Davos on Davos

Davos on Davos – The Six Things to Take Away

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/4/2022

Did you happen to catch the Davos meeting this year and what came out of the wretched thing? It’s not very appealing to think of living in the world these monsters described. There are multiple articles and videos which allow all of us to hear and/or listen to what these people had to say. I’ll save you from one such article, called 6 themes at Davos 2022 that will define what happens next, by giving the highlights.

If you are not familiar with Davos, it used to be completely secret; however, it no longer is. Davos is a town of about 11,000 in Switzerland’s Alps. It is the location of the annual Davos meeting. In 2022 2,500 world leaders in government, business, media, and technology descended upon the town in their private jets. The security presence was estimated to be a 5,000 personnel private military force armed with machine guns who mainly served to harass and/or arrest any independent journalist.

The first theme Davos hammered was war, particularly the one between Russia and Ukraine. Ukrainian President Voldomort, I mean Zelensky, demanded $5 billion a month, more weapons, and a complete sanction against Russia.

Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, got up there with a scumbag from MSNBC to make the claim that the Russian Federation is a country and the nation of Ukraine is just a bunch of people which Russia is targeting. Kuleba doubled down on Ukraine’s willingness to wage NATO’s proxy war against Russia for as long as need be as long as they keep having billions of dollars and billions in weapons dumped into the nation. He also said “kill Russian exports,” at least 3 times in a row.

Al Thani, Amir of Qatar, pointed to the other wars going on in the world, like the one in Yemen, right next door to them.

In a rare moment in which I agree with Henry Kissenger, he said Ukraine needs to lose land in order to satisfy Russia and end the war. He also said the utmost respect needs to paid to China, and, as usual, I completely hate his stance on China and his efforts to help create that evil state in the first place. For some reason this traitor is not in prison.

Gregory Meeks (D-NY 5th District) threw his two-sense in with the quote, “In our interdependent world, none of us are safe until all of us are safe.” His desire for making everyone safe sounds more like the warden of a prison than a representative of the freest nation on earth.

The President of the World Economic Forum, Børge Brende, made statements indicating that he plans on doubling down on globalization.

European unity was also a big talking point under the umbrella of geopolitics. The Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez; Roberta Metsola, President of the EU Parliment; and Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission President all echoed that sentiment. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (a war criminal in his own right) is quoted as “Freedom is more important than free trade,” and “The protection of our values is more important than profit.”

The Second theme dealt with the idea that climate, food, and energy crises are all interconnected, and they are because these monsters all made sure there were problems in all of these areas simultaneously. John Kerry’s ignorant, corrupt butt flew there to Davos on a private plane so he could tell everyone that CO2 emissions rose 6% and coal usage increased by 9% in 2021.

Whack jobs like Elizabeth Wathuti at places like the Green Generation Initiative blamed starvation levels increasing on climate change and cautioned that the war in Ukraine will make the situation worse.

A super-intelligent CNN host, Julia Chatterley, made sure everyone there knew that food scarcity will collapse nations.

Xie Zhenhua, part of China’s special envoy on climate change, demanded everyone take action on climate change now. China can blow it out their behind – they are the reason all those new coal plants were built while US leaders are promising large-scale blackouts and brownouts across the US.

The Executive Director of UN-Habitat reinforced the idea of ignoring national constitutions when it suits the UN by going after city’s to do the UN’s will.

A co-CEO of Salesforce demanded environmental capitalism, many other leaders demanded ESG be fully implemented, and Laura Cha, Chairman of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing made it clear the whole world needs to pick a form of ESG and standardize it globally.

Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, with a complete lack of understanding how food is produced, thinks we can simultaneously solve all three issues – climate, food, and energy – by stating:

“The biggest part of the response comes from putting emphasis on clean energy, renewables, energy efficiency and, in the countries where they have nuclear capacity, increasing nuclear production[.]”

Number 3 on the list of themes revolved around the recession the Davos crowd created and doesn’t want to admit to. Their solutions included such ideas as not saying the word recession because it’s frightening, at least according to David M. Rubenstien of the Carlyle Group who decided the change the word recession to banana. That funny guy should probably try eating an entire banana by shoving the whole thing into his mouth at once – then he can be as amused with choking to death as I am with watching hundreds of millions of people starve to death and billions losing everything they have because of assholes like himself.

Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates, like his co-conspirator Rubenstein, tries to sugar coat the economic state of the world and ends up lying by omission. He claims they can ‘fix’ the issues occurring because history has shown us cause-effect relationships and patterns. He lies by not stating what happens every single time something like this happens – massive wars.

Adena Friedman, President and CEO of Nasdaq is also in the business of gaslighting the public. She thinks if we can be done with COVID-19 or inflation rates magically start reducing themselves everything will be just fine.

While all of these people try to downplay this purposefully perpetrated economic calamity, the WEF launched a program called the Resilience Consortium. The Resilience Consortium appears to make every business operate in a fascist manner.

Number four to look out for in the near future is ending health disparities. They all cry about how they can’t murder the third world with their vaxassinations. They all claim they took the death jabs, but these maggots didn’t take them. And then they jump right into racism.

“‘Racism is not only when black people or brown people cannot breathe because of police violence,’ said Winnie Byanyima, Undersecretary-General of the UN and Executive Director of the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), during a session on racial equity on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death.

“‘Racism is when black people, brown people, people of colour take their last breath because of policy violence, when they are denied life-saving, pandemic-ending medicines," she continued, "when they can’t access care or education because debt is choking them.’”

This idiotic Ugandan lady, who dresses like she was cast in the movie Manchurian Candidate, acts like white people don’t have to face these challenges. You want a modern racist? This lady fits the bill.

Cheryl Dorsey, President of Echoing Green whines about how little money has been spent on racial equity and racial statistical measurements under ESG. Quickly – equity means the same outcomes in the context these Marxists use it, it has nothing to do with equality.

Nadia Murad of the Global Survivors Fund points to the prevalence of sexual violence during times of war. She would be better received by people like me if she singled out the group of people who have decided they will rape their way into a global caliphate.

The mass-murderers at Pfizer, a criminal gang which puts Mengele to shame, launched “An Accord for a Healthier World”. They also offered their vaccines to many developing nations at the price it is manufactured for.

The President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, believes there will be another pandemic and that heavy investments in public healthcare is the way to combat any future pandemic.

“‘We need to finish the job – and we can do that by investing intelligently in infrastructure like lab networks, community health workers, supply chains and simultaneously help countries defeat HIV, TB and malaria as well as make them safer against future pathogens,’ said Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.”

The guy believes in lies. The guy hasn’t managed to decrease any of these diseases. Any effective mitigation of any of these diseases are actively repelled by the like of Peter Sands. What he suggest here is actually very disturbing – more gain of function labs and more contact tracers.

The fifth theme was about gender, inequality, and what jobs we will be doing to support the parasites feeding off of us. Gabriela Bucher, Executive Director of Oxfam International is quoted and paraphrased as saying:

“The pandemic shone a bright light on the disparities between formal and informal workforces – and the fact that our economic system is ‘structured…on the shoulders of women,’ who take on the majority of unpaid or underpaid care work and informal work.”

What she means to say is that traditional households still exist where men go out and earn the money and women stay home and tend the children. What she is really saying is that more nuclear families exist than she desires and she wants to do her part to destroy them. Additionally, Oxfam released a report during this demonic meeting pointing out how billionaires managed to double their wealth during the pandemic while normal people lost their shirts.

The WEF released a report as well. Their report is “a call to action to lead an ambitious, coordinated, multi-stakeholder approach to initiate a new wave of investments into three foundational social institutions: education, healthcare and care.” They plan on destroying whatever jobs we have now to properly educate us, create and maintain mandated medical procedures designed to sterilize, maim, and murder humanity in general, and making sure that wiping people’s butts is a paid job. They are proud of this effort.

Christy Hoffman, the General Secretary of UNI Global Union, is another demon desiring to destroy as many nuclear families as possible. “And by creating investment in care brings more women into the labour market, which lifts the economy in general.” What it does is take women out of their homes.

Davos hosted a brand new Jobs Consortium where they focused on jobs in social fields, green fields, and the tech sector.

There were also initiatives congratulated and/or pushed forward to pat themselves on the back for retraining programs and employing Ukrainian refugees.

The sixth and final theme in this article represents an open declaration of war against humanity by these parasitic demonic entities. It involves a digital future. The First Movers Coalition vowed to commercialize green technologies. Not only are new technologies being developed, initiatives were launched to continue technological ‘progress’ as well as to bolster trust in those technologies.

“‘Our future is digital. If you’re not part of it, you’re out of it,’ Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme Achim Steiner, told the Forum’s Meet the Leader Podcast.”

Achim, what a guy. I guess I’m not going the way of the world. So I guess I’m ‘out of it.’

Edison Alliance hopes to “increase affordable digital access to healthcare, finance and education” and launched a digital policy navigator for use by governments and businesses. All this represents a WEF objective of creating a hive-mind among ‘experts’ and in legislative actions and in corporate policies.

One of the major monsters of Davos, Satya Nadella. CEO of Microsoft, noted that regulation of the digital conversion is coming and Microsoft plans to embrace it. With their clout, I’m sure they will work to bar startups from entering the market while making access to their software and services increasingly immersive and based on VR life.

Cyber attacks were addressed by, especially, those in the space technology and oil and gas sectors. The oil and gas companies vowed to collectivize (that’s oligopoly folks) to address cybersecurity issues. These 18 oil and gas companies vowing this will be the ones to have the most severe cybersecurity issues in the near future.

These demons want to leave a deep mark upon anyone visiting the Metaverse as well. Their mark will be left by instilling their ethics and inclusiveness into the Metaverse. If I were to ever enter the Metaverse, which is highly doubtful, I would make spaces unsafe for other users. These freaks also want to put a government over the top of the Metaverse.

“The metaverse ‘mustn’t be shaped by tech companies on their own,’ said Nick Clegg, President of Global Affairs for Meta Platforms, Inc. ‘It needs to be developed openly with a spirit of cooperation between the private sector, lawmakers, civil society, academia and the people who will use these technologies. This effort must be undertaken in the best interests of people and society, not technology companies.’”

Clegg’s olive leaf to the people who will be using the Metaverse is a hologram. He, nor anyone else involved, will not care what a normal user has to say unless it enhances their control over the system.

All of these themes, together, represent an end of the way the world has operated for millennia and promises a technocratic and transhumanist future for the masses. It’s all death for you and me while these kleptocrat’s rob us, these demons rape us of our birthright, these transhumanists murder us for their benefit. Wake up – you are in a war – and the only way you lose this war is to keep sleeping.


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