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Welcome to The Center for the Preservation of Humanity.
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We, as human beings must UNITE, identify problems, and develop and strive for solutions facing humanity as a whole.
Video Archives

Mass Die Off of Humanity

Leaving the USD in Flames to Get to Carbon Zero and Controlled Currency

Let's Connect the Dots

How Great is God

HR 4521

The Constitution and You

Replacing Credit with Biometrics

Starvation, Food Riots, Economic Collapse, War - All Are Green for Go

What is Transhumanism and Where Did it Come From?

A little bit of everything

The WHO and You

Malik Luti's Smart Citizens in Smart Cities Book Critique

Disease X is Still Out There, Waiting to be Created

Disease X Live stream Essentials

Genocide: It's Being Conducted, Why is it Not Being Prosecuted?

Sioux Falls Mayoral Race and Sustainability

Infanticide is Real and it is a Growing Trend

Moderna is a band of murdering thieves

The Stupidity of the Ukraine Ordeal

The Honkening of Sioux Falls 3/4/2022

From War to Medical Shortages to Nanobots to Transhumanism

Child Sacrifice


Transhumanism: Wake up now or suffer under it
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The Center for the Preservation of Humanity
P.O Box 91148
Sioux Falls, SD 57109
All donations are greatly appreciated.