What happened to I.G Farben

What happened to I.G Farben

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 7/17/2022

In the 1930’s and 1940’s the Nazi party was in charge of Germany. Their main chemical producer, which produced such things as Zyclon B, was called IG Farben. After WWII, Germany was destroyed and the Nazi party was no longer the government of the nation. At the Nuremberg Trials, thirteen IG Farben managers ended up with prison sentences (none longer than 10 years). IG Farben, this massive conglomerate which manufactured chemicals, used slave labor, committed mass-murder, and armed a Germany waging war against the world, was split into three separate companies; Hoechst, Bayer, and BASF.

After the war, Hoechst continued to produce chemicals. “The Hoechst Group is an international

network of innovative and customer-oriented companies, which are among the top three suppliers in the pharmaceutical, agricultural, and industrial chemical centers of Europe, the Americas, and Asia. We are aiming for above-average return on capital employed.” In 2005, Hoechst was taken over by Sanofi.

Hoechst produced plastics and paints until they started getting into the pharmaceutical, fiber, and agricultural products in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The 1990’s saw massive consolidations of global companies eating up smaller ones to gain market share in foreign nations or to gain new markets. Hoechst played this game until the company was taken over by Sanofi.

Hoechst spun off quite a few companies and products in the five decades it was it’s own company. It is interesting that this IG Farben company returned to it’s roots in creating chemicals and turning them into pharmaceuticals and was then purchased by Sanofi. Sanofi is heavily involved in vaccine production, with 20 vaccine products, and in 2019, teamed up with Pfizer’s BioNTech to develop mRNA (gene therapy) vaccines to target cancerous tumors. Sanofi really seems to enjoy getting babies injected with proven sterilants, per their list of vaccines, which includes Vaxelis, a conglomeration of six immunological agents for “Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis, Inactivated Poliovirus, Haemophilus b Conjugate and Hepatitis B Vaccine.” They know the thing hurts people, but they just don’t care, just like IG Farben didn’t care about its managers using slave labor and murdering laborers. Their Yellow Fever vaccine, YF-VAX warns that shots have the potential side effect of death and the vaccine was never tested against a placebo.

While Sanofi has not directly developed a CoVID-19 vaccine, they are heavily invested in some of the companies that have. In 2021, Sanofi announced it will be investing 400 million euros to create a Center of Excellence devoted to creating mRNA ‘vaccines’ with a “Focus on innovating mRNA vaccines beyond pandemic to routine use in diseases with high unmet need.”

When Hoechst was swallowed by Sanofi, Pascal Soriot worked for Aventis and is now the CEO of AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca has produced murderous mRNA gene therapies of their own. The ideas of the Nazi’s have survived and are very alive and well at Sanofi and AstraZeneca.

Another former part of IG Farben is Bayer. If anyone recalls the callous and deadly manner in which Bayer knowingly sold HIV-tainted blood to hemophiliacs in the 1980’s, you won’t need the link, for those who don’t here it is. Bayer makes Asprin, and produces several other common brands: Afrin, Alleve, Alka-Seltzer, Claritin, MiraLAX, and Nexavar are the brands which I have heard of. Bayer also produces SEVEN birth control products Diane-35 (off-label birth control), Kyleena, Mirena, Jaydess, Yasminelle, Yasmin, and YAZ. In 2016, Bayer purchased Monsanto and was promptly fined for more than $10 billion for Monsanto’s crimes, which are still going on under Bayer.

Monsanto is involved in producing GMO seeds which are known as terminator seeds. Farmers growing GMO crops cannot reproduce their own seeds because Monsanto’s (now Bayer’s) seeds don’t produce more seeds – they have to go buy seeds every single time they plant. These terminator seeds also tend to infest non-GMO crops resulting in crop losses and loss of diversification of species.

Bayer has also decided to begin manufacturing mRNA technologies. In early 2021 Bayer announced its intent to begin producing CureVac’s version of mRNA (m is for murder) gene therapy. Bayer also invested in BioNTech in 2016 to develop mRNA vaccines.

Bayer has yet to show the world that it has ceased being a racist, eugenicist, humanity-hating organization. Their product lines, their inhumane responses to their inhumane business activities, and their recent dive into genetics do not portend good things for humanity in general. Their support of BioNTech, in particular, shows that Sanofi, which owns what was once Hoechst, are again in a collaborative partnership.

BASF, which stands for Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik (Baden aniline and soda factory), makes over 1,500 products. Some of these products are used as food additives, feed additives, synthetic vitamins, and in pharmaceuticals. One such chemical compound used in pharmaceuticals is Methylimidazole which is listed as a Substance of Very High Concern for reproductive toxicity. Phenethylamine (Pea) has similar effects to amphetamines. I learned how to make mustard gas by researching Thiodiglycol, a serious eye irritant in it’s own right. BASF produces all of these and about 197 more for pharmaceutical uses. People are swallowing, injecting, and rubbing this type of crap all over their bodies.

BASF doesn’t produce products that end up on store shelves. They produce products which are used in creating the products people use. BASF are the raw materials providers to the baby murderers who make Plan B, the humanity butchering mRNA manufactures, and companies like Bayer and Sanofi. When Bayer bought Monsanto, they were forced to sell off about $9 billion in assets and Bayer decided these assets should be sold to BASF. BASF acquired Bayer’s version of Monsanto’s products which, until Bayer bought Monsanto, were competing brands. To prevent an outright monopoly in the industry, Bayer was forced to divest these holdings; however, being as though they went to their buddies at BASF, Bayer basically has a monopoly anyway.

BASF is the largest chemical company in the world. Just as it was when it was involved in IG Farben, it is still developing chemical compounds which cause harm to life. Not only are they completely aware of this, they continuously develop new harmful synthetic products which are shoved into food, beverages, drugs, lotions, creams, animal feed, crops, and other areas.

What was the point of breaking up IG Farben? That point is lost upon me. At the very least, the three entities which it was broken into are incestuous. At the worst they have their board meetings in secret and still operate as a single entity. It makes sense – BASF still makes all the raw materials needed by Bayer and Hoechst, now, Sanofi, to create the garbage we buy off of the shelves. Who really won this war, anyway, because, to me, it seems as though we, the people, are still having to fight against IG Farben and the ideology which they support – nazism. These companies are not operating to facilitate human progress, they are operating to carry on their originating ideas – kill everything that isn’t Aryan and wealthy.

The biggest problem we have today are all of the other businesses in addition to the former IG Farben companies which have adopted this fascist view of the way the world should work. Huge multinational companies like these end up permeating whatever they decide is best for them, don’t give a thought about what is good for humanity, and it ends up hurting all of us in the end.

I am not against businesses, I am against businesses which conglomerate and form what amounts to a cartel. If I chose to start a chemical company, or start designing my own computer chips, or try to open a bookstore, I am pretty much guaranteed to fail. BASF and DuPont would find a way to put me out of business or buy me if I started making chemicals. Intel and AMD would find a way to bankrupt me in the chip building business. Amazon would just lower the price of their books until I could no longer compete. It’s a really stupid and rigged game, honestly.

Trying to be an entrepreneur is inherently a risk. I’m not saying that it cannot be done – what I am saying is that it is always a risk. Even the areas in which an entrepreneur can enter the market has been curtailed; however – look at what California is doing to owner-operators of semi-trucks. Like I said – a bookstore isn’t going to survive very long online because of Amazon. Farms cost like a zillion dollars as maniacs like Bill Gates buy up every inch of farmland. Everyone wants to invest in cryptocurrency to offset the lack of any potential growth without understanding the inherent (in my opinion promised) risks associated with it which go far beyond valuation and into security, surveillance, and the Internet of Things.

The reasons for this, in my opinion is that too many people just keep going to WalMart and Target and buying crappy imported garbage because it is cheap and all on one place. Too many people don’t even think about buying anything local. If people need electronics, they go find a Best Buy or log onto their Amazon application instead of going into a local electronics shop. Amazon, WalMart, BestBuy, and Target already have too much power over all of our lives. With that power, and with the governments’ of the world always seeking to find new ways to exert control, we are already living in a fascist, globalized, world, just like when IG Farben was making poisons to murder anyone not in line with Axis desires during WWII.

So, I will ask again, who really won World War Two? In my analysis in was the Nazi’s who won. It is the continuation, manifestation, implementation, and execution of their ideas and their destructive technologies which are the biggest threats to humanity. The easiest way to break the world we live in is to take the power away from the globalized companies and to start shopping locally and as organically as possible, producing as much as we can on our own. We can do it one dollar at a time, one vegetable plant at a time, until they aren’t large enough to affect the way any of us live anymore.

I don’t know if there is still time for that – it seems as the frogs in this increasingly warm water (us) have allowed these monsters to get the heat up to about 190o. So, if we are all going to fix our world, we need to start making our decisions to do it, NOW, because later, these new Nazi’s will be taking ALL, not just most, of our choices away.


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