Massachusetts Is Just Another S-Hole

Massachusetts Is Just Another S-Hole

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/4/2022

New York, California, Minnesota, Washington, New Jersey, and at least another dozen states and multiple cities around the United States are places I will never voluntarily live. Those places suck because they have evil leaders. By evil – I mean it. These places have baby-murder-on-demand, rampant homelessness, high crime rates, and some really neat tax laws designed to absolutely destroy the wealth of their constituents. I couldn’t imagine living in a neighborhood where I had to suffer the knuckle dragging fools who vote these kind of inept, kleptocratic, death-cultist politicians into office over and over again. They are all S-Holes.

Massachusetts is another of these S-Holes. Asthetically, it is gorgeous. It’s historical role in the formation of the United States runs very deep. So, it’s tragic that Massachusetts is such a crappy place. The state is home to just over 7 million people. Just under 5 million live in the Boston Metro area. I’m sure that not every single person in the Boston Metro Area votes like a retard, but there are huge percentages who do. Over and over again. And their retarded and evil leadership have found it just fine to legalize unforgivable practices.

Earlier this year Boston Children’s Hospital announced, with great fanfare, services for children to receive transgender health care. Massachusetts may be 65-70% liberal scumbag but the rest of the nation is not. This announcement made people angry because for several major reasons – it is entirely against God, it is literally a crime called child abuse, and the politicians in Massachusetts decided transgender identities trump God and crimes against children. Sometimes when rational people get pissed off they do stupid things.

CNN, always looking for a way to demonize anyone who is white, male, believes in Jesus, believes in the inviolability of children, and/or owns guns, found their centerpiece story for Saturday, December 3, 2022. A Texas man was arrested and charged for threatening a Boston doctor who provides care to the transgender community launches from a position that information regarding Boston Children’s Hospital deranged transsexual health programs was actually misinformation. From the start, CNN is demanding free speech end. The misinformation specifically mentioned is hysterectomies and gender affirming surgeries being done on children under 18 which the hospital claims they are not performing. The Center for Gender Surgery operated at Boston Children’s Hospital states they will only perform these surgeries on children 18 years old and up. I, personally, don’t believe them.

I don’t believe them because, while Massachusetts law (Part 1, Title XVI, Chapter 112, Section 275(b)) reads, “A health care provider shall not advertise for or engage in sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts with a patient who is less than 18 years of age.” What exactly is the Center for Gender Surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital doing here? Breaking a Massachusetts law that the ‘responsible’ parties refuses to prosecute. In July 2022 Massachusetts passed An Act Expanding Protections For Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Care which does not contain the words child, assignment, nor 125. The act doesn’t change the law. If they aren’t going to get busted for grossly, wantonly, and publicly breaking the law, who is going to prosecute these ‘doctors’ for removing a 15 year-olds uterus or a 16 year-olds penis?

Boston Children’s Health has another program they call Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS) catering to youth. On this page there is no 18 and up only disclaimer. “At GeMS, our mission is to assess and care for gender-diverse children, teens, and young adults through excellence in clinical care, advancement of research, and training other clinicians. We take a team approach to gender-affirmative care, partnering with experts from many different specialties, both at Boston Children’s and the community. These include: primary care; adolescent medicine; individual, group, and family therapists; plastic surgery and the Center for Gender Surgery; reproductive endocrinology; urology; gynecology; schools and academic institutions; LGBTQ+ support groups and organizations.”

So what happens when retard mommy and daddy are both sexual abusers of children and demands their 6 year old boy is really a girl, who is going to refuse them treatment at Boston Children’s Hospital before that kid is 18? No one, that’s who.

CNN sets up a sob story which completely failed to hit home with me. “The hospital, which calls itself “home to the first pediatric and adolescent transgender health program in the United States,” said in August that it faced numerous violent threats for offering that kind of care [hysterectomies and gender affirming surgeries], adding its staff and clinicians have been harassed by phone, email and social media. The threats picked up after the misinformation started spreading, CNN has previously reported.”

CNN, always looking for victims of ‘hate’ speech, too, then (idiotically) mentions Fenway Health having received ‘violent’ threats – they didn’t include the offending statements so I don’t know if they were violent or not. Fenway Health is a globalist front group shoving the alternative lifestyle agenda down the throats of the entire United States. They should be labeled a terrorist group for their advocacy for transsexual rights, their denial of biological sex and opposition to laws reflecting the fact of those differences, and engagement with child sexual abuse. Massachusetts won’t prosecute Fenway either. On December 13, 2022 they are hosting on online event “Youth and Family Orientation Night: Affirming Care For Trans and Gender Diverse Youth At Fenway Health.” Should the clot shot effect the death it is expected to, everyone employed at Fenway Health will be dead or maimed within the next few years because they mandated it in September of 2021 for all employees. These people are engaging in criminal activity at an institutional level. Why? Because Massachusetts refuses to hold them accountable for their crimes.

Lindner had a license for firearms – something CNN had to make sure they noted. Then they pivot to another story which they butchered completely – the Q-Club shooting perpetrated by a reportedly alternative-lifestyle individual. So now the guns can make phone calls from 1,800 miles away. And those calls are actionable threats? Patrick Henry be damned, huh, CNN – no one should be able to speak, even violently, to people who are raping children using medical interventions and psychology and murdering them with ‘vaccines?’

But then they, and the State of Massachusetts, go full retard:

“In a statement about the Lindner case on Friday, US Attorney for Massachusetts Rachael S. Rollins said that “although the Doctor is clearly a victim, Mr. Lindner’s threat is rooted in a hatred of the LGBTQIA+ community and the families, friends and people that love and support them. They are victims too.”

“There used to be a respite and safe haven from harm or attack in our schools, churches, hospitals and courthouses. We used to extend that decency and respect to even our fiercest adversaries. Sadly, those days appear to be gone,” Rollins said, adding the charges show authorities and prosecutors will “scour the country to ensure the safety and wellbeing of people in Massachusetts.”

Maybe Rollins shouldn’t have slept through the classes she had to take about who is a victim and who is not. Maybe Rollins should place more emphasis on the laws which exist and the Constitution they are based on instead of the USSR’s Article 58’s. At least the Soviets wrote their lethal law into the books – Rollins isn’t even as honest as Stalin was. And then she demands respect? She is literally committing judicial terrorism by not enforcing the laws which already exist while making up new crimes to prosecute as she goes. And to find more people offending the sensibilities of baby-murdering, genital-mutilating, dehumanizing, and anti-human-future advocating cry-baby bitches who infest the state of Massachusetts she plans on creating a dragnet to censor the whole WORLD. Hey Rollins – MASSACHUSETTS CAN GO TO HELL, and so can you.

Slightly more responsible news outlets, like ABC’s WCVB, reported authorities claims that “Lindner said, in part: "You're all gonna burn. There's a group of people on their way to handle [victim]. You signed your own warrant, [victim]. Castrating our children. You've woken up enough people and upset enough of us. And you signed your own ticket.” At 1,800 miles away, I don’t see this as a credible threat to life nor limb of the genital mutilating ‘doctor.’ These words are not going to hurt the doctor. I wonder if Lindner drank a few beers and let his emotions take over before deciding to place that phone call.

So what is all of this about? It’s about reaffirming the official narrative to the detriment of all of our rights. The official narrative demands children of any age be sexually abused by their parents, guardians, teachers, and medical professionals by exposing and encouraging children to pick a gender. It also demands the US be disarmed. It also demands that everyone believe white people (I am assuming Lindner is white) are evil.

Gender isn’t a menu – you don’t get to make up your mind when you are ready – you are a boy or you are a girl. The US Constitution prohibits the federal government and (by the 14th Amendment) all state governments from banning any firearm. White people are not evil because of the color of their skin any more than any one else is evil because of the color of their skin – evil is in the heart regardless of the color on the outside. Maybe Massachusetts can read this piece and decide that Rollins received a threat because of the language I used here – I broke all of her narratives. I broke every narrative that the completely retarded constituencies of Massachusetts continually elect, so why not. Most likely any democrat voter in Massachusetts is too busy planning their next baby-murder, crying about Donald Trump being on Twitter, and wondering why Republicans even live in Massachusetts in the first place.

I share democrat’s wonder at why republican voters stay in Massachusetts. I encourage you to leave – these stupid-ass democrat neighbors you have will kill you in 5 seconds when times get tough. And these times are getting tough. I suggest you pray about it. If God tells you to stay, I would think that it would be to show those Godless fools the error of their ways and to repent.

Bless God and God bless.


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