From Davos to New York City to Nashville, Tennessee

From Davos to New York City to Nashville, Tennessee

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/16/2023

Democracy, properly understood, is the tyranny of the majority against the minority. Democrat ‘leaders’ and globalists understand this and they are demanding that democracy replace the republic of the United States. They are ready to tyrannize anyone who gets in their way. This will be at least an underlying theme, a presumption, from which to base ‘good’ governance discussion at Davos. New York, a veteran of direct democracy and tyrannical ‘leaders,’ has a long history of kowtowing to the global government – after all it is physically located in Manhattan. The “newspaper of record” is also located in New York City – the New York Times is always seeking out deranged people in other locations of the United States with the intent of ushering in a global tyranny.

This time the NYT dug up an unhinged lunatic who regularly writes opinion pieces about the southern United States named Margaret Renkl. In “This is How Red States Silence Blue Cities. And Democracy.” Renkl laments that Nashville, Tennessee has a state legislature comprised of a majority of republicans. Renkl claims that the Tennessee legislature is irrational, notably because it is lacking in rational ‘intellectuals’ from the democrat party. She makes the claims based on Nashville, Tennessee’s decision to nix hosting the 2024 Republican National Convention and states that the republicans at the state level are punishing this poor blue city because of that rejection.

Renkl is telling a lie by omitting a very important fact. There is no city council for Nashville and there is no county government – it is one unit known as the Metro Council. What they did was an experiment in utter stupidity which global government loves. Instead of having to get Davidson County officials on board with their designs as well as the city of Nashville, they can just go to the Metro Council and get the whole county on board with global government in one fell swoop. Not only is the Metro Council easier to control, it is also easier to convince a regional body to circumvent state and national laws. Several areas in the nation, notably Portland, Oregon, and Minneapolis, Minnesota, have multi-county regions which they ‘serve’ (to oppress) serving that exact purpose. Globalists love to talk about regionalization and this is precisely why.

The retaliation, as Renkl sees it through her globalist lenses, has come in the form of legislation. The legislation introduced in the Tennessee House and Senate would cap the number of representatives in a metropolitan or municipal government at 20. Metro Council currently has 40 members and is the only municipality or city council with more than 20 members. Renkl irrationally sees this as a loss of democracy so she chastises the legislatures actions. In reality, if these caps are signed into law, what these actions accomplish is a weakening of a form of government which should not exist in the United States called regionalization. What should be the city of Nashville is pillaging and tyrannizing an entire county to benefit the inhabitants of Nashville. Renkl is fine with that arrangement, as long as there can be ‘democracy’ to tyrannize the portions of Davidson County not in Nashville’s city limits.

She quotes a whiny democrat in the Tennessee legislature who complains that the legislation would centralize power at the state level. Of course, there is a centralization of power at the Metro Council, but that is an issue that cannot be discussed. The legislator, John Ray Clemmons, is quoted by Renkl as having stated, “‘Ultimately, Nashville families know what’s best for Nashville.’” Apparently Clemmons, like Renkl, don’t want anyone to understand that Nashville includes all of Davidson County and that Nashville doesn’t represent all of the residents outside of the city limits. If he was honest (he’s a democrat politician so there are two strikes against him) he would have stated that Nashville families know what best for everyone in Davidson Country.

The real issue here are the anti-American values that these regional bodies always seem to espouse and the Metro Council is no exception. Renkl complains, “Just last week, another state lawmaker here introduced a bill that would ban local governments from helping residents fund out-of-state abortions — a policy that members of Nashville’s council have already proposed.” Renkl wants to murder American children in the womb and wants everyone in Davidson County to pay for it.

Renkl is a murderer of babies, truth, as well as rationality. In her irate ramble appearing in the NYT she tries to demonize some of the states national politicians. She claims newly elected Andy Ogles is somehow bad for voting with the “nihlist” freedom caucus 11 times to force now Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy to make concessions. Mark E Green, according to the baby-murdering global-government-loving Renkl, is an election denier and democracy destroyer, and exporter of riots because he visited Brazil and discussed election integrity with Bolsonaro’s government. Renkl apparently cannot fathom that voting integrity could be an issue since it is her political party which she is lying to protect.

This was published in the New York Times, of course, because they have yet to find a democrat cover up they weren’t paid to spin in favor of globalism. The media outlet adores the idea of a centralized global body dictating policy to the world. That’s who pays them to write their earth-shattering tripe in the first place. The Times goes a bit further than adoration; however. They are active participants in the discussions at global government meetings such as the one occurring presently in Davos, Switzerland. The New York Times adores global government so much they sent SIX people there to participate: Deputy Managing Editor Rebecca Blumenstein, Reporter David Gelles, Opinion Editor Kathleen Kingsbury, President and CEO Meredith Kopit Levien, Chairman and Publisher Arthur Gregg Sulzberger, and Chief Commercial Officer Sebastian Tomich. All of these people have some anti-American skeletons in their closets. And all of them are leaders of what is thought of as the most important and influential print media outlet in the United States. And all of them are going to Davos to discuss how best to pacify the sovereign desires of the people of the United States to facilitate a passage of power from a sovereign US to a global government.

Yesterday, January 15, 2023, The New York Times published an article by Robert Cohen, “Davos Confronts a New World Order.” I absolutely abhor this disgusting headline because it is a lie in and of itself. Davos IS the New World Order – it IS the World Economic Forum – it IS the technocratic totalitarian world government warned about in the Bible. Are they going to be introspective about their overall designs to murder 95% of humanity? Hell no. They are going to pat themselves on the back for the murders and misery they have caused and usher in the designs they draw up to increase the death and misery in the next year or two.

Whoever penned this lie went big and Cohen did as well. He opened the article with a fantastical view of the Davos 2023 meeting and what their meeting is all about. He wrote:

“The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, finds itself navigating troubled waters. Long the affluent symbol of a globalizing world where the assumption was that more trade would bring more freedom, it now confronts international fracture, ascendant nationalism and growing protectionism under the shadow of war in Europe and sharp tensions between the United States and China.”

Davos has never been about freedom, actually, they have always been about more control over everyone’s lives. Their desire for this control has a purpose – they want to build a Utopia on earth. Their Utopia is a post-human/transhuman world populated by, at most, 500 million things that used to be human. To get a better idea, go read Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s 1984 and mix the societal features of those two very dystopian novels together. Throw in the movies Snowpiercer and Hunger Games trilogy, mix those around a bit, and then watch an oldie but a goody, Doctor Zighavo to see how close we really are to ending up in the Snowpiercer or in District 12. That is Davos’ intention. How the global government manages to do this is the only reason they meet at all – they know they are vastly outnumbered so they must design ways to stifle dissent, control narratives, properly ‘educate’ us to commit suicide, and clandestinely murder us. They want us manageable of dead and either option results in death. That’s why they meet and Cohen and the rest of the NYT’s knows that. Now, you do too.

Cohen continues by mentioning some of the questions which will likely be discussed at Davos 2023. Throughout the article he deceitfully paints those meeting at Davos as adults who are benevolent to humanity in general. His mentions of these topics read:

“To what degree is the world de-globalizing as the threat to supply chains has become evident through Covid-19 and war? Is it possible to end the trench warfare in Europe that has already taken tens of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian lives and led to talk, far-fetched but insistent, of possible nuclear “Armageddon,” a word used by President Biden last year? If the conflict in Ukraine persists through 2023, as now appears plausible, how can a war-induced global recession be avoided as investment-curtailing uncertainty persists and prices soar?”…

… “There have been other surprises. The Ukraine war has compounded the food insecurity that climate change had already induced across Africa and elsewhere. Many Africans have tired of Western promises of aid. The scramble in Europe for new sources of energy to replace Russian oil and gas, in societies under acute economic pressures, does not always favor expensive renewables or the conversion to “environmental capitalism” that so many business leaders in Davos have publicly embraced.” …

… “Consensus on the environment, as on global security, is elusive.” …

… “Convergence has gone out of fashion. There is no political consensus any longer over how to deliver prosperity to a networked world. Great power rivalry on a warming planet is the new reality. Economic opening did not lead to political opening in Russia or China, as had been widely predicted, with the result that rival democratic and autocratic blocs confront each other.”

5,000 Swiss troops are protecting those having conversations about solutions to these issues. What is interesting is not only the solutions these elites will dictate to the world, but the fact that these same elites created the problems in the first place. They had a hand in releasing COVID-19. They had a great deal of say about destroying global supply chains through COVID-19 mitigation efforts. They started the Ukraine/Russia war when they overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014. They advised the central bank in the United States to print two-thirds of all of the US dollars in existence in the last 3 years and caused the global recession. By causing the war they caused the energy and food crises. They demand a zero-carbon world and the replacement technologies which cannot provide enough power even if it was expanded a million times. Their version of global security features digital gulags and physical police states surveilled by humans and artificial intelligences alike.

Davos wants all of these calamities to converge to make life as unbearable as possible for as many as possible so that we will choose to off ourselves or beg our elite ‘masters’ to save us from these global government fruits. Prosperity is not meant to be achieved by government – it is meant to be achieved through individual effort and ingenuity. Of course, I write that because I am very biased to limited government and real capitalism. While convergence is not in fashion in the masses – we have multiple ideological camps – it sure is for the global government and elites in Davos. The title of the meeting is Cooperation in a Fragmented World for a reason. They don’t care that the masses are in any number of different camps, they are going to cooperate to accelerate the solidification of their global government – technocratic fascist-based economics, climate change-based religion, and globally centralized dictates regarding health, insurance, banking, education, speech, transportation and a host of other issues affecting every individual’s every day life.

Cohen and the New York Times know this, too. But they don’t want any of us to realize this. They want us stupid and conforming to the global government. It’s why Cohen lies and sugarcoats the nature of Davos and the world government. Perhaps the most damning paragraph he penned in the article, also constituting big lies, displays Cohen’s willingness to gaslight humanity into global governance:

“They will talk and they will exhort but Davos is about bringing people together, at least a certain class of people, and for now divisive pressures are strong. The politics of recent years have been dominated by nationalist revolts against elites by the very people Davos overlooked, from the American heartland to what the French call “the periphery.””

Davos is not about bringing people together. It’s about fracturing all of humanity so much and causing so many irreconcilable differences that unifying against their designs is impossible. I will use myself as an example. Baby murderers calling their sacrifices ‘abortion’ is not a camp I want to associate with. Globally-minded people constitute a camp I refuse to associate with. Ecoterrorism is something I reject entirely. Marxists are scumbags and I choose to not identify with their camp either. I won’t support the Ukrainian efforts in their war, nor will I support critical race theory in schools, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Palestinian sovereignty, the transgender agenda, nor pedophilia being normalized. All of these are camps which I don’t fall into and do not want to associate with. These camps are largely in the globalist camp; however, even if they were rabidly anti-global government I would find it impossible to support their actual movements and organizations. That’s Cohen’s first lie in that paragraph.

The second lie he unabashedly states is broader in scope. The people “revolting” against the global government were never overlooked. We have been planned for. The global government’s plan is targeting us for extermination. There is a reason that there is a huge emphasis on applying disinformation and misinformation labels to the public. Both terms are military terms, first of all, denoting that everyone is in a war. Even if one does not commit a speech or thought crime today, they will tomorrow. Once the ‘bad speech’ label is applied to an individual or organization (anything challenging or questioning the established global government narrative) it is merely a turn of semantics to label us those people and entities as dangerous extremists or terrorists. What happens to terrorists and enemy combatants? They are locked up for life without due process if they are not killed off through democide. Whole books have been written about what to do with the useless eater class – the 95% of humanity deemed non-essential to the elites. The Precariat by Guy Standing is a great example of this.

Above all the global government wants us to trust them to lead us out of all these problems through collective mass suicide. That is really the choice, they want us dead through following their orders or through becoming so utterly disenchanted with life that we want to end it. Thus, they encourage all of the factions and want to see even more develop. What is clear to me; however, is that at the end of the day there are only two camps – those who speak truth and those who do not. That could be split, temporally, between the global government camp and the anti-global government camp. Ultimately the rift is between the righteous and the unrighteous. The God-fearing and the God-hating camps are irreconcilable factions. All of the globalists are in the God-hating camp and they made that choice willingly. The issue really rears it’s head; however, when those claiming faith and righteousness either refuse to recognize the developments in global governance or openly embrace it and contort any number of religious doctrines to support those decisions. Whole congregations have been and are being deceived by those preaching any of the tenets of global governance.

So, how did Davos and their global governance go from Switzerland to New York to Nashville? Davos began in the late 1960’s. The New York Times was well aware of what was going on at Davos because they admitted to participating in it in 1997. It is even more telling is that there are no articles I could locate by searching online for any article prior to 1997. Hush was the order for about 30 years and even when it was reported by the paper it was covered as a sideshow. Operating under the cover of media blackouts and disinformation campaigns, the annual meetings by the global government elites at Davos proceeded unchallenged until very recently. While the media has to admit the meeting’s existence, they present them as good for humanity. Meanwhile, global dictates such as Agenda 21 and the UN Millennium Development Goals which gave rise to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals came upon the world stage. Promulgated by the WEF, these UN efforts were incorporated into their Davos meetings to be implemented around the globe. Sustainability plans began popping up in cities, regional zones, states, nations, and multinational trade organizations around the world including in Nashville, Tennessee. In 2019 the ‘mayor’ of ‘Nashville’ signed up to be even more closely aligned with global government objectives by signing onto Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy. The result is that anti-human elements of society become prominent in places like Nashville so that globally aligned ‘people’ like Renkl can write articles showing a wider base of support for global government. The New York Times reinforces this media-governmental lie while at the same time the media suppresses any dissent from global government edicts and intentions. Emboldened, Davos designs increasingly demonic edicts. The Times spins them to be positive developments. The Renkl’s parrot the lies produced by the Times. The global government cracks down again. This has been repeated time and time again over the last 26 years. The result was rolling blackouts being mandated in Tennessee. Even that was twisted to demand ‘positive change.’

I fear God. I fear He who can destroy my soul and sentence me to damnation. Thus, I love the truth – His Law. And I love His Son, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) and the sacrifice He made for our sin. It is people like me and millions of others, people who have faith in God and faith in Yeshua and live by the morality of the Bible, that the global government is meeting. Not only will we refuse to obey their decrees, we will openly and unabashedly question their motives, demand they be held accountable for their barbarity against human beings, encourage others to do the same and explain why they should, and fight them even when the blade of the guillotine rests above our necks. If enough of us act in such manner the global government will fall apart because everyone, especially non-believers, will realize that the globalist’s promises of man-made Utopia is a dirty rag and a lie because Utopia already exists in belief and the afterlife that belief rewards us with. The idea is to instruct the world of the truth in the Bible, the existence and Laws of God, and the salvation offered by Yeshua and make believers out of them as well. This belief will undoubtedly lead many to be censored, debanked, and persecuted followed by imprisoned, tortured, and murdered. But, I ask, who would undergo any of that without belief in God and Yeshua so solidly rooted in us that we are willing to undergo all of it to show to the world that it is God who has sovereignty and the global government is satanic? It is God who judges us. It is God who can destroy our souls. Take it to the lord in prayer and read your Bible.

Bless God and God bless.


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