What in the World is Going on in Chile?
Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity
I was listening to my favorite broadcaster, Alex Jones, very early this morning when he mentioned something about Chile passing a law tailored to protect the rights of genetically altered people – I will refer to them as chimeras from here on out. And I wondered what the need for such a law was. I also wondered how absolutely disgusting is the government of Chile.
The full text reads, in Spanish, followed by an english translation:
“Teniendo presente que el H. Congreso Nacional ha dado su aprobación al siguiente proyecto de ley iniciado en una moción del Honorable senador señor Alejandro Navarro Brain,
“Proyecto de ley:
“Artículo 1°.- Ningún empleador podrá condicionar la contratación de trabajadores, su permanencia o la renovación de su contrato, o la promoción o movilidad en su empleo, a la ausencia de mutaciones o alteraciones en su genoma que causen una predisposición o un alto riesgo a una patología que pueda llegar a manifestarse durante el transcurso de la relación laboral, ni exigir para dichos fines certificado o examen alguno que permita verificar que el trabajador no posee en su genoma humano mutaciones o alteraciones de material genético que puedan derivar en el desarrollo o manifestarse en una enfermedad o anomalía física o psíquica en el futuro.
“Artículo 2°.- El trabajador podrá manifestar su consentimiento libre e informado para realizarse un examen genético, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 14 de la ley N° 20.584, siempre y cuando esté dirigido a asegurar que reúne las condiciones físicas o psíquicas necesarias e idóneas para desarrollar trabajos o faenas calificados como peligrosos, con la única finalidad de proteger su vida o integridad física o psíquica, como asimismo la vida o la salud física o mental de otros trabajadores. En caso de ser requeridos estos exámenes por el empleador, éste deberá asumir su costo. Asimismo, en caso de existir relación laboral vigente, el tiempo utilizado en la realización de dichos exámenes se entenderá como trabajado para todos los efectos legales.
“Artículo 3°.- Los establecimientos de salud y los laboratorios que realicen este tipo de exámenes, como asimismo los empleadores que accedan a esta información, deberán adoptar todas las medidas de seguridad prescritas en la ley N° 20.584 y en el artículo 12 de ley N° 20.120, con el fin de proteger la intimidad del trabajador y garantizar un manejo reservado de los datos.
“‘El trabajador siempre tendrá derecho a acceder a la información que arroje un examen genético.’.
“Y por cuanto he tenido a bien aprobarlo y sancionarlo; por tanto, promúlguese y llévese a efecto como Ley de la República.
“Santiago, 3 de febrero de 2022.- SEBASTIÁN PIÑERA ECHENIQUE, Presidente de la República.- Pedro Pizarro Cañas, Ministro del Trabajo y Previsión Social (S).- Enrique Paris Mancilla, Ministro de Salud.
“Lo que transcribo a usted para su conocimiento.- Gustavo Rosende Salazar, Subsecretario del Trabajo (S).
“Bearing in mind that the National Congress has given its approval to the following bill initiated in a motion by the Honorable Senator Mr. Alejandro Navarro Brain,
“Article 1°.- No employer may condition the hiring of workers, their permanence or the renewal of their contract, or the promotion or mobility in their employment, to the absence of mutations or alterations in their genome that cause a predisposition or a high risk to a pathology that may manifest itself during the course of the employment relationship, or require for these purposes any certificate or examination that allows to verify that the worker does not have in his human genome mutations or alterations of genetic material that may lead to the development or manifest in a disease or physical or mental anomaly in the future.
“Article 2°.- The worker may express his free and informed consent to perform a genetic examination, in accordance with the provisions of article 14 of Law No. 20,584, as long as it is aimed at ensuring that he meets the necessary and suitable physical or mental conditions to carry out work or tasks classified as dangerous, with the sole purpose of protecting his life or physical or mental integrity, as well as the life or physical or mental health of other workers. If these exams are required by the employer, the employer must bear the cost. Likewise, if there is a current employment relationship, the time used in carrying out these exams will be understood as worked for all legal purposes.
“Article 3°.- Health establishments and laboratories that perform this type of examination, as well as employers who access this information, must adopt all the security measures prescribed in Law No. 20,584 and Article 12 of Law No. 20,120, in order to protect the privacy of the worker and guarantee a confidential handling of the data.
“‘The worker will always have the right to access the information that a genetic test yields.’
“And because I have been kind enough to approve and sanction it; therefore, it shall be supplemented and put into effect as a Law of the Republic.
“Santiago, February 3, 2022.- SEBASTIÁN PIÑERA ECHENIQUE, President of the Republic.- Pedro Pizarro Cañas, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare (S).- Enrique Paris Mancilla, Minister of Health.”)
Law 21.422 was published in the Chilean version of the US Federal Register on February 16, 2022.
While this law was reported on as creating a legal status for non-human entities in what appears to be a human body, it seems that this is not the case. Possibly, Alex Jones was wrong, or at least misled by several articles. The first article I found was at adversereationreport.com. The second article appeared at dariodevalarta.com and was the source for the first article I found. There are similar articles posted on naturalnews.com, gmo.news, orwell.city and several other sites.
It sounds to me like the bill as translated and voted on to become law actually protects the unaltered, real-deal human. But...
The official gazette of Chile’s law can be found here and reads similarly as the bill text above.
“Bearing in mind that the H. National Congress has given its approval to the following project of law initiated in a motion of the Honorable Senator Mr. Alejandro Navarro Brain,
“Article 1°.- No employer may condition the hiring of workers, their permanence or renewal of your contract, or promotion or mobility in your employment, at the absence of mutations or alterations in your genome that cause a predisposition or a high risk to a pathology that may manifest itself during the course of the relationship labor, nor require for these purposes any certificate or examination that allows to verify that the Worker does not possess in his human genome mutations or alterations of genetic material that may lead to the development or manifest in a disease or physical or mental anomaly in the future.
“Article 2°.- The worker may express his free and informed consent to perform a genetic examination, in accordance with the provisions of article 14 of Law No. 20.584, as long as it is aimed at ensuring that it meets the physical or mental conditions necessary and suitable to carry out work or tasks classified as dangerous, with the only purpose of protecting their life or physical or mental integrity, as well as life or health physical or mental of other workers. If these examinations are required by the employer, it must bear its cost. Also, if there is a current employment relationship, the time used in the performance of these examinations shall be understood as worked for all legal effects.
“Article 3°.- Health establishments and laboratories that carry out this type of examinations, as well as employers who access this information, must adopt all security measures prescribed in Law No. 20,584 and Article 12 of Law No. 20.120, in order to protect the privacy of the worker and guarantee a reserved handling of the data.
“‘The worker will always have the right to access the information that an exam yields genetic.’
“And because I have been kind enough to approve and sanction it; therefore, please supplement and take to effect as Law of the Republic.
“Santiago, February 3, 2022.- SEBASTIÁN PIÑERA ECHENIQUE, President of the Republic.- Pedro Pizarro Cañas, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare (S).- Enrique Paris Mancilla, Minister of Health.
“What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.- Gustavo Rosende Salazar, Undersecretary of Labor (S).”
I cannot personally read Spanish, thus I relied on an online translator to interpret this for me. Maybe the translator is off in this regard; however, a word appears in both version in the Spanish, ‘ausencia’ which, when translated means ‘absence.’
Being un-vaccinated against COVID-19, I guess I have a bias here. Several things could be happening in this bill. The law is barring employers from discriminating against the un-vaccinated (which is the way that I read it). The law is barring employers from getting rid of the vaccinated (which is the way that, apparently, everyone else reads it), or the bill begins the legal segregation and distinction process of real human beings who are unaltered from those who are altered.
In my case, I read the bill version of this as meaning that those who do not have genetic alterations cannot be discriminated against (“No employer may condition the hiring of workers… to the absence of mutations or alterations in their genome...”). The official law in the gazette; however, reads a bit different as translated (“No employer may condition the hiring of workers… at the absence of mutations or alterations in your genome…”). This gets a little bit more vague because of the terminology used. I am going to chalk this up to a translation error because other translations, and the sources documents, match.
I acknowledge that I am definitely in the minority of those reporting on this and that they may be correct – this bill protects the chimeras. I can see it that way as well, but again, as I stated earlier, I am biased. I am a human and those ‘vaccinated’, well, depending on where they decided they had enough pokes, are not necessarily human for all intents and purposes. I’m trying to say that a person who had one ‘vaccine’ and stopped is not the same creature as someone who has five of these jabs. But, under the Chilean law it raises a question.
Statistica.com, in a rare display of allowing searchers to see their data, states that per 100 people in Chile, 271.92 doses of mRNA gene therapy have been administered to Chileans as of April 26, 2022. 92% have taken one dose and 95% have taken two doses, with 95% also taking at least one booster according the New York Times. Being as though a mere 5% of people do not have their heads in their butts at all in Chile and refused all of the mRNA rounds (God Bless you all), it is plausible this law is referring to the 5% who did not vaccinate as being those who are altered. In this scenario, which, the more I think about it, the more I believe it, was that this was intent of the bill and the subsequent law – again, to protect the un-jabbed.
However, the jabbed are predispositioned to illness as it has been scientifically concluded that, with each additional round of this death-jab, the jabbed receive an increasingly weakened immune system. Weakened immune systems lead to increased illness because the immune system cannot any longer fight off existing and new pathogens in the body. So, the Chilean law could be referring to that fact, which is tantamount to admitting that the jabs their citizens have taken (Sinovac, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, CanSino, and Johnson & Johnson) are deadly and debilitating. It would make sense for the absolute idiots running the nation of Chile to decide that the vast majority of their population (18,448,872 of 19,419,865) who took at least one DNA destroying jab, should be ‘protected’ from those actual human beings, as in the about 971,000, refusing to undergo the COVID-19 jab experiment.
So I’m torn between intent.
What I am not torn between, and what I will not argue against, is that, at the very least, this bill and this Law 21.422 distinguishes between humans and non-humans. Of course it is not stated that way; however, that is clearly in the language. Whichever group is not modified, according to the rulers of the nation of Chile, is protected from discrimination barring employment. What this law actually does is say there are a group of humans, who are not actually human because they are chimeras, and we are going to protect that group. And with the last sentence, I declare Alex Jones to be right, yet again, and the articles which I read to be accurate. Expecting the government of Chile to express a desire to marginalize 95% of it’s population is inane on my part, and for that I apologize; however, the questions must be raised, and answered if possible. Chile is going to endorse transhumanism one way or another – it has already been codified into their law.
So maybe, Alex Jones was RIGHT, yet again; time will tell. But I have a hunch that he is right this time, too. And now that I have explored the options, my opinion has changed and this Chilean Law is exactly the worst case scenario – a protection of humans which are not really humans, but genetically altered versions. In other words, a protection of chimeras.
In my opinion, the United States should tell the Chilean embassy to remove itself from the US because of this. All trade, either through intermediaries or directly, should be stopped. All cash flows should be ended. Any economic package Chile receives directly, or through any intermediary, should be immediately voided. But, that isn’t going to happen either, because my country’s ‘government’ has done the same thing here – encouraged millions of people to make themselves non humans.
There is a very smart man who has worked around the globe, especially in China, which describes himself as a Cosmist (not to be confused with a Communist – he is not). There are the Cosmists, which he declares himself to be, one who wants to research and build technology (humans augmented with implants or genetic modifications), the Artilects (the augmented beings which were once human), and the Terrans (actual Homo Sapien Sapien) which reject, and go to war against, the entire Cosmist plot. The result is a genocidal war in which the Cosmists go underground, develop, and unleash the Artilects to destroy the attacking Terrans. The result is that the Artilects destroy all of humanity, Cosmist and Terrans alike, because humanity is, to them, like a human keeping a house fly as a pet. The Artilect War by Hugo de Garis explores this in detail.
As de Garis was reminded of, or possibly informed of for the first time, at the True Legends conference in 2018 in Branson, MO, there is a fourth group – the Biblical Christian/Messianic Jewish groups. And its absolutely high-time these two groups understand the signs of the times, of which this article is only one, and respond to it. God promised such judgment to befall the earth through the works of the Anti-Christ, and they are mightily appearing in this time and age. God also foresaw the reactions of those afflicted and claimed to not worry nor fret. Do not worry, and do not fret, those of yo who read this and are in the Lord! Rejoice that the time is short between the present and the returning of the Messiah! And rejoice in the idea that you did what you could to stop this nonsense. But did you? And is this the time of the coming of the Son of Man? No one knows that time save for God, Himself. If this is not the times in which the Son of Man is expected to return – I pray that you at least take action, PEACEFUL and LAWFUL action, against such developments, even when those actions seem to be ineffective. Let your voice and your will, inspired by God, the Creator, be heard.
If you haven’t read the Bible, I encourage you to do so. If you cannot afford one, e-mail me and I will do my best to get you one – it’s important to have a paper copy, digital copies can easily be changed, altered, and made useless (demonic).
* all translations appearing in this document were performed using translator.eu going from Spanish to English.
My e-mail address is tim.oconnor@centerforthepreservationofhumanity.com