The Torah and Jesus – Jews and Christians, Reconsider

The Torah and Jesus – Jews and Christians, Reconsider

Tim O’Connor – CPH President - 7/2/2022

I am not a Biblical scholar. I am not a Rabbi. I cannot read Hebrew or ancient Greek, Latin, nor Aramaic. I have never really tried to read the Talmud. But, I really do want to understand why Jewish people have rejected Yeshua. Likewise, I want to better understand why Christians, by and large, refuse to read the Torah.

So I tried to search out the requirements of the Messiah in the Jewish faith. I came across a site, titled Judaism 101, which listed some verses to go check out.

The first chapter listed is Isaiah 2.

In my opinion, the day described here is the Day of Judgment. Reading all of Isaiah 2, it is clear that the day described has yet to come. As far as pointing to a requirement to be met prior to the coming of the Messiah, it is non-existent. The chapter speaks about a great rending of the entire earth and that all will worship Adonai; however, there is no mention of a Messiah. Yeshua is still qualified as far as I can tell.

The next chapter the site mentions is Isaiah 11. This chapter speaks of a branch of Yishai (Jesse) coming in the fear of Adonai to serve Adonai’s purposes. I believe that Yeshua fulfilled the prophesy in Isaiah 11:1-5. To the best of my knowledge, there has been no fulfillment of the prophesy in Isaiah 11:6-9, meaning that the peaceful coexistence of all animals living upon the mountain of Adonai has yet to be fulfilled. I do believe that Isaiah 11:10 was fulfilled by Yeshua.

Isaiah 11:11 reads, “On that day Adonai will raise his hand again, a second time, to reclaim the remnant of his people who remain from Ashur, Egypt, Patros, Ethiopia, ‘Eilam, Shin‘ar, Hamat and the islands in the sea.” Ashur is in modern day Iraq, Egypt was far smaller than modern day Egypt, Patros is part of Egypt extending southwest of the Egypt of Isaiah’s days, Ethiopia was the land of Cush which was south of Biblical Egypt, Eilam is in present day Iran, Shin’ar is in Iraq, and Hamat is in northern Lebanon. When the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, they controlled these areas, and very well may have forced Jews into those locations, at least originally. This is something I will have to follow up on, however.

The really interesting part is that Adonai will raise His hand a second time. In my view, the first time was to give His Son to the world for their sins, and the second time will be to completely defeat the evil running rampant in our world. I think Isaiah 11:11 foretells of a second coming of the Messiah It is completely conceivable that Rome resettled their conquered Jewish peoples into the lands mentioned. I also find it very convincing that many of those still living in the lands mentioned have yet to come out of it.

I see the verses in Isaiah 11:12-14 as a work in progress. It could very well relate to the idea that modern Israel, and what is considered Palestine, will cease hostilities; however Adonai has not yet allowed that to occur. Israel has never, to my knowledge, smashed the Edomites nor the Moabites, nor had the Amonites obey them. All of this will occur at a future date. Isaiah 11:15-16 is also a prophesy set in the future – the Red Sea’s waters will dwindle, the Euphrates will be split into “seven streams,” and those still left in Ashur will return to the lands of Israel.

The next verse used for proof of the Messiah having not yet arrived on earth comes at Isaiah 59:20, which reads, “‘Then a Redeemer will come to Tziyon, to those in Ya‘akov who turn from rebellion.’ So says Adonai.” This is a really interesting passage. Yeshua did go to Israel, He went to Passover, and He knew He was to be betrayed. Yet, still He went to the last supper in Zion, where he previously overturned tables and chastised the temple vendors (Christians take notice – no amount of money can buy God’s grace nor salvation).

The story of Jacob (Ya’akov) is complex and involves his twin brother, Esau, who was not a man trying to connect with Adonai. As such, Jacob gained Esau’s birthright. Jacob gained this because Adonai willed it as such. God caused Esau to forgot the ‘wrong’ that Jacob had done to him, and went about his ways after they met in the wilderness later.

Jacob was also subjected to deception by his father-in-law, Laban, and Jacob payed for his wives with at least 14 years (2 terms of 7 years each) in Laban’s service. His reward was the hand of Leah the elder daughter) as well as Rachel (the younger daughter), Rachel being the woman he intended to marry in the first place. Jacob was also changed into Israel, the progenitor of all of the 12 tribes of Israel after wrestling with an angel, sent from God, who dislocated (at least) his hip (a very serious injusry in those times).

The written preservation of Ya’akov’s life really is one showing the trials God will allow, and if passed, the rewards Adonai will grant to those who follow Him, even while they dwell upon this very earth. Isaiah 59:20 reinforces the idea that faith in Adonai will lead to Him rewarding His servants with prosperity, providence, and eternal life. Jacob continuously appealed to Adonai throughout his life, followed Adonai’s Laws, and never stopped believing in Adonai’s grace nor His vengeance upon those who crossed Him. Jacob loved his brother, but his brother did not seek the face of Adonai as Jacob did.

Did Yeshua do this as well? He absolutely did. He succumbed to the abuses of Israel’s priests, which demanded He be executed by the Romans. He did not protest His death sentence until His last gasp. Christians have no reason to fault the Jews for this – Yeshua was Jewish and perfected the Torah (go read it, Christian), and Yeshua also stopped the need for the sacrifices (go read it Jews). Yeshua perfected His Father’s Laws, making Adonai applicable to everyone, Jew and Goyim, while at the same time making Jews no longer needing to sacrifice their animals nor grain to Adonai and the Goyim needing to heed to the Torah. Adam’s sin had been paid for by Adonai’s sacrifice of the lamb, His begotten, Yeshua. Adonai’s Laws were now EVERYONE’S Laws.

Jewish people, do you know what this means! It means there is no cause to build a third temple or to make sacrifices of any kind! The blood has already been paid for your sin! Christians do you understand what this means for you? It means follow the Law of God – the Torah! Each of us should be as one giant congregation! The Jew should be as the Christian in belief and the Christian should be as the Jew in practice – we are ALL meant to be HOLY to Adonai (God)….

Sadly, Jews and Christians alike, in their own way rejected this idea. Can any of us live perfectly according to the Torah? No. Only Yeshua did. All we can hope to do is to be holy in the eyes of Adonai.

The next refutation from the Jewish side of the argument comes from chapter 23 of Jeremiah. Adonai makes it crystal clear that it is no burden to worship Him. It portends the day when all of those not believing in Him will think they are just fine and not going to be judged. Why will this come about? Because of false prophets. Prophets which many believe and will believe against the word of God. It is also against the words of Yeshua, who lived perfectly according to the Torah.

Adonai tells all of us, Jew and Christian alike, to not believe in the words of the modern-day ‘prophets’ coming forth and spewing lies. Of the prophets Adonai stated: “‘13 I have seen inappropriate conduct in the prophets of Shomron — they prophesied by Ba‘al and led my people Isra’el astray. 14 But in the prophets of Yerushalayim I have seen a horrible thing — they commit adultery, live in lies, so encouraging evildoers that none returns from his sin. For me they have all become like S’dom, its inhabitants like ‘Amora.’”

To my sensibilities this describes the world we currently live in, full of soothsayers, diviners, tarot card readers, and astrology sign predictors and Satan-loving scumbags like George Soros and Bill Gates. And then there is the self-proclaiming Jew, Yuval Noah Harari and his acolytes, prophesying about the Great Reset, the human-assured promise of the ‘good’ of humanity 2.0, and the desolation of resource acquisition by the masses (food, water, shelter). Maybe God sent this ‘man’ to bring about the Anti-Christ. I am not sure of that. All I do know is that many subscribe to this ‘prophet’s’ vision of humanity without giving any thought to his embrace of exterminating the human race, i.e. God’s creation.

Especially pertinent to this discussion is Jeremiah 23:16–17, “16 Adonai-Tzva’ot says: ‘Don’t listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you. They are making you act foolishly, telling you visions from their own minds and not from the mouth of Adonai. 17 They keep reassuring those who despise me, ‘Adonai says you will be safe and secure,’ and saying to all living by their own stubborn hearts, ‘Nothing bad will happen to you.’ ’”

Bad things are happening to all of us, believers and non-belivers alike (deny it as fervently as you wish God-haters). Those pretending that everything will be fine are lying to you and are receiving their ‘divine guidance’ outside of the Word of God. Namely, they receive their ‘word’ from Satan and his messengers.

Thus, test the spirits. Test those wishing to tell their dreams in the name of Adonai.

This chapter tells of a day when people will lead others astray of God’s word. I believe that time has been here for quite a while, actually. I can think of a whole lot of people, institutions, and religious centers doing this, not least of which are the Pope, mainstream Judaism, mainstream Christianity, and all other faiths denying Adonai and His Son. Call me biased if you wish – all of these people are claiming divinity in the name of Adonai while at the same time denying Adonai. To compound their infractions, many of these people claim that their god is Adonai despite their god(s) having none of the same history nor attributes of God the Creator of the universe.

As for Jews trying to refute Yeshua’s claim of Messiah, they use Jeremiah 23 as another reason to deny Yeshua. Do not believe the prophets, they will say. Their Temple has been destroyed for 1,952 years; however, they refuse to believe in the idea that Yeshua came to absolve them from sin against Adonai, yet they still live, prosper, and persist. All of this is despite a precise date as to when and how the Second Temple would be destroyed as recorded through the voice of Yeshua. Yeshua commanded His adherents to test the spirits of those prophesying in His name as well as warned that many will come in His name– just as Adonai did in this chapter of Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 30 is also used by Jewish sects as evidence that disprove the authenticity of Yeshua being the Messiah. In these passages, there is mention of a figure who leads a restored Jewish nation who is able to directly approach Adonai. This actually sounds like Yeshua to me. A lot of Jeremiah 30 is set in the future still; however, because it talks about the whole world no caring about Israel and having Israel subjugated. Adonai intends to utterly destroy those peoples while at the same time punishing Israel for it’s wickedness. The passage speaks of a future in which all of Israel is restored as it was in times past, including how the community functions as well as every building being properly restored and in the right location. I do not believe this has yet occurred as it says in the days of Ya’akov’s troubles you will understand. I do think we will see it rather soon though. After all of the punishment, Israel will live in complete peace.

So far none of these have convinced me to disbelieve in Yeshua being the Messiah who will return again.

Jeremiah 33 offers another refutation of Yeshua; however. The chapter offers another reference to David’s Branch of Righteousness. It is Adonai who stated, “17 There will never be cut off from David a man to occupy the throne of the house of Isra’el. 18 Nor will there ever be cut off from the cohanim who are L’vi’im a man before me to offer burnt offerings, burn grain offerings and offer sacrifices every day.” This occurs only after Israel is renamed Adonai our Righteousness. This is obviously to be seen at a later date as well. Obviously, with an ugly mosque sitting upon their own Temple Mount, Jews have not been able to make any sacrifices at all. But notice, there is no mention of the sin offering.

The End of Days is also referenced in Jeremiah 47:48, “Yet I will end Mo’av’s exile in the acharit-hayamim,” says Adonai.” Those days of exile for Mo’av were not, and still have not been, ended. The lands in question are the lands within the present day nation of Jordan. Obviously, the end of days has not yet passed. This, again speaks to a future time in which there is a Messiah sent by Adonai to put things right within the world.

I am starting to get an idea of where the Jewish faith gets it’s denial of Yeshua being the Messiah, but I still do not ascribe to the idea.

Jeremiah 49:39 reads, ‘But in the acharit-hayamim, I will bring back the exiles of ‘Eilam,’ says Adonai.” As mentioned before, this is within the borders of present day Iraq. I fully believe Adonai will do this. The time is not jet, but it is soon.

To put Ezekiel 39:16 in context I will include a large portion of it 14-23:

“14 “Therefore, human being, prophesy! Tell Gog that Adonai Elohim says this: ‘Won’t you be aware of it when my people Isra’el are living in security? 15 You will choose just that time to come from your place in the far reaches of the north, you and many peoples with you, all of them on horseback, a huge horde, a mighty army; 16 and you will invade my people Isra’el like a cloud covering the land. This will be in the acharit-hayamim; and I will bring you against my land, so that the Goyim will know me when, before their eyes, I am set apart as holy through you, Gog.’

“17 “Adonai Elohim says: ‘I spoke of you long ago through my servants the prophets of Isra’el. Back then, they prophesied for many years that I would have you invade them. 18 When that day comes, when Gog invades the land of Isra’el,’ says Adonai Elohim, ‘my furious anger will boil up. 19 In my jealousy, in my heated fury I speak: when that day comes there will be a great earthquake in the land of Isra’el; 20 so that the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the wild beasts, all the reptiles creeping on the ground and every human being there in the land will tremble before me. Mountains will fall, cliffs crumble and every wall crash to the ground. 21 I will summon a sword against him throughout all my mountains,’ says Adonai Elohim; ‘every man will wield his sword against his brother. 22 I will judge him with plague and with blood. I will cause torrential rain to fall on him, his troops and the many peoples with him, along with huge hailstones, fire and sulfur. 23 I will show my greatness and holiness, making myself known in the sight of many nations; then they will know that I am Adonai.’”

Again, these physical signs have not yet manifested themselves. And there is a lot of speculation as to what or where Gog is. All we can tell today is that it is north of Israel. That includes Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Russia, and Europe. Who leads, Gog? I have no idea. Will an invasion come from the north? I absolutely believe it will and when that invasion comes, many will begin to believe in Adonai.

“4 For the people of Isra’el are going to be in seclusion for a long time without a king, prince, sacrifice, standing-stone, ritual vest or household gods. 5 Afterwards, the people of Isra’el will repent and seek Adonai their God and David their king; they will come trembling to Adonai and his goodness in the acharit-hayamim,” Hosea 3:4-5. This has yet to come to full fruition as well, despite the passage in Hosea 3:4 being one which is ongoing. In the end days; however, the people of Israel will come back to their God, Adonai, full of repentance and fear. The prior verses in Hosea 3 describe a wife committing adultery being bought back by her husband and left to sit in seclusion with no intercourse at all. The prior verses relate directly to quoted verses. It actually equates Israel with being an adulterous wife. As such, Israel has been placed into a time of separation from Adonai, just as the wife described was cut off from her intentions of her adulterous relationships. Israel has not yet gotten to the point of repentance and fear, but they will.

Micah 4 is a very interesting and confounding chapter of the Bible. It begins describing the end days. According to Micah, the people of the world, especially gentiles, will go up to the mountain of Adonai to learn of Him and his Laws. This will be the most important mountain. The Torah will be sent to the world during this time. There will be peace in the land, yet many in the world will go on worshiping gods other than Adonai. ‘He’ will judge many peoples and nations. Nations will no longer go to war against nations. Adonai will make Israel a strong nation, will rule all of His people, and regather Israel. Israel will regain its full sovereignty. Then comes a war against Israel. Once the daughter of Israel is put out of the land until she arrives in Bavel, is decided to be desiccated, and instead begins to crush other nations, this prophesy will not be fulfilled. Then Israel will have siege laid against them.

Micah 4, again, seems to be something that has yet to occur. There is no peace in the land. We have not beaten our swords into plows. Israel has not regained its entire sovereignty. But the product of all of these events, the daughter of Zion being cast out, will crush the nations warring against Israel. The Bible here literally says to gather troops to end the siege of Israel.

This, to me, describes the run up to the battle of Armageddon. Many nations will come against Israel but be destroyed in their effort. It describes a world going to war against those believing in Adonai. The problem for the world is that Adonai has already provided for Israel. Maybe this chapter is describing those who are not Jewish but follow Adonai’s the Laws and loves His Son nonetheless.

The next Jewish refutation of Yeshua as the Messiah comes in Zephaniah 3:9. To gain context, I urge you to go read this entirely. Zephaniah 3:9 reads, “For then I will change the peoples, so that they will have pure lips, to call on the name of Adonai, all of them, and serve him with one accord.” This will not come about until the evil upon this earth is dealt with by Adonai. I’m changed; however, God woke me up because of those he will not change – those in service of the Adversary (Satan) and their plans. There are a lot of people who are actually in the service of the adversary, which is unfortunate.

“Then Adonai will be king over the whole world. On that day Adonai will be the only one, and his name will be the only name,” reads Zechariah 14:9. Zechariah 14, in full, portends an awful fate as well as a gracious redemption for Jerusalem. The city of Jerusalem will be split asunder with half of it’s inhabitants plundered, it’s women raped, and going into exile, the other half staying put. After that an earthquake comes and Adonai will fight those nations doing the raping and plundering and destroy them. Jerusalem is to flee into the valley created by this earthquake. Fresh water will come from Jerusalem going both east and west after all of these things. And Adonai will be will be king over the world.

After all of this, the city of Jerusalem will be restored and live in safety. The peoples who attacked will have their flesh diseased and fall off, their eyes, likewise afflicted, will rot out. Everyone will attack everyone else, the attackers being attacked as well. Their tongues, like their eyes, will rot away in their mouths. Animals will also suffer this plague.

“16 Finally, everyone remaining from all the nations that came to attack Yerushalayim will go up every year to worship the king, Adonai-Tzva’ot, and to keep the festival of Sukkot. 17 If any of the families of the earth does not go up to Yerushalayim to worship the king, Adonai-Tzva’ot, no rain will fall on them. 18 If the family of Egypt doesn’t go up, if they refuse to come, they will have no [annual] overflow [from the Nile]; moreover, there will be the plague with which Adonai will strike the nations that don’t go up to keep the festival of Sukkot. 19 This will be Egypt’s punishment and the punishment of all the nations that don’t go up to keep the festival of Sukkot.

“20 When that day comes, this will be written on the bells worn by the horses: “Consecrated to Adonai”; and the cooking pots in the house of Adonai will be [as holy] as the sprinkling bowls before the altar. 21 Yes, every cooking pot in Yerushalayim and Y’hudah will be consecrated to Adonai-Tzva’ot. Everyone who offers sacrifices will come, take them and use them to stew the meat. When that day comes, there will no longer be merchants in the house of Adonai-Tzva’ot.”

Well, what is Sukkot and it’s significance in Jewish culture? Sukkot, according to My Jewish Learning, is a five day festival in which people are supposed to live in makeshift dwelling to represent the Jews wandering the desert for 40 years. It is also a festival of harvest. My Jesish Learning also states:

“Many of the most popular rituals of Sukkot are practiced in the home. As soon after the conclusion of Yom Kippur as possible, often on the same evening, one is enjoined to begin building the sukkah, or hut, that is the central symbol of the holiday. The sukkah is a flimsy structure with at least three sides, whose roof is made out of thatch or branches, which provides some shade and protection from the sun, but also allows the stars to be seen at night. It is traditional to decorate the sukkah and to spend as much time in it as possible. Weather permitting, meals are eaten in the sukkah, and the hardier among us may also elect to sleep in the sukkah.”

And what was a ‘manger,’ may I ask, if it was not a three sided shelter, open to the stars on one of the sides. Sukkot goes all the way back to Leviticus 23:39-43. In those passages, God commands a festival of 8 days, the first and eighth to be a complete rest. It is to be kept that those Adonai took out of the bondage of Egypt be reminded of the way they had to live once they left Egypt.

There are three main festivals in Judaism, Pesach (Passover), Shavout (Pentacost), and Sukkot (commonly called Christmas in Christian circles). Passover is a celebration of Adonai passing over those houses of the enslaved and not killing their firstborn because of the marks above their door. Shavout marks the remembrance of Adonai giving the Torah to the Jews. It is also known as the Feast of Weeks because Moses was upon the mountain for 40 days. Sukkot, which has already been described, only lasted 8 days, and while it is also celebrated as a way for Jews to remember their Exodus from Egypt, it also holds greater significance.

Any Jew should immediately recognize the significance of day 8 in a male child’s life. That is the day they are to be circumcised, physically. Why is Sukkot to be celebrated as an 8 day fesival? IN my analysis, Yeshua was born on the first day – a day of complete rest, and was circumscribed on the eighth day, another day of complete rest. He was born of a virgin, in what can only be described as a sukkot. That Yeshua was born by a virgin represents divinity in itself. That he was born in a manger, ie, a sukkot, gives additional and very important meaning to the festival of Sukkot. Yeshua was born in this way because Adonai decided to fulfill the meaning of Sukkot. Adonai’s son was born upon the first day of the festival, and dedicated to Adoani on the eighth with His circumcision.

Anyone Jewish reading this, I encourage you to endeavor further into the birth of Yeshua. I have, for a very long time, doubted the authenticity of Yeshua’s birth being the 25th of December. In Judaism there are calendars which actually place Yeshua Hamashiach’s birth on the first day of Sukkot. In this I firmly believe.

As for the prophesy of Zechariah 14:9, I completely believe that time will come. I believe that time will come very quickly, too. All will call upon Adonai, just as His Son, Yeshua commanded all of His followers to do. When asked how to pray, Yeshua stated that prayers be directed to God, Adonai, and is known widely by Christians as the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). In this prayer, there is only one, Adonai, God, HaShem, which is prayed to. Even His Son, with His divinity and perfection, ordered those who prayed to not pray to Him, but to pray to His Father – God, HaShem, Adonai.

The final Biblical citation given as to why Yeshua was not the Messiah occurs in Daniel 10:14. It reads, “So I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the acharit-hayamim; for there is still another vision which will relate to those days.” That vision is in Daniel 11 and 12, a violent and tumultuous time of general war, The end of this war, the end of the person who makes war through offering peace, the Antichrist, will succumb. This thing was prophesied to be set into action 1,290 ‘days’ later (maybe it is days; however, day are often years in Biblical references).

If the prophesy means years, it would be in the year 1360. There are several things which happened in 1360, interestingly. The Hundred Years War was ended by the British and French, Jews were removed from Italy, and the French Franc was created. The Founder of the House of Anjou was also born that year. All of these instances are very interesting as well as concerning.

If the prophesy speaks of literal day upon the earth, the days would equate to 3.58 years. Not a lot of lasting importance occurred in 1363 nor 1364. So my intention flows towards 1360, when the Hundred Years war ended, a peace treaty was signed, and a lasting legacy was bestowed – the French franc and the House of Anjou.

All of these times are based on the idea that the burnt offering in Jerusalem ceased in 70 AD. It may well have occurred at a later date. This prophesy may very well be referring to a third Temple being constructed as well.

If a third Temple were constructed by the Jews in Jerusalem there would likely be many powers coming against Israel. Constructing a third Temple would require the removal of the Al-Aqsa Mosque which sits upon the Temple Mount. Now, do not get me wrong, this perceived war is something I am willing to undertake on the side of Israel, but there would be war nonetheless. While Moslems claim an Abrahamic root, they are, at best, those of Ishmael, the son of Hagar and Abraham, Hagar being the maidservant of Abraham’s wife.

Sarah, an older woman who did not have faith in Adonai’s intentions and who permitted her husband to lay with Hagar, to produce the progenitor of most of Israel’s problems (Moslem’s), but who, through Adonai’s blessing, also produced a son whose progeny created all of Israel (Ya-akov- Jacob). Sarah’s son’s name was Yitz’chak (Issac), the same son Abraham was spared from sacrificing because a ram was placed in the burning bush to save all of Israel.

In Moslem (read that as not my faith – their god, Allah is a fake and one full of blasphemies which result in human atrocities) Ishmael relates them to a holy God – Adonai. In the Torah, the tribes of Israel are created as Adonai's chosen people.

Not come the Messiah – the annointed (which is all that Messiah means). This particular Messiah, was king over nothing in this world. He stated in the gospels, multiple times, that He was to be sacrificed. He also alluded to the fact that He would raise up from the dead. Indeed, He did. He was killed without a single broken bone. He died with a spear in His side. He was ordered to be killed by the same who could order a sacrifice to be offered before Adonai.

The Moslem’s say this man, Yeshua, was but a prophet while claiming their pedophilic, plunderous, murderous, psychotic, mentally unstable, and rapist prophet, Mohammad, was a legitimate servant of ‘Allah.,’ their version of god. I reject that. I will continuously refer to the Torah – which describe a false prophet and a false god and a false doctrine as written by Mohammad.

Likewise, Christians reject the Torah. Say Torah to them and their eyes will glaze over because they do not understand. They think you are talking abut the Old Testament and that is something that should be ignored entirely because it is archaic and Jesus rewrote it. This is not the case. This is the Adversary, Satan, separating those of His Son and those of Adonai.

Christians who believe that Jesus is God. You are not correct. Jesus is Yeshua, the SON of Adonai. They are both very important. One was around when the world was created (Yeshau) and the other created it (Adonai). Do not mince these words. If you decide to quote them, copy them exactly. Adonai, Hashem, YHWH, created this entire everything – He is the Creator of the Universe, it’s Laws, and EVERYTHING in it – the plants, the animals, the stars, the planets, and the people – EVERYTHING. Some Christians and most Jews will agree on that.

What I am asking Jews is why do you not believe in the Yeshua as the Messiah? He stated He would return and fulfill the rest of the prophesy. As terrible as those prophesies are – rape, murder, evil all the time by everyone, genetic mutation, giants roaming the land – the evidence presented in the Gospels, as well as the Torah and prophesies in what, most Christians deem, the Old Testament, are still relevant. What Yeshua preached was the ‘Old’ Testament.

What changed for Jews was the idea that never again was there supposed to be a sin sacrifice. Yeshua came to earth, lived perfectly by the Torah, and died because of it. He was so much more holier than those in the Temple that those of the Temple actually demanded He be sacrificed.

In an interesting and completely understandable way, Yeshua’s blood needed to fall upon an alter, my Jewish friends, did it not? And where is the Alter of Adonai? The alter of God? The Covenant? Read Matthew 27:51:

“51 At that moment the parokhet in the Temple was ripped in two from top to bottom; and there was an earthquake, with rocks splitting apart. 52 Also the graves were opened, and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life; 53 and after Yeshua rose, they came out of the graves and went into the holy city, where many people saw them. 54 When the Roman officer and those with him who were keeping watch over Yeshua saw the earthquake and what was happening, they were awestruck and said, ‘He really was a son of God.’”

Jews, as far as I can tell, don’t believe any of this, because they do not believe the Messiah has already come and will return to fulfill the rest. They long for the one who will come to fulfill those prophesies which Yeshua did not yet fulfill. Yeshua is going to return, and that is the part Jews reject. It will be the lamb, transformed into a lion, which will return. Many of the passages in the Bible prophecy of the things to come in the lead up to the final days and the final day itself.

But, I’d like to ask the Jewish, as well as their Christian offshoots, this, including the rabbis, the important people, and the regular Jew, the preachers, the pastors, those in charge of the Vatican, not the Pope (that is blood drinking demon if I ever saw one), what would have happened should the blood of Yeshua fallen upon the Ark of the Covenant?

Not only has the Ark of the Covenant claimed to have been found, it has been claimed that a living blood was found upon it, with no male genes within it. If there is only an X (denoting male) yet no chromosomes marking any of the rest of the male traits, what would this mean, to you ? That evidence was claimed by Ron Wyatt. While Wyatt collected a blood sample and had it tested to find those results, modern Levites attempted to move what he found and all of them died.

Maybe Wyatt was a fraudster, and maybe he found not a thing – the fact that the passages he and his team traversed were sealed up is telling. The fact that he had the blood he collected tested and found to have only female chromosomes and a single X is telling. The entire idea that the whole thing was kept very quiet is telling. The revelation of Adonai (the actual Covenant) and the blood upon it (Yeshua’s) is very telling because THAT is what would be required of a sin sacrifice, ultimately. It wasnt the temple altar, it was the altar of Adonai, and if Yeshua was sent as the ultimate sacrifice, as I believe, His blood would have had to be shed upon His Father’s alter.

For any faith, consider this. Consider all of this writing. I pray that we come together as peoples, Jews, gentiles (like me – I have not a Jewish drop of blood in my whole body), and heathens as well, and let ALL of us understand.

The Torah is God’s Law.

Yeshua was His sin sacrifice.

Those together make it so the whole WORLD can be saved through the blood of Yeshua (Jesus Christ), and the following of Adonai’s Laws.

That doesn’t make the Jew any less powerful – if anything it should make them MORE powerful as their congregations grow and more people seek the Word of Adonai, the Word of God.

None of us are here to be perfect – we are here to be holy – set apart. Do that. Be set apart by Adonai’s Word, by His Law, and by the idea that he sent His Son here to die for our sins.

The entire point of this piece is to tell CHRISTIANS – go read your TORAH and OLD TESTAMENT. JEWS – go read your GOSPELS and NEW TESTAMENT! You should not be two Houses divided. You should be ONE. ONE in the belief that TORAH is relevant AND in the belief that Adonai has ALREADY sent His only Son to rectify our sins and will return as your Messiah – just as He left off.

There is a lot of prophesy yet to be fulfilled before the End Day. That cloud that all of us see forming – from Jerusalem, to Berlin, to Paris, to London, to New York City, to Washington DC, to Chicago, to Dallas, to Denver, to Los Angeles, to Vancouver, to Sydney, to Jakarta, to Shanghai, to New Delhi, to Moscow, to Nairobi, to Cape Town, to Lagos, to Rio de Janeiro, to Buenos Aries, to Lima, to Mexico City, to Hong Kong, to Bangkok, to Addis Ababa, to Riyadh, and everywhere in between – is not a cloud of invitation nor welcoming nor prospering the idea of go along to get along. Those of us seeing this cloud understand it, whether or not being able to articulate it, and all it represents – the destruction of humanity, the earth, and all of the possessions of those people.

This is not what Adonai wants. It is not what Yeshua wants. It is all because we (even you) have been entered into a spiritual war – good versus evil – and now we actually have to pick a side. Hot or cold? Light or dark? We should all be dwelling within the Word of Adonai and loving Yeshua and awaiting His return to finish off the evil running rampant upon the earth.

I asked a rabbi the question I am trying to answer, why Jews do not believe in Yeshua. It is tradition he said. He mentioned the book of Isaiah at Chapter 53 and mentioned it is pretty much forbidden to be read. He also cautioned me about something which had not crossed my mind – that the endeavor of uniting the churches and synagogues in belief will only occur through the returning of Yeshua and that will be the only true One-World order. And I got to thinking about those words and there will still be Moslems, and there will still be Jews, and there will still be Christians, Hindus, so-called atheists, humanists, Taoist, etc… because they will continue to reject the ideas I am wrestling with here. But still I understand the rabbis point.

There are 68 passages in the Old Testament which Yeshua fulfilled. Obviously, as I wrote above, because the Day of Judgment has not yet come about and Yeshua has not yet returned, some of the prophesies have yet to be fulfilled. This is what most of Christianity focuses on.; however at the expense of understanding the Torah.

The Torah is the Law Adonai gave to Moses. The Ten Commandments are a good summary of the complete set of the Law as related to Moses, but it is by no means a completed list, nor explanation of the Laws of God. There are 613 Laws which have been written that we are to follow as believers in Adonai, the Father of Yeshua. The really neat part is that those are all of the Bible’s we already have in our homes. But, mind you, the Bible is not to be cherry picked, it is either relevant or it is not included in the Bible, meaning all of it is relevant.

When I read my Bible, this extra huge Defender version of King James with 614 extra pages of Books of Apocrypha added to the end of the Old Testament and New Testament, I arrived at a passage in Matthew 5 that made my mouth literally hang open. The verse was one which I had never encountered in any Christian church service I had ever attended, never heard a Christian speak about, and this pimple passage shocked me. In bright red letters in my KJV Bible I read Matthew 5:17, “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete.” This passage really got me thinking.

Christianity would not work if this was taught, especially when I started to think about the way a lot of modern churches have openly embraced issues which the Torah (God’s Law) absolutely condemns. These topics include bestiality, homosexuality, abortion, divorce, marriage, and a lot about how to properly worship God our Creator.

What is Jesus saying? Jesus was saying that He followed every bit of the Torah to the letter from the moment He was conceived until the moment He succumbed upon the stake. While He also did this before He came to earth and also after He left, He made it clear to mankind that He was not only holy in the eyes of God, but perfect. No other human has ever been perfect, not ever will be in the form that humanity is currently in. We all sin, Jesus did not. The best that we can do is to be holy. The way to be holy is to follow the Torah. Everything Yeshua taught was how to live the Torah while upon this earth – in other words how to be holy in the eyes of Adonai, our God.

A lot of Christians, and I have witnessed this on multiple occasions, seem to want to avoid all of the places in the Old Testament where the wrath of God was poured out upon either the Jews or the people trying to oppress the Jews. They especially avoid any passages reading like Leviticus 20:13, “If a man goes to bed with a man as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they must be put to death; their blood is on them.” And Oh MY! will they start flipping out when they are asked to recall Genesis 19 and relate that to homosexuality.

I will use two more examples, in Leviticus 11 God tells us what we are permitted to eat – Christians take note, pork is unclean to a person of God – because pigs do not chew cud and because pigs have a propensity to cannibalize their young.

Another example is far more complex of an issue which appears in the Bible, slavery. The issue pops up several times within the Torah, in Exodus 21:2-11, 20-21; Leviticus 25:39-55; and Deuteronomy 15:12-18. The saddest part of all of this is that modern slavery is very rarely not the slavery of Biblical times, modern slavery tends to be for life with no chance of redemption. There are no six-year bondage contracts and in the seventh year the slave is to be set free. There is also no Jubilee year because, to the best of my knowledge, the keeping of the Jubilee has been lost. Many have; however, used the Bible to justify the practice of slavery, sadly.

Consider, for a moment; however, that Israelis cannot be enslaved. Consider further that since the time of the resurrection all believers are now Israelis – we were all grafted into the Covenant, meaning neither can we be enslaved. Since every single person is able to use their free will to accept or to deny Adonai, Yeshua, and the Ruach HaKodech (Holy Spirit), really, no one is capable of being enslaved. A case could be made that those rejecting God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are capable of being enslaved; however, unless the Holy Spirit is blasphemed against, there is a chance for redemption, these people may have their hearts and their faces turn towards God. In a very real way, those who reject God have already doomed themselves into the slavery of Satan. Go read almost any news story. That is the trick of Satan, to get people to think they are free by getting them to go against God’s Laws; however, the reality is eternal death along with Satan – such a sad outcome.

Basically, Christians, by and large, have had the Word of God, His Laws, taken out of their purview. This is why I am constantly suggesting to people to read their Bible, they are not going to be introduced to the Law by sitting in a pew at church. A lot of ‘preachers’ will not even mention Jesus anymore. Too many ‘churches’ have turned themselves into social clubs aligned with the world. Satan controls the world. Satan’s power is manifesting and consolidating within this world at the current time. Everything is about how human science is greater than God. The main areas we can all recognize this is in what our ‘leaders’ are doing with transhumanist efforts, energy policies, and abortion. All of it goes against God and all of it is because of the idea that ‘science,’ whether in the area of climate, medicine, or biology. The world, being increasingly, in Satan’s hands, is being catered to by the frauds in the pulpits and leading their flocks astray.

Take the first issue I mentioned above, homosexuality. Leviticus 20:13 is incredibly straight forward. Earlier, in Leviticus 18:22, homosexuality was called an abomination. And the world tries to justify their positions, as always by disregarding those two Leviticus passages. The ignorant, Godless, cherry-picking, collective, satanically-hive-minded Human Right’s Campaign has a resource article titled What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? While the Satanic piece mentions Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 it distorts and attempts to wash away Gods Law, “The injunction that ‘man must not lie with man’ (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13) coheres with the context of a society anxious about their health, continuing family lineages, and retaining the distinctiveness of Israel as a nation.” No, Human Right’s Campaign (HRC), it is an abomination against God, and is punishable by death. Likewise HRC tries to write off Genesis 19 as sexual violence and a violation of male honor. They perverted the Bible so they could write their Satan-inspired conclusion which is completely in-line with a whole bunch of churches, Christians, and even some Jews:

“All things considered, it is important to remember that throughout church history, new information about people and the world have frequently led Christians to reconsider their beliefs. This need not be a reason to distrust Scripture, but rather should serve as an invitation to wrestle with the contexts of the biblical writers and our own lived experiences. As it stands today, there are millions of faithful Christians around the world who have come to recognize the work of God in and through the relationships of LGBTQ+ people (click here to see a list of denominational positions on LGBTQ+ people within Christianity). As New Testament Scholar Daniel Kirk has pointed out, Christians today would do well by the tradition of the apostles and our current witness in the world to recognize that theological abstractions aside, God has already clearly embraced LGBTQ+ people into full communion, and it is now the church’s responsibility to simply honor that reality and rejoice (Luke 15).” [emphasis theirs]

These people are heretics. And so are those preaching the same message as the conclusion of Human Right’s Campaign. Not only do these types of scumbags think that Christianity needs to embrace people who openly act in contradiction to God’s Law by accepting homosexuals, they quadruple down on their demands by advocating for gender dysphoria, transsexualism, and by placing an emphasis on ‘lived experiences.’ But here is the problem – Christians won’t go and read Genesis 19, Leviticus 18 and 20 and will rely on what their God-hating pastors tell them. Those beliefs are reinforced by Law destroying institutions, governments, and non-governmental institutions around the world, all of them dedicated to Satan. The Christian, unaware of this because they refuse to read the Bible on their own, blindly want to follow their church’s doctrine (Biblical or not), and want to feel good about themselves, refuse to understand that God is not only merciful but also wrathful, and that one of the things God calls abhorrent is homosexuality and actually calls for killing those engaging in it.

I don’t advocate for killing homosexuals. I think they should be told about what the Bible really says about their actions. Many of them; however, have already decided the Bible, God’s Law, and Yeshua is not their cup of tea. Their demands are not legitimate unless the agenda of those giving ‘human rights’ hinges on depopulation. Homosexuals cannot reproduce. There is no homosexual marriage in the Bible. All human rights stem from the Bible, thus, LGBTQI+ ‘rights’ are not human rights. We have the right to speak, to defensively arm ourselves, and to be free from interference in our communications, undue punishment, and a right to an impartial trial carried out speedily. The LGBTQI+ freaks already have those rights, they need no other ‘rights.’ Let them do their debauchery away from the rest of humanity, in silence, where only God can see and, thus, judge them.

‘Leaders’ though want to put this front and center in everything. Gay Spiderman, gay scenes in Disney movies tailored to children, transgenderism and gay lessons in grammar school, all of it is wrong because it sexualizes children but, more, it promotes an anti-God lifestyle. Any dissent is labeled as hate speech, which is, in and of itself, anti-God. What makes the whole thing completely Luciferic is that hate speech is anyone saying God’s Law out loud. ‘Leaders’ are actually promoting the ideas of anti-God sentiment by engaging in any of this. Anti-God activities end up being Satanic and these same entities are trying to say they are greater than God while at the same time getting most to never start believing in God in the first place.

Christian churches are following this idea. They are of the world, not of God. They have completely bought into the idea that Jesus will not save them, God’s Laws are mutable, and they can do whatever makes them feel good…. So sad. If you are reading this and your church is telling you this – leave it, it is trying to get you into Hell and; more, these same people will send you to Hell as quickly as they can. They hate anyone with a belief in Jesus. They hate Jews too. Those truly believing do not ascribe to this world, they ascribe to the Torah and to the promise of Jesus and His return….

If Christians started actually reading the Bible none of this would be possible. If those professing a belief in Jesus understood the importance of the Torah, this couldn’t happen. Satan helped fracture what should have been a single religion – Torah and Yeshua. He split the churches. He has already given those churches delusion and worldliness.

Jews, Christian, look into what is going on in the other’s faith. Each of you should know the Torah and know the Messiah.

I beg anyone reading this to read the Bible in full. Jew and Christian alike. Please.

May God Bless you. Adonai Bless you. God Bless you.


A Short Story Called Sandy


How are the UN Sustainability Goals Going? Goal 17 of 17.