Bees are on Their Knees

Bees are on Their Knees

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/3/2022

Just about everyone knows that bees are pollinators of plants. Likewise, just about everyone knows bee populations are suffering. As the most prolific pollinators on earth, decreasing bee populations have impacts on food production. Broccoli, for instance, needs to be pollinated in order to grow. Without bees this will be problematic. Let’s explore why bees are dying and then take a look at some of the remedies to stabilize bee populations.

Several years ago there was a phenomena called colony collapse disorder. Honeybee hives were productive one day and then the worker bees were gone several days later – never to return. For several years about 60% of all hive losses were due to colony collapse disorder in 2018. Colony collapse disorder only contributed to about 31% of hive losses in 2013.

The EPA began looking into the matter and, while the cause is still not pinned down, have narrowed the probable causes considerably. Those include varroa mites, viruses, pesticides, stress due to transportation, habitat changes, and lack of quality food. I don’t often agree with the EPA; however, it is notable to mention that climate change is not listed as a potential factor for causing colony collapse disorder.

On the EPA’s Pollinator Health Concerns, other pollinators are listed in addition to bees; wild bees, ants, beetles, wasps, lizards, birds, bats, and butterflies. The EPA wants to protect all of these creatures. The factors the EPA identifies as negatively affecting all of these creatures are pests and diseases, poor nutrition, pesticides, bee management, and lack of genetic diversity. Again, climate change is not listed on this page either and I am kind of surprised because the EPA is all about man-made climate change.

On their EPA Actions to Protect Pollinators page they have information about a class of pesticides called neonicotimoids. Some of these are now banned for use. Others require labeling in order to make sure that the users are aware that the product contains what amounts to bee nicotine. One of the major players which has multiple products listed is Bayer. It was several years ago that Bayer (which itself was spun out of I.G. Farben – the Nazi Germany chemical manufacturer) acquired Monsanto. Monsanto was the spearhead of genetically modified organisms (GMO) being used as food. It is now Bayer who owns 38 products containing neonicotinoids. terminator seeds, and all of the lawsuits Monsanto was subjected to because of the nerve damage their product, Roundup (the active ingredient being glyphosate), caused to humans.

It is interesting that while bees were dying off through suspected pesticide use, it was the neonicotinoids which were targeted while no mention of glyphosate, an organophosphate. During this time glyphosate was used in tremendous amounts, doubling the usage of the second most sprayed chemical, atrazine. Atrazine is what makes frogs gay. Glyphosate just causes massive nerve damage, cancer, and wipes out foliage – it might as well be Agent Orange. But this article is about the bees and they are dying and are still dying.

An interview in 2020 on NPR with etymologist Sammy Ramsey discussed the issue of why the bees are dying. Ramsey noted, “there's a triangle of factors called the three Ps, and that stands for parasites, pesticides and poor nutrition.” Ramsey didn’t say anything about climate change either. Instead he stated that if we want to help we can use chemicals responsibly, leave dandelions alone, and if we really want to do something to help out we can plant a flower garden with a wide variety of plants to assist bees in getting the proper nutrition.

So far I can agree with all of that. All of that sounds like something all of us should be able to do, even if we happen to live without land. The results will be thriving bee populations which will allow human beings to continue enjoying a wide variety of foods at low cost. In other words if we decide to take those measures to assist bee’s health, we can keep on trying to get our kids to eat broccoli at the dinner table.

What bothers me is why groups like Sierra Club have adopted positions on the pollinator issue. According to a 2019 publication from the Iowa chapter of this climate-death-cultist organization, climate change and weather is one of the reasons bees are dying. Even the EPA and NPR managed to avoid linking the death of bees to climate change because the link just doesn’t exist. Sierra Club; however, is not the only organization which draws this false assumption. The World Bee Project and Environment America are two other examples.

Environment America published an article on June 20, 2022 titled Save the bees & go solar. To be fair, the psychopath who penned this article, Johanna Neumann is part of the Environment America Research and Policy Center and is also involved with the Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy. She helped scuttle a nuclear project in the Chesapeake Bay area and got Maryland to demand that each of it’s subject reduce their electricity by 15%. In her article the only link to bees and solar power is getting mandates for solar projects to include building pollinator habitats. Honestly, I think she wants this to happen because millions of bees living under the ground will deter people from destroying the solar panels when they have no power because the solar panels will never supply enough electricity. 100% renewable energy initiatives only mean that most of us will have a sharply curtailed ration of access to electrical power. So, basically she can go to hell. Now I don’t really want to help the bees, because Nazi’s like Johanna – one of those entities who knows how best to live your life for you – is trying to score climate change points with shrinking bee populations.

While I firmly believe that one nuclear plant is far superior to 10 billion solar farms, the ideas for bee population renewals only get crazier from there. The World Bee Project operates a bee surveillance system. They explain:

“The World Bee Project supports, connects, and amplifies new technologies and scientific study to improve the health and wellbeing of bees and other pollinators. It uses Artificial Intelligence (AI), data analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT) to power the World Hive Network© to generate solutions to wider issues of biodiversity, climate change, food security and human wellbeing.”

They are doing what? Using artificial intelligence to surveil bees, big data to host data, and connecting beehives to the Internet of Things is what they are doing. This did not work well in the Black Mirror episode Hated in the Nation. Granted, the bees in the show were all robots but, that aside, we can now have security breaches into beehives. The World Bee Project boasts that they have created 50,000 ‘smart’ hives which house 2.5 billion bees. That’s just what we need to make the world better, right? Maybe their data will reveal something useful about hive behavior; however, I am skeptical. It sounds like a waste of time and money to me with a lot of ulterior motives swirling around the project.

Their Projects page gives examples of how focused the organization is on equity, inclusion, and women. The header on the page reads:

“Taking a data-based research approach, we link bee and biodiversity and ecosystem health with beekeeper and smallholder farmer livelihoods. We create strategies and programmes and design and adaptively implement projects in partnership with local communities to provide measurable benefits for pollinators, people, and the planet. Harnessing the power of bee-derived intelligence for solutions to wider issues of biodiversity, climate change, food security and human well-being we focus on the interconnections between bees and people in the context of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

There it is – the devil in the details. Like Environment America, The World Bee Project doesn’t care about bees either – they care about getting pats on the back for destroying human civilization through implementing the UN’s SDG’s. What are the SDG’s? The SDG’s are the incremental and diversified approach of the Great Reset. I love how much more food costs and I love paying an extra $15.00 to fill up my gas tank. I cannot wait until meat becomes cost prohibitive for any normal person to eat and our electricity is only on for 2 hours a day. Forget heating and cooling our homes or driving anywhere. That’s the Great Reset in a nutshell – you’ll have nothing and you will like it. If you don’t like it, well, that’s why we have internment camps and guillotines.

At some point in time these demons and their partners will declare that bee populations have gotten so low that humans need to replace them with fake bees. Walmart has humanity covered there. They hold patent number US 10273001 B2 – Apparatus And Method For Unmanned Flight, which they received in 2019. Well, gee I wonder what Walmart’s stance on climate change mitigation efforts are. According to Walmart’s website:

“Walmart has committed to science-based targets for emissions reduction, including achieving zero emissions in our operations by 2040 and engaging suppliers through our Project GigatonTM initiative to reduce or avoid supply chain emissions by 1 billion metric tons by 2030. We aim to galvanize collective action across the retail and consumer goods sector through our advocacy, supplier engagement, philanthropy and innovation in product supply chain practices, while taking steps to strengthen the resilience of our business against the effects of climate change.”

It doesn’t look like Walmart has a human-based future as their goals. And they confirm their desire to erase humanity from earth several paragraphs later:

“As a large omni-channel retailer with millions of customers worldwide and a global sourcing footprint, Walmart is able to lead by reducing emissions in our operations and supply chain while galvanizing collective action across our industry. We believe a strong climate action strategy will help us manage the physical and transition risks associated with climate change, strengthening the resilience of our business and helping us create value for stakeholders.”

It’s not like Walmart will act alone in their efforts to destroy humanity. They tell us that they will use their leverage to force all of their suppliers to adopt the same standards Walmart has adopted. One of these standards appears later on their page:

“Climate strategy is a key part of Walmart’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy. Walmart’s corporate sustainability team leads the development of the company’s climate strategy, working with a cross-functional team including finance, real estate, operations, merchandising, strategy, and public policy. Our climate strategy is reviewed at least annually by the Walmart executive leadership team.”

What is ESG? It is the destruction of individual wealth. It is also the stick the UN wants business like Walmart to implement so the big guys can browbeat the small guys into compliance with the SDG’s. All of us useless eaters will have to spend our social credit currency (FedCoin or whatever the United States digital currency will be called) at ESG-compliant operations. Any operation not using ESG will be shut out of the market and it’s proprietors will eventually be promised a stint in the guillotine-equipped internment camps. Sounds like fun. We went from bees to global government efforts.

We will not starve to death as a species if bees disappeared; however, we will suffer more. We will have weaker immune systems to fight off diseases and less choices regarding what is available to eat. Globalists have decided to use everything which supports life as a weapon against humanity – food, water, air, weather, and the basis for civilization – the family.

I can plant some flowers and avoid using harmful pesticides. I can continue to never shop at Walmart. If everyone decided to refuse to shop at Walmart (and Target, Amazon, and Google) between November 25, 2022 and January 2, 2023 things would change in a hurry, especially if “instituting ESG” is the primary response as to why we didn’t shop there. That’s my idea – just break them financially. Without the huge business monoliths how on earth could the globalists proceed with their plan. Globalists will not get their way with more firmly establishing global government, one world religion, and one world citizen with their social-credit-score-based programmable one world currency if they do not have business willing to enforce the one word edicts upon their consumers. 1,000 businesses and institutions is manageable – 10 million is not. Just make sure the potting soil, rakes, and seeds you buy to make the bees happy come from one of your neighbors’ who runs a hardware store and not Walmart, Lowe’s, or Home Depot. Larry’s Landscaping isn’t planning on doing the ESG thing most likely. In the event that Larry is, you could probably just ask him at the counter because he actually works there.

This is all in the Bible. I believe that if people would go read the words in the Bible they would understand, at least in a rudimentary fashion, the times in which we live. This part is all documented through prophecy. I do think the four horsemen are unsealed. I do think that the Antichrist’s stage, the Beast system, is being irrevocably established with all of the one world garbage going on daily. I do think that sooner rather than later the Antichrist will appear publicly on the global stage. I think those are the times in which we live presently. Maybe I’m black pilled? Read the Bible as factual events which will occur and draw your own conclusions.

Bless God and God bless.


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