seventeenth Amendment is null and void on arrival. It should shock no one that our first truly progressive president, Woodrow Wilson (who also lovingly saddled all of us with the equally unconstitutional Sixteenth Amendment and the privately owned foreign Federal Reserve System), was the one who stripped the States of their representation and that he was a big proponent of the idea that the Constitution says whatever he thought it said because it is a living document.

To make a long story short, there are enough duplicitous and power hungry ‘living document’ judges out there who will refuse to hear constitutional objections to the Seventeenth Amendment in the first place. The original jurisdiction of a case such as the one proposed here would be, as best I can discern, the Eighth District Court of the United States (based on my location). After the Sioux Falls, SD district court rejects it or rules against me, I could (maybe) appeal it to the appellate court of the Eighth Circuit which will also reject it or rule against I could (again, maybe), take my case to the Supreme Court. It is honestly bewildering to know that no state has yet thought to actually do this. It’s their representation which is gone after all…. Anyway, this is not going to remedy the situation either, at least not in time to avert the draconian NWO version of the United States stated in S. 686.

Criminal activity can find our elected leaders no longer in power as well. This would be another long shot; however, we could go to court and seek an injunction on S 686 being implemented if it is passed. At the same time the injunction is filed we should also file charges against any Senator (or House member) involved in the creation or who has cosponsored this bill. Specifically, we need to demand any Senator who has decided to sponsor or cosponsor the bill (any any of them who vote in favor of the bill in the future) be investigated for conspiracy to commit (if applicable) as well as the actual commission of the following crimes – treason, gross negligence, sedition, espionage, and violating their oath of office. The overthrow of the United States has been a gradual one, but it is far beyond the point where the people need to draw a line and push back – S 686 is a really good place to start because it criminalizes the speech of US citizens. Getting rid of the First Amendment is absolutely an effort to overthrow the government of the United States by destroying the US Constitution which gives it any authority – a document with ideas which all of these people swore an oath to. The people are not overthrowing the government; the government is overthrowing the government and tyrannizing the citizens.

I want, more than anything, to resolve these differences peacefully. That means using the legal mechanisms available to get rid of the traitors who claim to represent us. But, because there is a serious lack of legal ability to do this I can see why a show of force would be favored as well. That show of force will quickly be arrived at if S 686 makes it into law. The first time someone is put in prison for suggesting anything the government doesn’t want its subjects (S 686 turns us into subjects no better than a serf in 1250) to say for 20 years there will be problems for us and for the enforcers. The problem we will have is there will be no communication – the problem the enforcers will have is the command to arrest all of those who complained about that first one. Hopefully we will not have to rehash the civil war but, if the US Congress forces the issue, there is legal precedent for that as well. The Declaration of Independence made this inherent right pointedly clear to the King of England, a tyrant, in 1776 and we should make it unmistakably clear to the tyrannical US government in 2023 if they persist in their tyranny:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”

We could copy that paragraph verbatim and send it off to the US government. With minor tweaks and some additions, we could copy the rest of the document as well and mail it off to the federal government. It would mean war though. It would mean civil war, declarations of those signing or supporting such an event as terrorists, and whole states being forced to pick a side in the conflict. The real question to be answered is how much tyranny is too much tyranny? The answer is as much as we will put up with. Eric Robert Morse put it, “It is a truth widely recognized that tyranny stems from the consent of the governed as much as democracy does.” Also true is Aesop suggesting that “The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny”, John Bradshaw’s observation that “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”, and Thomas Jefferson’s often quoted idea that, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

I realize that these are all fighting words but the fight is one to be conducted peacefully at the moment. We should draft a new Declaration of Independence and have it ready to go if we need it. But first we need to see if we can restore the United States by stopping this demonic S 686 bill legally and peacefully. If we cannot, the future of the United States is one headed for a reinvention of the Soviet government starting with the reimplementation of the gulag.

Another peaceful means of seeing S 686 die is to make sure it never gets voted on. It’s in the Senate Science, Commerce, and Transportation Committee chaired by Washington State’s Maria Cantwell and Ted Cruz is the Ranking Member. Maybe it will die in the committee. If it gets out, maybe Chuck Schumer, the Senate Majority Leader, will never bring the bill to the floor for a vote and kill it. Schumer has never seen a bill restricting the US citizen’s God-given and Constitutionally protect rights that he has not supported. The chances that he decides not to bring this bill to a vote are zero, nil, nada. The Minority Leader is Mitch McConnell and he is just as bad about destroying the Constitution as Schumer is. The Democratic Whip (the Senate majority party because of the election fraud in 2022), Dick Durban, will rally behind the effort and so will the Minority Whip and cosponsor of S 686, John Thune. Since I last wrote about this bill, two more members of the Senate have cosponsored it, democrat Mark Kelly (AZ) and, showing his true anti-American colors (why do you keep electing this scumbag South Carolina?), republican Lindsey Graham, bringing the total to 21. Maybe, once the Senate passes it, the House will see to it that it dies. Kevin McCarthy, the House Majority Leader, will do no one any favors if the bill is voted on and it passes the House. These people all need pressure put on them to kill this bill.

I urge everyone to write, call, and e-mail their Senators to demand that S 686 be voted against. Maybe it will let these Senators see that the people are certainly not with them in their actions. It is time for us to wisen up and, instead of letting these tyrants get away with gaslighting us by saying ‘the legislation is just to ban TicTok’ we go read the bill, realize it will criminalize all speech domestically as well as with ‘foreign agents’, and serve as a pretext to populate prisons and work camps because someone said or wrote the ‘wrong’ thing. There is no quick relief from this. The quickest forms of relief are state legislative efforts to refuse to cooperate with the federal government over S 686 or getting States to declare their independence from the federal government. The results will be immediate punitive lawsuits against the States legislating their intentions to not comply and war, respectively.

No matter what happens, we need to read our Bible’s and love God and accept Jesus. We need to make ourselves right with God. There are precedents and proscriptions set here too. John Adams stated, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” He stated this because the truth of the Bible is what the United States government was built upon. Ironically, it was Bill Clinton, an unmitigated liar, who is credited with having said, “The road to tyranny, we must never forget, begins with the destruction of the truth.” There is a lot of truth behind the idea that the United States is in great need of returning to the morals of the Bible, finding their faith in God, and seeking the face of God. Without it, we cannot discern the truth. Without truth tyranny is able to flourish. Our Constitution was designed to prevent that tyranny but we, the people, have permitted that tyranny to fester to the point where it will begin overtly killing us. If we do not return to Biblical morality right now this nation will be irreparable, if it isn’t already. It is time for you, and me, and everyone else to peacefully draw a line and peacefully say no more… or else.

Bless God and God bless.


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