Genetic Slavery

Genetic Slavery

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/12/2022

There seems to be a lot of genetically-based arguments that chattel slavery created altered DNA in the lineage of the former slaves. Genetic slavery seems to have taken on a new type of definition which ties it to transhumanism and health. It is this latter connotation that we focus.

Genetic refers to the composition of the building blocks of our body. Slavery is forcing someone to work, generally, as defined in today’s age, against their will and not for their own benefit. Combining the terms means that people who refer to it with transhumanism in mind are making the claim that our DNA, proteins, etc… are holding us in bondage against our will and actually working against us.

I don’t know how much someone has to hate themselves to decide to live a life ascribing to such an idea. It seems like the self-hatred which exists in an individual thinking that genetics is a form of slavery would be off the charts. The problem with transhumanists; however, is that they constantly seek to share that self-hatred with everyone around them. Generally, in a transhumanists sick mind, God did not create mankind. Even those ‘Christian’ transhumanists (Destroyers of Truth and Salvation) believe humans are flawed and need to be ‘fixed.’ Death should be treated as a disease in and of itself. Humans should be ‘hacked’ in order to prevent death.

All manners of ‘new’ ideas come up when transhumanists seek to ‘fix’ humanity. Nanobots in the blood stream, reanimating dead things, DNA modifications which slow or stop death, digital twins, chimeras, chimeric transplantation, and artificial intelligence are some examples. None of this is human-based. None of this promotes biological humanity. No one engaged in this can even utter the words human supremacist.

All of these interventions are promoted to meet transhumanist goals of increasing life spans and healthy living years for each of us – which makes it difficult to argue against. Once anyone comes to the realization that the way to do this transhuman style is to just incrementally convince people to stop being humans, and then it gets really easy to argue against. Already, we people implanted with wireless gadgets, transplants of pig-grown organs, a wide variety of AI’s, a wider variety of patented chimeric/robotic biological entities, and virtual realities. All of these assist in creating a non-human future.

Transhumanists don’t really understand how human beings work. Like Marxists, they fail to understand human nature. Whoever controls these technologies will use them to destroy their enemies, including those they deem undesirable, in the real world and the digital world. The purpose transhumanists serve is to allow these elite to gain access to technologies which can effect mass cullings of undesired humans. That’s human nature. Transhumanists never stop to think about human nature because they are too focused on their selfish delusions of living forever.

When the idea of genetic slavery is included into this toxic mix of illogical thinking, it is almost as if transhumanists are trying to create a global system designed along the lines of German concentration camps. I would call attention to the logical fallacies and denial of truth as the main drive towards their goals. Their most troubling inconsistency is their promise of human empowerment and eternal life through cracking the DNA code using Google, Meta, Microsoft, and various other big data organizations and artificial intelligences. That is going to prove my proclamation of how human nature operates. My proclamation isn’t hard to realize as true – human history is rife with examples.

In the end, transhumanists who buy the idea of genetic slavery are only setting up a new slavery. By relying so heavily on data collection, data analysis, AI, data models, big tech companies, and medical interventions they are creating the same thing that One Health initiatives create. What they are going for is a humanity-encompassing biological surveillance grid. The goal of collecting and analyzing all of this data isn’t based on a future that includes humans. It is based on a future which AI and implant enhanced humans rule the earth at the expense of biological humanity. To get there they need their data, and they plan on getting that data from every single life form on the planet in order to break their genetic chains and free them from slavery. It’s of no real concern for them to trick people into giving up their data, as long as that data is monetized. What a sick world we live in.

The Center for the Preservation of Humanity is working towards drafting legislative proposals to prevent this dystopian future and to safeguard our humanity through legislative efforts. We need two things: your support, and your ideas. Any assistance in either of these areas would be much appreciated.


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