The Breakthrough Agenda

The Breakthrough Agenda

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/11/2022

Did you know that John Kerry is in a resort town in Egypt right now? He undoubtedly flew there spewing all kinds of garbage out or his private plane. The reason he did this was to demand, along with over 10,000 others, that all of humanity bow to the United Nations’ and World Economic Forum’s plan to murder all of humanity. If you are skeptical, please read on.

The 2022 installment of satanic man-made climate change mitigation efforts is called COP27. John Kerry has left his mark all over the evil proceedings. He is one of the main proponents of the rampant global inflation, skyrocketing food prices, and exorbitant gas prices we have all had the pleasure of experiencing. John Kerry and others, having caused all of this in the first place to save the earth from carbon dioxide and water vapor, are using COP27 to exacerbate these problems. One such effort at last years demonic UN meeting was the creation of the First Movers Coalition. Another effort, also created at COP26, was called the Breakthrough Agenda.

The Breakthrough Agenda focused initially on five areas. These areas should be familiar to all of us. The costs of items which rose the most and slammed the globe with cost of living increases are the areas the initial Breakthrough Agenda targeted: power, road traffic, steel, hydrogen, and agriculture. Under these five categories there are multiple goals. Every year a report is to be produced detailing the progress towards these goals.

In September, 2022 the International Energy Agency in collaboration with the International Renewable Energy Agency and UN Climate Change High-Level Champions published the first of these annual reports. At 183 pages, The Breakthrough Agenda Report 2022 – Accelerating Sector Transitions Through Stronger International Collaboration portends a global government in the title. The reason that there are diesel shortages, food shortages, price increases, and a host of other problems is summed up in the first paragraph of the Executive Summary of the document:

“The world remains far off track to meet internationally-agreed climate change goals, despite action being taken in many areas. The Nationally Determined Contributions that countries have put forward in the UN climate change negotiations imply a lower emissions trajectory now than they did before, and most countries have committed to achieving net zero emissions by around the middle century, as have many businesses. Yet, global emissions, which must be halved this decade to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C, are still increasing. The energy crisis and threat of a global food crisis that the world now faces underline the equal urgency of increasing the affordability, accessibility, resilience, and security of supply of humanity’s most essential commodities and services. Transitions to sustainability can reduce the likelihood of such crises occurring in future.”

Sustainability is a code word for what I call the global technocratic totalitarian government. Most call it Communism because the term is shorter and more widely understood. Terminology of this complete Hell aside, the Executive Summary is a complete lie because these energy and food shortages were not just an oops moment – it was purposeful – and the groups offering sustainable solutions are the same groups who orchestrated it. Build Back Better is a global plan designed to first destroy everything, and I mean everything. Being as though not everything has been completely destroyed, yet these satanically inspired murderers plan on carrying on with their plans to destroy individuality, liberty, freedom, speech, financial stability, economic vitality, transportation, construction, currency, trade, morals, and our children to name some of their objectives.

Those goals and their status, progress, and recommendations to meet them by the time of COP28 are the features of the IEA document. There are all kinds of promises to absolutely destroy all of these sectors. Road traffic, for instance, is supposed to be converted from gasoline engines to electric vehicles. As gasoline, maintenance, and part costs rise for those using gasoline-powered vehicles they will be priced out of being able to use them. Electric vehicles, as we have already heard from the liars in the fraudulent White House, are the answer to high gas prices. Electric versions of vehicles have limited range, require fueling station infrastructure which does not yet exist, have limited range, and have a penchant for bursting into flames which cannot be extinguished conventionally. Developing new battery technologies is not all that big of a problem until after all of the policies are implemented to forcing us into them. There is not enough lithium (obtained through strip mining) on earth to allow for personal transportation options for all of us who have those means today. There is not electricity produced to allow these batteries to charge. Charging stations do not exist on the scale needed for long-distance travel. These vehicles cost around $60,000 apiece, the batteries cannot be repaired – only replaced (around $14,000 - $20,000) – and only lasts about 10 years, and cannot be recycled. The point of this is that the IEA is suggesting that we all stop using cars to use public transportation or walk to everywhere we go. More, they are designing the transportation stoppage among us ‘useless eaters.’ It is way easier to kill people who are not mobile.

The state of California has signed onto an agreement dubbed the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Agreement. By 2035 all leading markets (I would qualify California as a leading market) will only sell new vehicles powered by electricity. All other markets will be doing this by 2040. While the US is not party to this stupid Communist idea, the cities of Atlanta, Ann Arbor, Dallas, LA, Seattle, San Francisco, New York City as well as the state of New York, and Santa Monica are. Ford, GM, Mercedes-Benz, and Volvo are also signatories here as are a great number of businesses involved with fleet, investors in auto manufacturers, and others.

A different Breakthrough Agenda document describes the initiatives being undertaken. Under the power sector heading there are several initiatives. MI-Green Powered Future Mission seeks to force windmills and solar panels into electrical generation mixes up to 100%. CEM-ISGAN addresses the idea of a nationally built (but globally controlled) smart grid. G-PST focuses in on the carbon reductions these demons wish to plague humanity with through cutting reliable electrical access off. GGI has it’s own slogan and is documented as, “Deliver the vision of One Sun One World One Grid and create a more inter-connected global grid.” ETC is the initiative to create a global energy grid. All of these initiatives seek to make energy production a global commodity able to have the rules of technocracy applied to it by a global totalitarian government.

To make this very clear, lets look at how European nations were finally swallowed by the European Union headed by an unelected president (which, coincidentally, was Hitler’s vision of Europe and a major cause of World War II – it is the same types of evil shadowy actors who funded WWII that have funded these UN plans). In 1945 WWII ended. A plan was introduced by Robert Schuman to create a multinational bloc aligned through the steel and coal industries 1950. The European Steel and Coal Community came into existence in 1952. The Common Assembly of this Community changed it’s name to the European Parliament in 1962. Also in 1962, the EEC (as the Community was then known) began regulating agriculture. In 1968 the original signers of the document creating the European Steel and Coal Community began practicing free trade with one another. In 1974 the Community began redistributing wealth from richer nations to poorer nations. In 1979 direct elections were used to elect members to the European Parliament. Once there they have no national affiliations – only an allegiance to the Community’s members. In 1986 the Community decided to start meddling in national regulations in its member states as well as with environmental protections. On the first day of 1993, “[t]he single market and its 4 freedoms are established – the free movement of people, goods, services and money. Hundreds of laws have been agreed since 1986 covering tax policy, business regulations, professional qualifications and other barriers to open frontiers. However, the free movement of some services is delayed.” Some of these regulations and laws were not agreed to so much as they were shoved down the throats of the nations as evinced by Brixit. It is no surprise that the EU is one of the spearheads of this zero-carbon garbage – it’s the only way for them to continue to expand Hitler’s now realized dream of a ‘united’ Europe. There is no Italy, there is an EU satellite region called Italy. The same applies to all of the nations of the EU. Under global government, the same applies to everywhere.

To continue with the regulations, which are mimicking the events which created the EU but on a global scale and under a global technocratic totalitarian government, the next heading is hydrogen. There are about a dozen initiatives under this heading. All of the initiatives are focused on isolating negatively charged hydrogen from traditional fuel sources such as natural gas (all of which require power to achieve), feeding the hydrogen into a partitioned cell, and doing the same with positively charge oxygen, create water as exhaust and electricity through the combining of the two elements. This is generally called a hydrogen fuel cell. A technology called Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) exists and is scalable right now, today. The Breakthrough Agenda isn’t looking for anything that works, they are looking to waste massive amounts of so-called ‘fossil’ fuels (they are abiotic) and murder people through lack of resources.

The Road Transport Breakthrough seeks to establish multiple initiatives as well. The GFEI, ZEV Alliance, ZEVTC, WBSCD, ICCT, UNEP, CEM MVI, EV 100/ EV 100+, GBA, A2Z Coalition, Global MOU on ZE-MHDVs, and WEF & WBCSD CCI have all teamed up to destroy gasoline infrastructure and replace it with zero-emissions fuel sources. These organizations cover the full spectrum of fascist entities collaborating to destroy transportation – some are private, others are public, two are a non-profit, one isn’t categorized, and some are public-private already (meaning they are already fascist). If you think that all of those acronyms are confusing, that, too, is intentional. It is done this way so that the entities conducting such operations can claim they put the information out there when, in fact, the entire thing is meant to shut down introspection and cast doubts upon articles such as mine. Are you inspired to go see what each of these acronyms actually do?

I’ll give two examples. EV100/ EV100+ can be found at the Climate Group website. EV100 is meant to support accelerating the transition to electric vehicles. EV100+ is meant to push medium and heavy duty vehicles to operating on electricity. The WEF & WBCSD CCI can be shortened to just CCI – the Circular Cars Initiative. Basically all decisions made in the automotive industry will be forced to be compared against, and audited for, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) compliance. ESG will include fines and other sanctions for businesses not complying. The idea is to remove ALL carbon produced by the procurement of raw materials, processing of raw materials, fabrication of the processed goods, assembly of fabricated goods, selling the product, the vehicles use, the recycling and/or disposal of the finished good, and the transportation of said materials between each phase. Their plan is ambitious and completely destructive of automobile production.

Making zero-carbon steel is not so easy. There are six organizations working to achieve the making of steel without the production of carbon. The IDDI is a collection of governments which have decided to only purchase low-emissions steel as well as set global policies for what that means. The OECD hold meetings twice a year so that the steel magnates of the world can further solidify their oligopoly over worldwide steel production. LeadIT does not confine itself to the steel industry but engages all heavy industries with the intent of getting these industries to commit to creating zero carbon emissions. SteelZero seeks to force steel procurement to follow their guidelines which are 50% carbon reduction in steel production by 2030 and 100% by 2050. Responsible Steel is the ESG standards and certification division for the steel industry. Net Zero Industries Mission is involved with steel as well as many other industries with the intent to decarbonize all of them.

In agriculture the list only includes five of the initiatives being undertaken. AIM for Climate is a US/UAE collaboration which strives to create climate-smart agriculture. Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation initiative wants to find funding for ‘green’ agriculture. ClimateShot Investor Coalition aims to accelerate and expand finance for ‘green’ agricultural programs. Coming straight out of Agenda 21, the Global Roadmap to 2050 for Agriculture and Land Use has as it’s objective:

“This initiative seeks to deliver a roadmap to help investors in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use sector to align portfolios with the Paris Agreement, while also ensuring the protection and restoration of nature and achieving food and nutrition security goals. It originates in an open letter supported by investors with over $17 trillion as well as Christiana Figueres and Ban Ki-Moon which called for a Global Roadmap to 2050 for agriculture and land use.”

The final agriculture initiative, the World Bank/UK Sustainable Agriculture Policy Dialogue is a policy directing organization facilitating the sharing of information between countries to achieve agricultural goals related to climate change.

If you did not put the pieces together, each of these five area are trouble for the rest of us. We, the useless eaters, are experiencing higher energy costs and being told to expect and accept brownouts and blackouts. We are experiencing higher fuel prices, reduced access to affordable transportation, and, in some instances, actual shortages of fuel. Food has dramatically increased and the trend is going to continue in part because of farmers around the world being ordered by their governments not to plant crops and to destroy their livestock herds. Everything these bastards have decided to target are now in jeopardy – putting all of us at increased risk of starvation and exposure.

There is another document titled 2030 Breakthroughs: Upgrading Our Systems Together outlining a broader plan for the agenda. The text starts, “The world is moving towards a healthier, more resilient, zero carbon world. Now that 73% of global emissions are covered by a net zero goal, countries must translate national commitments into credible policies, while every sector must undergo an exponential transformation.” COP27 is trying to get all emissions covered by a goal but the evil scumbags allowing Satan to work through them have to figure out how to break the news to humanity in a non-threatening way. That news is the carbon they are targeting is humanity in general. Let’s check this version of the Breakthrough Agenda out.

The goals are to fully decarbonize all electrical production by 2040; use hydrogen to produce to equivalent of 500 – 800 million metric tonnes of carbon by 2050; all land use for food production, and forestry is nature positive (the WEF explains, “A nature positive approach enriches biodiversity, stores carbon, purifies water and reduces pandemic risk. In short, a nature positive approach enhances the resilience of our planet and our societies.”) by 2030 and carbon negative by 2050; all cars are ZEV by 2035; for all medium and heavy trucks are either either electric with a small combustion engine or fuel cell powered by 2040; buses are the same as trucks by 2030; and all buildings are net-zero by 2050. Then the document details other objectives which are more specific. For instance, all banks are to be zero-carbon by 2050, asset owners and asset managers must have portfolios completely free of any holding which produces carbon by 2050, and the entire consumer goods supply chain is to produce no carbon by 2050. You will own nothing and you will like it was not just an aggravating chord struck by the WEF’s founder Klaus Schwab – he literally meant that.

In sum, the Breakthrough Agenda is designed to accelerate and push even harder to reach the SDG goals set out under the 2030 Agenda. Realizing that the SDG’s are not going to be achieved, the UN (the world government) along with many trillions of dollars and various partners have decided to step on the kill-everyone-on-the-face-of-the-planet-to-protect-the-earth pedal. This is Satan worship – this is the beast system – and we are watching it thrive in front of our faces. And we are?

Hopefully reading our Bibles, discerning the events unfolding, and fighting for humanity in general and our children and grand children in particular. God can fix this – I think this is all out of normal human’s hands at this point. These satanic bastards are running around murdering us with vaccines and 5G and the ‘food’ they claim is safe for us to eat. They are stealing elections in plain day. They are robbing us to give our wealth to their friends on pretexts that either make no sense or are not given at all. They are corrupting our children by introducing them to transsexualism and pedophiles. How much more do we put up with before they start mass murdering us? Will we try to stand up then and speak the TRUTH – that God is real, Jesus allows us into God’s kingdom, and all knees will bow to that TRUTH? There should be a whole nation being created in which humans can thrive as they always have and without this global technocratic totalitarian government demanding our fealty in action, praise, and thought. Alas, there is not and I know of no such project. All I see is death befalling humanity very quickly because way too many of us have turned our backs on God. We can still turn our faces towards Him – that because we have free will – and that is your choice. I suggest reading the Bible cover to cover and learning about Him, His Son, and His promise.

Bless God and God bless.


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