Human Supremacy

Human Supremacy

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/5/2023

I first heard the term human supremacist on the Alex Jones Show. And it got me thinking. Chances are you have had to call some business or government office. When I hear the recording I immediately push ‘0’ to try to get a live operator. These days it doesn’t work more more often than it does. I hate those recordings and I hate the AI assistants even more. The phone calls are bad enough but, as customer service goes digital, it is valuable to have a human being typing the information. If you feel the same way – congratulations, you are a human supremacist as well.

I am not a Luddite. That said, there are technologies I absolutely detest. There is a difference between human beings using tools and human beings being tools. Biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and the Metaverse are examples of the technologies which turn human beings into tools. After our usefulness as tools ceases to exist, we are to be declared obsolete and discarded as trash. It’s not a return to Luddite’s versus non-Luddites, it is literally a hatred of these technologies because the entire point of them is to replace humanity.

Biotechnology has served to corrupt the DNA of just about everything on earth. Thousands, if not millions, of chimeras from pigs to bacteria, have purposefully been altered in pursuit of science. Human beings themselves have served as guinea pigs – at least two Chinese children have had their genome intentionally manipulated and the death jabs for coronavirus are examples. These ‘advances’ in biotechnology are a realization of the dreams of transhumanist – a belief that science will allow human beings to live forever. Far from allowing people to live longer, the shots developed by biotechnologists have murdered millions and that is on top of the millions murdered by their chimeric lab-created concoction.

AI is getting a lot of negative press and for good reason. The so-called ‘Godfather’ of AI, Geoffrey Hinton, quit his position at Google over concerns about AI. The New York Times quoted him speaking of one of the concerns he has about AI:

““The idea that this stuff could actually get smarter than people — a few people believed that,” he said. “But most people thought it was way off. And I thought it was way off. I thought it was 30 to 50 years or even longer away. Obviously, I no longer think that.””

Hinton suggested that massive job losses are ensured with each advance in AI. He also stated that AI’s capabilities are expanding at an extremely rapid pace (it’s exponential) which is troubling enough that he has decided to no longer work at Google. Basically, the big technology companies, especially search engines like Google’s Google search, Microsoft’s Bing, and Mozilla’s Firefox, are racing forward with a technology they don’t understand and are still deploying upon the masses of people using the internet.

Several weeks prior to Hinton’s resignation, Tucker Carlson interviewed Elon Musk who shared similar concerns about AI. The scumbag media widely took this two part interview and mocked it; however, alternative media di pick up some of the more important points. Musk is concerned with the way that AI is trained and the data used to train them. During the Carlson interview, Musk stated, according to The Wrap:

“The intention with OpenAI “was obviously to do good, but it’s not clear whether it’s actually doing good or whether it’s — I can’t tell at this point,” Musk continued. “Except that I’m worried about the fact that it’s being trained to be politically correct, which is simply another way of saying untruthful things.”

““There’s certainly a path to AI dystopia, it is to train an AI to be deceptive,” he stated. “So yeah, I’m going to start something which I call TruthGPT, or a maximum truth seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe.””

The Metaverse is being built as well. Basically it is the creation of a new internet – Web 3.0. The features of this new version of the internet is blockchain technology (which is always owned by some central entity) and AI (also owned by a central entity). So, while Web 3.0 and the Metaverse is being touted as being a peer-to-peer system because of the way the user operates the system, both are absolutely centralized. Even if the infrastructure and architectures (servers, routers, communications lines, etc…) are made public they will be centralized by the government instead of the big tech companies.

The Metaverse is being built for us to go live there. Our bodies produce too much carbon dioxide and we use too many resources according to the death cultists. We can be digital they are claiming. We can live for eternity in the Metaverse but, until the technology progresses to convince us to kill our physical bodies to upload ourselves into the Metaverse permanently, we are supposed to work, shop, educate, and play in the Metaverse. Do you remember how the world dramatically shifted towards digitization because of big bad COVID-19. That shift is just a taste of what the Metaverse promises.

These three technologies are not alone in representing the post-human world. But they are some of the most notable. It’s all being driven by businesses, banks, and governments which have adopted ESG, people who have already accepted digital currencies and the social credit scores and carbon credits it relies on, and anyone who buys into the post-human agenda detailed in Klaus Schwab’s The Great Reset or the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 21/ Agenda 2030).

Being against such initiatives indicates being a human supremacist. Human beings are not meant to create new life forms, silicon-life forms, nor facsimiles of human beings. We are meant to farm, to analyze, to plan, to socialize, to worship, to work, to play, and to learn. We are meant to fall in love, procreate, and work hard to raise children with the same values. Allowing biotechnology to develop mimics of the womb to produce human spawn (Brave New World), AI to do our thinking for us (2001: A Space Odyssy), or living in the Metaverse (Black Mirror: San Junipero) is still just as bad as idea as it was when the films mentioned were made. The difference between then and now is that these technologies have actually metastasized in human populations.

Elon Musk has made several comments indicating his desire to ensure human beings exist as human beings have always existed, indicating his own human supremacy. Whether you love him or hate him, Musk stated a fact in 2021 which drew a great deal of scorn from all of the talking heads demanding humanity dive headlong into the post-human world. To the terror of post-humanists everywhere, Musk was immediately hated on when he stated, as written up by MSNBC:

“His [Musk’s] comments come as a growing number of people are deciding not to have children, citing concerns such as climate change and inequality.

“Musk added that too many “good, smart people” think there are too many people in the world and that the population is growing out of control.

““It’s completely the opposite,” Musk said, urging people to look at the data. “If people don’t have more children, civilization is going to crumble. Mark my words.””

The MSNBC piece goes into a diatribe frantically trying to link human population to their preferred causes of climate change. MSNBC is just another mouthpiece serving the death cultists aims. The only reason MSNBC covered Musk’s statements was to refute his claims that we need more human beings. If we don’t have more children we will not have a civilization, just as Musk stated.

I’m not a big Elon Musk fan because I have absolutely no trust in him nor his intentions. I think that he wants a human future because of his children but, at the same time, I think he wants to create the technologies which end up being used to enslave all of humanity whether it’s 9 billion of us or 90 billion of us – even on other planets like Mars. To escape AI, Musk has advocated for, and is trying to, create a civilization on Mars; however, if humans can figure it out, the AI will figure it out as well. This is one reason why I do not trust Musk. Another actually came during his interview with Tucker Carlson about AI:

“Musk was among a group of tech executives who called for a six-month pause in developing new AI systems, citing potential risks to safety. “It has the potential of civilizational destruction,” Musk told Carlson.

“But he believes he can tame the tech.

““I think this, this might be the best path to safety, in the sense that an AI that cares about understanding the universe is unlikely to annihilate humans, because we are an interesting part of the universe,” Musk said.”

I already mentioned why I think all AI portends a post-human future. I think Elon Musk is a fool for wanting to create another one. Maybe Musk thinks himself Harold Finch from Person of Interest. But, at the same time, Musk also offered his endorsement of demands to halt AI development. I think Musk means well and favors humanity over all other forms of intelligence. I don’t think he wants human beings replaced at all, especially with shoddy and limited versions of biotechnological humanoids, silicon-based AI, or digital twins having residence in fake digital worlds.

GPS is obviously more convenient than having to pull over, figure out where you are, locate the spot on a map, figure out which turns you need to make, and then try to refold a map. Is it more convenient when you have no idea where you are at nor where you need to go and the GPS just drives you around in circles? What about the people who are told to drive into a river or lake and they do it? Our world is full of convenience but that convenience comes with a price – a piece of humanity. Before we started using GPS, Alexa’s, and virtual reality, we should have been asking ourselves questions about where this goes, and what piece of us we are giving up by using it. We didn’t ask the questions then and it is even less likely we ask those questions now – let alone answer them.

As a human supremacist who desires a future similar to the world I knew as I was growing up and coming of age, I’m asking you to ask what future you want and work towards that goal. Do you want a humanity enslaved by AI-surveillance and world government? Or do you want to see a world where humanity exists and enjoys or is able to strive for freedom and liberty under God? The question actually has a more basic premise – do you want a world under God or a world under Satan? It’s vitally important we, as human beings, even at this late hour in the progression of these developments, answer these questions. It doesn’t matter if you are 15 or 85 – all of us are being asked this question and all of us will answer it.

Nothing drives me crazy more quickly than anyone who answers these questions by saying they will not be alive when these things come to pass. They are already happening, so the answer isn’t factually valid. But that particular answer shows a couple of other things. One is that those answering in this fashion are extremely selfish people who have absolutely no concern for anyone else. They are also relating the fact they have no trust in God nor Jesus Christ and are content with watching the world burn, per the ways of the world, as long as they get theirs. Answering like this drives me crazy because these answers usually come from those who are older and have life-experience and instead of wanting to even attempt to make anything better for future generations they just don’t care if humanity persists on this planet of not. Talk about their Social Security checks that I am forced to donate to though and the gloves come off. Then they care. If my tax rate has to go to 100% for them to get theirs they don’t care as long as they get theirs….

If you are a human supremacist – one who wants human beings to still exist with culture, faith, purpose, and in a civilization – then you need to ask others the questions presented here. We need to use our money to build up fellow human supremacists. Supporting those who want a pro-human future full of life as God made it, is the absolute key to making it happen. We either will stop funding and supporting those promising a post-human future or we will cease to exist. There really are only two choices – either we will follow and trust in God and His creation or we will follow and trust in the ways of the world and pay for our own exterminations under mankind’s creations.

I’m going to end this entry with a Bible quote to consider while you answer the question about whether you are a human supremacist or not. Genesis 1:24-31 is the relation of God’s work of the sixth day:

24 God said, “Let the earth bring forth each kind of living creature — each kind of livestock, crawling animal and wild beast”; and that is how it was. 25 God made each kind of wild beast, each kind of livestock and every kind of animal that crawls along the ground; and God saw that it was good.

26 Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the animals, and over all the earth, and over every crawling creature that crawls on the earth.”

27 So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.

28 God blessed them: God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and every living creature that crawls on the earth.” 29 Then God said, “Here! Throughout the whole earth I am giving you as food every seed-bearing plant and every tree with seed-bearing fruit. 30 And to every wild animal, bird in the air and creature crawling on the earth, in which there is a living soul, I am giving as food every kind of green plant.” And that is how it was. 31 God saw everything that he had made, and indeed it was very good. So there was evening, and there was morning, a sixth day.

Consider that seriously – it is the essence of human supremacy. We will either abide by God or we will abide by the world….

Bless God and God bless.


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