Global Government Rejected. Retribution Will Be Harsh

Global Government Rejected. Retribution Will Be Harsh.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/18/2023

Davos 2023 has had a lot of attention paid to it. Too much attention for the elites and the global government itself. They thrive on secrecy but have been forced out into a much more transparent arena including a bit of public discourse. They desire their covert operations and clandestine meetings so much that, since Davos had it’s attendee list leaked, many have since declined to attend, George Soros and Klaus Schwab are the two most prominent opting to skip the event. Despite the defections the global government is not going to quietly disappear. No, they will be doing all kinds of evil to the world in the name of forcing everyone to obey their post-human/transhuman precepts.

1. Global government will dictate additional lockdowns for public health as well as man-made climate change mitigation. Perhaps as a preview, towns in Alabama has decided to enact such measures. After several tornadoes tore through the south last week, the town of Selma, Alabama (population ~ 20,000) decided to lockdown despite no loss of life. They termed the lockdown a curfew and demanded that ‘citizens’ stay indoors between 8pm and 6am so the city can be cleaned up by emergency personnel.

What is troubling about Selma is the announcement came from Selma’s mayor during a Zoom meeting. I have been unable to see any documentation. Another troubling aspect of this lockdown is that people are no longer able to participate in picking up the pieces, the mayor and his army of ‘emergency’ workers will fix it all. Of course it is dangerous in and around the town, roads are closed, power lines are down, and there are buildings which are damaged. The lockdown is completely unnecessary and the mayor overstepped his boundaries.

Georgia experience tornadoes as well. The town of Griffin, Georgia (pupulation ~ 23,000) also issued a lockdown calling it a curfew. Eutaw, Alabama (population ~ 3,000) issued ‘curfew’ orders as well. It’s almost as if Georgia and Alabama have never been hit by a tornado before. Unfortunately, this trend is not new as mayors have ordered curfews in the wake of tornadoes for quite some time. Public safety, these types claim, is justification for mandating people to stay in their homes; i.e., be locked-down.

Eutaw decided to mandate COVID-19 lockdowns on their own and threatened those disobeying with $500 fines and 30 days in jail. Griffin, Georgia was locked down but not due to the city council, the state mandated it. Selma issued mask mandates. In other locations, several cities or counties (LA County and Philadelphia) reinstituted mask mandates after their COVID-19 cases began to ‘rise.’ Hundreds of schools and other entities followed suit.

In the summer of 2022 several cities in the United States as well as in Europe demanded climate lockdowns due to heat waves. These were demonstrations to see how well people will comply, how to force the non-compliant to comply, and to see what the effects were on the climate change mitigation efforts currently underway.

A 2020 nature climate change report glowingly reported that COVID-19 lockdowns decreased carbon dioxide by 17%. The precedent has already been set to demand lockdowns (even under the term ‘curfew’) as nature climate change explained. “Government policies during the COVID-19 pandemic have drastically altered patterns of energy demand around the world. Many international borders were closed and populations were confined to their homes, which reduced transport and changed consumption patterns. Here we compile government policies and activity data to estimate the decrease in CO2 emissions during forced confinements.”

The nature climate change report gave rise to articles such as one appearing in Forbes in 2021. The article is titled, “Report: World Needs Equivalent Of Pandemic Lockdown Every Two Years To Meet Paris Carbon Emission Goals.” The Forbes article notes all of the monsters who rallied around the 2020 nature climate change report because the carbon came back as the lockdowns were dispatched with. Because the IEA, UN, WMO are completely invested in making sure that carbon dioxide releases are halted as soon as possible, any pretext to lock us down is going to be used to restrict human activities.

2. Energy and food will continue to be expensive – brownouts, blackouts and empty store shelves will increase in frequency and duration. Despite their feigned focus on fixing the cost-of-living crises, the Davos meeting will design ways to make it worse. We have been warned that food insecurity will become more widespread and more severe. As the Tennessee Valley Authority, as well as several other electrical grid operators, warned us – energy will not be abundant. German, France, and many other nations are facing severe shortages in fuels and electricity cannot make up the difference. To the global government’s horror, these nations have begun to fire up their coal plants again to make up the difference.

The idea here is that prices will need to be fixed. Instead of allowing market forces to determine prices for anything, the global government will fix prices to reinforce their fascist arrangements and destroy confidence in capitalism. Until those price fixes come about, there will be food and energy shortages and soaring prices. Demanding that ‘green’ technologies are the only way to produce electricity, combustible fuels be completely eliminated, and that food-stuffs no longer be grown or raised will only exacerbate the issue, not provide relief. This is a classic problem-action-solution operation which has been weaponized against humanity. The predetermined solution will be price fixing and fascism.

Henry Kissinger is famously involved with a document about weaponizing food, Memorandum 200, a fascinating and terrifying read. Kissinger is also famously quoted as having stated, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” They control the money, they control the energy, they need only to fully control the food and there will be no one left to resist.

3. A new pathogen may be released which proves to be far more lethal than COVID-19. Gain-of-function research has not stopped even after millions of deaths occurred. New, increasingly chimeric, strains of COVID-19 have been developed with higher death rates. Aerosolized Ebola exists. Anthrax, Lassa Fever, Creutzfeldt-Jakob’s Disease (mad cow), RSV, and a whole host of other pathogenic agents exist. Mouse pox has a mortality rate of 99%. Electromagnetic radiation has been proven to cause a host of ailments within human beings including respiratory problems, tumors, and reproductive capability. There is nanotechnology in our food supply, at least in the United States and the neither Congress nor the FDA, USDA, nor any other ‘authority’ will even tell us it is in there, let alone regulate it for safety.

This all sounds like the first third of The Stand by Steven King. Perhaps King has been let into some circles most of us are not admitted to. In that third of the book, almost all of humanity dies from a bioengineered influenza which escaped from a US military lab. The influenza was not merely one single strain – it had the ability to mutate into a host of other strains quickly and effortlessly. The result was that the survivors would have to be immune from any and all influenza viruses.

The Davos crowd has openly stated their desire to create a Utopia on earth by culling 95% of humanity. The best way to accomplish that feat would be through a pathogenic vector. 7.5 billion bullets would be too messy and take too long. If the plan took this route, 6,950,880 people would need to be murdered per day from today until December 31, 2025. Nuclear weapons could do the trick; however, huge amounts of the earth would be laid waste to and any survivors would be beyond pissed off. Neutron bombs could be used but about 74.5 billion of them would be needed. A pathogen; however, would be much more clandestine (people are always falling ill and always have) and easier to spread. A proper dispersion of a lethal pathogenic agent could murder 7.5 billion people within a matter of a few months.

I don’t think the global government is there to that point yet, but they have that play in their playbook. It would not surprise me one bit to see another ‘zoonotic’ disease begin to be reported with a lethality of between 5% to 30%, depending on how far behind the global government believes it is in achieving their plans. The borders will all remain open far longer than they need to be to make sure the vector reaches everyone. Under this scenario, governments would not need to issue mandates (they will anyway) because people will stay home on their own. Climate goal realizations and fear would grip the entire world. Suicides, murders, and domestic violence rates would go straight through the roof. People will literally starve to death, freeze to death, or be shot trying to avoid those fates.

Particularly concerning is the WHO’s classification of potential disease threats first placed on their website in 2018. COVID-19 is number one on the list, followed by Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, and Ebola/Marburg. The tenth entry on the list is something called Disease X. The WHO page explains, “Disease X represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease. The R&D Blueprint explicitly seeks to enable early cross-cutting R&D preparedness that is also relevant for an unknown “Disease X.”” The CDC dubbed COVID-19 Disease X, yet the WHO has persisted that there are more threats out there which are unknown to mankind. The CDC and WHO routinely stoke fears about pandemic-causing agents being released through global warming, yet neither mentions the gain-of-function research being conducted to create more lethal, more transmissible, and more invective diseases. Unlike the CDC; however, the WHO has created a global pandemic preparedness treaty which aims to globalize all health responses to any pandemic, known or unknown. The mad scientists on this earth have created thousands, if not millions, of pathogenic agents unknown to man. If the treaty came into force tomorrow, the likelihood of there being a new pandemic the following day would rise exponentially.

4. People of faith in particular will be persecuted, arrested, and censored while everyone becomes subject to censorship based on narrative nonconformity (anti-misinformation and anti-disinformation campaigns).

A British woman who bowed her head slightly and closed her eyes while near a baby-murder factory was arrested in December 2022. Silently praying in here head, maybe, police arrested her anyway because of a law criminalizing such activities near the baby-murder factories.

This is the latest persecution of those who have faith. Remember, in 2020 and all the way until the end of the lockdowns, churches and synagogues were forced to meet underground, not at all, or through social media channels. COVID-19 left no room for God. Baby-murder factories have now jumped into the fray. Believers in the Bible will not support baby-murder nor being banned from practicing their faith. Thus, during the Covidiocy, when churches were banned, those disobeying the decrees of their masters were arrested, fines, and, at times, held in prison.

God will fix whatever He deems fit. The dictators following global government decrees to silence those men and women of God, especially in the 3D world, cannot tolerate those refusing their narrative. Even non-believers who disobeyed were locked up, arrested, and fined for walking alone on beaches, keeping their businesses open, or organizing events and peaceful protests.

At Davos, as in many ‘elite’ circles, there is a lot of focus on stifling misinformation. All kinds of topics have been deemed off-limits and Twitter has recently been releasing files showing that the US government was making the call about what to stifle. Social media bans were issued to those posting information about COVID-19, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the safety and efficacy of mRNA technology, the 2020 and 2022 elections, Barisma, climate change questions, and not supporting billions of dollars flowing to Ukraine. I, personally, have already been censored for talking about Yeshua on Facebook. Censorship of Yeshua and God will increase dramatically and new unspeakable topics will be added to the list of misinformation. All of this is and will be done to maintain whatever narrative is to be adhered to.

5. Current wars will increase in intensity and pose increased danger to wider regions and the world while new ones are launched. I don’t know if Zelinsky has ever had the fortitude to speak the truth. This is a characteristic of many major world leaders including Jens Stoltenberg, Joe Biden, and Ursula van der Leyen. They claim there will be no nuclear attacks in the Ukraine/Russian war. I don’t believe them because everything these four and their supporters are doing is to cause a nuclear war. Plus, under nuclear war scenarios, there is a potential for localized massive loss of life and unprecedented levels of tyrannical controls at the disposal of the global government.

I see 2023 bringing Chinese troops to the Island of Formosa (Taiwan). China knows that the United States doesn’t have the capability to fight two major wars at once. It is possible that the United States sees itself invaded by foreign powers – notably China, Russia, Germany, and France. The United Nations could send a peacekeeping mmission to the United States should the nation fall into civil war.

There will be riots and uprisings in many places over the cost of food and energy and corruption. Government’s may fall because of these events. Whether the government falls in these places or not, the global government’s agents have infiltrated almost all of them. The whole point of the global government’s plan is to destroy confidence in governments and institution to cause them to collapse and be rebuilt in the global government’s designs (totalitarian technocracy).

6. Technological ‘advances’ – AI, biotechnologies, robotics, surveillance methods, will be increasingly used to enslave human beings. Behind all of the previous five topics lies the idea of the post-human world. The global government exists, if for no other reason, to usher in the post-human world. AI will be used to monitor carbon dioxide, enforce lockdowns, identify supply chain issues to exacerbate them, assist in creating new pathogens and ‘cures’, censor misinformation, and increasinlg be given the ability to determine whether or not to fire on targets in wars. AI will also play a large role in the rollout of Central Bank Digital Currencies – a prospect which may be realized as early as the middle of 2023.

Biotechnologies will increasingly become consumer goods. Those goods will literally be you and I because we are the biological systems they wish to sell products for. New mRNA gene therapies will be released and titled ‘vaccines’ solely to avoid liability. The gene-therapies already on the market and xenogenic and a case could be made that those who take the therapy are now covered under patents. Natural life cannot be patented. All sorts of new chimeras, big like pigs, and small like pathogens, will continue to be created. Gain-of-function will continue to be conducted. There may even be another He Jianku who creates genetically modified people even though the procedures are banned.

Developments in surveillance will be quite tyrannical. Using radio waves and electromagnetic waves, our minds can actually be read. With these technologies, remote firing of neurons can be achieved as well – meaning we will be subjected to hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling, smelling, thinking, remembering, and moving based on what the controller wants us to be doing. That rtechnology already has patents. Another idea which the global government likes a lot is to get people to choose to upload themselves (commit suicide) to the cloud and exist only in the digital realm. The Internet of Things, and Internet of People (it really is the same thing) is also a potent surveillance tool the globalists have been working on installing around the world for some time now. 6G technologies have been designed because 5G will not be able to handle all of the IoT and IoP tags. 5G itself is capable of operating in a surveillance capacity itself – 6G will increase the surveillance capabilities.

All of these things will be accelerated and expanded. 2023 does seem to portend positive events. We do know some of the areas that the global government will be advancing; however, and thus, we can target those areas to mitigate their activities. The global government satanists are scared too. Of the 2,700 who were supposed to attend Davos 2023 a large fraction of them bailed. They didn’t get the secrecy they desired so they are not attending. It doesn’t mean they are not going to push forward to achieve their plans, it means get ready because their backlash is likely to be unimagined by the masses.

There are positives as well. Nuremberg Trials are being demanded for all kinds of people including Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and Tedros as well as Neil deGrasse Tyson and Rachael Maddow. People have become highly skeptical of mRNA technologies and they are not returning to get boosters. Justice, at times and in particular venues, is being upheld. Joe Biden may actually get impeached. People are showing that they are fed up through peaceful demonstrations and non-compliance even when those events are outlawed. People are also waking up to the war that they have been entered into against their will. We are speaking out and taking action.

Is it enough? I don’t know, time will tell. Will these Satan-worshiping monsters be dethroned? We will see. I am sure of only one thing – the global government will only end when God decides to end it. That doesn’t mean we don’t expose it and fight it. It means we need to turn to God and ask for forgiveness for our sins, pray about gaining discernment, ask for orders and missions, and read our Bibles. While global government adherents double-down on achieving their post-human world, we need to double down on God and Yeshua. They lie, we must tell the truth. Without God, none of this will change.

Bless God and God bless


A Review of As Gods: A Moral History of the Genetic Age


From Davos to New York City to Nashville, Tennessee